

单词 esp
释义 ESP  [ˌiːɛsˈpiː]if (document.getElementById('headerTabs')) { document.getElementById('headerTabs').style.display = 'none'; }Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:esp. abbr =especially 尤其 yóuqí在这些条目还发现'ESP':在英文解释里:abatement - ancient - avoirdupois - benignant - billet - biography - blackamoor - blue book - boodle - broadside - brogue - bunk - bushwhacker - Calvary - carder - clamberer - clap - clutch - coddled - codependency - commissary - contend - convenience - crawler - crested - cropper - dauber - disc - disfranchise - disinterested - distemper - distrait - doublet - draw out - duffer - dynamiter - Euro - expedited - extravehicular - fed - fund - garden - get down - gimpy - hardhat - harpooner - heaver - hot dog - impeacher - jurist ESP abbr. English for Specific (或 Special) Purposes 专用英语 extra sensory perception 超感觉认识,超感官知觉 esp.,espec. abbr.especially 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 ESPabbr.① =extrasensory perception新世纪新世纪★◀▶ESP¹/ˌiːesˈpiː/n.1.=extrasensory perception2.=English for Special PurposesESP²abbr.=Spainespabbr.=especially沪江沪江★◀▶详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 abbr=especially英英释义n.apparent power to perceive things that are not present to the senses详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n /ˌiːesˈpiː/=extrasensory perception=English for Special Purposes abbr=Spainesp才Words2. 才情 [cai2qing2], n., great ability, esp. litr. aptitude.喪Words15. 喪命 [sang4ming4], v.i., to die, esp. during war and turmoil.車Words25. 車輛 [che1liang4], n., vehicles, carriages, carts, cars, esp. in traffic.生N.小生,晚生 self-reference of student, esp. in letter to teacher;Adv.怎生 how: 不知怎生是好 don't know what to do (esp. in MC=怎麼, also wr. 作麼生).Words69. 生受 [sheng1shou4], v.i., (esp. Mc) to suffer: 不好生受 difficult to bear; (MC) to suffer: 不好生受 difficult to bear; (MC) 生受你 (=modn. 難為你) thanks for the trouble.整Words14. 整容 [zheng3rong2], v.i., to dress up, esp. to shave.青Words7. 青燈 [qing1deng1], n., an oil lamp, esp. in temple.真Words7. 真個 [zhen1ge4], adv., (esp. MC) really (=真的):真個銷魂 (of woman) really captivating; really surrender in love.翅N.(2)  ([chi4zi0]) Fins, esp. 魚翅 sharks’ fins.造Words15. 造罪 [zao4zui4], v.i., to sin, esp. against the gods.妻N.妻黨 wife's relations (esp. those influential politically);打V.i. & t.(3)  Hunt, fetch, purchase: 打魚 to fish, esp. as a profession;Words17. 打前失 [da3qian2shi0], v.i., (esp. horse) to trip, to stumble.捺Words1. 捺瑟 [na4se4], n., a set of clapping boards, used for marking rhythm, esp. in monologue story telling (大鼓), also called 檀板 sandalwood boards.操Words16. 操作 [cao1zuo4], (1) n., work, esp. manual or household work; (2) v.t., operate, manipulate, handle (process, machine, etc.).探N.([tan4zi0]) Detective, esp. private agent: 偵探,密探 detective, spy.振V.i. & t.振旅 to call army to order after battle, esp. after victory to return.攆V.t.To drive away, pursue: 攆走,攆出去 drive (s.o.) away, esp. fire a servant;擇V.t.擇鄰 pick a suitable place to live in, esp. for the rearing of one's children;推Words40. 推許 [tui1xU3], v.t., praise, esp. by s.o. above, commend favorably by superior.