单词 | allu |
释义 | allu李N.李代桃僵 (orig. allu.) two persons suffering for one another, (now) girl replaces another as wife;擊V.t.擊楫 to vow to bring peace to the country (allu. to the story of 祖逖);朱Words1. 朱陳 [zhu1cheng2], phr., 結朱陳之好 marriage of two families, from AC allu., the clans 朱 and 陳 traditionally married into each other.8. 朱門 [zhu1men2], n., “vermilion gate,”(fig.) a rich mansion: 朱門酒肉臭 (allu.) meat is allowed to spoil in rich men's homes (while wayfarers die of cold).東N. & adj.東山再起 (of politician) to stage a comebake (allu.);東施效顰 (allu.) ugly woman (東施) trying to imitate famous beauty (西施) knitting her brows.Words3. 東床 [dong1chuang2], n., son-in-law: 東床快婿,坦腹東床 (allu.).喪Words16. 喪明 [sang4ming2], v.i., (1) become blind; (2) (AC allu. to father who) mourns the death of his son.裘N.裘蔽金盡 (allu.) short of living expenses abroad (“coat tattered, gold gone”);囊N.阮囊羞澀 (allu.) lacking sufficient funds to meet necessary expenses;V.t.囊螢映雪 (allu.) to study hard in spite of poverty (lit., to read by the light of bagged fireflies or the reflected light of snow).生Words9. 生芻 [sheng1chu2], n., hay; (allu.) offering at grave, funeral gift.杏Words6. 杏林 [xing4lin2], n., (allu., rare) medical doctor.南Words16. 南柯 [nan2ke1], n., in 南柯一夢 (allu.) an imaginary or empty dream, symbolic of man's life.七Adj.七擒七放 (allu.) 諸葛亮七擒孟獲 Juker Liahng subjugated a native chief by capturing him and releasing him seven times;楚N.(3) Name of ancient kingdom, roughly modern Hupei: 楚材晉用 (allu.) a great person given important post by another country;Words1. 楚囚 [chu3qiu2], n., (allu.) a held prisoner, man in difficult straits.4. 楚歌 [chu3ge1], phr., 四面楚歌 (allu.) surrounded on all sides by enemy (who sang“the Songs of [chu3]”).5. 楚腰 [chu3yao1], n., slender waist--from allu., the King of [chu3] loved women with slender waistline.捫V.t.捫蝨而談 (allu.) attitude of complete informality during conversation (“while scratching for lice on body”).捧V.t.捧心 (AC) allu. to famous beauty 西施 suffering from Angina pectoris, covering chest with hands, imitated by ugly women;折Words15. 折履 [zhe2ji1], phr., (allu.) joy of receiving a great friend-- “break the wooden clogs”over a threshold in the rush of welcome.19. 折枝 [zhe2zhi1], v.i., (1) to paint only two or three branches in a painting; (2)為長者折枝 (allu.) s.t. very easy to do.21. 折柳 [zhe2liu3], v.i., (allu.) “break a willow branch” when parting with friend.指V.i. & t.指鹿為馬 (AC allu.) a trick by ancient premier 趙高 to demand absolute agreement by pointing at a deer and calling it a horse and killing those who disagreed.Words18. 指囷 [zhi3jUn1], phr., (AC, allu.) help friend in need.揭Words7. 揭竿 [jie1gan1], v.i., to revolt, rebel: 揭竿而起 (allu.) raise the standard of revolt (with “bamboo poles”even without arms); 揭竿起義 ditto.抱Words9. 抱柱 [bao4zhu4], v.i., (LL) be faithful to death (allu. to lover who held on to a bridge pile during rising tide and died rather than quit rendezvous); v.i., 抱柱對兒 n., pair of couplet inscribed on curved panels fitting round posts.撲V.i. & t.(3) Strike, beat, flop, catch with a sudden movement: 撲殺此獠 “beat the beast to death”(allu. to brutal saying of Empress Wu Tsehtien);投Words15. 投杼 [tou2zhu4], phr., “leave the loom”, (allu.) mother of good Confucianist unbelieving when first told of her son being murderer, but believing it on third time--influence of rumor and gossip.26. 投轄 [tou2xia2], phr., (AC allu.) “cut off axle” as a way of asking and insisting friend not to depart.捉V.t.一沐三捉發 (allu.) to tie up hair three times during a bath in order to see callers-- busy, attentive in government affairs;Words2. 捉刀 [zhuo1dao1], v.t., to write examination papers, etc., by other than true candidate or writer (allu.: 曹操 held a knife watching while s.o. wrote for him).棣N.(2) (LL) used as elegant var. of 弟: 學棣,仁棣 (from allu. to 唐棣 Duke Jou's poem to his brothers).Words2. 