

单词 flowers
释义 文馨英漢☞flowerflowers攀Words4. 攀析 [pan1zhe2], v.t., break branches: 不準攀折 do not pick flowers, break branches.未Adv.(2)  (LL) at the end of a sentence, equals “or not?”: 寒梅著花未 have the plum flowers come to bud yet?束N.(1)  A bundle, bale, bunch: 一束花 a bunch of flowers;紮N.A bundle (of flowers, etc.).卉N.花卉 flowers and grass, plants in gen. flora (in painting).鏨V.t.Engrave, carve: 鏨花 carve flowers;造V.t.人造花 artificial flowers;婪Words3. 婪尾春 [lan2wei3chun1], n., (=芍藥) (AC) the peony, the last of all flowers in spring; n., 婪尾酒 [lan2wei3jiu3], n., (AC)the last cup of wine passed around among friends at a drinking party (also 籃尾酒,闌尾酒).采V.t.(1)  (Interch. 采) to pluck, gather, collect (flowers, mulberries, tea), mine for (minerals).插Words9. 插花 [cha1hua1], v.i., (1) to insert flower (on hair, in vase); (2) arrange flowers in vase, (Japanese) ikebana; (3) to pay land tax in a county other than the one where it is due.折V.i. & t.攀折花木 to break off flowers and branches;Words34. 折損 [zhe2sun3], v.t. & n., to damage, a damage (in property, flowers in garden, reputation, etc.).摘V.t.(1)  To pick (flowers, fruit) with hand, to take down: 摘下來 pick off (flowers);擷V.t.(2)  To hold (flowers, etc.) in the lap.植V.i.栽花植木 to plant flowers and trees;枯Words11. 枯謝 [ku1xie4], adj., (of flowers) withered梅N.臘梅 yellow plum loved for its flowers;妻梅子鶴 allu. to Suhng poet-bachelor 林和靖, a great lover of plum flowers and storks.松Words6. 松黃 [song1huang2], n., pine flowers with yellow pollen.栽V.i. & t.栽花,栽樹 to plant flowers, trees;栽不活 (of trees, flowers) fail to grow.堆Words5. 堆花(兒) [dui1hua1]([er0]), n., padded flowers made of satin.6. 堆紅 [dui1hong2], n., raised flowers on red lacquer ware.9. 堆絹 [dui1jUan4], n., colored silk-padded flowers and figures on screens, etc.場N.場圃 nursery for flowers, vegetable farm.雄Adj.later also of beasts (bull, stallion, male pig, etc.) and of flowers, see 雄蕊 [xiong2rui3]↓;Words7. 雄花 [xiong2hua1], n., (bot.) male (barren) flowers.8. 雄黃 [xiong2huang2], n., (min.) realgar, flowers of sulphur: 雄黃酒 wine containing flowers of sulphur, said to cure snake bites, etc.荼N.(2)  Rush with white flowers.草N.草卉,花草 flowers and underbush;蒂N.并蒂 two flowers growing from same base-symbol of marital luck.苒Words3. 苒弱 [ran3ruo4], adj., (of flowers) drooping.萬Words5. 萬千 [wan4qian1], adj., numberless, thousands and tens of thousands; 萬紫千紅 innumerable flowers of purple and red.蒲Words4. 蒲公英 [pu2gong1ying1], a garden grass with small yellow flowers.蔫Adj.(1)  (Of flowers and grass) faded, withered: 太陽把花都曬蔫了 the flowers have become withered under the scorching sun.芳Words6. 芳草 [fang1cao3], n., scented flowers, (LL) symbol of righteous gentlemen.芬Words2. 芬菲 [fen1fei1], adj., (flowers) of beautiful scent.花N.(1)  Flower: 鮮花 fresh flowers;鳥語花香 birds’ twitter and fragrance of flowers-an idyllic scene;花朝月夕 beautiful days and nights with moon and flowers;賞花 to see and enjoy flowers;花國 also world of flowers;Adj.花紅柳綠 a profusion of garden flowers or pretty ladies.Words9. 花扦兒 [hua1qia1er0], n., cut flowers for vase.24. 花朵 [hua1duo3], n., a blossom; a cluster of flowers.35. 花黃 [hua1huang2], n., an anc. cosmetic, from yellow flowers, rubbed on women's forehead.37. 花卉 [hua1hui4]2, n., vegetation in gen.; flowers, also as special subject of painting.40. 花障(兒) [hua1zhang4]([er0]), n., a hedgerow with flowers.50. 花酒 [hua1jiu3], n., dinner parties with girl entertainers; also wine made from flowers.64. 花柳 [hua1liu3], n., (“flowers and willows”) prostitutes; 殘花敗柳 a hag; 花街柳巷 see [hua1jie1]↑; 花柳病 venereal disease.67. 