

单词 excl
释义 excl者Excl.(MC vern.) 者, 者 “yes, yes!” (also wr. ).壞V.t.(Oft. as past participle) spoil, -ed, destroy, -ed: 壞了 spoiled, also an excl. of bad news;懿Excl.(AC) alas! (u.f. 噫).死Adj.該死 (excl. or abusive) damnation! simply awful;Words27. 死相 [si3xiang4], excl., a teasing remark in disgust (girl to boy).了Words2. 了不得 [liao3bu4de2], adj., oft. in excl., marvellous (praise of person); adj., 好的了不得 very, very good; 他的本領真了不得 his skill is truly marvellous; extremely: 痛的了不得 extremely painful; note: 不得了 has opposite mening of “disastrous.”阿Excl.(1)  (*[a4]) U.f. 啊 40A.00.(2)  (*[a3]) Excl. of unpleasant surprise: 阿,他死了嗎 oh, is he dead?Words18. 阿嗄 *[a1ha2], excl., aha! I see! You don't say! (exc. of surprise).61. 阿呀 *[a1ya1], excl., oh! oh! (cry of pain or surprise).咑Excl.(dah-dy-rrr) Sound made to urge donkey forward.吁Excl.Ah! (a sigh): 吁!是何言歟 (AC) my, what kind of talk is this?呵Excl.(*[o4]) Ah! oh!: 呵,我忘記了 oh, I forgot! (cf. wr. 啊 pr. [a4]).啊Excl.Used in exclamations with varying, indeterminate accent, like Eng. “Oh!” “ah!” “aha!” cf. similar excl. under 阿 [a1], [a2], [a3], [a4];喔 [o1], 哦 [o2];嚄 [o3]; [ei1];欸 [ei3];誒 [ei4];哎,噯 [ai1], [ai3], [ai4]! 恩 [en1]!Words1. 啊哈 [a1ha1], excl., aha!2. 啊呀 [a1ya1], excl., alas oh, my!3. 啊唷 [a1yo1], excl., oh, my--a groan of pain; an excl. expressing surprise, admiration, oft. mixed with irony.呀Excl.Ah! (surprise, alarm);哎呀 or 噯呀 [ai4ya0], (Where y slips in on account of preceding final i) oh, my!哼Excl.Indicating exasperation, a grunt or a growl: 哼!你也配嗎 Tut! do you think you are qualified?喂Excl.Hey! (used to call attention).哇Excl.(excl. of surprise) wow: 哇呀,這麼多 wow, so much!喔Excl.(Excl. of disgust) ough!Words1. 喔嚄 *[o1huo4], excl., o-ho! (seeing a mishap).3. 喔呀 *[o1ya1], excl., oh, my! (excl. seeing mishap, disaster).4. 喔唷 *[o1yo1], excl., cry of pain or disapproval, mockery.咄Excl.Tut! tut!Words1. 咄咄 [duo4duo4], excl., tut! tut! 咄咄怪事 phr., what a strange situation!噓Excl.(1)  Ah!(2)  (*[shi1]) Ugh! (excl. of distaste).Excl.(Exclamation of curt consent or hidden anger, contempt) Hm! Hm!呸Excl.Pfui!嘻Excl.噫嘻 alas!嗐Excl.An exclamation of regret (also wr. 咳).咍Excl.Excl. of reret, usu. wr. 咳.唷Excl.啊唷,喔唷 [a1yo4], [o1yo4], excl. of regret, disapproval.喝Excl.Ah! oh!呣Excl.Denoting the sound “m,” sometimes rendered in English as “hmm,” but used to express variously disapproval, surprise reaction, grim consideration;cf. 唔 40A.40, and 嘸 40A.63.嗨Excl.Hai! an exclamation, bespeaking regret (usu. wr. 咳 40.81).嗚Excl.嗚呼 Ough! Oo! see 嗚呼 [wu1hu1]↓.呦Excl.Excl. of surprise disapproval.喲 595C50  40A.50-9/30 ㄧㄠ [yao1]. [Var. of唷 excl. 40A.42↑]唵Excl.(Budd.) rendering of Sanskr. om, opening syllable in charms.Excl.(Disapproval): ,你怎麼這樣 Oh, how can you do this?Excl.Ah, oh! 噓 ditto.哦Excl.(Surprise) oh? is that so? really?Words1. 哦呵 [o2ho0] (also [e2ho0]), excl., (surprise, satisfaction, admiration) aha! 哦呵,來了這麼多的人 aha! so many people have come!2. 哦呀 [o2ya0] (also [e2ya0]), excl., (surprise) oh, my! (again another murder, etc.).3. 