

单词 examinations
释义 文馨英漢☞examinationexaminations攀V.t. & t.攀桂 (LL) formerly, to succeed in civil examinations (“win the laurel”);鰲N.oft. a stone turtle supporting a tablet and associated with Hanlin Academy 翰林院:獨占鰲頭 to come out first in national civil examinations as 狀元.探Words6. 探花 [tan4hua0], n., number three in former national civil examinations.擢Words1. 擢第 [zhuo2di4], v.i., to pass the civil examinations.折Words11. 折桂 [zhe2gui4], v.t., to pass the degree in civil examinations (“break the laurel branch” like Eng. “win the laurel wreath”).招Words32. 招生 [zhao1sheng1], v.i., to hold entrance examinations, see [zhao1kao3]↑.抽Words17. 抽考 [chou1kao3], v.i., to make sample examinations.拔V.t.名拔前茅 phr., come out among the first in examinations or with honors;捷Words1. 捷報 [jie2bao4], n., (1) tidings of military victory; (2) formerly, news of a person's success in government examinations.槍Words5. 槍手 [qiang1shou3], n., (1) a sharpshooter; (2) a gunman; (3) ([qiang1shou0]) a substitute during examinations on false pretenses.榜N.(2)  Published list announcing successful candidates at civil examinations: 榜上題名 name was on the list;同榜 graduates of the same class or year in civil examinations.Words11. 榜眼 [bang2yan3], n., No. 2 at palace examinations (“on bull's-eye”).制Words9. 制舉 [zhi4jU3], n., orig. civil service examinations under emperor's supervision (殿試); later civil examinations in gen.考V.i. & t.To test, examine: 招考 hold entrance examinations;應考 take examinations;月考,大考 monthly test, year-end examinations;聯考 national examinations for entrance to colleges;主考,考官 formerly, chief examiner at civil examinations;監考 to supervise, -sor, at examinations;Words14. 考試 [kao3shi4], v.i. & t. & n., examine (-ations), tests; 考試院 one of the five [yUan1] or branch of Chin. government in charge of examinations for civil service.赴V.t.赴試 go to take part in examinations;趕Words13. 趕考 [gan2kao3], v.i., formerly, go on a voyage to take civil examinations.場N.臨場 at time of (closing battle, examinations);報Words2. 報罷 [bao4ba4], v.i., (1) fail in civil examinations; (2) be rejected (of minister's suggestion to emperor).19. 報考 [bao4kao3], v. i., register for examinations.在Words13. 在即 [zai4ji2], adj., forthcoming, fast approaching: 考試在即 examinations are near at hand.卷Words7. 卷紙 [jUan4zhi3], n., paper for use in examinations.大Words7. 大比 [da4bi3], n., formerly, provincial civil service examinations.62. 大魁 [da4kui2], n., the champion in national examinations.落Words1. 落榜 [luo4bang3], v.t., formerly, fail in civil examinations.4. 落第 [luo4di4]2, v.i., fail in civil examinations.15. 落選 [luo4xUan3], v.i., fail to be elected or in competitive examinations.期Words6. 期考 [qi2kao3], n., semester examinations.出Words2. 出榜 [chu1bang3], v.i., publish list of successful candidates at examinations.齒Words11. 齒錄 [chi3lu4], v.t., to register in proper class, pass examinations.比N.大比 provincial or district civil examinations.狀Words9. 狀元 [zhuang4yUan2], n., the No.1 of the national civil examinations; n., 狀元籌 [zhuang4yUan2chou2], n., a dice game of 6 dices, so-called because one who throws highest combination 狀元紅 is called 狀元.中Words14. 中第 *[zhong4di4]2, v.i., pass the civil examinations.47. 中舉 *[zhong4jU3], phr., to pass the second degree of 舉人 [zhu3ren2] in Imperial Examinations.80. 中式 [zhong1shi4]3, (1) adj., Chin. style; (2) (*[zhong4shi4]) v.i., formerly, to pass civil examinations.遺Words35. 遺才 [yi2cai2], n., scholar who failed in civil examinations; discovered talent.蟾Words3. 蟾宮 [chan2gong1], n., the moon (“toad palace,”supposed to be a poetic reference): 蟾宮折桂 win the laurel in civil examinations.對Words50. 對策 [dui4ce4], v.i., formerly, oral test on current topics in civil examinations; proposal to deal with situation.三Words82. 三元 [san1yUan2], phr., (1) those who come out first in civil examinations at the provincial capital, the national capital and the palace: 鄉試,會試,殿試; (2) the 15th day of the first, seventh, and tenth lunar months.不Words24. 不第 [bu2di4], phr., (1) fail in examinations for degrees; (2) not only.