

单词 etc
释义 etc WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文etc. advadverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down." Latin, abbreviation (et cetera: and so on)等等 děng děng  诸如此类 zhū rú cǐ lèi Dessert consisted of an assortment of pastries, such as cupcakes, doughnuts, Danishes, etc.  Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:etc (esp US) etc. abbr =et cetera 等等 děngděng在这些条目还发现'etc':在英文解释里:abidance - abreast of - abscission - absent - abuser - academic institution - acceleration - account - activation - addiction - administrative district - adopt - adult - affiliation - after-sales service - agitated - aground - ail - airborne particles - aircraft - aircraft division - aired - album - all-time great - alma mater - alongside - amphibian - amusement park - and all the rest of it - and everything else - and the rest - annihilate - anthropomorphize - antler - appearance - appease - appendage - application - application form - applier - appointed - apportion - appreciation - approving - arch - area - arrive at - art - arthropod - artist中文:上缴 - 下车 - 云云 - 传达 - 净 - 匹 - 呀 - 呜 - 哎 - 哥伦比亚 - 唉 - 啊 - 啦 - 嗡 - 坐 - 奋 - 局 - 底 - 张 - 张望 - 投诚 - 支部 - 敷设 - 束 - 条 - 栋 - 株 - 深重 - 渡过 - 琴 - 瓢 - 礁 - 等 - 等等 - 簇 - 缕 - 股 - 蛀 - 败 - 起 - 酿造 - 锋 - 锐利 - 预定 - 鸣etcetc./etˈsetrə/其他类似之物;等等a packed programme of events – shows, dances, coach tours, sports, etc安排得满满当当的活动项目——演出、舞蹈、巴士旅游、体育运动等等详细释义 abbr.(= et cetera) 及其他,等等 This is a case with separate compartments for shoes, jewelry etc. 这是一个分格存放鞋、珠宝等的箱子。 The caste refers to social system based on rigid distinctions of birth, rank, wealth etc. 社会等级是指按照血统,阶级,财富等严格区分的社会制度。etc事Words1. 事變 [shi4bian4], n., sudden turn of events (relellion, coup d'etat, etc.)17. 事實 [shi4shi2], n., fact: 事實如此 that is the fact; n., 事實上 [shi4shi2shang4], adv., as a matter of fact, factually (impossible, etc.).21. 事物 [shi4wu4]1, n., things, articles, objects: 各種事物 different things (coats, umbrellas, etc.).22. 事務 [shi4wu4]2, n., business, business duties, gen. affairs; 事務員 (also wr. 庶務) man in business office in charge of business side (outings, arrangements, etc.); 事務所 business office (as of lawyer, doctor).26. 事由 [shi4you2], n., story (of event, dispute, etc.); n., 事由兒 [shi4you2er0], n., some kind of work or event: 什麼事由兒他也做 he'll take up any kind of work.專Words2. 專長 [zhuan1chang2], v.i. & n., to specialize in, be good specially at (oratory, criticism, etc.); a specialty: 那是他的專長 that is his specialty.23. 專任 [zhuan1ren4], v.t., specially appointed to take full charge of (department, case, affair, etc.); adj. & n., full-time job, opp. 兼任 concurrent.25. 專擅 [zhuan1shan4], v.t., specialize in, be especially good at (playing flute, etc.); take things into one's own hands, act without authorization from superior.未Words10. 未及 [wei4ji2], phr., not in time for, have not had time to; have not had time (to prepare, to answer your letter, etc.).12. 未來 [wei4lai2], n., the future, time to come; n., 未來的 adj., future (luck, etc.).18. 未若 [wei4ruo4], phr., it would be better to (sell it, recognize its existence, etc.).19. 未悉 [wei4xi1], phr., (in letters) do not know (how you are, etc.), =未知.來V.i. & t.往來 exchange of visits, goods, gifts, etc.;Adv.(2)  As (big, small, etc.) as: 你色膽有天來大 your daring in sex exploits is fantastic( “big as the sky”).Words35. 來勢 [lai2shi4]4, n., (1) manner of approaching enemy, landslide, etc.: 來勢洶洶 break in in full fury, also come to look for trouble; (2) onset, first symptoms (of a disease).木N.木桶,木橋 wooden pail, bridge, etc.;木行 timber shop, etc.森Adv.森列 displayed, stacked closely (weapons, armed soldiers, monuments, etc.).索Words2. 索求 [suo3qiu2], v.t., to seek (person, job, etc.).15. 索要 [suo3yao4], v.t., to demand (money, etc.).16. 索引 [suo2yin3]1, n., an index: 書名索引 title index; 作者索引 author index, etc.素Words1. 素常 [su4chang2], adv., usually (comes to office punctually, etc.).紮N.A bundle (of flowers, etc.).求Words4. 求乞 [qiu2qi3], v.i., & t., to ask s.o. for s.t. (help, pardon, etc.).表V.t.表達,表示,表明 [biao3da2], [biao3shi4], [biao3ming2], etc.↓;Words15. 