单词 | expressing |
释义 | 文馨英漢☞expressexpressing來Vb. complement.(2) Expressing an action begun: 刮起風來 a wind starts blowing;(5) Expressing direction toward speaker: 走過來 come over here;Words15. 來著 [lai2zhe0], aux. vb., expressing a continuing or completed action: 他說甚麼來著 what has he been saying? 聽見說你認得他來著it's said that you know him.趨V.i.(2) Polite way of expressing “to come forward on the double” as sign of respect: 趨謁,趨晤,趨前致候 come to pay respects;有V.i. & t.(3) (Court.) in phrr. expressing causing trouble: 有勞,有累,有惹 sorry to have caused so much trouble;蓼Words1. 蓼莪 *[lu4e2], n., name of ode in Book of Poetry, expressing remembrance of deceased parents.些Fin. part.(*[suo4]) (AC) only in 楚辭 poetry) particle expressing regret: 何為四方些 “why wander about?”性N.(1) In modn. terms, equivalent of -ness, -ity for expressing abstract notions: 可能性 possibility, from 可能 possible;可Aux.vb.(2) Expressing doubt, conjecture, question: 你可好 are you well? 這下子他可好了 he must be well by now;(3) Expressing a statement, opinion or point of view (usu. 可不, different from 不可): 那我可不答應 I will not permit that;不Words84. 不了 [bu4liao3], (1) vb. complement, expressing “cannot accomplish”: 算不了 countless; [bu4liao3], (2) phr., 以不了了之 leave in status quo, like “agree to disagree”; phr., 不了情 unfulfilled but eternal love.又Adv.in many combinations expressing the idea “again”: 又復,又再,更又 again;口N.口拙 not good at expressing oneself;啊Words3. 啊唷 [a1yo1], excl., oh, my--a groan of pain; an excl. expressing surprise, admiration, oft. mixed with irony.嗟Interjection.Expressing regret or sorrow: 嗟乎,嗟夫 alas! 嗟嗟 how lamentable or wonderful!嗄Excl.(*[a2]) Expressing surprise, disbelief.見V.i. & t.相見恨晚 wish that we had met earlier! 我見猶憐 phr. for expressing love of one indeed beautiful;罷Fin. part.(Unaccented=吧) expressing mood of casual invitation, forced concurrence: 你來罷 come, if you wish;expressing doubt: 這樣不行罷 I doubt it will do.且Adv.(1) Expressing a temporary request or order: 且住 please stop (for a while);(2) Expressing impending event: 城且拔矣 the city will soon be taken.邪Fin. part.(*[ye2], as var. of 耶) (AC & LL) interrogative particle at end of sentence (=modn. ): 豈其然邪 is that so indeed? also expressing doubtful attitude: 我以女為圣人邪 (AC) I thought you were a sage.已Fin. part.也已 (LL) already, enough, expressing s.t. already done (=也矣);言Words10. 言責 [yan2ze2], n., (AC) duty of expressing criticism or opinion during tenure of office.謝Words20. 謝儀 [xie4yi2], n., a gift expressing gratitude.論V.i. & t.議論 opinion, discussion, person's view on things, or ability for expressing comments;訥Adj.訥澀 have difficulty in expressing oneself;激Words3. 激切 [ji1qie4], adj., outspoken in expressing one's views: 言多激切 speak out without fear or favor.心N.心說 think in one's mind without expressing in words;兮Fin. part.Particle at end of sentence, esp. in verse, expressing admiration: 美目盼兮(AC) how beautiful her eyes! 赫兮喧兮 (AC) how impressive and exciting! or celebrating a determination: 歸去來兮 Ah, let me go home! or marking a caesura or break in line of verse: 力拔山河兮氣蓋世 strength to move mountains, spirit unexcelled.所Pron.(2) Often expressing passive voice in “be+agent+所+vb.”: 為匪所殺 was killed by bandits;榮Adv.Expressing congratulations: 榮升,榮任,榮調,榮行,榮旋 (best wishes for) your promotion, appointment, reassignment, departure, return. |
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