

单词 events
释义 events 'events'是'event'的替代术语。 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文event nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. ([sth] planned)(计划的)活动 jì huà de huó dòng Here's the schedule of events for the next season. 这是下一季的活动安排。event nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (occurrence)发生的事情 fā shēng de shì qíng  事件 shì jiàn  大事 dà shì Recent world events have been quite worrying. 当前的世界时事让人忧心忡忡。events nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (things that happen)事件 shì jiàn  事情 shì qíng Naomi wasn't sure how events would unfold.event nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (sports competition)体育比赛   比赛项目  其他翻译英语中文event nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (result)结局 jié jú  结果 jié guǒ In the event, the party was quite a success, really.  WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:复合形式:英语中文current event nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (news item, up-to-date topic)时事 shí shì  新闻 xīn wénevent planner nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (calendar or schedule)日历 rì lì  日程表 rì chéng biǎo Thursday for lunch? Let me look in my event planner to see if I'm free.event planner nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. ([sb] who organizes projects and occasions)活动策划人  An event planner handles a broad range of events from weddings to conventions.field event nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (sports: track meet event) (体育运动)田赛运动,田赛项目 future event nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. ([sth] that will happen one day)将来的事情 jiāng lái de shì qíng The newsletter has a list of exciting future events in the neighborhood.in any event advadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (whatever the situation)不管怎样 bù guǎn zěn yàng  无论如何 wú lùn rú hé In any event, the safety of the public must remain the top priority.in that event advadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." (if that should happen)那种情况下 nà zhǒng qíng kuàng xià  如果那样 rú guǒ nà yàng You will be informed if any goods are unavailable and in that event, the store will offer you an alternative.in the event of [sth] exprexpression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." (in case of)在…的情况下 zài de qíng kuàng xià  如果...发生 rú guǒ fā shēng In the event of a fire, make your way to the nearest exit.in the event that exprexpression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." (if it happens that)如果 rú guǒ  万一 wàn yī  In the event that it doesn't arrive, don't worry about it.in the event exprexpression: Prepositional phrase, adverbial phrase, or other phrase or expression--for example, "behind the times," "on your own." (as it turned out)结果 jié guǒ In the event, I didn't need my umbrella; the clouds cleared up and it was a lovely sunny day.nonevent, non-event nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. ([sth] anticlimactic)让人失望的事 ràng rén shī wàng de shì  没能达到预期效果的事 méi néng dá dào yù qī xiào guǒ de shìtriggering event nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (prompt, catalyst)导火索 dǎo huǒ suǒ  刺激因素 cì jī yīn sù  触发事件 chù fā shì jiàn Scientists are trying to discover the triggering event that causes HIV to become AIDS. 在这些条目还发现'events':在英文解释里:abreast of - action-packed - along the way - appointment calendar - athletic - barnstorm - biathlon - bill of fare - card - chronologist - chronology - commentator - conspire - current affairs - decathlon - development - docudrama - domino effect - down - drama - enumeration of facts - go back over - hall - hard news - heptathlon - history - in due course - jump - kicker - lead up - lineup - mix - narration - new - organizer - own account - pavilion - pentathlon - present tense - proceeding - progress - public affairs - rash - recap - reenactment - rising action - round - rushing - shit - showground中文:径赛文馨英漢☞eventevents事N.事與愿違 events do not happen as one wishes;事過境遷 events have passed and times have changed;紅白事 happy and unhappy events;Words1. 事變 [shi4bian4], n., sudden turn of events (relellion, coup d'etat, etc.)2. 事情 [shi4qing2], n., (1) course of events, story; (2) ([shi4qing0]) affair, event: 這件事情 this affair; 沒有事情 nothing has happened; 有什麼事情 what is up?6. 