棣鄂(萼) [di4e4], n., love of brothers, from allu. to ancient poem 唐棣之華 celebrating brothers’ reunion.梅N.妻梅子鶴 allu. to Suhng poet-bachelor 林和靖, a great lover of plum flowers and storks.桃N.人面桃花相映紅 allu. to blooming young girl;桃園結義 allu. to three heroes of Three Kingdoms forming a pact of friendship to death.Words14. 桃源 [tao2yUan2], n., “peach spring,” allu. to story of a fisherman finding an Arcadia cut off from the world; hence 世外桃源 Arcadia, Shangri-la, haven of peace and simple living.杞N.(2) Name of anc. country, dwelled by descendants of [xia4] 夏 Dyn.: 杞人憂天 (abbr. into 杞憂) (allu.) a man of 杞 worried that the sky might fall down--superfluous worry.杖Words3. 杖頭錢 [zhang4tou2qian2], n., money for buying drink hung on top of walking cane (allu.).校Words10. 校書 *[jiao4shu1], n., (LL, allu.) a high-class singsong girl.刺Words4. 刺股 [ci4gu3]1, phr., (AC allu.) “prick one's thigh” to prevent oneself from falling into sleep--extreme diligence at studies.棘Words5. 棘心 [ji2xin1], n., (AC allu.) a son's heart.切Words17. 切磋 *[qie1cuo1], v.i., to study and learn by mutual discussion (from allu. 如切如磋 “like cutting and grinding” stones).壽N.壽比南山 formula of birthday congratulations (“may you live as long as the southern mountain”--allu.);煮V.t.煮豆燃箕 (allu.) boil beans with beanstalks--reference to fight among brothers;趙N.原璧歸趙,奉趙 (allu.) return article to owner.趨Words12. 趨庭 [qU1ting2], v.i., a father's instructions, allu. from Confucius’ son (鯉趨而過庭) who received instructions when passing through a courtyard.坦Adj.坦腹東床 be son-in-law, (“lie in bed with barebelly”--from allu.).塤N.塤箎 (allu.) harmony of brothers, see 箎 92A.70.鼓Words4. 鼓腹 [gu3fu4], v.i., (1) be good at nothing but eating and loafing; (2) 鼓腹而歌 to beat one's belly to keep time in singing--allu. peace at time of Emperor Yao.轂N.推轂 (allu.) put in a word for (s.o.), recommend highly (lit., “push” s.o.’s vehicle”).秦N.哭秦庭 (allu.) cry at the court of Chirn begging for troops to fight invading enemy.在Words3. 在陳 [zai4chen2], phr., be in financial straits (allu. to the story of Confucius suffering from food shortage in the country of Chern).14. 在莒 [zai4jU3], phr., living in exile (as a political refugee) allu. to the story of 齊桓公 biding his time at Jyuu.春N.春樹暮云 (allu.) remembrance of a friend;匏Words2. 匏系 [pao2xi4], n., (LL allu.) hanging gourd shell, a useless or unemployed person.甘Adj. & adv.甘棠遺愛 (allu.) sweet memories left behind by a popular official after his retirement.黃Words40. 黃粱夢 [huang2liang2meng4], n., (allu.) a tale like Rip van Waikle-signifying vanishing of dream or of time; disillusionment; a vanished dream.蓴N.(Bot.) water mallow, Brasenia purpurea: 蓴羹鱸膾 mallow soup and minced eel (allu. remembrance of food at home town);葑Words1. 葑菲 [feng1fei3], n., (AC allu.) some good in every man (some plants have tangled roots, but useful stems).萊Words2. 萊衣 [lai2yi1], n., (AC allu.) a multicolored dress (of 老萊子).華Words17. 華胥 [hua1xU1], n., (allu.) land of dreams.葬V.t.葬花 bury flower petals (allu. to the story of 林黛玉);舊Words25. 舊雨 [jiu4yU3], n., an old friend or customer: 舊雨新知 (business) clients, old and new (from allu. in Tu Fu: 舊雨來,今雨不來).蕭Words15. 蕭寺 [xiao1shi4], n., (LL. allu.) Buddhist temple.薪N.負薪請罪 be contrite and ask for pardon, (allu.) carry firewood (rod) and ask to be spanked;芹N.Celery: 芹獻,芹曝 “offering of celery, of warm sunshine,” (allu.) my humble present (oft. of advice);萱N.(a) as symbol of motherhood from AC allu., as 椿 10B.41 is symbolic allu. to father: 椿萱并茂 both father and mother are in good health;夢Words5. 夢蘭 [meng4lan2], n., (LL) dream of an orchid (allu.)-be pregnant.莒N.(3) The name of an anc. principality: 毋忘在莒 (allu.) a reminder not to forget the national humiliation but to recover the lost territory.落V.i. & t.