表明 [biao3ming2], v.t. & n., express, demonstrate (friendship, etc.), give expression to: 表明奸情 show up conspiracy, hypocrisy.19. 表象 [biao3xiang4]1, n., signs (of heavens, approval, etc.).喪Words18. 喪身 [sang4shen1], v.i., to lose one's life (in accident, through drowning, incurring punishment, etc.).22. 喪失 [sang4shi2], v.i., to lose (a wallet, ambition, etc.).囊Words2. 囊括 [nang2gua1], v.t., to bag (wealth, etc.): 囊括一切 sweep up everything.十N. & adj.十八般武藝 various skills in boxing, fighting with sword, spear, etc.;Words1. 十成(兒) [shi2cheng2]([er0]), adj., hundred per cent (gold content, etc.): 有十成把握 hundred, percent certain.2. 十全 [shi2qUan2], adj., perfect, all complete (happiness, etc.).6. 十分 [shi2fen1], adj. & adv., (1) hundred per cent (satisfied, pleased, etc.); (2) tenth part: 十分之一,之三 one-tenth, three-tenths.11. 十惡 [shi2e4], n., (1) the ten cardinal sins; (2) (law) 十惡不赦 formerly, ten unpardonable crimes, including rebellion and other not well-defined items, as lack of filial piety, of harmony in family relationships, lack of righteousness, of humanity, etc.; beyond redemption.13. 十足 [shi2zu2], adj., hundred percent (pleased, arrogant, etc.): 十足赤金 24-karat gold; 十足洋奴 completely denationalized person, subservient to foreigners.本Adj.本土 native (products, etc.).Words7. 本家 [ben3jia1], n., same clan or family: 本家兒 (a) same clan; (b) the family of bride, groom or deceased, etc. on occasions (wedding, funeral, accident, etc.): 新娘本家 bride's family.18. 本命年 [ben3ming4nian2], n., recurrent year in the ewelve-year cycle, of the same animal (rat, cow, etc.) as one's year of birth.22. 本人 [ben3ren2], n., the person himself (applicant, plaintiff, etc.); (court.) I, myself=鄙人 40S.22車Words3. 車錢 [che1qian2]2, n., money paid for hiring a car (cart, rickshaw, etc.).生N.半生 half one's life (struggling, etc.);V.i. & t.(3)  Create (accident, trouble, etc.): 生事,生出事來 cause trouble;(4)  Be born (handsome, stupid, etc.), to grow: 生得很漂亮 grow up beautiful;Adj.(1)  Raw.uncooked (meat, fruit), not processed (iron, copper, silk, oil, etc.): 生菜 uncooked, fresh vegetable;Words1. 生變 [sheng1bian4], v.i., trouble arises (mutiny, etc.).5. 生成 [sheng1cheng2], adj., born (clever, stubborn, etc.).30. 生就(的) [sheng1jiu4]([de0]), adj., born one way or another (nervous, suspicious, etc.).63. 生肖 [sheng1xiao4], n., the year of the animal in which one was born: 十二生肖 (the year of the) rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, lamb, monkey, chicken, dog, pig-corresponding to the duodecimal cycle 子丑寅卯, etc.; see Appendix A.65. 生性 [sheng1xing4], (1) n., one's born nature (violent, gentle, etc.); (2) ([sheng1xing0]) adj., aloof, solitary in nature: 他有點兒生性 he does not get along well with people.70. 生疏 [sheng1shu1], adj., (1) (of friends) having less contact, getting more distant; (2) (piano playing, sleight-of-hand, etc.) having not played for a long time, getting rusty.88. 生意 [sheng1yi4], n., (1) prospect of living or survival; (2) ([sheng1yi4] or [sheng1yi0]) a business or business deal: 做生意 run a business (shop, etc.); ([sheng1yi0]) a crooked deal; n., 生意口 [sheng1yi4kou3], n., words of a petty dealer, not to be trusted; n., business man's ways or know-how; 生意經 [sheng1yi4jing1], business sense, business expertise.厘Words2. 厘定 [li2ding4], v.t., to work out or draw up (rules, regulations, etc.), also 厘訂.3. 厘革 [li2ge2], v.t., to reform, readjust (old practices, rules, etc.).4. 厘正 [li2zheng4], v.t., to correct, amend, edit (texts, drafts, etc.).直Adv.(3)  Just, only indeed: 直是 be indeed, be just (a shadow, a phantasy, a joke, etc.);直須 need only to (ask him direct, etc.);Words6. 直點兒 [zhi2diaaer0], adv., (apologize, etc.) continuously, repeatedly without stop.查Words8. 查禁 [cha2jin4], v.i., search for violations of ban (smuggled goods, etc.).整Words5. 整風 [zheng3feng1], v.t., (in Communist China) to rectify atmosphere of schools, party, etc.6. 整個兒 [zheng3ge4er0], adv., the whole piece or lot; completely (fail, destroyed, etc.).誓Words4. 誓約 [shi4yUe1], v.i. & n., (to make) a pledge (of alliance, marriage, etc.).青Words54. 青紗障(帳) [qing1sha1zhang4], n., (in Manchuria) tall growing Indian corn, sorghum, etc. convenient for hiding of rebels.66. 