花露水 [hua1lu4shui3], n., eau de cologne, a perfumed toilet water, essence of flowers.72. 花木 [hua1mu4], n., flowers and trees in gen.73. 花鳥 [hua1niao3], n., flowers and birds, a special branch in Chin. painting.83. 花神 [hua1shen2], n., the Goddess of Flowers.87. 花信 [hua1xin4], n., (1) news of certain flowers in bloom; (2) 花信之年 (of women) twenty-four years of age.88. 花事 [hua1shi4], n., the business of planting, enjoying flowers in spring.98. 花草 [hua1cao3], n., flowers and grass in gen., also such paintings.104. 花王 [hua1wang2], n., “the king of flowers,” the peony (牡丹).蕊N.(2)  Reproductive organs of flowers: 雌蕊 pistil;蔽V.t.野花蔽野 the country is covered with wild flowers;as var. of 閉 in 蔽月羞花 (of woman's beauty which “shames the flowers”).蕤Adj.(Of flowers) drooping.萎V.i.(Flowers) wilt;散Words11. 散花 [san4hua1], v.i., to display textile flowers in Buddhist ceremony.紫N. & adj.紫花 purple flowers;艷Adj.鮮艷 fresh and beautiful, bright (colors, flowers).墻Words4. 墻頭 [qiang2tou2], n., top of wall, (flowers, etc.) over the wall; 墻頭草 (fig.) fence rider, a man without opinions of his own, one who “sees how the wind blows.”韭Words2. 韭菜花 [jiu3cai4hua1], n., the leek flowers.賞V.i. & t.(2)  To appreciate, enjoy beauty of (flowers, moon, snow): 欣賞 enjoy, appreciate (esp. literature, speech);Words10. 賞玩 [shang3wan4], v.t., to fondle (objects of art); to love and appreciate (moon, flowers).蟲Words6. 蟲媒花 [chong2mei2hua1], n., flowers fertilized by insects.惜V.i. & t.(1)  To love and care, to love tenderly: 愛惜,憐惜 to be tender and considerate toward (children, orphans, flowers), to love and care for (what is precious);蜂N.招蜂惹蝶 (of girls) flirt with and attract young men (as flowers attract bees and butterflies).百Adj.百獸,百谷,百花,百艸 all kinds of animals, grains, flowers, plants;Words7. 百花生日 **[bo2hua1sheng1ri4], n., birthday of all flowers, 12th day of second lunar month; also called 花朝.34. 百葉 **[bo2ye4], n., (1) (AC) calendar; (2) (AC) a hundred generations; (3) a cake of many thin layers, made of bean curd; (4) cow’s or sheep's tripe; (5) flowers with many compound petals; n., 百葉窗 [bo2ye4chuang1], n., Venetian blinds.面N.(1)  Face: 人面桃花相映紅 the girl’s face and the peach flowers reflect each other's glow;天Words36. 天花 [tian1hua1], n., (1) smallpox; (2) (Budd.) flowers dropped from the sky; 天花亂墜 said of extravagant talk; 天花板 ceiling.玩Words10. 玩賞 *[wan2shang3], v.t., to enjoy (moon, flowers, etc.).琪N.A kind of jade: 琪花瑤草 jade flowers of fairy land;殘Adj.殘花 destroyed flowers after storm;隨Words28. 隨意 [sui2yi4], adv., as one pleases (drink, pluck flowers, leave place); adv., 隨意肌 [sui2yi4ji1], n., voluntary muscle.噴Words11. 噴桶 [pen1tong1], n., can for sprinkling flowers.踏V.i. & t.踏雪尋梅 look for plum flowers treading on snow.四Words21. 四季(兒) [si4ji4] ([si4jie4er0]), n., the four seasons; 四季花兒 the representative flowers of the four seasons: peony (spring), pomegranate (summer), chrysanthemum (autumn), and plum (winter).眼Words4. 眼前 [yan3qian2], adv., in the present moment, in immediate presence: 吃眼前虧 accept a present loss; 眼前歡 a momentary pleasure; 眼前花(兒) children at home regarded as flowers to please the eye; 眼前報 immediate retribution.野Words12. 野花(兒) [ye3hua4] ([ye3hua1er0]), n., wild flower; (fig.) girl or woman not one's wife: 家花不如野花香 wild flowers smell sweeter--ex-marital relationships more pleasurable.月N.月下花前 under the moon and flowers, evoking love or longing;尋Words5. 尋芳 [xUn2fang1], v.i., to go about in the hope of finding girls or flowers.吊Words8. 吊鐘花 [diao4zhong1hua1], n., (bot.) flowers like inverted cups or bells, Chinese New Year flower: Enkyanthus quinque florus.