gide, andré
Gide, Andrén.纪德(1869-1951, 法国小说家、剧作家和评论家, 作品包括《蔑视道德的人》(L'Immoraliste, 1902)、《窄门》(La Porte étroite, 1909)、《伪币犯》(Les Faux Monnayeurs, 1926)等, 获1947年诺贝尔文学奖)
(a small coin) mite
a small coir mat
a small cord
a small couch
a small court, and either before or behind the house
a small crab, always seen on the sea-shore and running sidewards
a small crab, always seen on the seashore and running sidewards
a small craft
a small cross beam
a small date
a small debt
a small deep boiler
a small dog
a small epistle
a smaller kind of sturgeon
a small expense. why regret
a small fast
a small fast (ordinary)
a small fault
a small file
a small flute
a small foot
a small fortune
a small gong
a small gong, three or four inches in diameter
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