青翠 [qing1cui4], adj., beautiful green (garden, etc.).南Words9. 南貨 [nan2huo4], n., (orig.) products from southern China; now, any native product, foodstuff, ham, etc.七N.三七 the third seventh, etc.Words4. 七竅 [qi1qiao4], phr., the seven apertures of human face (eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth): 七竅流血 bleeding from nose and mouth, etc.; 七竅生煙 fumigate with anger.先Adj.(2)  The deceased, the late (uncle, mother, husband, wife, etc.): 先大夫,先府君 my (our) late father;惠N.受惠,蒙惠 (court.) be favored with (kindness, gift, letter, etc.).想N.構想 speculation, imagination, plan for (novel, etc.);懋V.i.&t.(1)  Reward with money, rank. etc.:懋賞,懋庸.真Words25. 真實 [zhen1shi2], adj. & adv. & n., true, -ly, real, -ly, factual, -ly, (facts, opinions, feelings, etc.).27. 真贓 [zhen1zang1], n., factual evidence (loot, etc.) of burglars.30. 真 [zhen1yan4], n., question of genuineness (of painting, etc.)支V.t.支給 pay to (person, etc.);Words5. 支持 [zhi1chi2] ([zhi1chi0]) v.t., to support (leader, cause, campaign, theory, etc.).21. 支配 [zhi1pei4] ([zhi1pei0]), v.t., (1) to allot (money, manpower) , to have (time) available for service, to control, regulate (nation, resources, etc.).踅Words1. 踅轉 [xUe2zhuan3], v.i., to go around (hill, etc.)述V.t.(2)  To narrate, to compose, express in writing: 敘述 to narrate, tell (what has happened, origin of conflicts, etc.);翅Words1. 翅膀 [chi4bang3], n., wings (of chicken, etc.)造V.t.(6)  Prepare (report, etc.): 造報,造具 [zao4bao4], [zao4jU4]↓.連Words4. 連氣兒 [lian2qie4er0], adv., in a fit of determination, anger, etc.: 一連氣兒告了三天假 asked for three day's leave straight; 一連氣跑了三里路 ran for a mile at one stretch.9. 連環 [lian2huan2], n., a chain of rings linked together: 連環計 strategy of making A cause B, B cause C, etc.); 連環圖 comic strips.27. 連日 [lian2ri4], adv., day after day (it rains, etc.)持V.i. & t.(1)  To hold (pen, knife, etc.): 持筆 hold a pen… write;支持,扶持 sustain, support (person to stand up, tottering regime, etc.).摶V.t.(AC) to knead (rice, etc.);打N.A dozen (eggs, etc.).V.i. & t.(5)  To do or make some kind of action, to send, put through,put on, etc.: 打電話 make a telephone call;打官腔,打官話 put person off by talking formalities as an excuse (“we are not allowed to ,etc.”);(6)  To play (games, mahjong, etc.): 打牌 [da3pai2]↓;Words8. 打邊鼓 [da3bian1gu3], v.i., to spread or circulate praise of actor,etc.77. 打消 [da3xiao1], v.t., to cancel, withdraw (a decision, etc.)78. 打手 [da2shou3], n., a bodyguard, employed for committing violence (throwing people out, etc.).捺v.t.To press with force: 捺印 put the seal on (a document, etc.);操Words15. 操縱 [cao1zong4], v.i., & t., to control (another's movements): 受人操縱 be controled by others; pull the lines (as in marionette); manipulate, control (stock market, etc.).16. 操作 [cao1zuo4], (1) n., work, esp. manual or household work; (2) v.t., operate, manipulate, handle (process, machine, etc.).17. 操演 [cao1yan3] ([cao1yan0]), n. & v. i., (hold) military exercise; athletic practice, etc.擦V.i. & t.拭擦 clean and polish (table, etc.).(*[ca3]) to scrape, grate (carrot, etc.).(4)  To apply (powder, rouge, oinment, color, etc.): 擦背 to massage (back-ofbody).Words2. 擦床兒 *[ca3chuang2er0], n., kitchen utensil for grating potatoes, etc.探Words11. 探試 [tan4shi4], v.t., try to find out (person's opinions, etc.).采Words8. 采集 [cai3ji2], v.t., to collect (samples, specimens, material for writing, etc.).13. 采擇 [cai3ze2], v.t., to select for use, to adopt (method, name, etc.).14. 采用 [cai3yong4], v.t., to adopt (method, system, etc.) for use.振V.i. & t.(2)  To relieve (famine, etc.): 振濟,振救 [zhen4ji4], [zhen4jiu4]↓.Words10. 振興 [zhen4xing1], v.t., to develop (industries, etc.).拌V.t.Stir and mix (mustard, etc.): 拌一拌 mix;涼拌豆腐 bean curd served cold with bits of onion, etc.扦N.([qian1zi0]) A wooden pick or iron poker for poking into sacks, etc.: 牙扦 toothpick, also wr. 簽 92A.71;挫Words2. 挫磨 [cuo4mo0], v.t., to persecute (person) by daily scolding, ridicule, etc.抬V.t.To lift up, raise (table, etc.): 抬著頭 lift up one's head, see 抬頭 [tai2tou2]↓;摧Words1. 