搖Words1. 搖擺 [yao2bai3], v.i., to stagger, to walk with a swinging gait: 搖搖擺擺 walk thus, esp. with an air of importance; 搖頭擺尾 waggling tail to please the master.插V.t.插標 esp. 插草標 put a tag of straw showing s.t. is for sale;押Words17. 押歲 [ya1sui4], n., a New Year gift esp. for children (usu.wr. 壓歲)扛Words4. 扛頭 *[kang2tou2], v.i., to throw one's head up in a gesture of disdain, said esp. of proud prostitutes.拉V.i. & t.拉客 solicit customers, said esp. of streetwalkers;搭V.i. & t.(2)  To join up , attach to : 搭幫,搭夥,搭伴 travel with others in same vehicle, esp. 搭船,搭車 go aboard a boat, a car, thus 搭客 (be) a passenger;拓Words1. 拓本 *[ta4ben3], n., a rubbing, esp. of ancient inscription, (the rubbing itself could be ancient and therefore important).措V.i. & t.籌措 to manage, make preparations, esp. secure funds.指Words29. 指使 [zhi2shi3], v.t., to direct, esp. behind the scene; v.t.,to instigate.播Words5. 播弄 [bo4long4], v.t., esp. in 播弄是非 spread unfounded rumors.拎V.t.(Coll.) to lift or carry by hand, esp. by bent fingers: 提拎菜籃 carry a basket in one's hand;撫Words5. 撫養 [fu3yang3], 撫育 [fu3yU4], v.t., bring to maturity, esp. orphan: 撫育成人.捻V.t.捻酸 be jealous of, said esp. of women.拋V.t.(2)  Cast away, abandon, esp. 拋棄 [pao1qi4]↓.卷Words14. 卷煙 [jUan3yan1], n., cigarets, esp. cigaret rolled by hand.擺N.Pendulum, esp. 鐘擺 clock pendulum.V.t.(4)  Arrange, set in order, esp. table, etc: 擺列 arrange in order;把Words3. 把鼻 [ba3bi2], n., cue, or clue, esp. 沒把鼻 without any clue.抵V.i. & t.(3)  To reach, arrive at: esp. 抵達 [di3da2] ↓;扶Words12. 扶梯 [fu2ti1], n., staircase, ladder, esp. hand ladder.撲V.i. & t.(1)  Assault, rush toward: 撲上來 lurch forward (esp. toward opponent).撒V.i. & t.撒風撒癡,撒嬌撒癡 to act spoiled (esp. woman);撮Words2. 撮合 [cuo1he2] ([cuo1he0]), v.t., to bring two parties together, esp. for matrimonial alliance; 撮合山 matchmaker.投Words2. 投奔 [tou2ben4], v.i. & t., seek shelter (in country, place), esp. return to freedom: 投奔自由 escape to freedom.林N.(3)  Forest as symbolic of multitude or group: 儒林 the Confucian scholars esp. in biographical section of dynastic histories;標N.(2)  Banner, esp. as prize at contests: 奪得錦標 capture the banner.Words1. 標榜 [biao1bang3], v.t., give favorable publicity to: 互相標榜 (esp. of writers) gain popularity by mutual compliments.棒Words6. 棒喝 [bang4he4], n., (orig. Budd.) a blow and a shout to waken one from error, esp. 當頭棒喝 direct sharp warning.杵N.(3)  A wooden club, slat, esp. used for beating laundry.枉Words6. 枉費 [wang3fei4], v.t., esp. in 枉費心機 to wreck one's brains without results.格Words4. 格致 [ge2zhi4], (1) phr., 格物致知 to study the phenomena of nature in order to acquire knowledge; (2) n., old name of natural sciences, esp. physics.楮N.(2)  (U.f. 紙) paper, esp. paper money burnt for the dead: 楮錢,楮鏹 [chu3qian2], [chu3qiang2]↓.槽N.跳槽 “feed in another's manger,” “jump on another bandwagon”--inconstancy in love affairs, esp. among visitors of prostitutes.檔N.esp. files: 歸檔 return to the files;相V.t.(3)  To read person's physiognomy, esp. face and hand reading: 相面,相術,相法 [xiang1mian4], [xiang1shu4], [xiang1fa3]↓;Words44. 相片 *[xiang4pian4], n., a photograph, esp., a print.楣N.