

单词 bot
释义 bot  [ˈbɒt]WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文bot nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (automated computer program)网络机器人程序 bot, bott nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (insect larva)马胃蝇蛆 bots nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (disease caused by insect larva)蝇蛆病  Bots have been a problem for the horses on our farm this year. 其他翻译英语中文bot nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. AU, informal (person who begs or borrows)有借无还的人 bot [sth]⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." AU, informal (beg or borrow) (不打算归还)借,讨   在这些条目还发现'bot':在英文解释里:spider BOT abbr. balance of time [美国俚语](假释期间犯新罪者需继续服完的)原判尚余刑期 beginning-of-tape marker 【计算机】磁带起点标志,磁带开始标志 board of trade bot1[bɔt] n. (寄生在马、羊或人体内的)马胃蝇蛆,肤蝇等幼虫[亦作 bott] 【病理学】急腹痛,纹痛(=colic) bot2[bɔt] [澳大利亚、新西兰口语]vi.(无意归还地)借钱,只想借不想还,讨东西;敲竹杠(on):(无意归还地)借钱,只想借不想还,讨东西;敲竹杠(on):He's always botting on others for a soap.他老是向别人借肥皂用。vt.(无意归还地)借(钱),讨(东西);敲…的竹杠:(无意归还地)借(钱),讨(东西);敲…的竹杠:to bot a big sum off the boss从老板处敲去一大笔钱n.只借不还的人;老敲竹杠的人;死皮赖脸乞讨的人短语: have(或catch,get)the bot [新西兰口语] 情绪低落的 患病的 on the bot (for)企图敲竹杠;想讨得东西 变形:vi. botted . botting bot3[bɔt] n.【计算机】(可自动完成特定任务的)机器人程序[参较-XML][1998] [美国俚语]瓶子 bot. abbr.botanical botanist botany bottle bottom bought B.O.T. abbr.balance of time [美国俚语](假释期间犯新罪者需继续服完的)原判尚余刑期  更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 botbɑtbotbotsn.① 馬蠅(botfly)的幼蟲②[the bots]因馬蠅(botfly)的幼蟲在馬胃中寄生所引起的病新世纪新世纪★◀▶bot¹/bɒt/n.1.(larva of botfly)马胃蝇蛆(多寄生在马、羊或人体内)2.(other larva)类马胃蝇蛆3.<新西兰>(mild illness)小病痛;微恙4.<澳,非正式>(scrounger)讨要者;乞讨者;白食客on the bot想讨得He's on the bot for a cigarette.他要讨支烟。5.【计】(program)网上机器人程序bot²/bɒt/<澳,非正式>🄰vt.(scrounge)讨要;乞讨;借He was botting durries from me all arvo as usual.和以前一样, 他整个下午都在跟我讨烟抽。🄱vi.(scrounge)讨要;乞讨;占便宜to bot on sb向某人讨要BOTn.=Board of Trade详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n. /bɒt/马胃蝇蛆(多寄生在马、羊或人体内)类马胃蝇蛆小病痛;微恙<新西兰>讨要者;乞讨者;白食客<非正式,澳大利亚> He's on the bot for a cigarette. 他要讨支烟。 on the bot 想讨得网上机器人程序【计算机】 vt. /bɒt/讨要;乞讨;借 He was botting durries from me all arvo as usual. 和以前一样,他整个下午都在跟我讨烟抽。 vi. /bɒt/讨要;乞讨;占便宜 to bot on sb 向某人讨要常用短语源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社on the bot想讨得to bot on sb向某人讨要英英释义n.botfly larva; typically develops inside the body of a horse or sheep or human词形变化源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社复数: botsbot李N.(1)  ([lii zi0]) (Bot.) the plum, Prunus salicina: 桃李 peaches and plums. (fig.) one's students: 桃李滿天下 with students all over the world;術N.(Bot.) 白術 91.41.朱Words4. 朱槿 [zhu1jin3], n., (bot.) red hibiscus (=扶桑 10A.81), described as similar to the mulberry.來Words2. 來禽 [lai2qin2], n., (bot) the apple, Pirus malus var. tomentosa (also 林檎 ).9. 來服 [lai2fu2], n., (bot. MC) the turnip (also 萊服)=modn. 蘿 卜[luo2bo0], 20A.11棗N.(Bot.) the date tree or its fruit: 棗子 [zao3zi0];木Words2. 木半夏 [mu4ban4xia4], n., (bot.) wild cherry.4. 木 [mu4bie1], n., (bot.) Momordica, a tropical fruit.14. 木芙蓉 [mu4fu2rong2], n., (bot.) hibiscus.40. 木犀 [mu4xi0], n., (bot.) cassia.45. 木樨 [mu4xU1], n., (bot.) the cassia; 木樨肉 scrambled egg; 木樨湯 egg soup (from gen. Peking custom to avoid the word 蛋 [dan4]).表Words16. 表皮 [biao3pi2], n., (biol.) epidermis; (bot.) bark, outer layer.十Words15. 十姊妹 [shi2zi3mei4], n., (1) (zoo.) a kind of small singing birds, Uroloncha domestica; (2) (bot.) a plant of rose family, Rosa multiflora; (3) certain sisterhoods of Kwangtung, in which girls prefer independent work and pledge never to marry.車Words2. 車前 [che1qian2]1, n., (bot.) the plantain, Plantago major var. asiatica .牛Words1. 牛蒡 [niu2bang4], n., (bot.) burdock, Arctiun lappa.2. 牛扁 [niu2bian3], n., (bot.) Aconitum lycoctonum.29. 牛膝 [niu2xi0], n., (bot.) hyssop.直Words8. 直根 [zhi2gen1], n., (bot.) axial root.25. 直脈 [zhi2mo4], (1) adj., (bot.) straight-veined; (2) n., direct line of descent, see [zhi2xi4]↑.鏨Words3. 鏨菜 [zan4cai4], n., (bot.) leomurus macranthrs.麥Words14. 麥門東 [mai4men2dong1], n., (bot.) a plant of leek family, Liriope graminfolia, much used as herb medicine.青Words17. 青蒿 [qing1hao1], n., (bot.) Artemisia apiacea.42. 