

单词 expenses
释义 expenses 'expenses'是'expense'的替代术语。 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文expense nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (cost)费用 fèi yòng  价钱 jià qián  价格 jià gé  £3000 is too great an expense for a single dress. 一条裙子价格3000英镑,太贵了。expense nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. ([sth] that costs money) (花钱的东西)消费品,开销  We need our car to get to work, so it's a necessary expense. 我们上班要开车,所以这笔开销是必须的。expense nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (business: outgoing amount)花费 huā fèi  成本 chéng běn In many countries, if you work at home, you can claim a proportion of your electricity bill as a tax-deductible expense. 在许多国家,如果你在家工作,可以报一部分电费为成本,减免税款。expenses nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (costs incurred)开支 kāi zhī  花费 huā fèi  开销 kāi xiāo The businessman had a company credit card to pay for his expenses. As long as I earn enough to cover my expenses every month, then I'm happy. 这位商人用公司的信用卡支付个人开支。只要我每月的收入够我开销,我就很高兴了。expenses nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (money reimbursed)业务费用 yè wù fèi yòng  业务补贴  Angela's salary and expenses were paid directly into her bank account. 安吉拉的工资和业务费用都直接打到她的银行账户里。 其他翻译英语中文expense⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." (send bill to company)向…收取费用 xiàng … shōu qǔ fèi yòng  WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:复合形式:英语中文at great expense advadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (at great financial cost)花了很多钱 huā le hěn duō qián My parents paid my way through four years of college at great expense.at the expense of preppreposition: Relates noun or pronoun to another element of sentence--for example, "a picture of John," "She walked from my house to yours." (to the disadvantage of)以损失…为代价 yǐ sǔn shī wéi dài jià Many children make cruel jokes at the expense of other children.at [sb]'s expense preppreposition: Relates noun or pronoun to another element of sentence--for example, "a picture of John," "She walked from my house to yours." figurative (to detriment of [sb]) (人)以损伤...为代价,以伤害...为代价 at the expense of [sth] preppreposition: Relates noun or pronoun to another element of sentence--for example, "a picture of John," "She walked from my house to yours." (to disadvantage of [sth]) (事)以...为代价   靠牺牲... bear the expense v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." (pay)承担费用 chéng dān fèi yòng  支付费用 expense account nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (account for expenses)支出账户   费用账户  The director charged her business lunch to her expense account.have fun at [sb]'s expense v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." (joke about [sb])拿某人开玩笑 ná mǒu rén kāi wán xiào  笑话某人 xiào huà mǒu rén The media is currently having a lot of fun at the disgraced politician's expense. Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:expense [Iks'pEns]I n [c/u] (=cost) 费(費)用 fèiyòng [笔 bǐ]IIexpenses n pl 经(經)费(費) jīngfèi to go to the expense of doing sth 花钱(錢)做某事 huāqián zuò mǒushì at great expense 以很大代价(價) yǐ hěn dà dàijià to do sth at one's own expense自己花钱(錢)做某事 zìjǐ huāqián zuò mǒushì at the expense of以…为(為)代价(價) yǐ…wéi dàijià to make a joke at sb's expense说(說)笑话(話)让(讓)某人出丑(醜) shuō xiàohua ràng mǒurén chūchǒu在这些条目还发现'expenses':在英文解释里:above the line - breakeven - budgeting - cash flow - clear - cost - cost estimate - cost-cutting - expense account - incidental - incur - net revenue - operating cost - out of pocket - outflow - outgoing - overhead - overrun - pare - pay your way - petty cash - spending - spending money - sponsor中文:支出 - 收支 - 花费文馨英漢☞expense新世纪新世纪★◀▶expenses/ɪkˈspensɪz/npl.