

单词 fasten up
释义 fasten up 结牢,拴住,钉牢,扣紧:Tell him to fasten up the box.叫他去把箱子钉起来。You've fastened your buttons up the wrong way.你把纽扣扣错了。 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 fasten upphr.① 繫牢,拴[關]緊;釘牢fasten upvt. sep.1.(do up completely)to fasten sth up or to fasten up sth+ garment扣紧;+ shoe系牢He bent down to fasten up his shoelaces.他弯下腰去把鞋带系牢。2.(tie up)to fasten sth up or to fasten up sth+ hair把…扎牢She pulled her hair back in a bun and fastened it up with hairpins.她将头发向后挽成一个圆髻, 然后用发夹扎牢。详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 vt septo fasten sth up;to fasten up sth:扣紧;系牢 He bent down to fasten up his shoelaces. 他弯下腰去把鞋带系牢。to fasten sth up;to fasten up sth:把…扎牢 She pulled her hair back in a bun and fastened it up with hairpins. 她将头发向后挽成一个圆髻,然后用发夹扎牢。




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