下Words28. 下第 [xia4di4], v.i., to fail at examinations.五Words23. 五魁 [wu3kui2], n., first five top candidates in second degree examinations, also interpreted as No.2-6, excluding No.1.面Adv.面試 personal interview in examinations;破Words21. 破題(兒) [po4ti2er0], n., the opening sentence of essay in civil examinations defining the theme; (fig.) the first thing.功Words12. 功名 [gong1ming2], n., formerly, official honor or rank, esp. academic degrees in civil examinations.取V.t.(4)  To pass in examinations: 選取 select talents as by examinations;錄取,考取了,被取 pass in examinations;Words19. 取錄 [qU3lu4], v.t., to pass (person) at examinations; to admit after test.登Words1. 登第 [deng1di4], v.i., formerly, pass civil examinations, receive government degrees.及Words1. 及第 [ji2di4], v.i., formerly, be successful in government examinations.跳Words11. 跳龍門 [tiao4long2men2], v.i., formerly, pass civil examinations successfully , get a degree.號Words4. 號房 [hao4fang2], n., (1) formerly, the reception clerk in office or house, similar to concierge; (2) serially numbered room (as in civil examinations); reception or registration room in house or office.甲Words5. 甲第 [jia3di4], n., (1) an influential family; (2) rankings in government examinations.冒V.i.冒籍考試 assume false district of origin and take civil examinations;恩Words12. 恩科 [en1ke1], n., civil examinations specially decreed; degrees given at such examinations.時Words62. 時文 [shi2wen2], n., formerly, essay in the eight paragraphs prescribed for civil examinations (八 股 80.80), as opp. to other non-prescribed forms.同Words26. 同年 [tong2nian2], phr., (1) in or of the same year; 不可同年而語 should not be mentioned in the same breath -- far inferior, now usu. 同日 (see [tong2ri4]↓); (2) graduates of the same class in the civil examinations.長Words1. 長安 [chang2an1], n., capital of Tarng Dyn. (=modn. 西安), famed in Tarng poetry; 長安路,長安道上 route to Charng-an, associated with route to officialdom and civil examinations.壓V.t.(4)  To rank first, to supervise from behind: 壓倒一切 excel all the rest in examinations;選V.t.考選 select by examinations;Words2. 選 [xUan2chang3], n., formerly, hall for civil examinations (usu. 考).10. 選中 [xUan3zhong4], v.i. & t., to pick out (man) by choice or competitive examinations; to succeed in such examinations.12. 選舉 [xUan2jU3], n., & v.t., (1) formerly, selection of talents by national examinations; (2) election by vote; to vote: 選舉權 the right to vote; 選舉人 the voter.闈N.(3)  Examination hall in palace examinations: 入闈 join the palace examinations.問Words30. 問題 [wen4ti2], n., problem to be solved; questions in examinations.門Words7. 門斗 [men2dou3], n., door hinge; lintel; formerly, servants of examiner at civil examinations.殿V.i.&adj.the last: 殿最 the last (殿) and the first (最) in former examinations;童Words10. 童生 [tong2sheng1], n., formerly, underage participant in civil examinations.高Words15. 高第 [gao1di4], adj., (1) of a higher grade or class; (2) ranking high in government examinations.文Words3. 文場 [wen2chang2] ([wen2chang3]), n., (1) hall of civil examinations; (2) formerly, orchestra of Chin. theater.夸Words2. 夸官 [kua1guan1], n., formerly, the No.1 in national examinations (狀元) parading in the capital for three days.試Words12. 試帖 [shi4tie4], n., (Tarng Dyn.) civil examinations in writing poetry, also in classics.敲V.t.敲門磚 any means to find favor with influential persons, (lit.) "stone for knocking at gate"--open sesame to success, esp. at civil examinations;廩Words1. 廩生 [lin3sheng1], n., formerly, student in district or county school in training for civil examinations, with free board given by government, also called 廩生員.磨Words7. 磨勘 [mo2kan4], n., term for check and re-check of official records or examination papers (in sense of "putting through the mill"); results of such examinations.鹿Words7. 鹿鳴宴 [lu4ming2yan4], n., formerly, dinner of successful candidates at provincial civil examinations (allu. to poem 鹿鳴 in Book of Poetry).應Words14. 應制 [ying4zhi4], phr., 應制詩文 formerly, essays or poems written usu. in examinations, or by imperial order.15. 