青茅 [qing1mao2], n., (bot.) Miscanthus tinctorius, a grass whose stem and leaves are used for yellow dye.南Words5. 南瓜 [nan2gua1], n., (bot.) the pumpkin, Cucurbita pepo.15. 南燭 [nan2zhu2], n., (bot.) (also 南天燭) Andromeda ovalifolia.22. 南天竹 [nan2tian1zhu2], n., (bot.) Nandia domestica.真Words9. 真果 [zhen1guo3], n., (bot.) true. fruit.翅Words2. 翅果 [chi4guo3], n., (bot.) winged seed vessels.連Words3. 連翹 [lian2qiao2] ([lian2qiao4]), n., (bot.) forsythia.郁Words3. 郁金 [yU4jin1], n., (bot.) a fragrant herb, Curoma longa; also 郁金香 tulip.拒Words1. 拒冬 [jU4dong1], n., (bot.) the caper spurge, mole plant.扒Words8. 扒山虎(兒) [pa2shan1hu3]([er0]), n., (bot.) a kind of ivy.椅N.(2)  (Bot.) 椅梓 the catalpa, Idesia polycarpa.檸Words1. 檸檬 [ning2meng2], n., (bot.) lemon.林Words4. 林檎 [lin2qin2], n., (bot.) kind of crab apple, Pirus malus (also called 沙果).楝N.(Bot.) persian lilac, Chinaberry, Melia japonica.標Words2. 標本 [biao1ben3], n., (bot.) specimen.棕Words1. 棕竹 [zong1zhu2], n., (bot.) Rhapis humilis.2. 棕櫚 [zong1lU3], n., (bot.) the palm tree, Trachycarpus excelsa.櫟N.(Bot.) chestnut-leaved oak, Quercus serrata.棣Words4. 棣棠 [di4tang2], n., (bot.) Kerria japonica.根Words7. 根莖 [gen1jing1], n., (bot.) rhizomes.橡Words3. 橡樹 [xiang4shu4], n., (bot.) the chestnut oak.櫸N.(Bot.) a tree of the elm family, Zelkawa accuminata.槲N.(Bot.) the big leaf oak, Quercus dentata.杜Words1. 杜衡 [du4heng2], n.(bot.) Asarum blumei.3. 杜仲 [du4zhong4], n., (bot.) Eucommia ulmoides.6. 杜梨 [du4li2], n., (bot.) a kind of small pear (also 杜棠梨 [du4tang2li2]).8. 杜若 [du4ruo4], n., (bot.) Pollia japonica.桂N.(1)  (Bot.) the cassia or laurel: 肉桂 the cinnamon bark.檉N.(Bot.) varieties of willow: 檉柳.N.(Bot.) the tallow tree (also 烏 91.50).槄N.(Bot.) a tree, mallotus japonicus, also known as 山楸.柳Words1. 柳穿魚 [liu3chuan1yU2], n., (bot.) a grass, Linaria japonica.柞Words1. 柞木 [zuo4mu4], n., (bot.) Myroxylon racemosum.櫨N.(2)  (Bot.) Hungarian fustic, Rhus cotinus, related to lacquer tree.梣N.(Bot.) a tree, Fraxinus bungeana var.pubbinervis (in med. known as 秦皮).桔N.(1)  桔梗 (bot.) The balloon flower, kikio root, Platycodon grandiflorus.梧Words2. 梧桐 [wu2tong1] ([wu2tong0]), (bot.) the kolanut, the Chin. plane tree, Sterculia platanifolia.栝Words1. 栝樓 [gua1lou2], n., (bot.) a kind of melon, Trichosanthes japonica.柑N.(Bot.) 蜜柑 the tangerine.櫧N.(Bot.) the sweet oak, Quercus glauca whose timber can be used for making boats, beams;檜N.(Bot.) Chinese cypress, juniper.楠N.(Bot.) machilus nanmu, usu. 楠木 a fine hardwood oft. used for furniture.栲N.(Bot) mangrove.樗N.(Bot.) the stinking cedar, a tree of useless timber, Ailanthus altissima, commonly known as 臭椿, hence 樗樂之材 timber of ailanthus and chestnut oak--useless person.楊Words4. 楊櫨 [yang2lu2], n., (bot.) Diervilla japonica, a flowering brush.6. 楊桃 [yang2tao2], n., (bot.) the carambola.7. 楊桐 [yang2tong2], n., (bot.) Eurya ochnacea.枸Words1. 枸杞 [gou2qi3] (also [jU2qi3]), n., (bot.) Lycium chinensis, Chin. wolfberry, matrimony vine.2. 枸骨 [gou2gu3], n., (bot.) the holly, Osmanthus aquifolium.3. 枸櫞 *[jU3yUan2], n., (bot.) citron, Citrus medica sub-sp.limonum.桄N.(1)  (Bot.) 桄榔 [guang1lang2]↓.Words1. 桄榔 [guang1lang2], n., (bot.) Arenga saccharifera.桃Words6. 桃金娘 [tao2jin1niang2], n., (bot.) downy rose myrtle, Rhodomyrtus tomentosa.槐N.(Bot.) the locust (tree), Sophora japonica: 洋槐 the ash tree.槭N.(Bot.) Acer palmatum.枳Words3. 枳椇 *[ji2jU3], n., (bot.) Hovenia dulcis.樸N.(2)  (Bot.) Aphananthe aspera, a plant whose dried leaves are used for polishing metal, woodwork.楸N.(Bot.) the catalpa.橄Words1. 橄欖 [gan2lan3], n., (bot.) olive, (also 青果): 橄欖樹 the olive tree; 橄欖油 olive oil; 橄欖球ball used in Rugby.樅N.(Bot.) a tree of pine family, Abies firma.桫Words1. 桫欏 [suo1luo2], n., (bot.) (1) the horse chestnut; (2) Cyathea spinulosa (cf. 裟羅 63.02).杉Words3. 杉海苔 [shan1hai3tai2], n., (bot.) a seaweed, Gigartina tenella.櫻Words4. 櫻草 [ying1cao3], n., (bot.) the primrose, Primula cortusoidea.松Words14. 松蘿 [song1luo2], n., (bot.) (1) pine lichen; (2) a tea produced in Anhuei.牡Words2. 牡蒿 [mu3hao1], n., (bot.) Artemisia japonica.3. 牡荊 [mu3jing1], n., (bot.) Vitex negundo, cane, thorn-stick.牻Words1. 牻牛兒 [mang2niu2er0], n., (bot.) geranium.