

单词 filter through
释义 filter through 滤过,渗过:The liquid filtered through sandy soil.液体渗过沙土。 渗入;透露,走漏:Slowly the idea filtered through, and at last he understood.这个想法逐渐渗进了他的头脑,他最终明白了。 (使)滤过(某物):The coffee filters through this special paper.咖啡通过这张特殊的滤纸得到过滤。 部分透过(某物):Sunlight filtered through the thick leaves.有一部分阳光透过了密叶。 在(某地)泄露,走漏,透露:The news filtered through the village.消息在村庄里慢慢泄露了出来。  更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 filter throughvi.news, details +慢慢传开;传出;走漏News of their difficulties began to filter through.有关他们陷入困境的消息开始慢慢地传开了。Sound filtered through from the practice rooms down the corridor.声音从练习室传到了走廊。to filter through to sb(reach)传入某人的耳中It took months before the findings began to filter through to the politicians.调查结果好几个月后才传入政治家们的耳中。详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 vi慢慢传开;传出;走漏搭配:[news, details +] News of their difficulties began to filter through. 有关他们陷入困境的消息开始慢慢地传开了。 Sound filtered through from the practice rooms down the corridor. 声音从练习室传到了走廊。 It took months before the findings began to filter through to the politicians. 调查结果好几个月后才传入政治家们的耳中。常用短语源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社to filter through to sb传入某人的耳中




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