名落孫山 (phr. allu.) fail in civil examination-name comes out behind the last name, that of Sun Shan;蓄Words1. 蓄艾 [xU4ai4], phr., (AC allu.) be prepared to meet emergencies; keep talented men for future use.蒿Words1. 蒿里 [hao1li3], n., orig. a town near Taishan; (allu.) where departed souls are said to return to.菟Words1. 菟裘 [tu4qiu2], n., (AC) name of town; allu. serves as reference to place of retirement from office.花N.解語花 (allu.) a beautiful and understanding woman, (“a talking flower”);蓮Words1. 蓮步 [lian2bu4], n., mincing steps of bound feet, from 步步蓮花 allu. 5th cen. prince whose favorite dancing girl left prints of lotus flower from her soles.蓬N.蓬生麻中不扶自立 AC allu., influence of good society, like grass growing straight in a hemp field;期Words1. 期期 [qi2qi2], adv., (AC) allu. to an example of stuttering: 期期以為不可 (LL) just won't do.鵲N.鵲巢鳩占 phr., allu., the turtledove occupies magpie’s nest-take what is not one's own;山Words63. 山頹 [shan1tui1], n., phr., 山頹木壞 allu. referring to death of Confucius or a sage.顰Adj.With knitted eyebrows: 東施效顰 phr., allu. to ugly woman (東施) trying to imitate a beauty (西施), famous for her knitted eyebrows, by knitting hers.止V.i & t.望梅止渴 (AC allu.) tell the army there are prunes ahead so as to stop their thirst--wishful thinking.斷Words9. 斷機 [duan4ji1], n., allu., mother of Mencius cut cloth on loom when child did not study hard.16. 斷頭臺 [duan4tou2tai2], n., guillotine; 斷頭將軍 allu. general who would rather die than surrender.此Words10. 此君 [ci3jUn1], n., (1) this person; (2) (LL, allu.) bamboo.獻Words6. 獻曝 [xian4pu4], v.i., (LL, court. allu.) give a sincere but unworthy present (“present sunshine” of one's country).坐V.i. & t.坐紅椅子 be the last of a number of successful candidates (allu. to the practice of making a check (□) with red ink at the end of a list of such candidates);堂Words4. 堂構 [tang2gou4], phr., (AC allu.) son succeeding to father's profession.雀Words4. 雀屏 [qUe4ping2], n., chosen as son-in-law, from 雀屏中目 (allu.) the one who shoots an arrow through the eye of the carved peacock on a screen.6. 雀鼠 [qUe4shu3], n., bickering, from (AC) allu., “pecking and gnawing like birds and rats.”書Words46. 書空 [shu1kong1], phr., 咄咄書空 (allu.) make futile gestures in space--in exasperation or frustration.嘗V.t.臥薪嘗膽 (allu.) the King of Yueh (越王勾踐) slept on firewood for mattress and had a gall hung over his bed to remind him of the bitterness (gall) of his defeat and prepare for a comeback.懷V.i. & t.懷璧其罪 (allu.) one's only crime was only to carry a jade;帳N.絳帳 (LL) brown curtain-(allu.) room for teaching pupils;帷Words5. 帷幄 [wei2wo4], n., tent: 運籌帷幄 (AC allu.) map out strategy.二Words51. 二豎 [er4shu4], n., (LL) evil spirit responsible for illness (allu. two boys hiding in body).三Adv.三緘其口 (AC, allu.) mouth sealed three times, absolute refusal to talk;三顧茅蘆 (AC allu.) a Hahn prince three times called on famous scholar to solicit his help;Words10. 三尺 [san1chi3], phr., (1) three feet: 三尺童子 a young kid; (2) (AC allu.) laws and statutes, written on three-foot bamboo strips; 三尺水 (LL) a gleaming sword.46. 三徑 [san1jing4], n., (poet, allu.) a scholar's garden of retreat.60. 三年艾 [san1nian2ai4], n., (AC allu.) early preparations (against future trouble).頑Adj.頑廉懦立 (from allu. 頑夫廉,懦夫有立志) the corrupt become honest and the drifters filled with ambition;頑石點頭 (Budd. allu.) even the rocks nod in approval during preaching.N.交獸畜 (AC allu.) treat like beasts-to feed a person without love or respect.耳Words44. 耳順 [er3shun4], (1) adj. phr., sixty years of age (allu. Confucius, when nothing he heard could upset him); (2) pleasing to the ear (of opera singing).玉Words24. 玉樓 [yU4lou2], phr., 玉樓赴召 (allu.) death of a young poet.不Words53. 不惑 [bu4huo4], n., (allu.) aged forty: 不惑之年,年已不惑.五Adj.五斗米 (allu.) five bushels of rice--petty salary;五日京兆 (allu.) governor of capital frequently changed--said of constant shift of office;而Words8. 