須N.(3)  Pistil of flowers: spike of certain plants (wheat, etc.).N.(2)  Used in sense of “group of,”“many”: 芳,花 group of flowers, also of women;閉V.i. & t.閉月羞花 woman's beauty puts the flowers to shame and outshines the moon.襲V.i.花氣襲人 fragrance of flowers steals into the room.衰Words10. 衰謝 [shuai1xie4], adj., (of flowers, hair) past bloom, thinning out.育V.t.育花,育樹cultivate flowers, trees;痕N.月影花痕 the shadow of the moon and flowers.寫Words10. 寫意 [xie3yi4], (1) n. & v.i., a school or type of Chin. painting, emphasizing a few, rapid, rhythmic strokes (chiefly rocks, bamboo, flowers) rather than careful delineation; (2) adj., (person) pleased in spirit, relaxed, contented.浪Words5. 浪花 [lang4hua1], n., (1) the foam of breaking waves; (2) flowers that do not bear fruit.沾V.i. & t.沾泥 (of flowers) stained with mud;清Words72. 清興 [qing1xing4], n., leisurely mood for enjoying wine, poetry, flowers, etc.凋Words4. 凋謝 [diao1xie4], adj., withered, -ing (of flowers).冷Words8. 冷淡 [leng3dan0], (1) adj., indifferent, cool, apathetic; adj., 態度冷淡 an indifferent attitude; (2) v.t., 冷淡著他 cool off toward him; (3) v.i., to cool down: 等這一陣狂熱勁冷淡下來 just wait for all this excitement to quiet down; (4) adj., plain, simple, homely: 白花冷淡無人愛 the white flowers are too plain and simple to be popular.澆V.t.To sprinkle with water, spray: 澆花 to water flowers;漫V.i & t.漫山遍野 (of flowers, etc.) all over the hills and valley.滋Words8. 滋嘴兒 [zi1tzueeer0], v.i., (1) beam with smiles; (2) (of flowers) burst open.羞Words4. 羞花 [xiu1hua1], phr., (LL) “to shame the flowers”--of woman's resplendent beauty.盆Words3. 盆景 [pen2jing3], n., miniature landscape or flower arrangement in a basin or bowl; such bowl with artificial flowers of precious stones.瓶N.瓶花 cut flowers for vase, the art of arranging them;含V.t.含苞未放 (of flowers) just budding, not yet opened, (of girls) yet a virgin;人Words60. 人勝 [ren2sheng4], n., formerly, ornamental flowers (花勝) or figures cut from colored material and used as presents on the 7th day of the first lunar month.鈿N.Woman's hair ornament of gold flowers: 花鈿,鈿節 such ornaments.鏡N.鏡花水月 (fig.) a mirage, insubstantial objects (“flowers in a mirror and the moon's reflection in water”).采V.t.To pluck, gather, select (vegetables, flowers) (interch. 采 10A.01).千Words17. 千葉 [qian1ye4], n., (flowers) of multiple petals.香N.(2)  Scent, aroma, fragrance: 鳥語花香 birds’ twitter and fragrance of flowers;Words60. 香味 (兒) [xiang1wei4]([xiang1weher0]), n., fragrance, aroma (of flowers, coffee, cooked food).兒Part.(2)  A particle oft. attached to a n. in collective or plural sense: 花兒,草兒,米兒,糖兒,魚兒,肉兒 flowers, grass, rice, sugar, fish, meat.興Words10. 興致 *[xing4zhi4], n., mood to enjoy (flowers, hobbies, wine, etc.).愛V.i. & t.天熱東西愛壞,天冷花就愛死 things spoil easily in hot weather, and (many) flowers wither away in cold.穠Adj.(Of flowers, trees) growing in clusters: 穠纖得中 right proportions;種V.t.種花 cultivate flowers;Words7. 種類 [zhong3lei4], n., classes, kinds, varieties (of plants, fish, flowers, etc.).穗N.(2)  Tassel-like flowers of reed, etc.秧V.t.To grow seedling, saplings: 秧幾棵花 grow saplings for flowers;榮N.(3)  Flowers of grass.鳥N.鳥語花香 singing birds and fragrant flowers;鶯Words2. 鶯花 [ying1hua1], n., birds and flowers of spring.火Words49. 火籠 [huo3long0], adj., suffocated from heat: 花火籠了 flowers wilt from heat.并Adj. & adv.百花并放 all flowers bloom together;傍V.t.傍花隨柳 enjoy flowers in spring outing.簪Words3. 簪花 [zan1hua1], v.i., wear flowers in the hair.簇N.(2)  A bundle, a bouquet: 花團錦簇 bouquets of flowers and silks.