(1)  Lintel, esp. 門楣 lintel;桐N.(1)  Name given to various trees, esp. 梧桐 Firmiana platanifolia, the Chin. parasol tree,loved for its shade: 桐樹 Paulownia tomentosa;棚N.天棚,涼棚 awning, esp. for summer.榜N.(4)  (*[beng4]) A small boat, esp. pleasure boat.梅Words3. 梅香 [mei2xiang1], n., common name for maidservant, esp. on stage.械Words1. 械斗 [xie4dou4], n., a fight with weapons, esp. in clan fights.棧Words3. 棧道 [zhan4dao4], n., plank way, esp. those built on sides of cliffs for army.模Words1. 模仿 [mo2fang3], v.t., to copy (master, person) esp. in painting, conduct; to model after (s.o.).5. 模棱 [mo2ling2], adj., esp. in 模棱兩可 ambiguous, unclear (attitude), fence-sitting, ready to accept either course.10. 模樣 (兒) *[mu2yang4] (mur-yah-'l), n., shape, esp. woman's figure: 一模一樣 exactly alike.枚N.(2)  Piece of stick used as mouth gag: 銜枚疾走 (army) hastening with mouth gags esp. in night attacks.Words2. 枚舉 [mei2jU3], v.t., enumerate, esp. 不勝枚舉 too many to enumerate piece by piece.轅N.(2)  Office of magistrate, governor, general: 轅門 ditto, esp. where horses are unharnessed;軫V.i.To turn about in mind, to think about constantly, esp. in compassion: 軫念時艱 to bear in mind the troubles of the country, see compp.↓.博Adj. & adv.Broad, learned, well-read, esp. 廣博 broad in learning, knowledge or territory;勃Words7. 勃谿 [bo2xi1], v.i., (LL) quarrel (esp. among in-laws).故N.變故 a mishap, unfortunate event, esp. death of one's father or mother;Words9. 故家 [gu4jia1], n., an old family, esp. of well-known status: 故家子 a young man from such a family.孝N.Mourning, esp. for parents (see Adj.): 守孝,穿孝,戴孝 observe mourning;聲Words2. 聲氣 [sheng1qi4], n., spiritual or physical relations: 聲氣相投 (from 同聲相應,同氣相求) having spiritual affinity (of friends); communication: 通聲氣 keep in contact with each other, esp. in secret.土Words24. 土豪 [tu3hao2], n., the local rich and influential class, esp. 土豪劣紳 phr., local oppressive rich gentry.幫 174B30  11.22/50 ㄅㄤ [bang1]. [Original and printed form, usu. contracted to and esp. as pop. var.]壹Adj.One (esp. as “spelling out” of Arabic numeral “1”).考N.(1)  Deceased father or grandfather: 考妣 deceased father and mother, esp. on tombstones;老Words1. 老媼 [lao2ao3], n., an old woman, esp. servant.28. 老底 [lao2di3], n., (1) ground one relies for upon support: 我心里有老底,所以一點不害怕 I was not a bit afraid, for I knew I was on firm ground; n., (2) one's past or background, esp. weaknesses: 你的老底全在我心里那 I know your past only too well! 老底兒 (子) [lao3dieeer0] ([zi0]) n., (a) the family estate; n., (b) the status of one's family.29. 老弟 [lao3di4], n., (1) (vocative) my dear younger brother; (2) (vocative) my dear friend, a term used used by a teacher to address his pupil (esp. formal or in correspondence).48. 老虎 [lao2hu3], n., the tiger; 老虎攤兒 a stall where faked objects, esp. of art, are palmed off as genuine; 老虎鉗 a vise; 老虎豆 a kind of spotted beans (also 老皮豆); 老虎眼 a kind of sour date.53. 老酒 [lao2jiu3], n., vintage wine, esp. that made in Shaoshing.91. 老壽星 [lao3shou1xing1], n., (1) (court.) a venerable old man or woman, esp. at birthday or wedding parties; (2) an idol with the likeness of an old man.賣V.t.