

单词 取暖
释义 取暖1. to bask2. to toast3. to be warmed by4. to warm oneself取暖 qụ̌nuǎnwarm oneself大家围在火边取暖。 Everyone warmed themselves around the fire.取暖qǔnuǎnto warm oneself (by a fire etc)取暖to warm oneself取暖设备 heating取暖管网 heating pipe system围炉取暖 warm oneself by the fireside晒太阳取暖 warm oneself in the sun取暖 qǔ nuǎn warm oneself (by a fire, etc.):  烤火取暖 get warm by the fire; keep warm by the fire;  用暖气取暖 keep warm with heating 取暖补贴 a heating allowance; 取暖电器 electric heating appliance; warming appliance; 取暖器 warmer; 取暖设备 heating installation取暖keep oneself warm (as to sit by fire).取暖n.warm〈口〉暖;取暖;加热vi.warm(烤火等)取暖roast受热发烫;感到极热;取暖thaw〈口〉(人)变暖和;取暖(out)vt.roast使受热发烫;使极热;使取暖;处…以烙刑bask(舒适地)晒太阳;取暖取暖1. to warm oneself (by a fire, etc.)国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞取暖--发热--加热




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