

释义 保1. to keep2. to protect3. to guarantee保 bǎoI v.1) guarantee2) stand guarantor for sb.II b.f.1) protect (保护)2) keep (保留)3) guarantor (保人)保BǎoBulgariaBulgarianabbr. for 保加利亚[Bǎo jiā lì yà]bǎoto defendto protectto keepto guaranteeto ensure保 n. 保人guarantor交保 release on bail作保 act as guarantor for someone户籍编制【史】unit of households in the household registration system v. 参见:保护[bǎohù];保卫[bǎowèi]保江山 protect one's country参见:保持[bǎochí]保第一 remain first保住自己的职位 keep one's job保证to ensure旱涝保丰收 be guaranteed an income regardless of performance担保to guarantee我保他不会出事。 I guarantee he won't have a mishap.保 bǎo 动 (保卫; 保护) defend; protect:  保家卫国 protect our homes and defend our country;  保乌纱帽 protect one's official post (保持) keep; preserve; maintain in good condition:  保水保肥 preserve moisture and fertility (in the soil);  毛衣穿了能保暖。 Wearing a sweater will keep us warm. (保证; 担保做到) guarantee; ensure:  保不住 cannot guarantee;  保质保量 guarantee both quality and quantity;  旱涝保收 ensure stable yields despite drought or waterlogging (担保) stand guarantor for sb.:  保外执行 {律} serve a sentence on bail 名 (保人; 保证人) guarantor:  找保人 find a guarantor;  作保 stand as guarantor (旧时掌管某事之人) official in charge:  少保 imperial tutor in charge of upbringing of the crown prince;  酒保 wine shop owner or waiter (旧时户籍的编制单位) administrative system (姓氏) a surname:  保睿 Bao Rui 林语堂林语堂★◀▶保保 1238B30  91A.01-4  部居  畫數 9ㄅㄠˇ [bao3] N.(1)  Official in charge: 太子太保,少保 Imperial Tutor in charge of upbringing of crown prince;宮保 ditto;太保 (coll.) juvenile deliquent;酒保 wine shop owner or waiter.(2)  Guarantor: 覓保,舖保 (find) guarantor (among shop owners);承保 stand as guarantor, -tee.V.t.(1)  To keep, maintain in good condition with special meanings in compp.: 保持,保養 [bao3chi2], [bao3yang3]↓;保健,保固,保育, etc. [bao3jian4]2, [bao3gu4], [bao3yU4]↓.(2)  Guarantee, be responsible for safekeeping: 保不住 cannot guarantee;保你沒錯 I guarantee it is okay;難保 cannot guarantee…will not happen;自身難保 cannot even be sure of one's own safety;保證,保管,保險 [bao3zheng4], [bao3guan3], [bao3xian3]↓.(3)  Recommend: 保薦,保舉 [bao3jian4]1, [bao3jU3]↓.Words1. 保安 [bao3an1], v.i. & n., public security; 保安隊 [bao3an1dui4], n., security corps; v.i. & n., 保安林 “national park” area where chopping down of trees is forbidden, protection forest.2. 保保 [bao3bao0], n., darling child (usu. wr. 寶寶).3. 保鏢 [bao3biao1], n., bodyguard, armed escort.4. 保持 [bao3chi2], v.t., maintain (road condition, temperature, etc.).5. 保全 [bao3qUan2], v.t., protect (reputation, life, property).6. 保單 [bao3dan1], n., certificate of guarantee; insurance policy.7. 保付支票 [bao3fu4zhi1piao4], n., guaranteed check.8. 保管 [bao2guan3], v.t., be in charge of (jewels, property, etc.): 保管庫 [bao2guan3ku4], n., safety vault; 保管人 custodian.9. 保固 [bao3gu4], v.i., (of contractors) guarantee delivery in good shape within time limit.10. 保護 [bao3hu4], v.t., protect: 保護國 [bao3hu4guo2], n., protectorate; v.t., 保護鳥 [bao3hu4niao3], n., birds protected under law against shooting; v.t., 保護人 [bao3hu4ren2], n., guardian; v.t., 保護色 [bao3hu4se4], n., protective coloration.11. 保障 [bao3zhang4], n. & v.t., protection (of civil rights, life, property).12. 保證 [bao3zheng4], n. & v.t., guarantee: 保證人 [bao3zheng4ren2], n., guarantor; n. & v.t., 保證書 [bao3zheng4shu1], n., guarantee certificate.13. 保駕 [bao3jia4], v.t. & n., (be) emperor's escort, esp., in times of crisis.14. 保薦 [bao3jian4]1, v.t., recommend (person) from responsible quarters.15. 保健 [bao3jian4]2, v.i. & n., (regimen, exercises for) physical health.16. 保結 [bao3jie2], n., bail.17. 