

单词 circumstances
释义 circumstances 'circumstances'是'circumstance'的替代术语。 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文circumstance nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. archaic (great ceremony)盛大的仪式 shèng dà de yí shì  大场面 dà chǎng miàn  排场 pái chǎng  The wreath was laid with great circumstance.circumstance nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. formal (situation)情况,状况,境况   客观环境 kè guān huán jìng There are resources for girls who find themselves in such a circumstance. 对于处在这种情况的女孩来说,有很多资源可供她们使用。 其他翻译英语中文circumstance [sb]⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (place in a situation)使…处于某种境况  Due to the disaster, the organization was circumstanced such that they were not able to pay for the festival that year.  WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:复合形式:circumstances | circumstance英语中文adverse circumstances nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (bad or difficult situation)逆境 nì jìng  困难的境遇 kùn nán de jìng yù Despite the adverse circumstances, the native guide successfully led us through the thick jungle.chance circumstances nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (coincidence)凑巧 còu qiǎo It was not by seeking it, but by chance circumstances that I found what I really wanted.circumstances nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (situation, context)情形 qíng xíng The circumstances surrounding his death were very suspicious. 他死亡的情形非常可疑。circumstances nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (conditions)条件 tiáo jiàn  情况 qíng kuàng We simply can't work under these circumstances. 我们根本无法在这种情况下工作。consider the circumstances v (take context into account)考虑到当前情况 kǎo lǜ dào dāng qián qíng kuàng Before you blame him, consider the circumstances.depending on circumstances advadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (according to situation)看情况 kàn qíng kuàng  视情况而定 shì qíng kuàng ér dìng Other sources of funding may be available depending on circumstances.in the circumstances advadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (in view of the situation)在这种情况下 zài zhè zhǒng qíng kuàng xià My wife's seriously ill. In the circumstances, we won't be going on holiday this year.mitigating circumstances nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (conditions that lessen responsibility for a crime)减轻刑罚的条件 under no circumstances advadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (not for any reason)决不 jué bù   无论如何都不 wú lùn rú hé dōu bù  在任何情况下都不 zài rèn hé qíng kuàng xià dōu bù Under no circumstances should Johnny eat sweets today.under the circumstances advadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (in view of the situation)在这种情况下 zài zhè zhǒng qíng kuàng xià Under the circumstances, we have no other choice but to expel John from school. Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:circumstances ['s&:k&mst&nsIz] n pl 1 (=conditions, state of affairs) 情况(況) qíngkuàng2 [of accident, death] 事实(實) shìshí3 (=financial condition) 状(狀)况(況) zhuàngkuàng in or under the circumstances 在这(這)种(種)情况(況)下 zài zhè zhǒng qíngkuàng xià under no circumstances 决(決)不 juébù在这些条目还发现'circumstances':在英文解释里:absolutely not - as good as it gets - as time goes by - at another time - better off - breeding ground - conjuncture - considering - context - environment - fortune - however - in extremis - in no case - it - justifiable homicide - lift - living conditions - make your bed - situation - situational - where中文:境地 - 光景 - 情形 - 环境文馨英漢☞circumstance新世纪新世纪★◀▶circumstances/ˈsɜːkəmstæns/npl.+of person经济状况whatever their circumstances无论他们经济状况如何in bad/good circumstances(人)经济状况糟糕/良好新世纪☞circumstance详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社雅思进阶 npl /ˈsɜːkəmˌstæns/经济状况搭配:[+ of person]常用短语源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社whatever their circumstances无论他们经济状况如何in bad/good circumstances(人)经济状况糟糕/良好英英释义n.your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you)the state (usually personal) with regard to wealtha person's financial situation (good or bad)同反义词同义词:destinyfatefortunelot词形变化动词过去式: circumstanced动词过去分词: circumstanced动词现在分词: circumstancing动词第三人称单数: circumstancescircumstances事Words19. 事態 [shi4tai4], n., the look of things, situation, circumstances.表Words1. 表白 [biao3bai2], v.t., express (real feelings, intentions, usu. under clouded circumstances).