单词 | flew |
释义 | flew [ˈfluː]动词变化: "to fly"一般过去式: flew过去分词: flown本页中: flew, flyWordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文flew, flue nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (fishing net)渔网 WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文fly⇒ viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (move through the air)飞 fēi You can see the birds flying every day. 每天你都可以看到鸟儿飞过。fly viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (travel by plane)乘飞机 chéng fēi jī We flew to San Francisco last summer. 去年夏天我们乘飞机去了旧金山。fly viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (pilot a plane)驾驶飞机 jià shǐ fēi jī The pilot flew often.fly nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (insect) (昆虫)苍蝇 cāng ying The fly kept bothering us during our meal. 我们吃饭的时候总是有苍蝇来打扰。fly, also UK: flies nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (clothing: fastening on crotch)裤裆拉链 Hey, your fly is down. Zip it up.fly [sb]⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (transport by plane)用飞机运送 空运 kōng yùn The helicopter flew the injured climber to hospital. 其他翻译英语中文fly adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." slang (cool)酷的 fly nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (bait in fishing) (钓饵)假蝇 jiǎ yíng I bought a new fly. Let's see if the fish bite when they see it.fly nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (flap on tent)帐篷的帘子 zhàng péng de lián zi Don't forget to close the fly of the tent after you enter.fly nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (flight)飞行 fēi xíng 航行 háng xíng It wasn't a bad fly. I slept through most of it.fly nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (one-horse carriage)单马马车 轻便马车 qīng biàn mǎ chē the flies nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (theater: space over the stage) (剧场)悬吊系统,悬吊挂景 fly⇒ viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (move quickly)快速浏览 kuài sù liú lǎn I am flying through these sample sentences.fly viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (flag: be blown by wind) (旗帜等)飘扬,飞扬 You could see the flag flying in the wind.fly viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (run away)逃跑 táo pǎo 逃离 táo lí He flew out of the room when he remembered his appointment.fly viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (leave quickly) (口语)快速离开,快速离去 I'm sorry to leave you, but I must fly.fly viintransitive verb: Verb not taking a direct object--for example, "She jokes." "He has arrived." (time) (时间)飞逝,流逝 Time flies when you are having fun.fly vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (transport by plane)空运… kōng yùn The pilot flew cargo between the two cities.fly vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (travel across by plane)乘飞机旅行 chéng fēi jī lǚ xíng We flew the continent in less than five hours.fly vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (pilot)驾驶(飞机) jià shǐ ( fēi jī ) The pilot flew a 747.fly vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (flag: raise)升(旗) shēng qí The fort was flying the British flag.fly [sth]⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (kite: make airborne)放飞(风筝) 放(风筝) It's not windy enough today to fly a kite. Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:fly [flaI]pt(pp flew)flownI vt 1 [+ plane] 驾(駕)驶(駛) jiàshǐ He flew a small plane to Cuba.他驾(駕)驶(駛)一架小飞(飛)机(機)去古巴了。 Tā jiàshǐ yī jià xiǎo fēijī qù Gǔbā le.2 [+ passengers, cargo] 空运(運) kōngyùn The supplies are being flown from Pisa.补(補)给(給)品正从(從)比萨(薩)空运(運)过(過)来(來)。 Bǔjǐpǐn zhèng cóng Bǐsà kōngyùn guòlái.3 [+ distance] 飞(飛)行 fēixíng He flew thousands of miles just to be with her.他飞(飛)行数(數)千英里,只是为(為)了和她在一起。 Tā fēixíng shù qiān yīnglǐ,zhǐshì wèile hé tā zài yīqǐ.4 [+ kite] 放 fàngII vi 1 [bird, insect, plane] 飞(飛) fēi No other creature can fly as far as birds.没(沒)有比鸟(鳥)飞(飛)得更远(遠)的动(動)物。 Méiyǒu bǐ niǎo fēi de gèng yuǎn de dòngwù. The planes flew through the clouds.飞(飛)机(機)飞(飛)过(過)云(雲)层(層)。 Fēijī fēiguò yúncéng.2 [passengers] 乘飞(飛)机(機) chéng fēijī He flew back to London.他乘飞(飛)机(機)回伦(倫)敦了。 Tā chéng fēijī huí Lúndūn le.3 [pilot] 驾(駕)驶(駛)飞(飛)机(機) jiàshǐ fēijī She is learning to fly.她在学(學)习(習)驾(駕)驶(駛)飞(飛)机(機)。 Tā zài xuéxí jiàshǐ fēijī.4 (=rush) 飞(飛)奔 fēibēn I flew downstairs.我飞(飛)奔到楼(樓)下。 Wǒ fēibēn dào lóu xià.5 (=dash away) 快走 kuàizǒu I'm sorry, I must fly.对(對)不起,我得赶(趕)快走。 Duìbuqǐ,wǒ děi gǎnkuài zǒu.6 (liter: flee) 逃跑 táopǎo By the time they returned, their prisoner had flown.等他们(們)回来(來)时(時),他们(們)的囚犯已经(經)逃跑了。 Děng tāmen huílái shí,tāmen de qiúfàn yǐjīng táopǎo le.7 [flag, hair] 飘(飄)动(動) piāodòng A red flag was flying from the balcony.一面红(紅)旗(旂)在阳(陽)台(臺)上飘(飄)动(動)着(著)。 Yī miàn hóngqí zài yángtái shang piāodòngzhe.III n [c]1 (=insect) 苍(蒼)蝇(蠅) cāngying [只 zhī]2 (also: flies) (on trousers) 有拉锁(鎖)/纽(紐)扣的开(開)口 yǒu lāsuǒ/niǔkòu de kāikǒu His flies were undone.他裤(褲)子的拉锁(鎖)没(沒)拉上。 Tā kùzi de lāsuǒ méi lāshàng. to fly open 猛地突然打开(開) měng de tūrán dǎkāi to fly off the handle 发(發)火 fāhuǒ to go flying横(橫)飞(飛)出去 héngfēi chūqù to send sb flying将(將)某人抛(拋)了出去 jiāng mǒurén pāole chūqù she came flying into the room她飞(飛)快地跑进(進)房间(間) tā fēikuài de pǎojìn fángjiān her glasses flew off她的眼镜(鏡)突然跌落 tā de yǎnjìng tūrán diēluò to fly into a rage勃然大怒 bó rán dà nùfly away vi [bird, insect] 飞(飛)走 fēizǒufly in vi 1 [plane] 降落 jiàngluò2 [person] 飞(飛)抵 fēidǐfly off vi = fly awayfly out vi 1 [plane] 飞(飛)离(離) fēilí2 [person] 乘机(機)离(離)开(開) chéngjī líkāi flew [flu:] fly 的过去式vi. fly1的变形 fly1[flai] vi. 飞,飞行,飞翔:A large bird flew past us.一只大鸟从我们这儿飞过。a plane flying towards Hong Kong一架飞往香港的飞机 乘飞机(或火箭、航天飞机等)旅行:We flew from London to Beijing.我们从伦敦飞抵北京。 驾驶飞机(或火箭、航天飞机等):Only experienced pilots fly large passenger aircraft.只有经验丰富的飞行员才能驾驶大型客机。 (如旗帜或风筝般)飘动,飘扬,飘荡;拍打,摆动:Flags were flying on every mast.旗帜在每根旗杆上飘扬。 (被风或其他力量)吹走,刮走;飞溅:Dead leaves and bits of paper were flying about.枯叶和碎纸四处飞扬。 迅速(或突然)地移动;(门窗等)突然打开:The door flew open.门突然开了。 (时间)飞逝;飞跑,飞奔,飞驰,迅速扩展:Time flies.光阴似箭。The train flew past the stations.火车飞快地驶过站台。News is flying about concerning a royal wedding.有关皇室婚礼的消息不胫而走。 很快花光(金钱、财产等):to make the money fly挥霍金钱 逃走,逃避,逃离;[口语]匆匆离去:He was warned to fly from the emperor's wrath.他被告知皇帝发怒时离远一点。 放鹰打猎 flied, flying[美国英语]【棒球】打高飞球,棒击腾空球因击高飞球而被接杀出局 具有说服力,令人信服;得人心,奏效,有效;赢得公众接受:It seemed like a good idea, but it just wouldn't fly.它看上去似乎是一个好主意,但实际上是行不通的。 消失:mists flying before the morning sun在朝阳中消失的雾 破碎;碎裂;猛动:This glass easily flies.这玻璃杯易破碎。 [俚语](吸毒或饮酒后)精神处于高度兴奋状态,(使用麻醉或幻觉剂后)处于极度欣快状态vt.使(某物)飞;放(风筝、信鸽等):He tried to fly his kite.他试图放飞他的风筝。to fly a balloon放气球 使(旗帜、风筝等)飘扬;悬,挂(旗):The ship was flying the British flag.这船悬挂英国国旗。 驾驶,操纵(飞机、航天飞机等):He flew the aeroplane over to France.他驾驶飞机飞往法国。 乘飞机(或航天飞机)飞越,(驾驶)飞过(特定航线):to fly the Pacific飞越太平洋He often fly the PIA.他经常乘坐巴基斯坦国际航空公司的飞机。 空运(乘客、货物等):How many passengers do this airline fly weekly?这条航线一周能运送多少乘客? 逃避,逃离,逃出,躲开:to fly the country逃往国外 放(鹰)(打猎);鹰似的追逐 flied, flying 【戏剧】在舞台上面悬吊(平面布景片、灯光等),传递布景道具n.(西服,尤指男子裤子前面的)纽扣遮盖;(遮盖着的)纽扣(或拉链等);(裙子腰上的)开口处 (帐篷的)门帘 (帐篷的)外层帆布帐顶[亦作 tent fly] 旗的水平长度,布幅 旗的外沿 【钟表】(座钟等的)飞轮,整速轮 = flywheel = flyleaf [主英国英语](单马的)出租马车 [常作 flies];公共马车;运货马车 [美国英语]【棒球】高飞球,腾空球 [复数]【戏剧】舞台的顶棚,吊景区(悬吊灯、平面布景片等的地方) [美国英语]【橄榄球】高飞传球,飞越传球,飞传,长传(接球者向对方场地直线奔走) [罕用语]飞,飞行,飞翔;飞行距离 【纺织业】落棉,飞花,飞毛;锭壳,锭翼;(手织机用的)滑轮梭子近义词:flit . hover . soar . flutter短语: fly blind 单凭仪表操纵进行盲目飞行,靠仪器控制飞行 瞎说一气,瞎搞一通 fly by the seat of one's pants [俚语] (不凭仪器)单凭感觉判断操纵飞机 凭本事处理事情 fly contact进行目视地面飞行 fly high 高飞 野心勃勃 雄心勃勃,胸怀大志;青云直上;情绪激昂 fly in the face (或 teeth) of当面反抗,蔑视,悍然不顾,完全违反fly into a temper(使)发怒 fly low 低飞 情绪低沉;退缩;谦卑 消声灭迹,潜伏起来 fly (或 go) off at a tangent见 tangentfly off the handle见 handlefly open(门窗等)突然打开fly short of没有达到…的水平fly to arms急忙拿起武器,急忙作战斗准备fly to bits (或 pieces)打得粉碎,四处分散fly with the owl见 owlgive (it) a fly[澳大利亚英语]试一试 let fly (at) 向…射击(或投掷、发射等) 怒骂,痛斥 纵情于(干某事) 【航海学】突然展开(帆、旗帜等) on the fly 在飞行中,在空中 [口语]急忙地,匆忙地,忙忙碌碌;百忙之中(抽空) 变形:n. fliesvi. flew . flown . flying 更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 flewfluflyfliesflyingflied/flew/fledflied/flown/fledv.① fly的過去式新世纪新世纪★◀▶flew¹/fluː/fly¹的过去式flew²/fluː/n.=flue, 5新世纪☞fly详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 v /fluː/参见:fly n /fluː/= flueflew嫦Words1. 嫦娥 [chang2e2], n., name of the Lady in the Moon: 嫦娥奔月 (myth.) [chang2e2] flew to the moon with the elixir of life, chased by her famous archerhusband (orig. 姮娥 [heng2e2], changed because of taboo in name of 漢文帝).flew/flu; flu:/动词fly A 的过去式flew/fluː/ fly 的过去式 flewv.(動詞 verb)fly〔↑1〕 的過去式(cf. Flue〔↑2〕)document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');詞目:Flew 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Flewpret. of f11884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆p 517 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Flewn.1The large chaps of a deep-mouthed hound, 巨口獵犬之顎巨口獵犬之顎p 911 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆 |
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