

单词 face out
释义 face out 顶住,勇敢地对付;坚持到底:You should face out your problems.你应该勇敢地处理你的难题。You will have to face the committee out and explain your actions.你得对付委员会,把你的所作所为解释清楚。 固执到底(不肯认错或认罪):He faced me out that he know nothing about the matter.他固执地顶撞我说,他对此事一无所知。 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 face outphr.① 勇敢地對付(事情)( ★不可用被動式)a small country that has the nerves to face out a big power一個敢於對付大國的小國家face out🄰vt. sep.1.(endure)to fact sth out or to face out sth忍受;挺住;忍耐住It seemed likely that Hoddle would face out the crisis.看来霍德尔能挺过这次危机。to face it out坚持不懈;锲而不舍;坚持到底There was nothing to do now except face it out or admit defeat.现在要么坚持到底, 要么承认失败, 别无他法。2.<美,加拿大,非正式>(stare out)to face sb outorto face out sb盯得(某人)不敢对视;以目光压制住(某人)It took all her courage to face him out.她要鼓起全部勇气才能瞪眼镇住他。🄱vt. fus.(defy)to face out sth蔑视(批评、责难等);面对(批评、责难等)敢作敢为He should face out the embarrassment.他应不怕困窘, 坚持下去。详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 v.to fact sth out;to face out sth:忍受;挺住;忍耐住 It seemed likely that Hoddle would face out the crisis. 看来霍德尔能挺过这次危机。 There was nothing to do now except face it out or admit defeat. 现在要么坚持到底,要么承认失败,别无他法。 to face it out 坚持不懈;锲而不舍;坚持到底to face sb out;to face out sb:盯得(某人)不敢对视;以目光压制住(某人)<非正式,美国;加拿大> It took all her courage to face him out. 她要鼓起全部勇气才能瞪眼镇住他。to face out sth:蔑视(批评、责难等);面对(批评、责难等)敢作敢为 He should face out the embarrassment. 他应不怕困窘,坚持下去。常用短语源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社to face it out坚持不懈;锲而不舍;坚持到底




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