而立 [er2li4], adj., (LL) 而立之年 thirty years of age (allu. Confucius learned to stand firm at thirty).瓦N.弄瓦 (AC) allu. when a girl baby is born, let her play with tiles--hence give birth to baby girl (see 瓦瑤 [wa3yao2]↓).(2) An earthenware: 瓦器,互罐 [wa3qi4], [wa3guan4]↓: 黃鐘毀棄,瓦釜雷鳴 (LL, allu.) earthen pots making a lot of noise instead of the classical bells--said of bombastic politicians in power while god men are out.逐Words6. 逐鹿 [zhu2lu4], phr., (allu.) 逐鹿中原 fight for the throne (lit., to see who gets the deer 鹿死誰手 in a deer hunt).遷Words3. 遷鼎 [qian1ding3], n., change dynasty (allu., “transport sacrificial tripod,” symbol of royal rule).珠Words5. 珠還 [zhu1huan2], phr., 珠還合浦 (allu.) restoration of pearl industry to place 合浦; (fig.) restoration of original condition; recovery of lost article.璋N.a jade plaything: 弄璋 (LL, from AC allu.) give birth to a boy (given jade to play with; if a girl, given tile to play with).班V.t.(2) To spread about: 班荊道故 (AC allu.) spread on the grass and chat of old times.云Words37. 云雨 [yUn2yU3], n., (1) favors, blessings from on high; n., (2) (euphem.) sexul intercourse (from allu., a fairy maiden in the Szechuan Gorges who commanded the clouds and rains).瓢N.Dried gourd serving as dipper: 一瓢飲 a gourdful of liquid (allu. to Confucius’ disciple 顏回) happy in frugal living.桑N.桑間濮上 mulberry orchard on river Puu--(allu.) place of illicit love-making;桑中之會 (AC allu.) lovers’ rendezvous (in mulberry field).Words10. 桑榆 [sang1yU2], n., time of old age (from AC allu. where the sun sets on “the mulberry and the elm”): 桑榆晚景 in the evening of one's life.阿Words9. 阿堵物 *[a4du3wu4], n., (1) (anc. coll., contempt.) that thing; n., (2) (LL allu.) money.49. 阿咸 [a4xian2], n., (LL) nephew (allu. to 阮咸, nephew of 阮藉).陽Words3. 陽春 [yang2chun1], n., the springtime; 陽春白雪 (allu.) name of an anc. melody (opp. popular songs) --s.t. selected and among the best; 陽春面 plain noodles.阮Words1. 阮囊 [ruan3nang2], n., a purse: 阮囊羞澀 short of funds, in straitened circumstances, allu. to the story of 阮孚 of the Jihn Dyn.隴N.得隴望蜀 having control of Shensi, one hopes to control Szechuen--allu. insatiable ambition.隨Words11. 隨和 [sui2ho0], (1) (allu.) 隨和之寶 (AC) two owners of priceless treasures; [sui2he4], (2) v.i., follow others blindly; [sui2he0], (3) adj., friendly, not contentious.吐v.i. & t.吐哺握發 (AC allu. to 周公) stopped a mouthful in the middle of eating and bound up his hair in the midst of a bath in order to see visitors.嗜Words2. 嗜痂 [shi4jia1], phr., (LL) 嗜痂成癖 have an addiction for (stamps and the like), (allu. from one who likes to lick his scabs).吠V.i.蜀犬吠日 (allu.) a dog barking at the sun where sun is rarely seen as in the mountains of Szechuan, i.e., excitement over nothing;吹V.i. & t.吹皺一池春水,干卿底事 what has that to do with you? (from allu.--a king disapproves of a poet's line about the breeze rippling the water in the pond);Words14. 吹簫 [chui1xiao1], v.i., (1) to play the fife; (2) (LL allu.) to be a beggar, from story of 伍子胥.目N.目無全牛 (allu.) a master butcher sees through parts and joints (of cow without cutting;圖N.圖窮而匕首見 (allu.) the dagger is out after pretended friendship.四Words36. 四面(兒) [shi1mian4] ([si4miaher0]), adv., on all sides: 四面受敵 surrounded by enemy on all sides; 四面楚歌 (allu.) ditto-hear the [chu3] songs (of enemy) on all sides; 四面體 (math.) a tetrahedron.見V.i. & t.見兔顧犬 (AC allu.) take instant advantage of an opportunity that comes only once in a long while;懸Words40. 懸榻 [xUan2ta4], phr., (allu.) to extend great welcome (“letting down a bunk” reserved for special friend).嬰Words4. 嬰鱗 [ying1lin2], phr., (AC allu.) to ruffle the dragon's neck scales-to offend the ruler by frank criticism (see 攖 10A.93).曝Words2. 曝獻 [pu4xian4], n., (court.) my humble present (allu. to 野人獻曝 a countryman who thought of presenting good country sunshine to ruler).