應舉 [ying4jU3], phr., formerly, to take part in civil examinations.16. 應考 [ying4kao3], v.i., to register for or take part in examinations.廢Words4. 廢錮 [fei4gu4], v.t. (LL) deprive for life the right to take part in civil examinations or government office.守Words16. 守制 [shou3zhi4], v. i., formerly, to withdraw from government examinations or resign post during mourning for a parent for 27 months.泮Words1. 泮宮 [pan4gong1], n., (AC) name of banquet hall, now symbolic of academy of scholars, esp. in phr. 入泮 to pass degrees in civil examinations.補Words23. 補習 [bu3xi2], v.i. & n., (take) supplementary classes: 惡性補習 extra coaching lessons to help pass examinations, which injure and upset students’ health.復Adj.復考,復試 second examinations;曳Words1. 曳白 [yi4bai2], v.i., to hand in blank paper at examinations (also 曳白卷); formerly, in civil examinations, to skip a paper in copying.武Words15. 武舉 [wu2jU3], n., formerly, a military officer of second degree (舉人) in examinations.分Words44. 分數 [fen1shu4], n., (1) marks at examinations; (2) fraction.八Words13. 八股 [ba1gu3], n., prescribed form of essays in civil examinations, requiring strictly eight paragraphs, notorious for conformity; rigmarole writing surfeited with tiresome clich (新八股,黨八股).金Words2. 金榜 [jin1bang3], n., formerly, list of successful candidates in government examinations: 金榜題名 succeed in such an examination.入Words9. 入彀 [ru4gou4], v.i., (1) come under s.o.’s control; (2) come within an arrow's shooting distance; (3) formerly, pass the examinations.舉Words18. 舉人 [jU3ren2], n., formerly, successful candidates of provincial examinations.24. 舉業 [jU3ye4], n., formerly, literary studies pursued by would be candidates of government examinations.學Words17. 學究 [xUe2jiu4], n., (contempt.) a man of limited knowledge, a type bred by the civil examinations confined to rigmarole knowledge of the Confucian classics: 老學究,村學究 a village schoolmaster.采Words2. 采芹 [cai3qin2], v,i., (LL) to get first degree in civil examinations.廷N.廷試 highest civil examinations held in the palace before the emperor (also called 殿試).科N.(2)  The civil examinations in empire days: 科舉,科甲,科第,科名 [ke1jU3], [ke1jia2], [ke1di4], [ke1ming2]↓;登科 obtain degrees in civil examinations.Words3. 科第 [ke2di4], n., civil examinations.8. 科舉 [ke1jU3], n., formerly, civil examinations for government degrees.9. 科名 [ke1ming2], n., degrees in civil examinations.10. 科目 [ke1mu4], n., (1) branch or subject of study; formerly, subject of civil examinations; (2) category, class of subjects or affairs.秋N.秋試,秋闈 provincial test for 舉人 degree in civil examinations;魁N.(2)  First in civil examinations: 魁元 [kui2yUan2]↓.Words6. 魁元 [kui2yUan2], n., the first in civil examinations.進Words28. 進士 [jin4shi4], n., formerly, a successful candidate in national examinations, the “third degree” (cf. 秀才 90.50, 舉^人 90.00).伍N.落伍 fail in examinations;獵N. & v.i. & t.獵取功名 try to win a degree in civil examinations.獄N.煉獄 to work on a prisoner by long cross-examinations or torture;燒Words21. 燒尾宴 [shao1wei3yan4], n., a feast for successful candidates celebrated at end of civil examinations.名N.名落孫山 phr., fail in civil examinations, really 孫山之外-allu. to 孫山, the last name of the successful candidates.Words3. 名場 [ming2chang2], n., formerly, the civil examinations where one's success was determined.策N.對策 a countermeasure, personal interview with candidate in civil examinations, esp. on current topics;Words7. 策論 [ce4lun4], n., formerly, essay on current national topics in civil examinations.第N.(2)  Formerly, pass grade: 落第,不第 fail in official examinations, i.e., not listed;終Words2. 終場 [zhong1chang3], n., (1) ending (of series of events); (2) the last series of examinations.才Conj.Then, only then: 考試完了,才可以玩 wait till after the examinations, then you can go and play.詞目:Examinations 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Examinations1three literary Examinations考試、鄕試、會試p 172 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆




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