摧毀 [cui1hui3], v.t., to destroy, smash to pieces, wreck (buildings, enemy power,etc.).擢V.t.(2)  To pull out: 擢發難數 (transgressions, etc.) too numerous to count (like “pulling out a tuft of hair” and trying to count it).推Words18. 推廣 [tui1guang3], v.t., to extend, expand (area, sales, etc.).23. 推究 [tui1jiu4], v.i. & t., conjecture, figure out (reason, principles, etc.), make a careful study of.34. 推想 [tui1xiang3], v.i., imagine, reckon (s.o. must have arrived, etc.).36. 推卸 [tui1xie4], v.t., to evade, to shove off (duty etc.), be irresponsible.41. 推算 [tui1suan4], v.i. & t., reckon (dates, etc.); predict (future).V.t.to pound (wall, etc.).拒Words3. 拒絕 [jU4jUe2], v.t., to reject (request, etc.), to refuse to do.插V.t.(1)  To insert, stick in: 插進去 stick in (flower in vase, pole in ground, etc.);Words5. 插戴 [cha1dai4], v.i., (1) see[cha1ding4]↓; (2) n., what one wears (hat, girdle, hair decorations, etc.).14. 插枝 [cha1zhi1], v.i., to plant (willows, etc.) by sticking branch in soil.掐V.t.掐頭去尾 to nip off unwanted parts (of vegetables, etc.).掛V.t.(1)  Hang up, suspend: 懸掛 hang (pictures, scrolls, etc.) on the wall;Words7. 掛號 [gua4hao4], v.t., to register (at school, hospital, etc.); 掛號信 a registered letter.26. 掛失 [gua4shi1], v.t., give notice of the loss of (bank checks, important papers, etc.)排V.t.排俄,排華 anti-Russian, anti-Chinese, etc.;拂Words8. 拂拭 [fu2shi4], v.t., brush clean (a mirror, etc.).挪Words1. 挪動 [nuo2dong4], v.t., move (furniture, etc.) to another place; touch, dislocate.掃Words17. 掃數 [sao3shu4], adv., the whole amount (repaid, etc.).擲V.t.To throw (ball, spear, dice, rock, etc.): 擲下,擲去 throw away;擲還 (court. in letter) please return (borrowed book, etc.);抑Words4. 抑制 [yi4zhi4], v.t., to repress (desire, rebellion, etc.); v.t., 抑制劑 n., depressant, sedative.折V.i. & t.(7)  To discount, sell at lower rate, convert property into cash: 不折不扣 no discount, also completely (true, etc.);Words12. 折合 [zhe2he2], v.t., to be worth (thirty dollars, etc.) after discount or accounting to exchange rates.34. 折損 [zhe2sun3], v.t. & n., to damage, a damage (in property, flowers in garden, reputation, etc.).拆Words4. 拆毀 *[che4hui3], v.t., to destroy, tear down (bridge, etc.), dismantle (house).5. 拆貨 *[chai1huo4], v.i., deal in the business of wrecking (houses, etc.) and selling broden-up timber, tiles, etc.11. 拆洗 [chai1xi3], v.t., take off and wash (bed sheets, etc.).扯V.i. & t.東拉西扯 talk incoherently, also put together (money, etc.) from different sources or do patch work in writing.扭V.t.(1)  Twist, wrench, turn round, sprain: 扭送 seize and turn over to (police, etc.);扭筋 sprain (ankle, wrist, etc.);拉Words13. 拉答 [la1da2], adj., untidy, slovenly (of composition, furniture, etc.).44. 拉雜 [la1za2], adj. & adv. untidy, confused, (of room, etc.): 拉雜書來 write at random.擅Adv.擅敢 dare without permission (open letters, etc.);搭Words19. 搭手 [da1shou3], n., tumor around shouler blades; accomplice in swindle, gambling, etc.拓V.i. & t.(1)  To expand (territory, etc.): 開拓,拓地,拓荒 develop waste land;扣Words1. 扣除 [kou4chu2], v.t., to deduct (expenses, etc.).3. 扣留 [kou4liu2], v.t., detain (person, car, etc.)招N.(1)  One move in boxing (hold, thrust, catch, counterblow, etc.) 招 or 招數 [zhao1shu4]↓;這一招真厲害 that was a beautiful move (strike, parry, etc.);V.i. & t.incite hatred, etc.: 招怨 [zhao1yUan4]↓;Words7. 招待 [zhao1dai0], (1) n., reception of guest (attentive, negligent, etc.) : 招待不周 (pardon us for) any lack of attention; (2) v.i. & t., to receive guests, visitors: 恕不招待女客 sorry we don't receive lady guests; (3) to serve, look after: 好好的招待他 look after him well; 這店夥不會招待客人 this shop employee does not know how to serve customers; 招待員 steward or usher; 女招待 stewardess; 招待所 reception room or house, clubhouse for members.13. 招呼 [zhao1hu1], v.i., (1) to invite (able men at court); (2) [zhao1hu0], (a) to acknowledge acquaintance on the road: 打招呼 say “hello”; (b) look after, take care of (child in public square, etc.); (c) get into a fight: 他們倆招呼上了 (coll.) they have started fighting; (d) call: 有人招呼你 s.o. is calling you; (e) instruct s.o. to do s.t.; (f) take care lest: 招呼頭上的磚頭掉下來 take care lest the brick overhead drops down.45. 