輪Words13. 輪生葉 [lun2sheng1ye4], n., (bot.) verticillate leaf, arranged in verticils.刺Words6. 刺槐 [ci4huai2], n., (bot.) acacia, Robinia pseudacacia (also called 洋槐).20. 刺桐 [ci4tong2], n., (bot.) the colanut, a tree of Sterculia family.胡Words6. 胡豆 [hu2dou4], n., (bot.) horse bean, broad bean (also called 蠶豆).9. 胡瓜 [hu2gua1], n., (bot.) a variety of cucumber, Cucumis sativus (also called 黃瓜).17. 胡蘿卜 [hu2luo2bo0], n., (bot.) the carrot.21. 胡麻 [hu2ma2], n., (bot.) linseed, sesame.26. 胡荽 [hu2sui1], n., (bot.) coriander, an aromatic plant.乾Words43. 乾苔 [gan1tai2], n., (bot.) enteromorpha.赤Words24. 赤楊 [chi4yang2], n., (bot.) (1) the alder, of birch family, Alnus japonica; (2) Tamarix chinensis (檉柳).土Words9. 土常山 [tu3chang2shan1], n., (bot.) hydrangea.吉Words1. 吉貝 [ji2bei4], n., (bot.) Malabar kapok (silk-cotton tree) (also 木棉,古貝).熱Words1. 熱痹 [re4bi4], n., (bot.) heat rigor.老Words55. 老雞頭 [lao3ji1tou2], n., (bot.) the foxnut, pop. name for Euryale ferox.85. 老少年 [lao3shao4nian2], n., (1) (bot.) another name for the red amaranth (紅莧); (2) a young head on old shoulders.105. 老頭(兒) [lao3tou2]([er0]), n., (1) an aged person; (2) one's own father or the father of another person, a rather informal and familiar term, see [lao3tou2zi0]↓; n., 老頭兒樂 [lao3tou2er0le4], n., (a) (bot.) a kind of melon, so called probably because of its tenderness so much liked by the elderly people; n., (b) a kind of winter shoes with cotton padding; n., 老頭子 [lao3tou2zi0], n., (a) (contempt.) an old fellow; n., (b) (familiar) one's hubby or “old man”; (c) a gangster leader.109. 老蔥 [lao3cong1], n., (bot.) big onions (opp. 小蔥).遠Words14. 遠志 [yUan3zhi4], n., (1) a great ambition; (2) (bot.) Japanese senega, a medical herb, Polygala japonica.地Words3. 地柏 [di4bo2], n., (bot.) plant of cypress family, Selaginella kraussiana.6. 地錢 [di4qian2], n., (bot.) Marchantia polymorpha.19. 地膚 [di4fu1], n., (bot.) Kochia scoparia.24. 地花菜 [di4hua1cai4], n., (bot.) Patrinia palmata.25. 地黃 [di4huang2], n., (bot.) Rehmannia lutea, whose root is used as Chin. medicine (also known as 熟地).31. 地錦 [di4jin3], n., (bot.) a creeper plant, Quinaria tricuspidata.56. 地上莖 [di4shang4jing1], n., (bot.) aerial stem of plant.67. 地蠶 [di4can2], n., (bot.) Chin. artichoke, Stachys sieboidi; 地蠶蛾 [di4can2e2], (zoo.) insect pest on beans, Mamestra brassicae.款Words5. 款冬 [kuan3dong1], n., (bot.) Petasites japonicus (also wr. 款東).殼Words1. 殼斗 [qUe4dou3], n., (bot.) cupule.有Words25. 有加利 [you3jia1li4], n., (bot.) eucalyptus.卷Words1. 卷柏 [jUan2bai3], n., (bot.) Selaginella involvens.3. 卷丹 *[jUan3dan1], n., (bot.) the tiger lily, Lilium tigrinum (also 虎皮百合).大Words42. 大黃 [da4huang2], n., (bot.) rhubarb; Rheum officinale.49. 大戟 [da4ji3], n., (bot.) spurge; Euphorbia pekinensis.夾Words13. 夾竹桃 *[jia4zhu2tao2], n., (bot.) sweet-scented oleander, Nerium odorum.灰Words3. 灰分 [hui1fen4], n., (bot.) inorganic matter in plants (found in ashes).雄Words7. 雄花 [xiong2hua1], n., (bot.) male (barren) flowers.甘Words4. 甘蕉 [gan1jiao1], n., (bot.) the banana, Sapientum.5. 甘菊 [gan1jU2], n., (bot.) camomile, Chrysanthemum sinense.8. 甘藍 [gan1lan2], n., (bot.) Brassica oleracea, and its derivatives the cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and kale.14. 甘薯 [gan1shu4], n., (bot.) the sweet potato (also 香薯,山芋).16. 甘遂 [gan1sui4], n., (bot.) Siebold's spurge.17. 甘草 [gan1cao3], n., (bot.) Glycyrrhiza glabra, licorice; (Chin. med.) the dried root of licorice used as an expectorant or laxative or for other purposes.燕Words12. 燕子花 [yan4zi0hua1], n., (bot.) the iris.黃Words5. 黃檗 [huang2bo4], n., (bot.) the yellow bark, Phellodendron amurense; name of a Zen master in Tarng Dynasty (黃檗禪師).10. 黃芩 [huang2qin2], n., (bot.) the skullcap, a plant, Scutellaria baikalensis.32. 黃精 [huang2jing1], n., (bot.) the deer bamboo, Polygonatum giganteum.39. 黃連 [huang2lian2], n., (bot.) the golden thread, a plant, Coptis japonica, known for its bitter taste; 啞子吃黃蓮 a dumb person eats this bitter plant-be a silent victim.45. 黃櫨 [huang2lu2], n., (bot.) the Hungarian fustic tree, Rhus cotinus.61. 黃蜀葵 [huang2shu3kui2], n., (bot.) the okra, or lady's finger, a flower.