扎Words5. 扎掙 *[zha2zheng0], v.i., to maintain, struggle to maintain, under difficult circumstances: 扎掙不住 cannot keep up or maintain (certain situation).機Words11. 機會 [ji1hui4], n., an opportunity, favorable circumstances, opening, break: 機會均等 equality of opportunity; 大好機會 a golden opportunity; 機會主義 (者) opportunism(-nist).勢N.勢將,勢必 it will, it certainly will, by force of circumstances.境N.處境 personal circumstances: 處境困難 in an awkward predicament, in a bad fix.Words3. 境況 [jing4kuang4], n., personal circumstances.4. 境遇 [jing4yU4]1, n., a person's fortune, good or bad, personal circumstances.遭Words2. 遭際 [zao1ji4], n., happenings, esp. unhappy circumstances.薄Words9. 薄落 [bo2luo4], adj., (MC) in poor circumstances (of person).苦Words27. 苦死 [ku2si3], (1) adv., (=苦苦): as in 你苦死要來 you were determined to come regardless…; (2) adj., very miserable; (3) phr., in the worst circumstances: 苦死了每天也要給你兩頓飯吃 have to provide you two meals a day despite everything.萬Adv.Completely, a thousand times, under all circumstances: 萬難,萬全 [wan4nan2], [wan4qUan2]↓;oft. coupled with negative: 千萬別忘記 under no circumstances forget;萬不可說 should under no circumstances tell;萬無一失 cannot fail under any circumstances;艱Words3. 艱困 [jian1kun4], adj., vexing, difficult (work, circumstances).難N.落難 fallen upon evil days, in dire circumstances.Words9. 難過 [nan2guo4], adj., (1) uncomfortable: 肚子有點難過 feeling somewhat uncomfortable in the stomach; (2) in straitened circumstances: 日子難過 being in desperate straits, hard up; (3) distressed: 心里很難過 feeling very uncomfortable, very sorry.出Words90. 出息 [chu1xi2]2, (1) v.i., bear interest: 出息若干 how much interest does it bear? (2) n., (Budd.) exhalation; (3)([chu1xi0]) (a) n., chance to better one's circumstances: 有出息(兒),沒出息(兒) (also 不出息) (a person) has ambition, no ambition; (4) n., interest, profit: 出息很大 great profit; (5) 出息得 v.i., see [chu1luo0de1]↑.處V.i. & t.處境困難 live in difficult circumstances;Words7. 處境 *[chu3jing4], (1) n., circumstances; (2) v.t., be placed in situation.獃Adj.(Identical with 呆 40.01) stupid, dull: 獃頭獃腦 tactless, insensible to what is happening in given circumstances.光Words18. 光景 [guang1jing3], n., (1) circumstances at a given time and place: 光景很難 times are very hard; (2) ([guang1jing0]) prospects: 光景是要下雨 it's likely to rain.情N.(2)  Circumstances, esp. feelings of those involved, (usu. expressed in Eng. as “condition” or “the facts of the case” but really “condition as felt,” see 軍情,國情,民情 below): 情形,情況,情狀,情勢 [qing2xing0], [qing2kuang4], [qing2zhuang4], [qing2shi4]1↓;Words19. 情狀 [qing2zhuang4], n., general condition of things (family circumstances, patient's condition, etc.).順Adj.境遇不順 meet with adverse circumstances.Words13. 順境 [shun4jing4], n., fortunate circumstances.37. 順應 [shun4ying4], v.t., to adjust (to changing circumstances).酌Adv.(As vb. prefix) at discretion, according to needs or circumstances: 酌付,酌改 pay, correct, at your discretion;Words4. 酌量 [zhuo2liang2] ([zhuo2liang4]), adv., according to circumstances: 酌量辦理, see [zhuo2ban4]↑.酸Words22. 酸辛 [suan1xin1]2, adj., sad, hard-pressed, in hard circumstances.零Words6. 零落 [ling2luo4], adj., (of plants) withered, bare without leaves; (2) (family, etc.) in bad circumstances; (3) incomplete in a set.殊Adj.特殊 special (circumstances, etc.);通V.i. & t.通權達變 adaptable to changing circumstances, not bound by old rules;Adj.變通 change method to suit circumstances;Words54. 通塞 [tong1se4], phr., (of circumstances) smooth-going or otherwise.阮Words1. 阮囊 [ruan3nang2], n., a purse: 阮囊羞澀 short of funds, in straitened circumstances, allu. to the story of 阮孚 of the Jihn Dyn.厄Adj.Adverse (circumstances): 厄窮 [e4qiong2]↓.隨V.t.(2)  To adjust, to change, to take what comes: 隨機應變 do as the circumstances dictate;隨高就低,隨方就圓 be adjustable to circumstances;Words13. 隨機 [sui2ji1], adv., as the situation allows or demands: 隨機應變 act according to circumstances.景Words7. 景況 [jing3kuang4], n., (1) state of affairs, condition of things, circumstances; (2) a person's fortune, good or bad.因Prep.因時制宜 do what is appropriate according to the circumstances;因勢利導 guide or channel action according to circumstances;Words18. 因應 [yin1ying4], v.i., (AC) to adjust, react: 因應變化 change according to changing circumstances.困Words1. 困窮 [kun4qiong2], adj., impoverished, in difficult circumstances.懸Words38. 懸殊 [xUan2shu1], adj., different (in situation, circumstances, etc.).