事蹟 [shi4ji1]1, n., record of events, a person's activities.15. 事勢 [shi4shi4]1, n., trend of events.來Words24. 來龍 [lai2long2], n., (geomancy) a hill exerting a decisive influence (in selecting a site for a building or grave): 來龍去脈 a sequence of events, cause and effect.34. 來事 [lai2shi4]3, n., future events.直Words1. 直筆 [zhi2bi3], phr., record historical events without fear or favor.古Words11. 古記兒 [gu3jie4er0], n., ancient events or incidents: 聽古記兒 listen to a storyteller telling old stories.想Words1. 想碴兒 [xiang3cha2er0], phr., to ruminate (over past errors, events).連Words6. 連帶 [lian2dai4], adj., connected: 連帶關系 (two events) are connected.持Words4. 持衡 [chi2heng2], (1) v.i., (LL) maintain standard by criticism of events, personalities; (2) adj., balanced (criticism).樣N.花樣:出了花樣 (of events) take unexpected turns;轉Words10. 轉折 [zhuan3zhe2], v.i. & n., (have) turn of road, plot or events; 轉折點 [zhuan3zhe2dian3], n., turning point.13. 轉燭 [zhuan3zhu2], phr., 萬事如轉燭 (MC) events change kaleidoscopically.軌Words4. 軌轍 [gui3zhe2], n., (1) a rut; (2) past events.勢N.事勢,大勢 the trend of events;載Words3. 載記 [zai4ji4], n., historical records, accounts of past events.志Words6. 志略 [zhi4lUe4], n., (1) determination and plan (略=謀略); (2) outline of events.起Words75. 起原 [qi3yUan2], v.i. & n., originate origins (of events, clan, etc.) (also wr. 源).趨Words10. 趨勢 [qU1shi4], (1) n., trend, tendency (of world events, etc.); (2) v.i., be a snob.去Adj.去事 past events;大Words97. 大勢 [da4shi4], n., general trend of events, general situation.世Words42. 世運 [shi4yUn4], n., (1) the course of events, rise and fall of nations; (2) the Olympic Games (from 世界運動大會).以Words19. 以往 [yi2wang3], ad. & adv., former, -ly: 以往的事 past events.中Words4. 中變 [zhong1bian4], n., unexpected change in events.申Words26. 申敘 [shen1xU4], v.i., to narrate (events, condition) to superior.由N.事由 story or course of events;曲Words11. 曲折 [qU1zhe2], n., (1) ups and downs in course of events; (2) turns and twists of affairs怪Words5. 怪異 [guai4yi4], n., supernatural events.慘Words2. 慘變 [can3bian4], n., disastrous turn of events.8. 慘劇 [can3jU4], n., a tragic happening or drama of events.理Words13. 理路 [li3lu4], n., the logical sequence of things of events: 理路分明 clear line of reasoning.醉Words3. 醉雷公 [zui4lei2gong1], phr., a busybody fond of making superficial comments on men and events (“a drunken thunderer”).酬V.i.(1)  To pledge a cup of wine, to toast and return toast: 應酬 v.i. & n., have a round of social events, parties, invitations and return invitations;巧Words7. 巧妙 [qiao3miao4], adj., wonderful (turn of events, art work).飄Words4. 飄忽 [piao1hu1], adj., passing like a wind (of time, events).發Words67. 發生 [fa1sheng1], v.i. & t., (1) arise, cause to happen: 發生事件,問題 cause events, problems to arise; 事件,問題發生 events, problems arise; 發生誤會,爭執 cause misunderstanding, dispute (also difficulties, suspicion, obstruction, doubt, etc.); (2) pr. [fa4sheng0], (Peking coll.) prosper.陳Words16. 陳述 [chen2shu4], v.i. & t., to explain (as in letter), to recount (past events, conditions).預Words1. 預報 [yU4bao4], n. & v.t., warning, report of coming events; 天氣預報 weather forecast.8. 預告 [yU4gao4], n., notice of coming events; legal notice, advance notice.詠V.i. & t.詠史 versify on historic events;嚆Words1. 嚆矢 [hao1shi3], n., (LL) forerunner, beginning (of events).吃Words8. 吃緊 [chi1jin3], v.i., (trun of events) becomes critical, (hear bad news from the war, etc.).日Words36. 日錄 [ri4lu4], n., (1) a daily record of events; (2) a diary.田Words10. 田徑賽 [tian2jing4sai4], n., (athletics) track and field events.15. 田賽 [tian2sai4], n., (athletics) field events.時Words58. 時勢 [shi2shi4]4, n., current trend of events.引Words19. 引證 [yin3zheng4], v.i., to cite (past events, facts) as evidence.緊Words9. 緊 [jin3cou4], adj., (1) (of writing) concise and to the point (opp. 松懈 rambling, disconnected); (2) (successive events) tightly packed or arranged.原Words2. 原起 [yUan2qi3], (1) n., origin (of events); (2) originally: 原起由他辦 it was originally his task.臨V.i. & t.(4)  (Events) come upon: 五福臨門 the five blessings descend upon the house;局N.(6)  Pattern: 格局 framework, pattern of events;Words13. 局勢 [jU2shi4], n., (1) the march of events; (2) circumstances, conditions, state of affairs.闡Words3. 