暗Adj.暗度陳倉 secret relations with sweetheart (allu. secret crossing of river at 陳倉).映Words3. 映雪 [ying4xUe3], phr., (allu.) to study by light of snow (without lamp), to work hard as student.瞻Words6. 瞻依 [zhan1yi1], V.i., to respect and depend upon one's parents, from allu. 靡瞻匪父,靡依匪母(詩).貽Words3. 貽厥 [yi2jUe2], n., (pedantic allu.) descendants (from 貽厥孫謀).羅Words5. 羅敷 [luo2fu1], n., (allu.) a married woman: 羅敷有夫.買Words2. 買骨 [mai2gu3], v.t., make fervent quest for talent (allu.--if one could not find a thoroughbred, would be contented to buy its skeleton).黔N.Short name for Kweichow (貴州) Province: 黔驢技窮 show feet of clay (from allu. a donkey, newly imported into Kweichow, got on very well and was feared by the tiger until he tried to kick the tiger).月N.月下老人 (allu.) the old man found in moonlight night in charge of tying a red silk of new-born boys and girls destined to be married;Words12. 月旦 [yUe4dan4], n., usu. 月旦評 (litr. allu.) criticism.風N.樹欲靜而風不止,子欲養而親不待 (AC allu.) a son's regret at not being able to serve parents in their old age, shortened as 風樹 or 風木 ;Words68. 風樹 [feng1shu4], n., an allu., see N.1↑.膽N.臥薪嘗膽 (allu.) sleep on firewood and taste gall--in determination for revenge.胸N.胸有成竹 phr., allu., having ready plans to meet a situation;脫Words39. 脫穎 [tuo1ying3], v.i., (allu.) you cannot keep a good man down (as the “awl-point finds its way out of pocket”).髀N.髀肉復生 phr., getting stout again (allu. to regret of 劉備 for not riding on horseback for a long time.)兔N.兔死狗烹 cook the hound (as no longer needed) when the hares have been run down--allu. when country was unified, the king killed off his underlings;弦Words2. 弦歌 [xian2ge1], v.t., to sing with stringed accompaniment, sign of calm in crisis, and (allu.) good government.髡V.t.lop off tree leaves: 留髡 (allu.) singsong girl asks guest to stay for the night (allu. 髡 a personal name).賢Adj.賢阮 nephew (allu. 阮咸,阮籍 uncle and nephew both distinguished).壓Words22. 壓線 [ya1xian4], v.i., (LL allu.) be kept busy on other’s account, (like a seamstress making gold braids for other's wedding dress).Adj.鼎 (AC allu.) an imitation article;臥V.i.臥薪嘗膽 to “sleep on woodpile and taste gall”- (allu.) endure hardships to accomplish some ambition.臨Words3. 臨池 [lin2chi2], n., (LL, allu.) to practise calligraphy.壁Words10. 壁上觀 [bi4shang4guan1], phr., detached view, uninvolved (AC allu. to armies standing by watching others’ battles from walls).璧N.原璧歸趙 (AC) allu. referring to successful mission in obtainning return of jade to 趙 Kingdom, hence 璧還,璧謝 [bi4huan2], [bi4xie4]↓.巴N.巴山夜雨 phr., (allu.) hope of reunion among friends.犀Words4. 犀照 [xi3zhao4], phr., (allu.) orig. oil torch from rhinoceros horn which penetrated into a dark pool - now complim. of person's penetrating insight into right and wrong.閉Words9. 閉門 [bi4men2], v.i., close door: 閉門謝客 stop receiving visits from friends; 閉門不納 be not received (of visitor); 嘗閉門羹“drink the soup of closed door,” be denied entrance; 享以閉門羹 to give such “soup,”deny (person) entrance; 閉門造車 phr., (a) (AC allu.) to be able to build a carriage at home and fit the car body, i.e., with standardization; phr., (b) indulge in fantasy, build air castles.問Words8. 問鼎 [wen4ding3], phr., (AC, allu.) “inquire about the tripod”-symbol of royal power-entertain ambition to be king.19. 問津 [wen4jin1], phr., (AC, allu.) to ask for directions (lit., “about ferry”).棄Words4. 棄井 [qi4jing3], n., (AC allu.) abandoned well, (fig.) task left unfinished.望V.i.&t.望梅止渴 (allu.) look at plums to quench thirst, Barmecide's feast, imagined satisfaction;Words14. 望云 [wang4yUn2], phr., (1) to gaze at clouds (and think of s.o.); (2) (allu.) to think of parents.齊N.齊大非偶 phr., (allu.) declining marriage proposal from rich or influential family;Adj.