招邀 [zhao1yao1], v.t., to invite (to party, etc.)捃Words2. 捃摭 [jUn4zhi2], v.t., collect, gather (quotations, etc.)掂Words4. 掂算 [dian1suan4], v.i., estimate, calculate (costs, etc.).搶V.i. & t.搶購物品 rush to buy up things (anticipating higher prices, etc.);措Words5. 措辭 [cuo4ci2], (1) n., the wording (of statement); (2) v.i., to word (a text, a complaint, etc.).指Words21. 指名 [zhi3ming2]1, phr., with direct mention of person's name (in accusation, etc.).抽Words12. 抽豐 [chou1feng1]2, v.t. take a cut on purchase, etc.: 打抽豐 try to get a cut or get gifts, money from master.18. 抽空兒 [chou1kong4er0], v.i., take advantage of any free time (to write letters, etc.).捆N.([kun3zi0], [er0]) A bundle (of hemp, firewood, beddings, etc.).播Words3. 播放 [bo4fang4], v.t., broadcast (news, etc.) on the air.攜Words1. 攜帶 [xi1dai4], v.t., to carry (s.t.) on body or on journey (luggage, etc.).搰Words1. 搰摟 [hu2lu0], V.i. & t., (coll.) to rub tenderly (baby's skin, etc., also wr. 胡嚕).摘Words2. 摘錄 [zhe2lu4], v.t. & n., to record excerpts (of speech, etc.).掮V.t.To carry (rifle, load, etc.) on the shoulder;掄V.i. & t.(1)  (*[lun1]) To flourish, swing (a sword,staff, etc.): 掄拳 (boxing) make a circular movement before striking blow.擒Words1. 擒捉 [qin2zhuo1], v.t., to seize (thief, etc.).揭Words11. 揭露 [jie1lu4], v.t., announce (results of lottery, etc.), publish (scandals,etc.) in newspapers.12. 揭幕 [jie1mu4], v.i., inaugurate, unveil a new building, monument, theater, etc.(“raise the curtain”); v.i.,(fig.) come into being, get under way.摀V.t.(2)  (Coll.) wrap up (tea, pickles, etc.) air-tight for preserving flavor: 豆鼓摀起來 keep preserved black beans tightly in jar.拋Words1. 拋棄 [pao1qi4], v.t., abandon (family, responsibility, etc.).掩Words8. 掩飾 [yan3shi4], v.t., to cover up (mistakes, misconduct, etc.).扎Words14. 扎眼 [zha1yan3], phr., “irritate the eyes”--attract one's attention by strangeness or conspicuous dress, etc.挑N.([tiao1zi0], [er0]) A load (of fruit, etc.) carried with a pole on shoulder.V.t.挑情,挑戰,挑撥 [tiao1qing2], [tiao1zhan4], [tiao1bo1], etc.↓.Words1. 挑撥 *[tiao3bo1], v.t., to instigate (person), incite (hatred, suspicion): 挑撥是非 to cause alienation between friends by spreading rumors, etc.7. 挑夫 [tiao1fu1], n., carrier (of baggage, water, etc.), see V.t.1.擺V.t.(4)  Arrange, set in order, esp. table, etc: 擺列 arrange in order;Words8. 擺脫 [bai1tuo1], v.i. & t., get rid of, get away from (duties, pressure, etc.).把N. adjunct.a neat lot of (given reasons, etc.).Words18. 把玩 [ba3wan3], v.t., fondle (toys, jade, etc.).抗Words3. 抗衡 [kang4heng2], v.t., (LL) match, be equal to: 與之抗衡 match another (in prestige, ability, etc.).托N.(2)  Lining for collar, fur, etc.: 托里 ditto;V.t.寄托 to give form to feelings, ambitions, through poetry, etc.拖V.i. & t.拖延,拖宕 [tuo1yan2], [tuo1dang4], etc.↓.抱V.t.(3)  To nourish a grudge, hope, etc. in one's heart: 抱恨終天 harbor an eternal sorrow (regret);捻N.A twisted or rolled shape: 紙捻(兒) a twist of paper, used to light oil lamp, tobacco pipe, etc.;擷V.t.(2)  To hold (flowers, etc.) in the lap.損Words5. 損害 [sun3hai4], v.t. & n., to damage, a damage (to reputation, business, etc.).6. 損壞 [sun3huai4], v.t., to break, damage (reputation, furniture, etc.).撰V.t.To compose, compile, write (book, essay): 撰文,撰稿 to write (essay, etc.);擴Words1. 擴充 [kuo4chong1], v.t., to expand (meaning, sphere, program, building, etc.).2. 擴大 [kuo4da4], v.i. & t., to enlarge (sphere, etc.).3. 擴展 [kuo4zhan3], v.i. & t., to develop, expand (business, industry, etc.).擯Words2. 擯棄 [bin4qi4], v.t., abandon, discard (wife, lover, family, official post, etc.): 擯棄一切 set aside everything.扶V.i. & t.扶著,扶住 leaning on (cane, etc.);掀V.t.(1)  To raise up, lift up (curtain, pot cover, etc.): 掀須 to brush beard upwards in play.換V.i. & t.換錢 to change (dollars into cents, etc.);對換,交換 to exchange, change (seats, etc.) with each other;Words2. 換帖 [huan4tie3], v.i., be sworn brothers by exchange of papers bearing name, surname, year of birth, horoscope, etc.3. 換樣(子) [huan4yang4]([zi0]), v.i., (of person) change character or behavior; (of articles) change shape (due to misuse, temperature, etc.).