

单词 fashions
释义 文馨英漢☞fashionfashions末Words13. 末俗 [mo4su2], n., (derog.) modern customs; latter-day fashions or fads; decadent ways.世Words8. 世法 [shi4fa3], n., fashions, custom of the times.10. 世好 [shi4hao3], (1) n., friends for generations; (2) ([shi4hao4]) n., fashions, vogue of the times.蛻Words1. 蛻變 [tui4bian4], v.i., to change (customs, habits, fashions, to mutate).隨V.t.隨波逐浪 follow the winds and waves (i.e., the fashions, trends);覽V.t.展覽 exhibit (of fashions, art, etc.);改Words8. 改換 [gai3huan4], v.t., to exchange or substitute one for another, make changes in (words, titles, fashions, etc.).俗Words10. 俗尚 [su2shang4], n., current fashions.獨Adj. & adv.獨往獨來 completely independent, not slavish follower of fashions;獨出心裁,獨創 be original, create new styles, fashions;




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