

单词 abater
释义 abater [ə'beitə] n.【法律】abate的变形 abate [ə'beit] vt. 使(数量、程度等)减少,减轻,减退,缩减;缓和:drugs to abate pain镇痛药to abate the anger of the mob平息民众的愤怒to abate one's enthusiasm挫伤某人的热情 降(价),对(价格)打折扣:to abate a price降低价格 削减(成本或费用等): to abate part of the cost削减部分费用减(税):to abate all taxes减免一切税收to abate a tax减税 减去,除去,扣除;夺去;省略,删去:We must abate the noise in our big cities.我们必须在我们大城市中消除噪音。to abate all mention of names所有姓名一概略去不提 【法律】撤销(诉讼),使(诉讼)中止;废除(法律);取消(法院等的命令、令状),撤销(法令):to abate an action中止诉讼消除,除去(障碍等);使无效:to abate a writ宣布令状无效 (金工或石工在作浅浮雕时为使图形突出而用槌或其他工具)凿掉,切去,敲去,敲落,去除,砍平,修削(石板或金属板表面的一部分) [古语]略去 [古语]降低(身份等) [废语]剥夺 [废语]使(…的锋刃或尖端)卷曲(或变钝);回火vi.(数量、程度、价值等)减少;减轻,减退:Demand has considerably abated.需求已大大减少了。 (洪水、风暴等)平息;(病痛等)减少:The storm abated in violence.暴风雨减势了。The storm has abated.风暴已减弱了。The pain in her shoulder finally abated.她肩膀的疼痛最后消退了。 【法律】(法令等)被废除(或取消),失效,作废;(诉讼等)中止:to abate by law依法废除近义词:wane变形:vt. abated . abating  更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 abater/əˈbeɪtə/n.消除···的人(或事)详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n /əˈbeɪtə/消除···的人(或事)詞目:Abater 1866-69羅存德英華字典Abater1减者2the abater of price减價者1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆p 2 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Abatern.1减者2the abater of the price减價者1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆p 2 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Abatern.1減者; as, the abater of the price, 減價者減者、減價者p 2 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆英華英華英華★◀▶減者qualification qualifier mitigation syncopation retrenchment mitigator abater abridger 减者abridger abater qualifier mitigation syncopation retrenchment mitigator 減價者depreciator abater diminution of price




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