挨V.i & t.endure silently (hunger, etc.): 挨冷受凍 endure the cold;Words13. 挨門(兒) [ai1men2] ([ai1merer0]), adv., door-to -door (canvass, deliver, etc.).拔V.t.(4)  Rise from: 拔地而出 rise straight from the ground (of rock formations, etc.);Words15. 拔絲(山藥) [ba2si1]([shan1yao1]), n., sugar-coated potato served red hot when sugar can be drawn out in threads; same with lotus-seeds, etc.撒Words22. 撒散 *[sa3san0], v.t., to distribute (handbills, etc.); to spend lavishly.30. 撒網 [sa1wang3], v.i., cast net; v.i., (fig.) to give a party on occasion of wedding, funeral, etc., in the hope of collecting presents.搜Words2. 搜查 [sou1cha2], v.t., to search (house, etc.).3. 搜求 [sou1qiu2] (also [sou1qiu0]), v.t., to hunt for (evidence, etc.).4. 搜括 [sou1gua1], v.t., to loot (valuables, etc.), take away by force.6. 搜緝 [sou1ji4], v.t., to issue warrant for escaped (convicts, etc.).12. 搜索 [sou1suo3], v.t., to search (hidden articles, etc.).13. 搜討 [sou1tao3], v.t., to examine and study (doctrines, etc.).撇V.t.撇不開 cannot shove aside (duties, etc.).撥V.t.to move (switch, etc.) with a slight finger movement;撮Words4. 撮弄 [cuo1long0] ([cuo1long0]), v.t., (1) to make fun of (person); v.i., (2) to manipulate, instigate (to riot, rebellion, etc.); (3) n., (MC) acrobatic shows and the like.6. 撮要 [cuo1yao4]1, n., summary (of speech, etc.); elementary outline (of subject).投Words16. 投擲 [tou2zhi2], v.t., to throw, cast (stone, etc.).撤V.t.(1)  To take away, remove, withdraw: 撤退,撤換,撤銷, etc. [che4tui4], [che4huan4], [che4xiao1]↓;Words6. 撤除 [che4chu2], v.t., to remove (obstacles, etc.).15. 撤脫 [che4tuo1], v.i., get away (from appointments, etc.).捷V.t.Be victorious or successful (in war, examination, games, etc.).擬V.t.(2)  To draft (a letter, resolution, document): 擬就 have drafted (a document, etc.), is already drafted;擬請 intend to ask (for leave, etc.);捉Words2. 捉刀 [zhuo1dao1], v.t., to write examination papers, etc., by other than true candidate or writer (allu.: 曹操 held a knife watching while s.o. wrote for him).提V.t.提出條件 state conditions (for peace, etc.);(4)  Extract: 提取 extract (oil,etc.);Words6. 提倡 [ti2chang4], v.i. & n., promote, sponsor (new movement, styles, physical culture, etc.); promotion.13. 提出 [ti2chu1], v.t., propose, bring up: 提出意見,問題,議案,訴訟,條件 bring up idea, question, resolution, lawsuit, condition, etc.14. 提取 [ti2qU3], v.t., extract (oil, etc.); v.t.,come specially to bring (certain article); v.t., draw (money) from bank.21. 提督 [ti2du1], n., former title of provincial commander in chief (水師提督, etc.).23. 提防 [ti2fang2] (*[di1fang0]), v.t., guard against (enemy, attack, flood, infiltration, etc.).33. 提籃(兒) [ti2lan2] ([ti2la2er0]), n., a light basket (for vegetables, etc.).抓Words5. 抓周兒 [zhua1zhou1er0], v.i., on child's first anniversary, different objects (abacus, writing brush, etc.) are placed before baby to see which article it tries to grab, indicating future inclination.10. 抓早兒 [zhua1zao3er0], adv., get up early (to start journey, etc.).抄Words5. 抄錄 [chao1lu4], v.t., to make a copy (of record, document, etc.): 抄錄下來.接Words17. 接客 [jie1ke4], v.i., (1) (of hotel boys) extend welcome to tourists at railway stations, wharves, etc.; (2) (of prostitutes) sleep with patrons.按Words6. 按照 [an4zhao4], prep., according to (regulations, etc.).9. 按理 [an4li3], phr., according to reason; according to established principles (one should be punnished, but now need not, etc.).樹V.t.(fig.) plant seeds of (hatred, love, etc.): 樹恩,樹怨 [shu4en1], [shu4yUan4]↓;標Words18. 標題 [biao1ti2], n., subject (of essay, etc.); 標題音樂 program music.棖V.t.To touch: 棖撥 (MC) to spread out (ashes, as with a stick) 棖觸 (AC) to touch (a crawling insect, etc.).根N.歸根 phr., in the end (fail, succeed, etc.).Words15. 根由 [gen1you2], n., origin (of event, dispute, etc.).樣N.式樣 form (of shoes, hat, fashion, etc.);裝模作樣 to affect a show (of kindness, modesty, etc.).各式各樣 every kind of (hats, people, etc.).(3)  Sample (of goods, art work, etc.): 抽樣 take a sample.Words2. 樣冊子兒 [yang4chai3zi0er0], n., book of patterns (for dress, etc.).權Words8. 