蓴N.(Bot.) water mallow, Brasenia purpurea: 蓴羹鱸膾 mallow soup and minced eel (allu. remembrance of food at home town);蒔Words1. 蒔蘿 [shi2luo2], n., (bot.) the dill, Anethum graveolens.蕁Words1. 蕁麻 [xUn2ma2], n., (bot.) a shrub of the nettle family, poisonous to the touch, Urtica thunbergiana; 蕁麻疹 (med.) urticaria, hives.芽Words1. 芽胞 [ya2bao1], n., (bot.) spore.蘭N.(1)  (Bot.) the orchid.Words12. 蘭若 [lan2re3], n., (1) (bot.) Chinese and Japanese thoroughwort, Eupatorium chinensis and japonica; (2) (Budd.) monastery, a hermit's cell.14. 蘭香 [lan2xiang1], n., (bot.) the sweet basil, Ocimum basilicum (also 羅勒,香菜).17. 蘭草 [lan2cao3], n., (bot.) Eupatorium chinensis, a gen. name for orchid-like plants.荷Words1. 荷包(兒) [he2bao0er0], n., wallet; 荷包牡丹 (bot.) Dicentra spectabilis, “wallet peony,” so called because of resemblance.薊N.(1)  (Bot.) Thistles, Cirsium.茉Words1. 茉莉 [mo4li4], n., (bot.) jasmin(e).茱Words1. 茱萸 [zhu1yU2], n., (bot.) a plant of several unidentified varieties, one of which is called “edible”(食茱萸).萊N.(1)  (Bot.) (=藜) the pigweed, or goosefoot, Chenopodium album.Words1. 萊菔 [lai2fu2], n., (bot.) (MC) turnip (= modn. 蘿卜).蓁N.(Bot.) 蓁椒 (*[qin2jiao1]), the Chin. pepper or fagara.葉Words1. 葉柄 [ye4bing3], n., (bot.) petiole.2. 葉黃素 [ye4huang2su4], n., (bot.) xanthophyll.3. 葉針 [ye4zhen1], n., (bot.) needle (as pine needle).4. 葉尖 [ye4jian1], n., (bot.) apex of leaf.6. 葉綠素 [ye4lu4su4], n., (bot.) chlorophyll.8. 葉肉 [ye4rou4], n., (bot.) mesophyll.9. 葉身 [ye4shen1], n., (bot.) leaf blade.10. 葉序 [ye4xU4], n., (bot.) leaf cycle.蘗N.In 貢蘗 (commonly wr. 貢柏) (bot.) Phellodendron amurense, a dwarf plant;茶Words34. 茶梅 [cha2mei2], n., (bot.) the Thea sasanqua, of camellia family.蘇Words4. 蘇枋 [su1fang1], n., (bot.) sapanwood, whose juice is used as red pigment.6. 蘇合香 [su1he2xiang1], n., (bot.) rose-storax, made from Liquidambar orientalis.10. 蘇麻 [su1ma2], n., (bot.) a kind of bamboo, Perilla ocimoides.藤Words2. 藤黃 [teng2huang2], n., (bot.) gamboge, gum from Garcinia morella, much used in Chin. painting.3. 藤蘿 [teng2luo2], n., (bot.) plants of creeper family, like wistaria.蘘N.蘘荷 (bot.) mioga ginger, Zingiber mioga.莨N.(Bot.) see 狼 尾草 91C.02;Words1. 莨菪 [lang4dang4], n., (bot.) the henbane, Hyoscyamus niger.藜N.(Bot.) lamb's-quarters, goosefoot, Chenopodium album.Words1. 藜蘆 [li2lu2], n., (bot.) black false hellebore, Veratrum nigrum.茸Words2. 茸母 [rong2mu3], n., (bot.) the cudweed, Gnaphalium multiceps.草Words3. 草本 [cao2ben3], n., (1) draft copy; [cao3ben3], (2) (bot.) a grass, herb.30. 草棉 [cao3mian2], n., (bot.) common cotton.41. 草石蠶 [cao3shi2can2], n., (bot.) Stachys sieboldi.蓽N.(LL) (bot.) rush: 蓽門圭竇 rush hut, a poor man's house;Words1. 蓽茇 [bi4ba2], n., (bot.) (MC) translit. of pepper (also wr. 蓽撥).薜Words1. 薜荔 [bi4li4], n., (bot.) Ficus pumila, also called 薜蘿 [bi4luo2].萍Words1. 萍蓬草 [ping2peng2cao3], n., (bot.) Nuphar japonicum.葎N.(Bot.) the wild hop, Humulus japonicus (also called 勒草,拉拉藤).蔊N.(Bot.) nasturtium, a flowering vegetable, Nasturtium montanum.薹N.(Bot.) sedge, Cyperus rotundus;菫N.(1)  (Bot.) the celery, Apium graveolens.藿N.(1)  (Bot.) 藿香 betony, mint herb.蘿Words2. 蘿藦 [luo2mo4], n., (bot.) Metaplexis stauntoni, whose flower seeds can be used for cotton and in making ink pads.荏N.(2)  (Bot.) Perilla ocimoides, a mint-smelling herb (=紫蘇).Words1. 荏胡麻 [ren3hu2ma2], n., (bot.) Perilla ocimoides.4. 荏桐 [ren3tong2], n., (bot.) wood oil tree, Aleurites cordata (also 罌子桐).苣N.(Bot.) 蒿苣 the lettuce.芣Words1. 芣苡 [fou2yi3], n., (bot.)=車前草 the plantain.蘄N.(Bot.), 蘄草 see 當歸 22.41.Words1. 蘄艾 [qi2ai4], n., (bot.) see 當歸 22.41.3. 蘄竹 [qi2zhu2], n., (bot.) a species of fine bamboo produced at [qi2chun1]↑.薺N.(2)  薺菜 (bot.) shepherd's purse.蘼Words1. 蘼蕪 [mi2mu3], n., (bot.) Gracilaria confervoides.芥N.(Bot.) the mustard;茆N.(Bot.) an edible vegetable, Brasenia schreberi=蓴菜.N.(Bot.) the sedge, whose seeds are edible.芷N.白芷 (bot.) the angelica, a spicy plant;蘆N.(Bot.) reed, rush.藎N.(Bot.) Arthraxon ciliare.姜N.(bot.) Ginger.苤Words1. 苤藍 [pie3lan0], n., (bot.) a vegetable, Brassica campestris (=蔓青).藍N.(1)  (Bot.) the indigo plant.Words5. 藍菊 [lan2jU2], n., (bot.) the common China aster, Callistephus chinensis (also 翠菊).10. 