

单词 信任
释义 信任1. to believe in2. to trust3. to have faith in信任 xìnrèntrust; have confidence in我信任你。 I have confidence in you.信任xìnrènto trustto have confidence in信任to trust信任群众 trust the masses相互信任 mutual trust令人信任 trustworthy给予信任 give one's trust骗取信任 falsely acquire trust失去信任 lose faith信任的口气 trusting tone of voice辜负同志们的信任 live up to the faith of the comrades取得领导上的信任 obtain the trust of the leadership大家都信任他。 Everybody believes in him.信任 xìn rèn trust; have confidence in; believe in; take (put) stock in; faith; reliance; credence; dependence;:  信任某人 have trust in sb.; confide in sb.; have (place) confidence in sb.;  不信任某人 put no trust in sb.;  得到...的信任 enjoy the trust in sb.; be in sb.'s confidence;  坚定地信任他 trust in him unfalteringly;  我完全信任他。 I trust him completely.  假如你对朋友不守信义, 你就不要指望他们会信任你。 You cannot expect your friends to trust you if you don't keep faith with them.  老张对工作一丝不苟, 同志们都很信任他。 Lao Zhang is very conscientious in doing his work, so his comrades all have confidence in him. 信任投票 vote of confidence; 信任危机 crisis of confidence; 信任状 credential信任 [xin4ren4], v.i. & t., to trust, place confidence in (person): 太信任了 trust people too much;信任[xìn rèn] 相信而敢于托付 trust; have confidence in:她工作一向认真负责,大家都信任她。She has always been responsible for her work. Everyone trusts her.信任a.credent〈古〉信任的n.HOPE〈古〉信任,信赖credit信任;相信stock(对人或事物的)估计,评价;声望,地位;信任trust信任,信赖Faith信任,信赖;信心;信念confidence信任(英国议会以多数票对首相及其内阁的政策表示的)信任belief相信;信任reliance信赖,信任;信心;依靠 (on, upon, in)dependence信任,信赖vi.HOPE〈古〉信任,信赖(in)trust信任,信赖,相信(in)confide信任,信赖 (in)vt.credit信任;相信trust信任,信赖,相信Faith〈古〉信任,相信trow相信,信任phr.put stock in信任,相信;看重take stockin关心;信任,相信;看重信任1. to trust in; to believe in; to confide in; to have confidence (or faith) in; to put stock in; to rely on; to place (or put) dependence on; to give credit to2. faith; trust; reliance; credence; belief; dependence信任trust双向☞可靠程度--相信--信任双向☞依靠--信任--信赖双向☞信用--信念--信任双向☞存款--债权--信用双向☞信任--信托信任trust; have confidence in♦ 得到人民的~ enjoy the trust (or confidence) of the people~投票 vote of confidence~ 危机 crisis of confidence英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞Dependence、Dependency英華☞CONFIDENCE英華☞CREDENCE英華☞CONFIDE英華☞CREDIT英華☞DEPEND




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