哦唷 (喲) [o2yo0] (also [e2yo1]), excl., (surprise, sometimes mocking) oh, my! (so much! etc.).噫Excl.Alas!咦Excl.An excl. of surprise, of peevish disapproval;also modn. excl. of surprise, pr. [ye3].咳Excl.(*[hai1] or *[hai1]!) An audible sign: 咳!我怎麼忘了 ah! how I forgot! (*[hai4]) an emphatic expression of regret: 咳!這真是意料不到的事 alas! who would ever think this would happen?噷Excl.H'm!唉Excl.Ai! (cry of pain or extreme misery, identical with vocalized sigh);also wr. 哎 40A.82, 噯 40A.82.哎Excl.Excl. of pain;extreme misery: oft. 哎呀 [ai1ya4]! or 哎喲 [ai1yo4]! (identical with a vocalized sigh of pain, extreme distress), also wr. 唉,噯.嚄Excl.(*uh Oh!: 嚄,我錯了, oh, it's my mistake, see 嚄 [huo4yU0]↓;嚄,這是什麼意思 what do you mean, hey?Words3. 嚄 [huo4yU0], excl., (AC) a-ha! exclamation of surprise (modn. version also [o4yo4]↓): 嚄 ,你的寶寶這麼胖 oh, how plump your darling baby!嗄Excl.(*[a2]) Expressing surprise, disbelief.噯Excl.噯呀 [ai4ya0], 噯唷 [ai4yo0], exclamations of pain, painful surprise, disappointment, also wr. 哎.唗Excl.Excl. of angry dismissal, “beat it!”罷Excl.Usu. 罷了!罷了!(also wr.罷咧)“have done with it,”“it's all over,”“I give up,” signifying admission of defeat, and of struggle or disappointment: 也罷all right, then (after tiresome discussion).已Excl.Well! Enough! 已而 [yi3er2]↓“nothing more to say!”Words1. 已而 [yi3er2], (1) excl., (AC) alas! “nothing more to say!” (2) adv. phr., later on (regretted it, etc.).10. 已矣 [yi2yi3]2, excl., of despair.哀Words1. 哀哀 [ai1ai1], excl., as in 哀哀父母 (AC) ah! my parents!19. 哀哉 [ai1zai1], excl., (AC, LL) alas!誒Excl.(1)  Ay, yea! yes!(2)  Exclamation of sorrow, disappointment.於Words1. 於戲 *[wu1hu1], excl., (AC) alas!痛N.痛哉 (excl.) alas! ah, me! 痛定思痛 take one's painful experience to heart.活Words7. 活見鬼 [huo2jian4gui3], excl., utter nonsense! impossible!與Excl.U.f. 歟 90S.81.烏Excl.烏乎 (u.f. 嗚呼) alas! (also wr. 烏虖).得Words16. 得了 (1) [de2le0], excl., well! well! it's enough! have done with it! (2) ([de2liao3]) adv., in 不得了 cry or statement about s.t. disastrous, very, very upsetting; 怎麼得了 how will all this end? (Cf. 了不得 very good indeed).猗Excl.(A sigh of praise) O! Great! 猗歟盛哉 (LL) O, great!怎Words5. 怎麼 [zen3me0] ([zen3me0]), adv., (1) why: 你怎麼不來 why didn't you come? (2) how: 這怎麼好,怎麼辦 what shall we (I) do? (“how to handle this?”); (3) however, whatever: 怎麼說他也不聽 he will not listen, however you speak to him, whatever you say; adv., (4) excl., what! 怎麼,你還在這兒麼 what! are you still here?等N.何等 (excl.) how;好Excl.Prefaced to phr. showing strong disapproval: 好家伙,好雜種 you bastard! 好一個不要臉的東西 what a shameless fellow! 你干的這件好事 what a pretty mess you have made!Words18. 好勁 [hao3jin4], excl., an exclamation of surprise.媽Words1. 媽的 [ma1de0], excl., vulgar curse word.3. 媽拉巴子 [ma1la1ba1zi0], excl., indecent curse word (see 巴子 52.70).欸Excl.(1)  (Affirmation) yea, yes!(*[ai3]) A sighing sound.excl.1 exclamation2 exclusiveexcl感叹号excl感嘆號電子計算機名詞




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