【商】费用;开支;经费to claim sth back on expenses索还…的费用新世纪☞expense详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 pl. /ɪkˈspensɪz/费用;开支;经费【商业】 to claim sth back on expenses 索还…的费用常用短语源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社to claim sth back on expenses索还…的费用expenses裘N.裘蔽金盡 (allu.) short of living expenses abroad (“coat tattered, gold gone”);囊N.阮囊羞澀 (allu.) lacking sufficient funds to meet necessary expenses;生Words23. 生活 [sheng1huo2], (1) n., life, living, profession: 生活維艱 it is hard making a living; n., 做生活 make a living; 吃生活 (Shanghai dialect) get a beating; 生活費 living expenses, cost of living; 生活力 vitality; 生活素 vitamin (also 維他命); (2) v.i., to live: 民非水火不能生活 man cannot live without fire and water.支Words3. 支出 [zhi1chu1], v.t., to pay out, take out (sum); v.t., n., outlay, expenses, expenditures.9. 支費 [zhi1fei4], n., expenses.31. 支用 [zhi1yong4], v.i., &t. to defray expenses.扣Words1. 扣除 [kou4chu2], v.t., to deduct (expenses, etc.).指V.i. & t.就指著這點錢度日 depend on this money for expenses;挑Words6. 挑費 *[tiao3fei4] ([tiao1fei0]), n., daily expenses.特Words1. 特別 [te4bie2], adj. & adv., special, -ly: 特別費用,開支 special expenses; 特別理由 special reason; 特別快車 special express; 特別掛號 special delivery; 特別通融 make a special exception.乾Adv.乾靠你一份薪水 depend only on your salary (for household expenses).敷V.i. & t.(4)  To suffice: 敷用 suffice for expenses;入不敷出 income cannot cover expenses.裁Words19. 裁汰 [cai2tai4], v.t., eliminate (unnecessary staff, expenses); to liquidate, cause to become extinct.壞Words1. 壞鈔 [huai4chao1], n., (MC) to go to expenses (=modn. 破鈔).增Words4. 增加 [zeng1jia1], v.i. & t., to increase (burden, responsibility, appropriations), add to (expenses, worries, pleasures); (populations) increase.款Words7. 款費 [kuan3fei4], n., expenses.夫Words7. 夫馬 [fu1ma3], n., official retinue; servants; 夫馬費 entertainment expenses.其Words3. 其內 [qi2nei4], n. & adv. phr., inside: 車錢也在其內 (or 在內) transportation expenses included.6. 其次 [qi2ci4], n. & adv., next in importance: 費用還在其次 money expenses are a minor consideration.落V.i. & t.除開消以外落了幾塊錢 made a few dollars after expenses;花Words85. 花消 [hua1xiao0], n., expenses (see V.t.↑).虛Adv.虛費 sundry, unnecessary expenses.坐Words26. 坐扣 [zuo4kou4], v.t., to take deduction (from bill for expenses, etc.).省V.t.省吃儉用 to save money on food and expenses.Words8. 省減 [sheng2jian3]1, v.t., to reduce (expenses, work).費N.雜費 sundry expenses;車馬費 honorarium for transportation and entertainment expenses;經費 expenses (very big, etc.), budget for expenditure (inadequate);Words6. 費用 [fei4yong4], n., expenses.不Words154. 不貲 [bu4zi1], phr., 所費不貲 went to a lot of expenses.覆Adv.覆核 double check on figures for budget, expenses;零Words12. 零用 [ling2yong4], n., sundry expenses; pocket money.通Words46. 通盤 [tong1pan2], adv., as a whole: 通盤計劃,籌算 to plan, calculate expenses as a whole.嚼Words5. 嚼用 *[jiao2yong4], n., (coll.) a family's daily expenses.路Words2. 路費 [lu4fei4], n., travel expenses.日Words27. 日支 [ri4zhi1], n., daily expenses (expenditures).54. 日用 [ri4yong4], n., daily expenses; 日用品 daily necessities.四Words24. 四柱冊 [shi1zhu4ce4], phr., formerly, (in official accounting) the four “columns” of “carried over,” “income,” “expenses” and “balance.”貼Words2. 貼補 [tie1bu3], v.t., subsidize: 貼補家用 help out with expenses.用N.