(3)  Show off: esp. 賣弄 [mai4long4]↓;超Words5. 超度 [chao1du0], v.t., (Budd.) to save from sin, esp. to say mass for deceased person: 超度眾生 to save mankind from the sea of misery which is life.V.i. & t.To add, increase, esp. 益.堆Words1. 堆砌 [dui1qi4], v.i., pile, esp. piling up of phrases and allusions in composition, like piling up bricks (as against simple style).塌V.i.see esp. 塌臺 [ta1tai2]↓;地Words4. 地步 [di4bu4], n., (1) situation; (2) free space, esp. room for movement or retreat: 留地步 leave (s.o.) room for staying on or retreat.懿Adj.(1)  (LL) (of character, esp. woman's) good, benign, virtuous, moral, worthy.款Words14. 款目 [kuan3mu4], n., an item, esp. in accounts; a clause in agreement.報Words6. 報單 [bao4dan1], n., report, esp., customs declaration.11. 報販 [bao4fan4], n., news dealer, esp. seller of papers on the streets.31. 報效 [bao4xiao4], n. & v.i., (render) service in gratitude, more esp. monetary gift for official favors.35. 報子 [bao4zi0], n., wall posters, esp. announcement of theatrical performances.36. 報務 [bao4wu4], n., affairs concerning the press, esp. telegraph.奈Words2. 奈何 [nai4he2], (1)adv., why, for what reason: 奈何不跟我說話 why refuse to talk to me? 奈何騙你母親 why deceive your mother? (2) (detachable v.t.), esp. in negative form, to make difficulties for (person): 不能奈我何 or 奈何我 could not do anything to me; (detachable v.t.) 不能奈何他 or 奈何他不得 could not take measures against him; (3) 無奈 or 無奈的,沒奈何 or 無可奈何 a helpless situation; hence adj., hence adj., “helpless,” “sad,” “forlorn”: 奈何天 sad, helpless days; hence adj., 奈何橋 bridge to Hell where the deceased spirits have to pass.奉V.i. & t.(1)  Receive or proffer from below, quite freely attached to vbb. esp. in correspondence, with the sense “I beg to,” “I have the honor to”: 奉懇,奉求,奉禱 I beg, pray;奔Words15. 奔走 [ben1zou3], v.i., to rush about on business; v.i., esp. to serve under, take orders from s.o., as 在大人門下奔走.大Words95. 大數 [da4shu4], n., man's destiny, fate, esp. number of years to live.驚Words5. 驚風 [jing1feng1], n., (1) (Chin. med.) spasms, convulsions esp. in children; (2) furious winds.遭Words2. 遭際 [zao1ji4], n., happenings, esp. unhappy circumstances.摹 246C50  20A.00-4/64 ㄇㄛˊ [mo2] (*ㄇㄜˋ [me4]). [Interch.模 esp. in artistic work]薄Words18. 薄幸 [bo2xing4]2, adj., fickle, esp. 薄幸郎 fickle (man) lover.華N.(3)  The course of time, esp. prime of youth: 年華逝水 time passes like water;萬Words22. 萬類 [wan4lei4], n., all categories; esp. birds and beasts of the creation.花Words31. 花瓜 [hua1gua1], n., cucumber, esp. for pickling; chopped-up appearance: 臉上打得花瓜似的 face was all cut up.靸Words1. 靸拉 [ta1la0], v.t., to pull, drag, esp. in trailing slippers; also wr. 趿.勘Words3. 勘合 [kan4he2], v.t., to match part of official seal with another document for authenticity, esp. in mil. orders.歡N.(2)  Love, esp. sexual union: 偷歡 secret lovers’ union;裝Words4. 裝腔 [zhuang1qiang1], v.i., to affect certain airs, esp. 裝腔作勢 assume airs of importance.8. 裝幌子 [zhuang1huang3zi0], v.i., to put up a front, esp. false front, to put up a show to deceive.端 313C30  21.42/126 ㄓㄨㄢ [zhuan1]. [Var. of專 10.00, esp. in letters:端此=專此]上Words5. 上部 [shang4bu4], n., upper part, esp. of body.48. 