權衡 [qUan2heng2], (1) v.t., judge or weigh (importance, etc.); (2)n., the balance of power, the center of gravity in politics.栓V.t.To bolt (door, etc.).柜N.A container for storing clothes, books, chinaware, money, etc.: 衣柜 a wardrobe;梯Words4. 梯階 [ti1jie1], n., steps of ladder; elements (“first steps”) in subject (French, painting, etc.).5. 梯己 [ti1ji3], (1) n., secret savings (of housewife, etc.); (2) adj., very partial, confidential (probably standing for 體己): 梯己話 confidential talk; adj., 梯己人 a confidant(e); (3) adv., personally: 梯己送路 send off personally.8. 梯次 [ti1ci4], n., turn , term: 第幾梯次 (first, second, etc.) turn; term (of military training).析V.i. & t.析居,析爨 [xi1jU1], [xi1cuan4], etc.↓.Words8. 析疑 [xi1yi2], v.i., to dispel doubts (in problems of authorship, text, etc.).棉Words3. 棉薄 [mian2bo2], adj., meager, trivial (strength, cotribution. etc.).極Words15. 極品 [ji2pin3], n., (of artistic works, food etc.) the best of its kind.槍N.(3)  A gun, rifle, pistol (interch.槍) 手槍 pistol, etc., see 槍 81A.40.楷Words2. 楷模 [kai3mo2], n., model for others (in conduct, etc.).相Adv.相托,相囑 to ask a person to do s.t., etc.Words13. 相當 [xiang1dang1], v.i. & adj., (1) proper, appropriate (compensation etc.); (2) 相當於 is equal to (dismissal, etc.); 相當的 fairly (expensive, etc.).21. 相符 [xiang1fu2], v.i., agree with (orig. signature, etc.): 名實相符,名符其實 reality corresponds with claims or title.27. 相互 [xiang1hu4], adv., mutually (help, envy, etc.) each other.33. 相偕 [xiang1jie1], adv., together (go away, etc.).38. 相看 [xiang1kan1], (1) v.i., look at each other; (2) (*[xiang4kan0] v.t., to size up (prospective son-in-law, etc.) by looking.69. 相應 [xiang1ying1], (1) v.i., (in official documents) it is proper that (this be communicated, etc.); (2) ([xiang1ying4]) (a) v.i., to act in response; (b) adj., proper: 嫁得相應的人家 (in vern. literature) marry into a proper family.70. 相宜 [xiang1yi2], adj., (1) fitting and proper; (2) agreeable (weather, etc.): 氣候不相宜 the weather does not agree with a person.72. 相與 [xiang1yU3], (1) v.i., live or work together: 很難相與 difficult to live with or work with (person); (2) adv., together (climb mountains, laugh, etc.).朽Words4. 朽爛 [xiu3lan4], adj., decayed, rotten (meat, fruit, etc.).機Words23. 機能 [ji1neng2], n., functions (of a human organ, etc.)橫Adj. & adv.橫斷面 a cross section (of a tree, ship, etc.);杠V.i. & t.(1)  V.t., sharpen (knives, razors, etc.): 杠刀 [gang4dao1]↓.模Words3. 模糊 [morhu2], adj., blurred, unclear, hazy (also 模模糊糊): 模糊不清 unchear (print, etc.), also wr. 饃糊.6. 模擬 [mo2ni3], (1) v.t., consciously imitate (ancient masters, etc.); (2) n., imitation (such as poll tests): 模擬考試 unofficial test to test results: a mock test.7. 模型 [mo2xing2], n., pattern, model (of machine, buildings, etc.).8. 模特兒 [mo2te4er0], n., model for painters, photographers, building model, etc.核N.(1)  ([he2er0]) Nut, kernel (of peach, date, etc.).檢Words2. 檢查 [jian3cha2]1, v.t., inspect(luggage, passport, identity card, etc.): 衛生 (清潔) 檢查 health (sanitation) inspection.12. 檢驗 [jian3yan4], v.t., inspect and examine (troops, weapons and ammunition, training, etc.): 檢驗吏 an inspecting officer, inspector.杖Words1. 杖期 [zhang4ji1], v.i. & n., degree of mourning for one year period; classical regulation on use of staff during mourning (用杖) or not to use staff (不用杖), according to prescribed and (Confucianist) codified degree of sorrow (on the assumption that the deeply stricken mourner cannot walk without a staff); 不杖期 one-year mourning without use of staff observed by husband for death of wife if parents are living, but 杖期 or 服杖期 leaning on the staff if parents are dead, etc.松Words7. 松活 [song1huo2], n., artificial men, deer, pavilion, etc., made with pine branches, burned for the dead.特Words12. 特刊 [te4kan1], n., special issue (of bulletin, etc.).18. 特殊 [te4shu1], adj., distinguished (merits, etc.): special (treatment, honor, privilege) different from others.牲Words1. 牲口 [sheng1kou3], n., domesticated animal (donkey, cattle, hog, etc.).犒Words1. 犒勞 [kao4lao0], v.t., (1) to comfort (troops) with gifts of money, food, etc.; (2) (吃) 犒勞 (have) extra food for employees on designated days.