保重 [bao3zhong4], v.i. & t., (please) take good care of yourself: 保重身體 take care of health.18. 保准(兒) [bao3zhun3] ([bao3jueer0]), v.i., guarantee (in coll. sense): 保准你沒事 I guarantee nothing will happen to you.19. 保舉 [bao2jU3], v.t., recommend (person) for post with personal guarantee.20. 保兒 [bao3er0], n., guarantor for hired help.21. 保留 [bao3liu2], v.t., (1) reserve: 保留權利 reserve rights; (2) defer discussion for future.22. 保母 [bao2mu3], n., nurse; (fig.) benefactor, good angel, godmother (also wr. 保姆 nursemaid).23. 保人 [bao3ren2], n., guarantor.24. 保山 [bao3shan1], n., (euphem.) protector; (sometimes) go-betweener.25. 保險 [bao2xian3], v.t. & n., (life, fire) insurance: 保險你無事,他不敢來 guarantee nothing will happen, that he dare not come; 保險公司 insurance company; 保險金額 insured amount; 保險單 insurance policy; 保險費 premium; 保險剃刀 safety razor; 保險箱 safe-deposit box; 傷害保險 injury insurance; 火災保險 fire insurance; 人壽保險 life insurance; 財產保險 property insurance; 複保險 double insurance; 海上保險 marine insurance; 保險線 fuse.26. 保守 [bao2shou3], (1) v.t. & n., keep (secret, tradition, family property); (2) adj., conservative: 保守黨 Conservative Party; adj., 保守主義 conservatism.27. 保釋 [bao3shi4], n. & v.i. & t., bail out.28. 保存 [bao3cun2], v.t., keep, preserve, guard from loss, harm: 保存國粹 preserve the national heritage; 保存古物 preserve historical treasures.29. 保溫瓶 [bao3wen1ping2], n., thermos bottle.30. 保養 [bao2yang3], v.t., take good care of (health): 保養身體.31. 保嬰堂 [bao3ying1tang2], n., orphanage.32. 保佑 [bao3you4], v.t., protect and bless (of God): 保佑平安 God give us peace and health.33. 保育 [bao3yU4], v.t., take care of and educate.保保 [bao3bao0], n., darling child (usu. wr. 寶寶).保[bǎo](ㄅㄠˇ)1.保护;保卫 protect; defend:保健 health care保家卫国 protect our homes and defend our country 2.保持 keep; maintain; preserve:保温 heat preservation保鲜 preserve freshness 3.保证;担保做到 guarantee; ensure:保质保量。Quality and quantity are both guaranteed.这块地旱涝保收。This plot produces stable yields despite drought or excessive rain. 4.担保(不犯罪、不逃走等)stand guarantor (or surety) for; bail:保释 release on bail取保候审 (allow defendant) to obtain a guarantor and await trial out of custody 5.保人;保证人 guarantor:作保 be sb.'s guarantor交保 release on bail 6.〈旧时 old〉户籍的编制单位 bao; administrative system organized on the basis of households, with each 保 bǎo consisting of several 甲 jiǎ; 另见 保甲 bǎojiǎ 7.(Bǎo) 姓 a surname相关词组承保 | 担保 | 地保 | 分保 | 管保 | 环保 | 交保 | 具保 | 劳保 | 难保 | 铺保 | 取保 | 确保 | 投保 | 植保 | 中保 | 准保 | 作保 | 再保险 | 吃劳保 | 连环保 | 朝不保夕 | 旱涝保收 | 环境保护 | 劳动保护 | 劳动保险 | 明哲保身 | 社会保险 | 失业保险 | 水土保持 | 植物保护 | 盖世太保 | 自然保护区保安 | 保本 | 保膘 | 保镖 | 保藏 | 保持 | 保存 | 保单 | 保底 | 保固 | 保管 | 保护 | 保皇 | 保甲 | 保价 | 保驾 | 保荐 | 保健 | 保洁 | 保结 | 保举 | 保留 | 保媒 | 保密 | 保苗 | 保命 | 保姆 | 保票 | 保全 | 保人 | 保山 | 保墒 | 保释 | 保守 | 保送 | 保卫 | 保温 | 保鲜 | 保险 | 保修 | 保养 | 保有 | 保佑 | 保育 | 保障 | 保证 | 保值 | 保重 | 保状 | 保准 | 保安队 | 保安族 | 保不定 | 保不齐 | 保不住 | 保护国 | 保护鸟 | 保护人 | 保护伞 | 保护色 | 保健操 | 保健球 | 保龄球 | 保税区 | 保温杯 | 保温瓶 | 保险刀 | 保险灯 | 保险法 | 保险柜 | 保险丝 | 保险箱 | 保育员 | 保育院 | 保证金 | 保证人 | 保证书 | 保护关税 | 保留剧目 | 保外就医 | 保外执行保1. to maintain; to keep2. to protect3. to ensure4. to serve as guarantor for保[bǎo]动1. protect; defend♦ ~家卫国 protect our homes and defend our country2. keep; maintain; preserve♦ 这种热水瓶能~暖二十四小时。 This kind of thermos flask keeps water hot for 24 hours.3. guarantee; ensure♦ 旱涝~收 ensure stable yields despite drought or waterlogging♦ 西瓜~甜。 Watermelon sweetness guaranteed.4. stand guarantor (or surety) for sb.; bail♦ 他把儿子从派出所~了出来。 He bailed his son out from the police substation.名guarantor♦ 作保




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