ln--lot number
lot number,LN批号
to admit
to admit a guest
to admit and detain a guest
to admit (as a child into an institution)
to admit in argument
to admit one's self in the wrong
to admonish and urge
to admonish a superior
to admonish each other
to admonish people
to admonish the age
to admonish the world
to admove
to adopt a course of action
to adopt a new religion or become a proselyte
to adopt an expedient
to adopt an opinion
to adopt a religion
to adopt (as a fashion)
to adopt (as customs)
to adopt a suggestion
to adopt chinese dress
to adore by bowing the head
to adore by kneeling
to adore by prostration
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更新时间:2025/1/6 1:59:50