犧Words1. 犧牲 [xi1sheng1], (1) n., sacrificial offerings of cows, pigs, etc.; n., a sacrifice (of interest, etc.); (2) v.t., to sacrifice: 犧牲自己 sacrifice oneself; v.t., 為國犧牲 sacrifice oneself for the country.牧V.t.to tend (sheep, cow, etc.), lead to pasture: 牧牛,牧羊 look after cattle, sheep;轉Words2. 轉變 [zhuan3bian4], n. & v.i., a change for the better or worse (political situation, patient's condition, etc.), to change (direction, plan).23. 轉生 [zhuan3sheng1], v.i., to be born in next incarnation (as dog, donkey, another human being, etc.).輸V.i. & t.& n.offer loyalty, heart, etc.: 輸誠 [shu1cheng2]↓.轅N.行轅 field headquarters, etc.;輯Words5. 輯要 [ji2yao4], (1) n., an abstract, summary: a selection; n., (of books, articles); (2) v.i., summarize the essential ideas (of a book, etc.).斬V.t.(1)  To cut off (branches, etc.), cut in two: 斬斷 cut in two;斬草除根 (fig.) to eradicate, root out (bandits, etc.);輕Words3. 輕巧 [qing1qiao3], adj., (1) agile, skillful; (2) delicate, well-made (gadget, etc.); (3) light, portable.19. 輕快 [qing1kuai4], adj., (1) fast, easy to handle (carriage, etc.); (2) 價錢輕快 price has eased off; 天氣冷的輕快 (also pr. [qing2kuai0]) weather has become milder.35. 輕脆 [qing1cui4], adj., brittle (biscuit, etc.).博Words8. 博士 [bo2shi4], n., doctor of philosophy, medicine, law, etc.; n., one of several academic honors from Hahn to Sueir Dyns., as 五經博士,太常博士; n., 博士買驢 a Ph. D. buying a donkey, i.e., a lot of academic jargon; n., 茶博士 tea connoisseur.剌V.t.剌破 cut slits in (a fabric, dress, etc.);制V.t.管制 control, have charge of (traffic, people, etc.);Words3. 制定 [zhi4ding4], v.t., to set up (rules, rites, etc.).4. 制度 [zhi4du4], n., system (of laws, promotion, examination, degrees, etc.).10. 制止 [zhi4zhi3], v.t., to stop (riot, dissension, etc.).14. 制限 [zhi4xian4]1, v.i., to limit (number of persons, etc.).19. 制作 [zhi4zuo4], n., creation (of arts, music, etc.).切V.i.(2)  (*[qie1]) To cut (paper, fish, meat, melon, etc.): 切斷 cut in two;Words5. 切斷 *[qie1duan4], v.t., to amputate (leg, etc.).6. 切糕 *[qie1gao1], n., a kind of pudding made of glutinous rice, dates, etc., cut and sold in small pieces.協Words9. 協調 [xie2tiao2], v.t., to adjust to each other, to readjust (relationships, etc.).乾Adj.see 乾爹,乾媽,乾兒 (子),乾娘 [gan1die1], [gan1ma1], [gan1e2]([zi3]), [gan1niang2]↓ etc.頓N. adjunct.What takes place at one time (like a about, meal, etc.): 一頓飯 one meal;賴V.t.(3)  Drag on: 拖賴 purposely keep on putting off (payment, etc.);敷V.i. & t.(2)  (AC) to spread (v.i. & t.): 敷放,敷布,敷施 to spread (culture, etc.);Words2. 敷設 [fu1she4], v.t., lay, arrange in order (decorations, etc.), lay (railroads).3. 敷演 [fu1yan3]1, v.t., show, perform, develop (story, etc.); dist. 衍.孝Words4. 孝敬 [xiao4jing4], v.t., (1) to present eatables, etc. (to parents, elders): 這是我孝敬祖母的 this is my present to grandmother; (2) to serve with love and respect.聲Words16. 聲明 [sheng1ming2]2, v.i. & n., to declare (intentions, etc.); a declaration (of purpose, etc.), public statement.土Adj.forming many compp. meaning local, native, aboriginal, like 土風,土豪,土人,土布 see [tu3feng1]2, [tu3hao2], [tu3ren2], [tu3bu4], etc↓.土性,土氣 [tu3xing4], [tu3qi4], etc.↓;墊N.床墊,褥墊 mattress, etc.罄Words1. 罄竭 [qing4jie2], adj., finished, exhausted (funds, etc.).吉Words13. 吉禮 [ji2li3], n., ceremonies (birthday, wedding, etc.).喜N.(1)  Happiness, joy: 報喜 report on birth of a son, getting a degree, etc.;害喜 show symptoms of early pregnancy (morning sickness, etc.).Words1. 喜愛 [xi3ai4], v.t., to like, to love (child, swimming, detective story, etc.).2. 喜慶 [xi3qing4], n., celebration of some happy event (wedding, etc.).6. 喜好 [xi3hao4], v.t., to love or like (skating, detective films, etc.).14. 喜事 [xi3shi4], (1) n., happy occasions (birthdays, weddings, etc.); (2) v.t., to love to meddle.磬N.(2)  A metal piece in temples suspended and struck as signal for dinner, prayer service, etc.考Words10. 考校 [kao3jiao4], v.i., research and compare (texts, variations, etc.).老Words88. 老鄉 [lao3xiang1], n., (1) a person from the same country, province, town, etc. as oneself; (2) my dear sir! (t




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