单词 | euphem |
释义 | euphem捐Words4. 捐館 [jUan1guan3], v.i., (litr.euphem.) die (“leave one's abode for good”).桂Words8. 桂子 [gui4zi3], n., euphem. for a friend’s son: 桂子蘭孫 same for a friend's descendants.壽Words3. 壽器 [shou4qi4], n., (euphem.) coffin, oft. bought and kept during one's lifetime.土N.(3) Euphem. for opium: 運土 transportation of opium for profit;嘉Words2. 嘉谷 [jia1gu3], n., (euphem.) paddy rice.3. 嘉禾 [jia1he2], n., (euphem.) an ear of growing grain; 嘉禾章 formerly, a government decoration.難Words2. 難胞 *[nan4bao1], n., fellow citizen(s) in distress, (euphem.) refugees.歡Words9. 歡喜 [huan1xi3], (1) adj., happy, delighted; (2) v.t., to like a person: 我歡喜她 I like her--euphem. for “I love her”; v.t., 歡喜錢兒 tips to servants on celebrations; 歡喜佛 (Lama Budd.) image of spirits in sexual embrace, understood as a god subjugating a demon.出Words101. 出事 [chu1shi4]5, v.i., to have an accident occur: 出了事 (euphem.) to have s.o. die in the family.背V.i & t.(6) Euphem. for parents’ death: 父母見背 bereaved (saw back) of parents.平Words5. 平常 [ping2chang2], adj., ordinary, not distinguished, common; (euphem.) so-so; adv., ordinarily.不Words68. 不中用 [bu2zhong1yong4], adj., useless (person); (euphem.) (person) is dead.百N. & adj.百歲後,百年後 (euphem.) after person's death.瑞Words10. 瑞雪 [rui4xUe3], n., (1) (euphem.) winter snow; (2) (Chin. med.) roots of Trichosanthes japonica.云Words37. 云雨 [yUn2yU3], n., (1) favors, blessings from on high; n., (2) (euphem.) sexul intercourse (from allu., a fairy maiden in the Szechuan Gorges who commanded the clouds and rains).子Words41. 子孫 [zi3sun1] ([zi3sun1], n., children and grandchildern, descendants, offspring; 子孫桶 (euphem.) commode forming part of the bridal dowry.登Words9. 登仙 [deng1xian1], v.i., become an immortal; (euphem.) die, pass away.隱Words10. 隱疾 [yin3ji2], n., a secret or ugly disease, euphem. for venereal disease or impotence.賦Words5. 賦閑 [fu4xian2], v.i., (euphem.) be unemployed (“compose peom on idleness”).罷Words8. 罷閑 [ba4xian2], v.i., (MC) be dismissed and enjoying leisure, (euphem.) out of job.退Words31. 退堂 [tui4tang2], phr., court adjourned: 打退堂鼓 drum announcing such adjournment, (euphem.) beating a graceful retreat.方Words2. 方便 [fang1bian0], (1) adj., convenient: 不方便 inconvenient; (2) n., special consideration: 行方便,與人方便,大開方便之門 give special consideration, open special avenue for doing things, to facilitate; (3) euphem. for 大小便 toilet.訪Words1. 訪問 [fang3wen4], v.t. & n., interview; to visit foreign country: 訪問法國 visit France (euphem. for travelling of official).清Words71. 清閑 [qing1xian2], adj., enjoying leisure, unburdened with work; euphem. for being “out of work.”道Words26. 道山 [dao4shan1], n., place where the saints live: 歸道山 (euphem.) die.入Words13. 入號 [ru4hao4], v.i., (euphem.) to pawn.舉Words7. 舉動兒 [juyydong1er0], n., (euphem.) s.t. going on.白Words25. 白果(兒) [bai2guo3]([er0]), n., (1) gingko tree, its fruits; 白果松 the gingko pine; (2) euphem. for hen's egg (to avoid the word “egg”).駕Words1. 駕崩 [jia4beng1], v.i., (euphem.) die, said of a sovereign.保Words24. 保山 [bao3shan1], n., (euphem.) protector; (sometimes) go-betweener.佳Adj.佳婿 (euphem.) a son-in-law;仙Words14. 仙逝 [xian1shi4], v.i., (euphem.) pass away.20. 仙游 [xian1you2], v.i., (euphem.) pass away.作Words26. 作古 [zuo4gu3], v.i., (euphem.) (LL) pass away (“join the ancients”).健Words3. 健兒 [jian4er2], n., able-bodied persons, athletes, (euphem.) soldiers, heroes.行Words11. 行道 [xing2dao4], phr., promote teachings (usu. Confucian); (2) practise medicine (=行醫) (euphem. used by physicians); (3) go around the image of Buddha during worship.歸Words25. 歸天 [gui1tian2]1, v.i., (euphem.) die, pass away, (lit., “go up to heaven”).簀N.A bed mat: 易簀 (euphem.) die (allu. to the custom of changing the mat when a person was about to die).巡Words22. 巡狩 [xUn2shou4], v.i., formerly, (of emperor) visit the different feudal states (euphem. called 狩 to go on a hunt).姬N.(1) (Euphem. for) women: 仙姬 a goddess; |
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