舉案齊眉 (allu.) wife brings lunch tray to the height of her eyebrow as polite form -- used to refer to husband and wife keeping up politeness between each other (夫婦相敬如賓).音N.知音 a true friend (from allu. an anc. musician and his only friend who appreciated his music).高Adj.高山流水 (allu.) understanding and appreciative friends;文Words11. 文定 [wen2ding4], n., (AC allu.) betrothal for marriage.夜Words19. 夜郎 [ye4lang2], n., (AC, LL) a small kingdom in southwest China: 夜郎自大 (allu.) [ye4lang2] people think their country is bigger than China--ignorant boastfulness.游Words21. 游刃 [you2ren4], phr., 游刃有余 (AC allu.) have plenty of room for play of butcher's knife--fulfill a task easily.讓Words9. 讓梨 [rang4li2], v.i., show fraternal affection among brothers (“let one's elder brother have the bigger pear,” allu. to the story of 孔融).請V.i. & t.請君入甕 (allu.) a hated judge known for torturing prisoners was to be tried himself, without knowing it. On being asked by another judge the best way of extracting confession, he suggested putting prisoner in jar heated by hot coals. When jar was ready, he was told, “Now, please step into the jar.”識Words8. 識荊 [shi4jing1], v.i., (court.) to make your esteemed acquaintance (from allu).設Words10. 設帳 [she4zhang4], v.i., (AC, allu.) to set up place for teaching.剖V.t.剖腹藏珠 allu. to story of one who cut his belly to hide a pearl, i e., sacrifice life to gain;瓣Words2. 瓣香 [bian4xiang1], n., (LL allu.) symbol of respect, worship.龍Words23. 龍陽 [long2yang2], n., 龍陽癖 (allu.) homosexuality.效Words10. 效顰 [xiao4pin2], v.i., to learn unworthily to ape what one is not good at (from allu. "ape the knitted brows" of a famous beauty 西施 by an ugly woman 東施).鹿N.不知鹿死誰手 (allu.) cannot tell who will be the victor;逐鹿中原 (same allu.) fight for the throne, ascendency of power among waring parties.Words7. 鹿鳴宴 [lu4ming2yan4], n., formerly, dinner of successful candidates at provincial civil examinations (allu. to poem 鹿鳴 in Book of Poetry).麟Words4. 麟經 [lin2jing1], n., the Spring and Autumn Annals 春秋of Confucius (allu.)5. 麟趾 [lin2zhi3], n., “unicorn's toes,” (allu.) blessing of many children.守V. i. & t.守株待兔 phr. allu., stay by a tree hoping to catch a hare just because once a hare accidentally died there -- stupid, lack of innovation;案N.a low table with short props for serving food and drinks: 舉案齊眉 a husband and wife love and respect each other for life (a form of extreme humility) (from allu., the wife served lunch to her farmer husband, “raising the tray to eye level.”).完Words4. 完璧 [wan2bi4]2, phr., 完璧歸趙 (AC allu.) to return thing to owner intact.梁N.梁上君子 “the gentleman on the beam” (allu.) - thief.涂Words1. 涂附 [tu2fu4], v.i., aggravate evil: 如涂涂附 (AC allu.) like piling up mud on mud.河N.河東獅吼 (allu.) reference to henpecked husband married to a “roaring lioness.”濯V.t.濯纓濯足 (allu.) wash hat tassels if water is clean, and wash feet if water is turbid- win people's praise or contempt by one's own choice;溫Words20. 溫柔 [wen1rou2], adj., gentle, pleasingly affectionate, esp. toward lover; adj., hence 溫柔鄉 [wen1rou2xiang1], n., (AC allu.) lover nest, bedroom pleasures.洛N.Name of river and place: in Honan 洛陽 Loyang, capital of Northern Suhng Dyn.: 洛陽紙貴 (allu.) overwhelming popularity of a new work (causing shortage of printing paper).涸Adj.涸轍鮒魚,涸轍涸鮒 (allu. of poor people) hard up (like fish in dry pond).鴻Words1. 鴻嗷 [hong2ao2], n., (AC, allu.) the cry of starving people.8. 鴻門宴 [hong2men2yan4], n., (AC, allu.) a dinner at 鴻門 where treachery (murder of invited guest) was planned.馮N.A surname: 馮婦 [feng1fu1], personal name: one willing to take on risky, difficult job (AC allu., famous soldier and tiger killer who took up job of fighting a cornered tiger).漁V.t.漁人得利 the third party benefits when two parties fight each other (from allu. 鷸蚌相爭,漁人得利 fight between the crane and the mother-of-pearl).