藍菜 [lan2cai4], n., (bot.) the cabbage, Brassica oleracea (also 甘藍).葒N.(Bot.) 葒草 the prince's feather, Polygonum orientale.芩N.(Bot.) 黃芩 the skullcap, Scuttelaria biacalensis.苦Words4. 苦瓜 [ku3gua1], n., (bot.) bitter gourd, Momordica charanta.9. 苦竹 [ku3zhu2], n., (bot.) Japanese timber bamboo, Phyllostachys bambusoides.20. 苦參 [ku3shen1], n., (bot.) Sophora flavescens, a plant used as insecticide.29. 苦菜 [ku3cai4], n., (bot.) a term denoting various vegetables with mildly bitter taste, including Sonchus oleraceus.莕N.(Bot.) the floating heart, or fringed water lily, Limnanthemum nymphoides.若Words6. 若榴 [ruo4liu2], n., (bot.) (AC) the pomegranate.菅N.(Bot.) Themeda forskali: 草菅人命 have scant regard for human life, kill off people (“like rooting out wild grass”).落Words10. 落葵 [luo4kui2], n., (bot.) malaba nightshade, Basella rubra.茖N.(Bot.) 茖蔥 the wild or long-root onion, Allium victorialis.菇N.(Bot.) 蘑菇,草菇 edible mushrooms;苔Words4. 苔菜 [tai2cai4], n., (bot.) Corydalis incisa.茜Words1. 茜草 [qian4cao3], n., (bot.) a grass whose root is used as red pigment, Rubia cordifolia.菖Words1. 菖蒲 [chang1pu2], n., (bot.) the sweet flag or iris: 白菖蒲 ditto; 菖蒲酒 calamus wine; 菖蒲棒兒 stem of sweet flag; 石菖蒲 dwarf calamus, trained for flower arrangement.苜Words1. 苜蓿 [mu4su4], n., (bot.) clover, Medicago denticulata.茴Words1. 茴香 [hui2xiang1], n., (bot.) 小茴香 sweet fennel; 大茴香 star-aniseed.茵Words1. 茵陳蒿 [yin1chen2hao1], n., (bot.) Artemisia capillaris.2. 茵芋 [miao2yU4], n., (bot.) Skimmia japonica.菌Words2. 菌類 [jUn4lei4], n., (bot.) fungi.薷N.(Bot.) (=木耳 the Jew's ear, Auricularia AuriculaJudae).萬Words28. 萬年 [wan4nian2], n., ten thousand years, also (AC) “Long live”; see [wan4sui4]↓; 萬年青 (bot.) a tough evergreen which requires very little attention, Rhodea japonica; 萬年歷 calendar good for any future year.34. 萬壽 [wan4shou4], n., as in 萬壽無疆 “long live for ever”-a form of greeting for birthdays; 萬壽菊 (bot.) Tagetes erecta.萹Words1. 萹蓄 [pian1xU4], n., (bot.) Polygonum aviculare, a flowering plant used as herb (also called 萹竹).蒴N.(Bot.) a capsule of seeds.Words1. 蒴藋 [shou4diao4], n., (bot.) the Chin. elder (also called 接骨草); 木蒴藋 the red elderberry.葛N.(1)  (Bot.) the [ke1] hemp, Pueraria Thunbergiana: 葛布 a coarse, yellowish hemp cloth;蒟N.(1)  蒟蒻 (bot.) the elephant's foot, Amorphaphalus konjac.荔Words1. 荔枝 [li4zhi1] ([li4zhi0]), n., (bot.) Litchi, a subtropical fruit of South China.蔦Words1. 蔦蘿 [niao3luo2], (1) n., (bot.) Quamoclit vulgaris; (2) n., 蔦與女蘿 Ribes ambiguum and Usnea plicata; (fig.) brothers, sisters, and other relatives interrelated and dependent upon one another.芩Words1. 芩耳 [ling2er3], n., (bot.) the cocklebur, Xanthium strumarium (also called 卷耳).薰Words7. 薰草 [xUn1cao3], n., (bot.) an aromatic grass, Coumarouna odorata (common name: 佩蘭).蕘N.(2)  蕘花 (bot.) Wisktroemia japonica.(3)  (Bot.) the bird rape or rape turnip, Brassica campestris.芫N.(Bot.) Daphne genkwa, a flowering plant poisonous to fish.莧N.(Bot.) the amaranth (red, white, purple, etc.), a vegetable;菟N.(Bot.) dodder.Words2. 菟葵 [tu4kui2], n., (1) (bot.) the winter aconite; (2) (zoo.) the sea anemone.3. 菟絲子 [tu4si1]([zi0]), n., (bot.) dodder, Cuscuta japonica.莞N.(1)  (*[guan1]) (Bot.) a long-stemmed water grass, Scirpus lacustris.花Words3. 花苞 [hua1bao1], n., (bot.) calyx.32. 花冠 [hua1guan1], n., (1) (bot.) the corolla; (2) a garland.91. 花序 [hua1xU4]1, n., (bot.) inflorescence, the order of development of a flower.100. 花托 [hua1tuo1], n., (bot.) floral receptacle, the torus.芄Words1. 芄蘭 [wan2lan2], n., (bot.) name of plant, Metaplexis stauntoni.蓖Words1. 蓖麻 [bi4ma2], n., (bot.) castor oil plant Ricinus communis, 蓖麻油 castor oil.蕺N.蕺菜 (bot.) a grass, Houttuynia cordata.葳Words1. 葳蕤 [mei4rui2], (1) adj., (plants) hanging down in clusters; (2) n., (bot.) Solomon's seal, Polygonatum officinale.莪Words1. 莪蒿 [e2hao1], n., (bot.) a species of artemisia.薏Words3. 薏苡 [yi4yi3], n., (bot.) Job's-tears, Coix lacryma, also u.f. pearl barley.蕊Words1. 蕊柱 [rui3zhu4], n., (bot.) a style (part of the pistil).蘋N.(Bot.) a flowering plant, Marsilia quadrifolia.蕨N.(Bot.) common bracken, female fern.蒺N.