遇N.(2)  Circumstances, situation: 境遇 ditto;晚Words14. 晚景 [wan2jing3], n., a man's circumstances in old age.29. 晚運 [wan3yUn4], n., a man's circumstances in old age.瞧Words1. 瞧著 [qiao2zhe0], phr., that depends, depending on circumstances; 瞧著辦 act on your discretion; 瞧著給 you decide how much to give (to each).過V.i. & t.時過境遷 times have passed and circumstances have changed;膠Adj.膠柱鼓瑟 acting with a one-track mind, unadaptable to changing circumstances.局Words13. 局勢 [jU2shi4], n., (1) the march of events; (2) circumstances, conditions, state of affairs.閉Words3. 閉 [bi4e4], adj., in difficult circumstances.詩Words4. 詩話 [shi1hua4], n., a form of literary notebook containing criticisms of and anecdotes about poems and circumstances of writing them.就Prep.According to: 就眼前情勢判斷 judged by present circumstances;應V.i. & t.(3)  To act in accordance with: 應時而動 act according to circumstances;度Words6. 度日 [du4ri4], v.i., to live, pass the day (in easy, hard circumstances).審Words3. 審察 [shen3cha2]2, v.i. & t., to study carefully (circumstances, text, documents).7. 審度 [shen3duo4], v.i., to study and weigh: 審度情勢 to study and weigh conditions, situation; 審度情理 weigh the circumstances (including psychological factors).寒Words24. 寒微 [han2wei1], adj., (LL) in humble circumstances.窘Words3. 窘迫 [jiong3po4], adj., in straitened circumstances.窮Words7. 窮困 [qiong2kun4], adj., needy, poverty-stricken, in straitened circumstances.資N.家資 family (material) circumstances;漸Adj. & adv.漸入佳境 (of circumstances) becoming more enjoyable;前Words6. 前情 [qian2qing2], n., (1) preceding circumstances; (2) the past (between lovers).逆Words9. 逆境 [ni4jing4], n., adverse circumstances, adversity.內Adj. & adv.內情 circumstances not known to the outsider, inside story;迫V.t.迫於勢力 compelled by force or circumstances;勿Vb. aux.萬勿 do not under any circumstances;氣Words8. 氣短 [qi4duan3], adj., disappointed, downcast: 英雄氣短 a good man caught in difficult circumstances; short of breath.急Words18. 急難 [ji2nan4], (1) n., in dire circumstances, (2) v.i., to help in a crisis.逢V.t.絕路逢生 find rescue in desperate circumstances;節N.(5)  Sequence of events, proceedings: 情節 circumstances, details of a case, event, incident: 情節重大 (of cirminal offenses) of a serious nature;樂N.取樂,作樂 amuse oneself: 苦中作樂 try to be happy amidst adverse circumstances.變N.(3)  Adaptation to circumstances: 機變 n. & adj., ability to adapt oneself, shrewdness;奸Words1. 奸情 [jian1qing2], n., adulterous relations, circumstances of adultery.嬌Adj.嬌生慣養 brought up in easy circumstances by doting parents;circumstances周遭状况詞目:CIRCUMSTANCES 1822馬禮遜英華字典CIRCUMSTANCES1原由、緣由、來歷2Then took and told him the circumstances from first to last就把始末原由告訴他3A little alarmed, and carefully asked the servant girls if they knew the circumstances that led to her disorder有些着忙細問丫鬟知道他得病的來歷4O! those were the circumstances, I understand吓原來如此我知道了5To act according to circumstances, as they arise見景生情6Times and circumstances, to manage according to因時調劑1822馬禮遜英華字典 1筆p 70 p 71 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階CIRCUMSTANCES1原由、緣由、來歷1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階 1筆p 36 1847-48麥都思英華字典CIRCUMSTANCES1事情、情形、光景、情理、情由、田地、境遇2condition形勢3an event事情4to act according to circumstances因時調劑、見勢而行、見景生情、從權5under the circumstances權且6the circumstances of a case核、案情、案由7circumstances from which緣由、原由、因由、來歴8an unhappy circumstance禍事9reduced in circumstances落貧10to be in good circumstances豐富、有業11the circumstances from beginning to end始末原由1847-48麥都思英華字典 1筆p 235 p 236 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Circumstances1景况、原由、因由、事情、緣由、情形、來歷、光景、事勢2under the Circumstances從權3affected by external Circumstances外物所動4Circumstances of the ground,地勢5act according to Circumstances看勢而行、隨機應變6reduced in Circumstances落貧7to be in good Circumstances豐富1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 74 1899鄺其照華英字典集成Circumstances1事情、案情、情形、形勢、境遇、機、景况、景、運2to act according to circumstances 因時制宜 or 見景生情因時制宜、見景生情3the circumstances of a case案情4to be in good circumstances有錢的富家5reduced in circumstances貧p 61 1899鄺其照華英字典集成 1筆英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞circumstance英華☞accommodate英華☞MOTIVE英華☞status英華☞SENSE英華☞CASE英華☞Flur英華☞SAKE英華☞BEAR英華☞rise英華☞case英華☞clew英華☞long英華☞view英華☞gear英華☞LAY英華☞see英華☞gocircumstances週遭狀況海洋科學名詞—兩岸海洋科學名詞circumstances週遭狀況海洋科學名詞




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