(2)  Expenses: 費用 ditto;家用 domestic expenses;日用 daily expenses.Words9. 用費 [yong4fei4], n., fees, expenses.負Words4. 負擔 [fu4dan1], n. & v.t., (bear) burden of responsibilities; 負擔太重 the responsibilities, expenses, are too great; 負擔不起 cannot bear the expenses or take the responsibility.11. 負累 [fu4lei4], n. & v.t., burdens of debt or expenses.緊Words8. 緊縮 [jin3suo1], v.t., cut down (expenses, personnel, budget); 緊縮政策 policy of retrenchment.開V.t.開源節流 earn more income and cut down expenses;開列 set out details (expenses, names);Words45. 開支 [kai1zhi1], v.i. & n., expenses: 開支浩大 heavy expenses.67. 開消 [kai1xiao1], v.i. & n., (1) pay out; expenses: 開消很大 the running expenses are heavy; (2) to dismiss (worker), see [kai1chu2]↑.刷Words3. 刷括 [shua1gua1], v.t., (dial.) scrape together (journey expenses).旅V.i.(1)  To travel: 旅費 travelling expenses;雜Adj.雜費 sundry expenses;家Words64. 家用 [jia1yong4], n., domestic expenses.軍Words12. 軍費 [jUn1fei4], n., military expenses.審Words8. 審核 [shen3he2], v.i. & t., to examine and pass on (budget, expenses, plans, proposals, etc.), to audit (accounts).Words3. 費 [rong3fei4], n., unnecessary expenses, wasteful outlay.資Words4. 資斧 [zi1fu3], n., travelling expenses.浮Adj. & adv.浮報 false report of expenses;浩Words3. 浩大 [hao4da4], adj., very great (expenses, enginering works, achievements).減V.t.縮減 to cut (expenses, funds);補V.t.(3)  Be of help to: 補助費用 help to defray expenses;Words5. 補充 [bu3chong1], v.t. & n., add to (previous remarks, provision for expenses); supplement; 補充教材 supplementary text.斧V.t.資斧 travelling expenses.父Words6. 父母 [fu4mu3], n., parents; 父母官 local magistrate having direct jurisdiction over residents; 父母月兒 (運兒) years when the parents are responsible for all expenses.公Adv.公攤 (of expenses) shared equally by all.Words31. 公費 [gong1fei4], n., (1) office expenses; (2) funds provided by the government or any organization for a specific purpose, such as scholarships or charity; (3) a lawyer's fee.食Words33. 食用 [shi2yong4], n., living expenses.入V.i. & t.出入相抵 income and expenses just balance.看Words12. 看家 *[kan1jia1], v.i., to watch the house (while others go away); 看家的錢 money for household expenses; 看家的 formerly, guard for house and property.盤Words4. 盤纏 [pan2chan0], n., money for travelling expenses.9. 盤費 [pan2fei4], n., money for travelling expenses; daily expenses.自Adj. & adv.自理 pay personal attention to, (of expenses) pay out of one's own pocket;勞Words7. 勞費 [lao2fei4], v.t., cost trouble and expenses.行Words79. 行資 [xing2zi1], n., travelling expenses.節Words8. 節制 [jie2zhi4], (1) adj., temperate, moderate, not going to excess; (2) v.t., keep (expenses, students) within bounds, put under control, exercise command over.12. 節流 [jie2liu2], v.i., reduce expenses: 開源節流 tap new sources of revenue and cut down expenditures.29. 節用 [jie2yong4], v.i., reduce expenses.紅Words50. 紅事 [hong2shi4], n., happy occasion-weddings, birthdays, etc. (also called 喜事; cf. 白事 funeral); 紅白事 weddings and funerals-calls for social expenses.經Words2. 經常費 [jing1chang2fei4], n., regular expenses (opp. 臨時費 extraordinary expenses).expenses费损{与income合用};费用expenses开销;费用expenses开销詞目:Expenses 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Expenses1not very great Expenses花費不很多2heavy Expenses費用重大3official Expenses供應4limited Expenses使用有限p 176 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆expenses開銷;費用電機工程expenses開銷核能名詞expenses費損{與income合用};費用管理學名詞—會計學expenses支出機械工程




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