蒺藜 (bot.) thorns, the puncture vine.茨N.(2)  (Bot.) a grass, Tribulus terrestris.萩N.(1)  (Bot.) a kind of rush.茯Words1. fu2ling2, n., (bot.) China Root, a large edible fungus growing on fir roots;芨N.(1)  (Bot.) Bletilla hyacinthina, 白芨.蔓Words1. 蔓青 *[man2qing0], n., (bot.) the rape-turnip.2. 蔓腳類 [man4jiao3lei4], n., (bot.) plants of the creeper type, Cirripedia, also 蔓生植物.葭N.(1)  (Bot.) a bulrush or reed.茭N.(1)  (Bot.) water bamboo, Indian rice, Zizania aquatica (also known as 菰 ).艾Words2. 艾蒿 [ai4hao1], n., (bot.) artemisia.蓫N.(Bot.) the yellow dock, Rumex japonicus (also called 羊蹄).菰N.(1)  (Bot.) Asian wild rice, Zizania aquatica.蓬N.(Bot.) Erigeron acris, also called 飛蓬 a grass, oft. used figuratively of s.t. tangled, disshevelled (hair): 蓬首蓬頭,蓬發,(AC) 蓬葆 disshevelled hair;Words2. 蓬蒿 [peng2hao1], n., (bot.) grass of the rush family; wild underbrush.5. 蓬虆 [peng2lei2], n., (bot.) Rubus thunbergii, a plant of the rose family.蓼N.(Bot.) smartweed, Polygonum.Words2. 蓼藍 [liao3lan2], n., (bot.) indigo, whose leaves are used for dyeing.莎Words3. 莎草 [suo1cao3], n., (bot.) a kind of sedge, Cyperus rotundus.蔞Words1. 蔞蒿 [lou2hao1], n., (bot.) the beach wormwood, Artemisia stelleriana (=白蒿).勒Words14. 勒草 [le4cao3], n., (bot.) the wild hop, Humulus japonicus (=葎).鞠Words2. 鞠藭 [jU2qiong2], n., (bot.) the hemlock parsley, Conioselinum univitatum, (also wr. 芎藭).荊Words4. 荊芥 [jing1jie4], n., (bot.) Nepeta japonica.蒯N.(1)  (Bot.) a rush: 蒯履 rush sandals;鵲Words4. 鵲豆 [qUe4dou4], n., (bot.) a flat bean, Dolichos cultratus.山Words1. 山百合 [shan1bai3he2], n., (bot.) a variety of lily.4. 山茶 [shan1cha2], n., (bot.) wild camellia.18. 山豆根 [shan1dou4gen1], n., (bot.) Euchresta japonica.39. 山姜 [shan1jiang1], n., (bot.) Alpinia japonica.42. 山茱萸 [shan1zhu1yU2], n., (bot.) Cornus officinalis.53. 山柰 [shan1nai4], n., (bot.) Kaempferia galanga.77. 山榆 [shan1yU2], n., (bot.) a variety of elm.柴Words4. 柴胡 [chai2hu2], n., (bot.) sickle-leaved hare's ear, an herb, Bupleurum falcatum.紫Words5. 紫萼 [zi3e4], n., (bot.) Hosta coerulea.9. 紫河車 [zi3he2che1], n., (1) the placenta; (2) (bot.) Paris polyphylla.13. 紫堇 [zi2jin3], n., (bot.) Corydalis incisa.15. 紫荊 [zi3jing1], n., (bot.) the Judas tree or red bud, Cercis chinensis.16. 紫竹 [zi3zhu2], n., (bot.) Bambusa nana, var. gracillima.17. 紫羅蘭 [zi3luo2lan2], n., (bot.) the violet.19. 紫茉莉 [zi3mo4li4], n., (bot.) Mirabilis jalapa.21. 紫杉 [zi3sha1], n., (bot.) Taxus cuspidata.22. 紫參 [zi3shen1], n., (bot.) Polygonum tenuicaule.24. 紫蘇 [zi3su1], n., (bot.) Perilla nankinensis.25. 紫檀 [zi3tan2], n., (bot.) the red sandalwood.26. 紫藤 [zi3teng2], n., (bot.) the wistaria.27. 紫草 [zi2cao3], n., (bot.) Lithospermum officinale, var. erythrorhiron.28. 紫菜 [zi3cai4], n., (bot.) the laver, edible purple seaweeds.32. 紫薇 [zi3wei2], n., (bot.) the crape myrtle, Lagerstroemia indica.33. 紫云英 [zi3yUn2yin1], n., (bot.) the milk vetch, Astragalus sinicus.上Words66. 上皮 [shang4pi2], n., (physiol.) epidermis; (bot.) outer bark of trees.虎Words4. 虎耳草 [hu2er3cao3], n., (bot.) the saxifrage.6. 虎掌 [hu2zhang3], n., (bot.) a poisonous plant, the jack-in-the-pulpit.14. 虎刺 [hu3ci4], n., (bot.) the barberry, Damnacanthus indicus.雌Words2. 雌花 [ci1hua1], n., (bot.) pistillate flower, see [ci1rui3]↓.5. 雌蕊 [ci1rui3], n., (bot.) pistil.小Words16. 小青 [xiao3qing1], n., (1) (bot.) indigo plant; (2) (MC) maid.水Words10. 水車 [shui3che1], n., (1) wheel (for propelling water for the fields from river); (2) water cart; 水車前 (bot.) the dragon's tongue, Ottelia alismoides (also called 龍舌草).35. 水甘草 [shui3gan1cao3], n., (bot.) Amsonia elliptica.68. 水韭 [shui2jiu3]1, n., (bot.) a kind of leek, Isoetes japonica.71. 水竹葉 [shui3zhu2ye4], n., (bot.) Aneilema keisak, a water plant.76. 水蕨 [shui3jUe2], n., (bot.) an edible water plant, Ceratopteris thalictroides.79. 水葵 [shui3kui2], n., (bot.) the water mallow, Brasenia purpurea (=蓴).82. 水蠟樹 [shui3la4shu4], n., (bot.) Ligustrum ibota.85. 水蓼 [shui2liao3], n., (bot.) water pepper, Polygonum hydropiper.98. 水龍 [shui3long2], n., (1) (coll.) fire engine and its hose; (2) (bot.) Jussieua repens; n., 水龍頭 [shui3long2tou0], n., water tap, hydrant.105. 水綿 [shui3mian2], n., (bot.) Spirogyro longata (also called 石衣,石苔).129. 