

单词 favors
释义 文馨英漢☞favor新世纪新世纪★◀▶favors/ˈfeɪvəz/npl.<美>=favours新世纪☞favor详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 pl. /ˈfeɪvəz/= favours<美国>favors辜Words1. 辜恩 [gu1en1], v.i., show ingratitude for favors or kindnesses received.惠V.t.惠我良多 (LL) have reviewed your many favors.推Words15. 推恩 [tui1en1], v.i., extend favors, kindness.樹Words5. 樹恩 [shu4en1], v.i., to cement relationships by giving favors.賣V.t.賣恩 sell favors in politics in return for support;報Words31. 報效 [bao4xiao4], n. & v.i., (render) service in gratitude, more esp. monetary gift for official favors.奪V.t.奪寵 (of mistress) snatch master's favors from rival.糖N.糖兒豆兒 sweetmeats in gen. for children, hence petty favors.干Words15. 干謁 [gan1ye4], v.t., seek to interview (s.o.) with requests for favors.露N.(1)  Dew: 雨露之恩 (poet.) gracious favors;沾V.i. & t.(2)  Receive benefit, favors: 沾恩,沾惠.云Words37. 云雨 [yUn2yU3], n., (1) favors, blessings from on high; n., (2) (euphem.) sexul intercourse (from allu., a fairy maiden in the Szechuan Gorges who commanded the clouds and rains).殊Adj.殊恩,殊遇 uncommon royal or imperial favors.隆Adj.隆情盛意 (court. of gifts, courtesies) your great favors;孤Words8. 孤恩 [gu1en1], v.i., to forget former favors, turn against benefactor.叨Words3. 叨光 [tao1guang1], v.i., have the honor--(LL, court.) formula for thanking person for gifts or favors or for request.盼Words3. 盼睞 [pan4lai4], V.i., (court.) your favors, consideration.厚Adj. & adv.厚德,厚恩 great kindness, kind favors;民Words23. 民意 [min2yi4], n., the people's consensus of opinion: 以民意為指歸 follow, reflect the public sentiment; 民意所歸 the public sentiment favors (a leader); 民意測驗 popular opinion survey, poll.嬖V.t.To show favors to woman, take as favorite.市V.t.(2)  To fish for favors, profits, etc.: 市恩,市惠 show special favor to s.o.;謬Adj.(2)  (Court.) 謬愛=錯愛 undeserved kindness, favors;施V.i. & t.(2)  To give, distribute: 施恩,施惠 to give favors or blessings;Words2. 施恩 [shi1en1], v.t., (God) to bless; to grant favors; (judge) to show leniency.澤N.(2)  Kindness, beneficence: 恩澤 kindnesses done, favors shown;沾Words5. 沾洽 [zhan1xia2], adj., (1) soaked; (fig.) soaked with learning; (2) (litr.) permeated, immersed extensively with royal favors.念Words11. 念頭 [nian4tou0], n., idea, thought, what one is thinking of at any given moment, often evil thought: 不知他有什麼念頭 I don't know what are his intentions: 轉念頭 try to win the favors of s.o. (esp. of a woman).爭Words11. 爭風 [zheng1feng1]1, phr., 爭風吃醋 fight for a man’s or woman's favors.黏V.i. & t.(Lit.) to stick to, (fig.) to pester (s. o.) with requests for help or favors: 黏附,黏住 stick to;黏著 pester (s. o.) with requests for help or favors, persistently dog another person's steps;榮Words2. 榮寵 [rong2chong3], n., imperial favors shown to ministers of state; honors in gen.仇N.恩仇 past favors and insults: 恩仇未報 have not settled old accounts (with person);徠V.t.Encourage (s.o.) to come over to one's side by showing him special favors: 勞徠 give gifts to (s.o.) to win his allegiance.絡V.t.To enmesh: 籠絡 to secure allies, win friends with favors: 不為所籠絡 will not be controlled in action (“put under halter”);




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