

单词 众生
释义 文馨英漢☞眾生众生 zhòngshēng1) all living creatures2) beasts/animals众生zhòngshēngall living things众生all living things(plural)芸芸众生 unenlightened masses众生 zhòng shēng {佛教} all living creatures:  芸芸众生 all living things; all mortal beings 众生[zhòng shēng] 一切有生命的,有时专指人和动物 all living creatures; all flesh; mouse and man:芸芸众生 mouse and man; common herd; common people众生n.flesh众生(指一切生物)phr.all flesh众生(指所有人和动物)mouse and man一切生物,众生众生1. [Religion] (of Buddhism) all living creatures众生all living creatures




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