上進 [shang4jin4]1, v.i., to go forward, make progress esp. in studies; 上進心 n., desire to advance.77. 上香 [shang4xiang1], v.i., go to temple to pray, esp. on pilgrimage.虎Words10. 虎穴 [hu3xie2], n., tiger's den, esp. 虎穴龍潭 a hazardous spot.岫N.(1)  A mountain peak, esp. a cleft between peaks: 云無心以出岫 the cloud emerges from between the peaks without intent or purpose.斷Words1. 斷腸 [duan4chang2], phr., “break intestines”(poet.) for extreme sadness, esp. longing for lovers.虧Words5. 虧耗 [kui1hao4], v.i. & n., to lose money, esp. from extravagant expenditures; such a loss.凱Words2. 凱旋 [kai3xUan2], v.i., return in triumph; 凱旋門 triumphal arch (esp. Arc de Triomphe).狀N.(3)  ([zhuang4zi0]) A letter of appeal to authority, esp. a legal plaint or complaint: 狀詞,狀子 [zhuang4ci2], [zhuang4zi0]↓;隳N.Red blotch (esp. on nose from excessive drinking): 酒隳.串Words16. 串演 [chuan4yan3], v.i., to take part in a play, esp. by amateur.肅V.i. & t.(2)  To send greeting esp. at end of letter: 手肅 greet personally;非Words7. 非非 [fei1fei1], n., esp. in 想入非非 indulge in phantasy; get fantastic or wayward, incorrect thoughts.畫Words31. 畫押 [hua4ya1], v.i., to make a sign (esp. by an illiterate) in lieu of signature.書Words21. 書坊 [shu1fang1], n., a bookshop, esp. old style.41. 書卷 [shu1jUan4], n., book, esp. in anc. form of a scroll: 書卷氣 phr., (of painting, person) air of cultivated refinement.曲N.(*[qU3]) (1)  ([qU3zi0],[er0]) A song, esp. one sung on the stage;雜曲 popular songs, esp. those sung for public entertainment.Words3. 曲筆 [qU1bi3], v.i., (1) (LL) to gloss over (person's faults), esp. in history writing; to hint merely at (unsavory facts); (2) to distort laws or their interpretation.23. 曲線 [qU1xian4], n., (1) (math.) a curves; (2) curve esp. of feminine body: 曲線美 beautiful curve; 曲線板 a curved ruler used by draftsmen.劣Words5. 劣紳 [lie4shen1], n., esp. in 土豪劣紳 local rich and gentry who prey upon the people.黨Words2. 黨錮 [dang3gu4], n., bitter party fights, esp. Hahn Dyn.北Words1. 北朝 [bei3chao2], n., The Northern Dyns. (396-581 A.D.) esp. 南北朝 The South and North Dyns.悲Words3. 悲秋 [bei1qiu1], v.i., beautiful feeling of sadness induced by autumn, esp. in sentimental poetry (傷春悲秋)典Words7. 典籍 [dian3ji2], n., books in gen., esp. anc. works.12. 典刑 [dian3xing2]1, n., laws, esp. penalties: 明正典刑 carry out a capital punishment.賞V.i. & t.(2)  To appreciate, enjoy beauty of (flowers, moon, snow): 欣賞 enjoy, appreciate (esp. literature, speech);遺Words10. 遺骸 [yi2hai2], n., corpse, esp. of one dying abroad, waiting to be shipped home.21. 遺留 [yi2liu2], v.t., to leave behind (children, request, etc.), esp. at death.恃N.(1)  (LL) support, esp. of parents: 失恃 lost mother;憫V.i.Feel for people in sorrow or trouble: esp. 憐憫 have pity for;憐Words1. 憐愛 [lian2ai4], v.t., love, esp. tender ones.忤Words1. 忤逆 [wu3ni4], adj. & n., disobedient, -ce, esp. disobedience to parents, a grave crime formerly punishable by law.怖N.Terror, esp. 恐怖 terror;忭Adj.Happy: 歡忭,欣忭 happy, esp. on occasions.情N.