

单词 beat about
释义 beat about (焦急地)四处搜索,各方寻找,仔细寻找,翻箱倒柜地找(for):They were beating about for the missing child.他们正在到处寻找那个走失的孩子。 四处扑打,到处乱击:Tom beat about in the sea,trying not to drown.汤姆在海里乱扑腾,设法不被溺死。 四处闲逛 【航海学】(船)改变航向:The ship beat about, and headed for South China Sea.这艘船改变航向,朝南中国海驶去。迎斜风行驶;抢风行船,(帆船)以“之”字形抢风航行:The winds were contrary;we had to beat about for two days.正碰上逆风,我们的船只好迎斜风行驶了两天。  更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 beat aboutphr.① 遍查;四處搜尋英汉大英汉大★◀▶四处闲逛beat about fanny about 英汉大☞scrounge




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