

单词 expressions
释义 文馨英漢☞expression详细释义 n.表示式,公式 The expressions developed are based on stoker's law. 各种展开的计算公式是根据斯托克斯定律推导出的。 The calculation procedure with these expressions is straightforward. 用这些方程式的计算程序是简单易行的。expressions來Adj.來情去意 mutual expressions of affection;情N.文情并茂 beautiful both in sentiments and in their expressions;Fin. part.Used in such expressions as 那才怪! that would be strange, indeed! 何必 why so much fuss? 去就去 let's go and not hesitate, (same as unacented 了).鄙Words6. 鄙俚 [bi2li3], adj., vulgar (expressions).目N.目中無人,目空一切, expressions of pride and haughtiness;門Words32. 門面 [men2mian4], n., (1) shop front; (2) public appearance; 不過壯壯門面而已 just for creating a good public impression; 門面話 routine courteous expressions without sincerity.字Words18. 字眼 [zi4yan3], n., diction, choice of words: 字眼兒 (a) phraseology, literary expressions; (b) minor erroneous uses of words: 挑字眼兒 to quibble.監V.t.(interch. 鑒)as in 臺鑒,明鑒,勛鑒,大鑒,惠鑒 (in letters to friends) polite expressions used in the salutation.




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