鮮Adj.(2)  Fresh (flowers, fish , fruit): 新鮮 new and fresh (air);如V.t.(1)  Be like or similar to: 如花似玉 (of a woman) as beautiful as flowers and jades;嫣Words1. 嫣紅 [yan1hong2], adj., gorgeous red (flowers).紅Adj.(1)  Red in color (flowers, dress, ink): 淡紅,桃紅 pink;紛Adj. & adv.紛至沓來 (guests, etc.) come in a throng: 繽紛 (flowers) 93B.80 in profusion.flowers闪花FLOWERS花詞目:Flowers 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Flowers1go out to see the Flowers出去看花2Flowers and grass,花草3a classifier of Flowers蕊4to pluck Flowers摘花5Flowers fall and the fruit is formed,花謝結子6spines of Flowers花艻7Flowers of sulphur,硫磺末1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 196 1899鄺其照華英字典集成Flowers1花草類2Aster菊花3Camellia or Japonica茶花4Paeony芍藥花5Mowtan paeony牡丹花6Balsam指甲花7Epidendrum蘭花8Chloranthus inconspicuus鷄爪蘭9Air-plant吊蘭10Jonquil or Narcissus水仙花11Azalea杜鵑花12Begonia春海棠13Cockscomb鷄冠花14White jasmine茉莉花15Marygold萬壽菊16Tuberose玉簪17Uvaria鷹爪18Lychnis-coronata美人花19Vinca rosea四時春20Serissa fetida滿天星21Orchis石仙桃22Oleander夾竹桃23White prunus白梅花24Red double prunus紅梅花25Rose玫瑰花26Monthly rose月瑰27Sunflower向日葵28Holly-leaved geranium洋葵29Crane's bill香葉30Commelina淡竹葉31Hibiscus mutabilis芙蓉32Marvel of peru胭脂花33Pansy蝴蝶花34Magnolia fuscata含笑花35Magnolia pumila夜合花36Honeysuckle金銀花37White-lily百合花38Daphne odora瑞香39Agapanthus百子蓮40Murraya exotica九里香41Indian cress荷葉蓮42Primrose蓮香花43White olive桂花44Pergularia odoratissima夜來香45Early pink剪春羅46Late pink剪秋羅47Chinese pink剪邊羅48Peach blossom桃花p 574 1899鄺其照華英字典集成 1筆英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶金銀花lonicera (japonica? periclimenum?) lonicera、geissblatt honeysuckle lonicera jelängerjelieber、lonicera caprifolium honey-suckle caprifole wood-bind、wood-bine flowers honey suckle lonicera japonica onicera japonica or the honey suckle lonicera japonica 水仙花Tazette、Narcissus tazetta Narcissus Tazetta、Tazette Jonquil NARCISSUS POLYANTHUS Tazetta Flowers NARCISSUS TAGETTA NARCISSUS tazetta, L. 芙蓉shaving hibiscus hockherb flowers shavings mallows hibiscus mutabilis marsh mallows hibiscus mutabilis, 向日葵sonnenblume、helianthus helianthus、sonnenblume sunflower heliotrope helianthus turnsole sun-flower flowers 洋葵HOLLY-LEAVED ACANTHUS GERANIUM Flowers holly leaved Geranium Holly leaved geranium, holly-leaved geranium GERANIUM zonale, Ait. 夜來香tuberose pergularia odoratissima flowers polyanthus pergularica pergularia polyanthus tuberosus, 香葉GERANIUM Flowers crane's bill Geranium holly-leaved crane's geranium crane bill Garden GERANIUM 茉莉花jessamine jasmine, jasmin jasmine flowers jasmine、jasmin (jasminum sambac,) tea 夜合花magnolia magnolia fustata dame's-violet、dame-wort flowers magnolia pumila 菊花chrysanthemum chrysanthemum sinense flowers china-aster chrysanthimum 茶花kamelie camellia flowers camellia japonica camellia, variegated 吊蘭air-plant flowers epidendrum the air plant air plant 蘭花gynandrian、gynandrous gynandrian, gynandrous epidendrum flowers 桃花Flowers the peach blossom Peach BLOSSOM PEACH blossoms 含笑花magnolia magnolia fustata flowers magnolia fuscata 剪秋羅lychnis flowers l. senno lychnis senno, s. et z. 滿天星serissa fœtida flowers serissa star spangled 剪春羅flowers sweet-william lychnis coronata, thumb. 九里香murraya exotica flowers murraya 月瑰Flowers the monthly rose 百子蓮agapanthus flowers 淡竹葉flowers commelina 英華☞African英華☞begonia英華☞cowslip英華☞asteria英華☞Funkia英華☞DAPHNE英華☞ORCHIS英華☞MARVEL英華☞nerium英華☞azalea英華☞Henna英華☞PÆONY英華☞vinca英華☞olive英華☞peony英華☞prune英華☞india英華☞HAND英華☞pink英華☞rose英華☞lily英華☞iris英華☞cock学术学术★◀▶flowers閃花礦冶工程名詞FLOWERS花舞蹈名詞




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