

单词 flag up
释义 flag upvt. sep.(signal, warn about)to flag sth uporto flag up sth提醒注意某事Concerns flagged up by the report included animal welfare and child labour.该报告提醒关注的事项包括动物福利和童工问题。I think there are more important issues and I just wanted to flag that up.我认为更重要的问题有很多, 我只是希望能引起对这一点的重视详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 vt septo flag sth up;to flag up sth:提醒注意某事 Concerns flagged up by the report included animal welfare and child labour. 该报告提醒关注的事项包括动物福利和童工问题。 I think there are more important issues and I just wanted to flag that up. 我认为更重要的问题有很多,我只是希望能引起对这一点的重视




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