池N.恐非池中物 (allu. fig.) of person of great abilities, not a common pool fish.祖Words2. 祖鞭 [zu2bian1], phr., vying to push ahead in friendly rivalry (allu. to the story of 劉琨 and 祖逖).補V.t.補天之力 (myth allu.) power to restore cracks in the sky (of 女媧), great strength;羊Words7. 羊公鶴 [yang2gong1he4], n., (allu.) Mr. Yang's crane, said to dance but unable to do so when called upon to do so--undeserved reputation.羞Words10. 羞澀 [xiu1se4], adj. (1) awkward and shy; [xiu1se4], adj. (2) as in 阮囊羞澀 phr., (allu.) embarrassingly short of money (阮 is person's surname.)盆N.鼓盆而歌 allu. to Chuangtse who sang beating on a basin when his wife died;首Words3. 首丘 [shou3qiu1], phr., (allu.) to be buried in home town.煎V.t.相煎何太急(allu.) why press me so hard?卻Words6. 卻扇 [qUe4shan4], v.i., (allu.) become married.全Words15. 全牛 [qUan2niu2], phr., 目無全牛 (allu.) a complete master (as a master butcher sees all the parts of a cow without cutting).今Words16. 今雨 [jin1yU3], n., new friends (opp. 舊雨 old friends, from allu. 舊雨來,今雨不來 (杜甫) old friends come even in rain, new friends do not).肉Words28. 肉袒 *[ru4tan3], v.i., (allu.) bare one's back to be threshed to show contrition.錐N.([zhui1zi0]) An awl, a drill: 錐處囊中 (allu.) real talent will be discovered (like awl's point which must show through pocket);錐股 (allu.) scholar stabbed his own leg with an awl-point to keep himself from falling asleep while studying.鐵N.鐵中錚錚 (allu.) true caliber, the distinguished among men;舉V.t.舉案齊眉 (allu.) not to forget courtesy between husband and wife;乘Words14. 乘龍 [cheng2long2], v.i., as in 乘龍快婿 (allu.) a handsome or lucky son-in-law.留Words6. 留 [liu2kun1], v.i., (allu., of prostitutes) show favor by asking patron to stay for the night.毛N.(3) A surname: 毛遂自薦 phr., common allu.to 毛遂 who recommended himself to post--to recommend oneself.夭Adj.夭桃穠李 (AC allu.) pretty girls.瓜Words2. 瓜代 [gua1dai4], n., (allu.) change of personnel between terms of service.種Words13. 種玉 *[zhong4yU4], v.i., (LL) as in 藍田種玉 (allu.) to give birth to sons or (court.) give worthy son to worthy father.移Words3. 移鼎 [yi2ding3], v.i., (allu.) “move imperial tripods” (symbol of power)--change dynasty.16. 移山 [yi2shan1], phr., “to move mountains”: 愚公移山 (allu.) do s. t. superhuman by sheer persistence.殷Words4. 殷監 [yin1jian4], n., (allu. to Yin Dyn.) warning, example of disaster from the past.盤Words21. 盤龍癖 [pan2long2pi3], n., gambling habit (allu. to anc. gambler, Liu Parnlurng).白Adj.白云蒼狗 (allu.) the vicissitudes of fortune, events (like changing cloud formations);Words23. 白圭 **[bo2gui1], (AC) allu., need for caution in speech (can grind off flaw in jade, but not undo damage of words).自Adj. & adv.自薦 introduce oneself: 毛遂自薦 allu. to the story of Mao Sui who volunteered to serve as an emissary to the Kingdom of Chu;Words69. 自由 [zi4you2], (1) v.i., be free to act without restraint; (2) adj., free from control or outside interference: 自由人 a freeman (opp. 奴隸 a slave): 自由國家(人民) free nations (peoples); (3) n., liberty, freedom: 思想自由,言論自由,出版自由,信仰自由,集會結社自由 freedom of thought, speech, the press, belief, assembly and association; n., 公海自由 (international law) freedom of the seas; 自由主義(者) liberalism (a liberal); 自由黨 (Eng. history) the Liberal Party; 自由神像 Statue of Liberty; 自由港 a free port; 自由畫 freehand drawing; 自由教育 a liberal education; 自由競爭 free competition, system of free enterprise; 自由職業 the liberal professions; n.,自由戀愛 free love; n., 自由貿易 (econmics) free trade, freedom of trade; 自由日 Freedom Day (allu. to the release of prisoners of war by South Korea on January 23, 1954); 自由詩 free verse; 自由世界 the free world; 自由意志 free will.鶯N.鶯谷 (LL, allu. of scholars) not yet well-known or officially successful.Words1. 鶯遷 [ying1qian1], v.i., (LL allu.) (1) be promoted in office; (2) move into a new house.停Words25. 