水蘚 [shui2xian3]2, n., (bot.) Sphagnum japonicum.143. 水蘇 [shui3su1], n., (bot.) rough nettle betony, Stachys aspera.175. 水楊 [shui3yang2], n., the willow; n., 水楊梅 [shui3yang2mei2], n., (bot.) Geum japonicum; n., 水楊酸 [shui3yang2suan1], n., (chem.) salicylic acid; n., 水楊酸鈉 sodium salicylate.半Words28. 半夏 [ban4xia4], n., (bot.) Pinellia tuberifera, a medicinal herb.雀Words2. 雀麥 [qUe4mai4], n., (bot.) a species of oats.常Words5. 常春藤 [chang2chun1teng2], n., (bot.) a kind of vine, Hedera helix.21. 常綠樹 [chang2lU4shu4], n., (bot.) evergreen.23. 常山 [chang2shan1], n., (1) name of mountain (=恒山); (2) (bot.) Orixa japonica.韭N.(Bot.) the leek.當Words9. 當歸 [dang1gui1], n., (bot.) an aromatic herb, Ligusticum acutilobum, root of which being usu. used as med.翡Words1. 翡翠 [fei3cui4], n., (1) (bot.) kingfisher, Halcyon coromanda; (2) jadeite.費Words5. 費菜 [fei4cai4], n., (bot.) Sedum kamtschficum.糖Words13. 糖槭 [tang2zu2], n., (bot.) a sugar producing plant, Acer saccharinum.糯N.(Bot.) Oryza sativa, var. glutinosa.粉Words19. 粉團 [fen3tuan2], n., flour dumplings; 粉團花 (bot.) a flower, Hydrangea gortensia.蜘Words1. 蜘蛛 [zhi1zhu1], n., spider: 蜘蛛網 spider's net; 蜘蛛抱蛋 (bot.) plant, Aspidistra elatior.蠅Words1. 蠅毒草 [ying2du2cao3], n., (bot.) Phryma leptoslachya, whose root contains fluid poisonous to flies.蛇Words1. 蛇床 [she2chuang2], n., (bot.) Cridium japonicum; 蛇床子 [she2chuang2zi0], n., (bot.) Selinum japonicum (also called 蛇米,蛇粟,蛇蛋果).3. 蛇含 [she2han2], n., (bot.) Potentilla kleiniana (also wr. 蛇銜).5. 蛇麻 [she2ma2], n., (bot.) hops, Humulus lupulus.7. 蛇苺 [she2mei2], n., (bot.) the Indian strawberry, Duchesnea indica.10. 蛇葡萄 [she2pu2tao2], n., (bot.) Ampelopsis heterophylla or northern fox grape.蠟Words13. 蠟梅 [la4mei2], n., (bot.) the winter-sweet, Calycanthus fragrans (also wr.臘梅).18. 蠟樹 [la4shu4], n., (bot.) Ligustrum, the white wax tree Lucidum (another name for 女貞).蚊Words5. 蚊母樹 [wen2mu3shu4], n., (bot.) Distylium racemosum, a fine, hard wood.韌Words3. 韌皮 [ren4pi2], n., (bot.) the phloem, bast, tough fibre for making ropes, etc.豇N.豇豆 (bot.) the cowpea, Vigna sinensis (also wr. 江豆).可Words9. 可加 [ke3jia1], n., (bot.) coca; from which cocaine is made, see [ke2kou3]↓.栗N.(1)  (Bot.) the chestnut tree;王Words3. 王不留行 [wang2bu4liu2xing2], n., (bot.) a flowering plant, Vaccaria vulgaris.23. 王蓮 [wang2lian2], n., (bot.) Victoria regia, a variety of the lotus with huge floating leaves.玉Words1. 玉柏 [yU4bai3], n., (bot.) a plant, Lycopodium obscurum.4. 玉蟬 [yU4chan2]1, n., (bot.) a kind of iris, Iris laevigata (Kaempfeir).44. 玉蔥 [yU4cong1], n., (1) (poet.) lady's slender fingers; n. (2) (bot.) a kind of onion, Allium cepa.五Words3. 五釵松 [wu3chai1song1], n., (bot.) a variety of pine, Pinus parviflora var. pentaphylla.25. 五斂子 [wu3lian4zi3], n., (bot.) Averrhoa carambola, a tropical tree; its fruit made into jelly.43. 五味子 [wu3wei4zi3], n., (bot.) of two kinds: 北五味子 Schizandra chinensis, and 南五味子 Kadsura japonica.亞Words6. 亞麻 [ya4ma2], n., (bot.) flax, a flowering plant Linum usitatissimum, whose bark fiber is woven like hemp.石Words7. 石菖蒲 [shi2chang1pu2], n., (bot.) Japanese sweet flag, Acorus gramineus.12. 石蓴 [shi2chun2], n., (bot.) the common sea lettuce, Ulva lactuca.15. 石刁柏 [shi2diao1bai3], n., (bot.) garden asparagus, Asparagus officinalis.17. 石發 [shi2fa3], n., (bot.) lichens, hair-like growth on rocks (also called 發菜).27. 石花菜 [shi2hua1cai4], n., (bot.) a seaweed, agar-agar, Gelidium cartilagineum.30. 石斛 [shi2hu2], n., (bot.) Dendrobium moniliforme.31. 石胡荽 [shi2hu2sui1], n., (bot.) the pennywort.36. 石櫧 [shi2zhu1], n., (bot.) a variety of oak.38. 石竹 [shi2zhu2], n., (bot.) pinks; carnations, Dianthus chinensis.49. 石龍芻 [shi2long2chu2], n., (bot.) the Baltic rush, Juncus balticus, whose stems can be woven into mats.56. 石南 [shi2nan2], n., (bot.) Rhododendron metternichii.58. 石蕊 [shi2rui3], n., (bot.) Cladonia rangiferina, a plant whose leaves are used like tea, called 云茶; (chem.) litmus: 石蕊試紙 litmus paper.64. 石蒜 [shi2suan4], n., (bot.) Lycoris radiata.66. 石松 [shi2song1], n., (bot.) Lycopodium clavatum: 石松類 Lycopodiales.73. 石蓯蓉 [shi2cong1rong2], n., (bot.) Statice arbuscula.75. 