

单词 fingers
释义 文馨英漢☞fingerfingers十N. & adj.十目所視,十手所指 (AC) all eyes see it and all fingers point to it-useless to hide;撩V.t.to sprinkle water with fingers: 撩水.攝Words1. 攝取 [she4qU3], v.t., to absorb, assimilate (nutrition, food), take between the fingers.掐V.t.(1)  To gather with the hand (cogn. 夾 [jia2]): 把東西掐在一起 gather the things together with fingers;To bend fingers in counting: 掐算,掐指一算,掐弄 count by fingers.V.t.著 hold between fingers;(2)  Knead with the fingers, mold: 塑 [nie1su4]↓;拶Words1. 拶指 [za2zhi3] ([zan2zhi3]) v.i., press fingers between sticks as a form of torture.拈V.t.(1)  To take or pick up s.t. with one's fingers: 拈弄 examine, fondle s.t. in hand;(2)  (*[nian3]) (Interch.捻) roll up s.t. with one's fingers or between palms.指N.指甲 [zhi3jia0]↓屈指可數 can count on the fingers of a hand;指不勝屈 too many to count (on the fingers);Words10. 指畫 [zhi3hua4], n., finger painting, with fingers in place of brush.30. 指算 [zhi3suan4], n., counting by fingers; n.,use of abacus.拎V.t.(Coll.) to lift or carry by hand, esp. by bent fingers: 提拎菜籃 carry a basket in one's hand;捻V.t.(1)  To pick up s.t. with one's fingers: 捻起來 pick (s.t.) up;(2)  To play with s.t. with fingers, roll up s.t. with fingers: 捻指間 in a short moment--at the snap of one's fingers;捻V.t.To pick up (s.t.) with fingers, twist (s.t.) with fingers: 捻指間 happen in no time as only at the snap of one's fingers;撮V.t.(1)  To pick up or hold (dust, powder) between fingers.提Words36. 提溜 *[di1liu1], v.t., carry lightly in hand or with fingers: 提留著心 make one uneasy.抓Words7. 抓撓 [zhua1nao0], v.t., (1) to scratch (itch); (2) to scramble, clutch and grab: 別抓撓東西 don't scramble a set of things; (3) to struggle, clamber: 他們兩人抓撓起來了 the two begin to clutch at each other; (4) to hustle, make hastily: 幫他們抓撓飯 help them hurry up the meal; 抓抓撓撓 adv., hurriedly: 抓抓撓撓把飯吃了 finished the meal hurriedly; (5) 抓撓兒 n., a children's game of bending and unbending fingers.戟Words1. 戟指 [ji3zhi3], v.t., to point one's fingers at (another) and revile him.惹V.t.惹火燒身 burn one's own fingers;削V.t.削蔥 (“cut onions”) a lady's slender fingers.玉Words41. 玉筍 [yU4sun3], n., (poet.) a woman's fingers, or bound feet.44. 玉蔥 [yU4cong1], n., (1) (poet.) lady's slender fingers; n. (2) (bot.) a kind of onion, Allium cepa.叉V.t.叉指 to interlace fingers;吹Words10. 吹指 [chui1zhi3], v.i., to whistle with fingers in mouth.屈V.i. & t.屈指 bend one's fingers in counting;六Words8. 六指兒 [liu4zhe3er0], n., “six fingers” i.e., one extra thumb or finger.賽Words4. 賽拳 [sai4qUan2], n., boxing bout; v.i., to match fingers (drinking game).丫Words1. 丫把兒 [ya1ba0er0], n., a forked junction: 樹丫把兒 ditto; 手丫把兒,腳丫把兒 joint between fingers, toes.手Words75. 手語 [shou3yU3], n., deaf-mute communication by fingers, dactylology.拜V.i. & t.usu. perform gesture of respect, varying from simple bow, hands at side (鞠躬 [jU2gong1]), or hands cupped one on top of the other (揖 [yi4]), or palms together, fingers stretched (Budd. 合十 [he2shi2]);佛Words13. 佛手 [fo2shou3], n., an aromatic citrous fruit, with tip ending like fingers.猜Words1. 猜拳 [cai1qUan2], v.i., to play finger-guessing game, guessing at the total of fingers put out by self and opponent.纖Words15. 纖玉 [xian1yU4], n., (LL) lady's hand or fingers.詞目:FINGERS 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階FINGERS1FINGERS,count with掐指算1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階 1筆p 99 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Fingers1to count on the Fingers掐指算、夾指頭算2can be counted on the Fingers屈指可算p 191 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆掐指算FINGERS o count on the Fingers




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