停云 [ting2yUn2]2, phr., (allu.) thinking of absent friends or relatives.借Words12. 借箸 [jie4zhu4]3, v.i., (allu.) draw up a plan of action for others.伯Words2. 伯道 [bo2dao4], n., virtuous person of Jihn Dyn. regretted to have no offspring, hence, 伯道之憂 (AC allu.) Bodauh's sorrow, i.e., having no children.佩Words5. 佩韋 [pei4wei3], phr., (AC) allu. to willingness to change character, (wearing leather 韋 as symbol of softness, and wearing bowstring 弦 as symbol of alertness).代V.i. & t.李代桃僵 (allu.) peach dies when neighboring pear is hurt by insects, (fig.) of changing lovers;伐Words1. 伐柯 *[fa1ke1], v.i., (AC allu.) be matchmaker.傾Words1. 傾城 [qing1cheng2], n., as in 傾國傾城 allu. to a woman's great beauty (enough to “cause the downfall of a city or an entire country”).優N.優孟衣冠 dress up as on stage (from allu. 優孟 a court jester);銜Words6. 銜環 [xian2huan2], phr., (allu.) a bird returns with rings in its mouth thanking owner for freedom: 銜環以報 will repay with gratitude.後Words58. 後庭 [hou4ting2], n., inner palace, backyard, backcourt: 隔江猶唱後庭花 (allu.) still live a gay life after one's country is lost.歸Words10. 歸趙 [gui1zhao4], v.t., (allu.) to return (s.t.) to its rightful owner intact.名N.名落孫山 phr., fail in civil examinations, really 孫山之外-allu. to 孫山, the last name of the successful candidates.魯N.魯殿靈光 (allu. to 靈光殿 of a Hahn emperor) the only survivals;Words1. 魯仲連 [lu3zhong4lian2], n., (allu.) mediator: 你就為他們的魯仲連吧 you'd better mediate for them.冬N.冬日可愛 welcome winter sun, (allu.) a man's kindly temperament, opp. 夏日可畏 oppressive summer sun;魚Words29. 魚箋 [yU2jian1], n., (1) letter of correspondence (from allu-a friend's letter found in belly of presented carp); (2) a special letter paper.43. 魚肉 [yU2rou4], (1) v.i. & t., to victimize (from AC allu. 人為刀俎,我為魚肉 “others are the chopping knife and board and me the fish and meat”): 魚肉鄉里 to victimize, oppress, the village people; (2) n., victims.59. 魚雁 [yU2yan4], n., letter of correspondence (“fish and goose” form allu. see [yU2jian1]↑).乞Words7. 乞鄰 [qi3lin2], v.i., (LL allu.) to beg from neighbor.逢V.t.逢人說項 same meaning, but orig. allu. to praise person (項斯) before everybody;籌N.(2) 借箸代籌 (allu.) make use of chopsticks to stand as tokens to indicate position of army units (in military council);竽N.An anc. flute: 濫竽充數 (allu.) to fill a post without real qualification.簞N.Rice basket: 簞食 ([dan1si4]) a basket of rice: 簞食壺漿 allu. local population's welcome of soldiers with rice and soup;簀N.A bed mat: 易簀 (euphem.) die (allu. to the custom of changing the mat when a person was about to die).鯉N.(Zoo.) the carp: 雙鯉 (allu.) friend's letter;鯉庭之訓 father's advice (allu., Confucius’ son 鯉).竹N.竹報平安 (allu.) family letter reporting all is well;Words15. 竹馬 [zhu2ma3], n., esp. in 青梅竹馬 (allu.) childhood games (“riding on a bamboo stick for a horse”).知Words24. 知命 [zhi1ming4], phr., (1) know Heaven’s will: 樂天知命 acceptance of Heaven's will and inner content; (2) 知命之年 (allu. Confucius) fifty years of age.熊Words4. 熊丸 [xiong2wan2], phr., (allu.) a pill of bear’s paw used by a mother who made her son chew it during studies at night--hence a mother's instruction.參Words16. 參商 *[shen1shang1], phr., the two stars Orion and Lucifer which never see each other; (fig.) (a) parting of friends for a long time; (b) (allu.) strife between brothers.絳Words2. 絳帳 [jiang4zhang4], n., a teacher's seat--allu. to the story of Ma Rurng 馬融 of the Hahn Dyn.紅Words49. 紅線 [hong2xian4], n., (allu.) an invisible thread, tied by a spirit in heaven, to bind boy and girl together as man and wife.續Words4. 續鳧 [xU4fu2], phr., (allu.) try to add length to duck’s eggs, which would displease the duck (as trying to shorten crane's neck would displease the crane).纓N.tassels on spears: 請纓 (allu.) to volunteer or offer service to army.Allu阿留Allu阿留外國地名譯名 |
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