石韋 [shi2wei3], n., (bot.) a fern, Polypodium lingua.76. 石巖 [shi2yan2]1, n., (1) stone cliff or cliffside; (2) (bot.) Rhododendron obtusum.碧Words1. 碧蘭 [bi4lan2], n., (bot.) greenish orchid.6. 碧桃 [bi4tao2], n., (bot.) a kind of peach=千葉桃.8. 碧梧 [bi4wu2], n., (bot.) the plane tree.百Words3. 百部 *[bo2bu4], n., (bot.) Stemona sessilifolia.24. 百日 [bai3ri4], n., hundred days after person's death, a form of sacrifice; n., 百日咳 [bai3ri4ke4], n., whooping cough; n., 百日紅 [bai3ri4hong2], n.,=紫薇 (bot.) a flowering tree, Lagerstroemia indica.西Words9. 西番蓮 [xi1fan1lian2], n., (bot.) Passiflora caerulea.雨Words9. 雨久花 [yU2jiu3hua1], (bot.) Monocharia vaginalis, a flowering water plant.天Words57. 天門冬 [tian1men2dong1], n., (bot.) Asparagus lucidus.60. 天南星 [tian1nan2xing1], n., (bot.) jack-in-the-pulpit, Arisaema serratum.76. 天仙 [tian1xian1], n., fairy: 美若天仙 beautiful like a fairy; n., 天仙果 [tian1xian1guo3], n., (bot.) a kind of fig, Ficus erecta.77. 天香 [tian1xiang1], n., as in 國色天香 woman of great beauty; n., 天香百合 [tian1xiang1bai2he2], n., (bot.) gold band lily, Lilium auratum.覆Words6. 覆盆子 [fu4pen2zi0], n., (bot.) plant of rose family, Rubus tokkura.珠Words10. 珠蘭 [zhu1lan2], n., (bot.) tree with fragrant yellow bead-like seeds, Chloranthus inconspicuus, used for scenting tea.瑞Words7. 瑞仙桃 [rui4xian1tao2], n., (bot.) the peach, Prunus persica.8. 瑞香 [rui4xiang1], n., (bot.) the winter daphne, Daphne odora.矽Words6. 矽藻 [xi4zao3], n., (bot.) a tiny water plant, Diatomaceae (also called 硅藻).醉Words7. 醉魚草 [zui4yU2cao3], n., (bot.) Buddlea japonica.酸Words12. 酸漿 [suan1jiang1], n., (bot.) “Chinese lantern” or winter cherry, Physalis alkekengi (also called 燈籠草).云Words26. 云實 [yUn2shi2], n., (bot.) the Mysore thorn, Caesalpinia sepiaria.35. 云葉 [yUn2ye4]2, n., (bot.) Euptelea polyandra.子Words8. 子房 [zi3fang2], n., (bot.) the ovary.26. 子囊 [zi3nang2], n., (bot.) a spore case.38. 子實體 [zi3shi2ti3], n., (bot.) mycelium.43. 子午蓮 [zi2wu3lian2], n., (bot.) a kind of lotus which blossoms between midday and midnight; 子午痧 (Chin. med.) an acute disease accompanied by stomach-ache, vomiting, chills, perspiration, and thirst, usu, fatal within a few hours; 子午線 (astron.) the meridians; 子午儀 a transit instrument.46. 子葉 [zi1ye4]2, n., (bot.) a cotyledon.通Words77. 通脫 [tong1tuo1], adj., unconventional, romantic: 通脫自喜,通脫之才 person who is not too concerned about social approval; 通脫木 (bot.) the rice-paper plant, Aralia papyrifera.阿Words58. 阿魏 [e1wei4], n., (bot.) Ferula scorodosma.附Words2. 附地菜 [fu4di4cai4], n., (bot.) wolfsbane, Trigonotis peduncularis.除Words3. 除蟲菊 [chu2chong2jU2], n., (bot.) a variety of chrysanthemum used for insecticide, Chrysantthemuu roseum or cinerar?olium.陵Words4. 陵苕 [ling2tiao2], n., (bot.) Tecoma grandiflora (=紫葳).陰Words12. 陰地嶡 [yin1di4jUe2], n., (bot.) Botrychium ternatum.51. 陰行草 [yin1xin2cao3], n., (bot.) Siphonostegia chinensis.54. 陰桫 [yin1suo1], n., (bot.) a hard wood.單Words13. 單果 [dan1guo3], n., (bot.) simple fruit.30. 單葉 [dan1ye4], n., (bot.) single leaf.喇Words1. 喇叭 [la3ba0], n., a trumpet; n., 喇叭管 n., (physiol.) oviduct, Fallopian tube (also 輸卵管); n., 伸縮喇叭 trombone; n., 喇叭蟲 [la3ba0chong2], n., (zoo.) stentor; n., 喇叭花 [la3ba0hua1], n., (bot.) morning-glory (also 牽牛花); n., 喇叭口 [la3ba0kou3], n., mouthpiece of a trumpet; n., anything with a wide opening at its end: 喇叭袖,喇叭褲 sleeves, trousers, broad at the end; bell-shaped pants.咯Words1. 咯噠 *[ge1da0], n., (coll.) (bot.) mustard (=芥菜): 咯噠頭,咯噠纓兒 mustard head, leaves.吸Words1. 吸根 [xi1gen1], n., (bot.) sucking roots of parasitic plants.果N.(1)  (Bot.) the fruit of any plant: 果實,果子 [guo3shi2], [guo3zi0]↓;景Words14. 景天 [jing3tian1], n., (bot.) the stone crop, Sedum purpureum.旱Words2. 旱蓮(子) [han4lian2] ([han4lian2zi3]), n., (bot.) forsythia, Hypericum erectum (also called 小連翹).罌Words2. 罌子桐 [ying1zi3tong2], n., (bot.) Chin. wood oil tree, Aleurites cordata.圓Words19. 圓錐 [yUan2zhui1], n., (math.) cone; 圓錐根 (bot.) conical root; 圓錐面 conic surface.20. 圓柱 [yUan2zhu4], n., cyclinder; 圓柱根 (bot.) cylindrical root.黑Words32. 黑松 [hei1song1], n., (bot.) the pine, Pinus thunbergii.




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