闡述 [chan3shu4], v.t., to explain, expound (doctrine, history of events, etc.).跡N.(3)  Traces, marks, images: 事跡 occurrence, events;評Words7. 評論 [ping2lun4], n. & v.t., discuss; 評論是非得失 discuss the rights and wrongs; 時事評論comment on current events; 評論家 critic.記N.(1)  Classical works, written accounts of events, essays: 禮記 the Book of Rites;大事記 table of major events;Words15. 記事 [ji4shi4]1, (1) v.i., to record events; (2) n., written records, chronicles.志N.(1)  A record (of events, interch. 志).旋V.i.be able to turn the tide (of national or world events), make the heavens turn backwards;序Words5. 序幕 [xU4mu4], n., (1) opening scene in play; (2) prelude to social or political events.塵Words11. 塵囂 [chen2xiao1], adj. & v.i., sensational, noisy (events).運N.(1)  Luck, turn of events: 氣運,運氣 [yUn4qi4]↓;國運 national fate, turn of national events (good, bad);源N.起源 origin of events;Words1. 源本 [yUan2ben3], n., origin of events: 源源本本 (narrate) from the beginning (also wr. 原本).潮N.(2)  Stream of events, current of thought: 潮流 [chao2liu2]↓;鴻N.鴻爪 footprints of birds--traces of past events;演Words1. 演變 [yan3bian4], v.i. & n., (history, events) evolve, develop.4. 演化 [yan3hua4], v.i., (situation, events) evolve, develop: 演化論 theory of evolution.波Words12. 波折 [bo1zhe2]1, n., frustrations on the way, unwelcome turns of events.18. 波瀾 [bo1lan2]2, n., aftermath, sequel of events; interesting turns esp. in literature (文章波瀾), or minor developments in music.神Words57. 神異 [shen2yi4]2, adj., miraculous (tales, events).前Words3. 前塵 [qian2chen2], n., (“old track”) the past: 回首前塵 to recall the past events.55. 前因 [qian2yin1], n., antecedents of course of events: 前因後果 causes and effects; the sequence of events in a story.岔N.(2)  Unexpected or undesirable turn of events: 岔子,岔兒 [cha4zi0], [cha4er0]↓.Words9. 岔子 [cha4zi0], n., an untoward turn of events: 出了岔子 s.t. untoward has happened.命Words13. 命途 [ming4tu2], n., course of events in one's life.監N.(3)  History as a mirror of past events: “通監,” “綱監” “A General History,” “An Outline History”;敘V.t.(1)  To recount, relate (past events), narrate, describe: 敘述 [xU4shu4]↓;Words5. 敘述 [xU4shu4], v.t., to narrate, recount (events); state (one's attitude, feelings, etc.).系Words2. 系列 [xi4lie4], n., a series (of events, successive theories. etc.).留Words12. 留心 [liu2xin1], v.i. & t., be careful 留心世事 pay attention to world or national events.番N.adjunct.那番事情不必提了 do not mention that course of events;爪Words2. 爪印 [zhao3yin4], n., footprints, traces, of past events.委Words3. 委曲 [wei3qU1]1, n., the twists and turns of events.稗Words5. 稗史 [bai4shi3], n., unofficial history, private records of political events.白Adj.白云蒼狗 (allu.) the vicissitudes of fortune, events (like changing cloud formations);追Words20. 追憶 [zhui1yi4], v.t., think back (past events), to call up in reminiscence.傳N.春秋三傳 the three records or elucidations relative to events covered in Confucius’ Spring and Autumn Annals.休Words1. 休戚 [xiu1qi1]1, phr., happy and unhappy events, for better and worse: 休戚相關 mutually concerned in case of a good (休) or bad (戚) turn.年Words3. 年表 [nian2biao3], n., chronicle of events of a country or of person's life year by year.節N.(5)  Sequence of events, proceedings: 情節 circumstances, details of a case, event, incident: 情節重大 (of cirminal offenses) of a serious nature;變Words7. 變故 [bian4gu4], n., any untoward change or turn of events.14. 變局 [bian4jU2], n., turn of events, such as political upheaval.緣Words1. 緣起 [yUan2qi3], n., (1) (a sketch of) origin of a work or society; (2) origin of events.緬Words2. 緬懷 [mian3huai2], v. t., think of (past events, old friend).終Words2. 終場 [zhong1chang3], n., (1) ending (of series of events); (2) the last series of examinations.紀Words5. 紀念 [ji4nian4], v. t., celebrate, commemorate: 紀念日 anniversaries of important events; 紀念門 a memorial arch; 紀念冊 a memento book; 紀念品 souvenir; 紀念碑 a memorial tablet, a cenotaph; 紀念郵票 a commemorative stamp.6. 紀年 [ji4nian2], n., annals, yearly record of events.纖Words9. 纖纖 [xian1xian1], adj., slender (hands); trivial: 纖纖細故 trivial events, details.EVENTS事件詞目:Events 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Events1Events or results,結菓p 171 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆英華字典資料庫同義詞☞achselEVENTS事件舞蹈名詞




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