(2)  Circumstances, esp. feelings of those involved, (usu. expressed in Eng. as “condition” or “the facts of the case” but really “condition as felt,” see 軍情,國情,民情 below): 情形,情況,情狀,情勢 [qing2xing0], [qing2kuang4], [qing2zhuang4], [qing2shi4]1↓;(3)  Personal relations esp. as or set against even-handed justice: 徇情 accommodate personal considerations as against the law;Words34. 情實 [qing2shi2], n., real facts, esp. illegal actions.49. 情欲 [qing2yU4]1, n., desire, esp. mortal desire.忱N.(LL esp. in letters) heart, feeling: 微忱,下忱 (modest) my humble feeling (of gratitude, etc.);慎Words4. 慎終 [shen4zhong1], phr., (Confu.) take great care in making funeral arrangements (including sacrifices), esp. for one's parents.帔N.Woman's shawl, shoulder-piece, esp. 霞帔, bridal shoulder-piece, cf. 披肩 10A.82.糧N.(1)  Food, nutriment: 乾糧 grain and dry goods, esp. on travel, in the army;粗Words7. 粗話 [cu1hua4], n., coarse language, esp. obscene language.粉Words3. 粉黛 [fen3dai4], n., cosmetics, esp. stage make-up (white powder and black for eyebrows); ladies in palace or rich homes.敉V.t.To subjugate (rebellion), esp. 敉平.對V.i. & t.(6)  Deal with, in dealings with, treat: 對待人不錯 treat people well, esp. show fairness, behave properly;逗Words6. 逗笑兒 [dou4xiao4er0], v.i., try to induce a smile (esp. in child).副N.大副,二副 first assistant, second assistant, esp. on ship, in kitchen;丁N.esp. males subject to service, or tax in lieu of service;于Prep.To, at, with, from, varying with context (var. of 於 see 60S.63) used esp. in constructions with vb. +于+n. or pron. (as 告于人 speak to person, 遇于途 meet on the road, 遷于秦 move to Chirn, 會于河 assemble at the river);可Words28. 可以 [ke2yi3], (1) aux. vb., may, can (esp. in vern.): 你可以去,他不可以 you may go, but he may not; 可以這樣說 one may say so; (2) v.i. & adj., will do, good or bad enough: 這孩子鬧得真可以 this child has made enough fuss; 可以休矣 enough of it, time to stop; 畫的真可以 painted pretty well; 可以了 that will do.耳Words9. 耳璫 [er3dang1], n., earring, esp. pendant type.王Words22. 王考 [wang2kao3], n., deceased grandfather (used esp. on tombstones).不Words97. 不免 [bu4mian3], vb. aux., have to (esp. in MC dramas).正Words6. 正寢 [zheng4qin3], v.i., esp. in 壽終正寢 die peacefully in bed.西Adj. & adv.see esp. 西洋 [xi1yang2]↓;面N.面對面 face to face, see esp. 面子 [mian4zi0]↓ honor, social standing;Words20. 面皮 [mian4pi2], n., esp. 面皮厚 thick-skinned, unashamed; 面皮軟,薄 thin-skinned, easily ashamed.恐V.i. & t.Fear: (esp. vern.) 恐怕 [kong3pa4], see other compp.↓;惡Words19. 惡劣 [e4lie4], adj., bad in gen., esp. in quality, morals.天N.(2)  Nature, what is given by nature, esp. 天然 see [tian1ran2]↓: 天資,天賦,天成,天性 [tian1zi1]2, [tian1fu4]2, [tian1cheng2], [tian1xing4]2↓;Words56. 天倫 [tian1lun2], n., the natural bonds and relationships of men, esp. the bonds of family: 天倫之樂 the happiness of family reunion, happy home.75. 天象 [tian1xiang4], n., natural phenomena, esp. in the skies; the heavenly bodies.遷V.i.(2)  To change, esp. slowly, to shift: 茍不教,性乃遷 a man's nature changes for the worse if not properly taught.要Words29. 要津 [yao4jin1], n., (LL) important road or avenue, esp. to success or power.36. 要路 [yao4lu4], n., vital route, esp. to power.琢V.t.To chisel, to grind, esp. jade;理Words9. 理智 [li3zhi4]1, n. & adj., the rational (faculty) esp. as opp. 情感 emotions.瑤Words3. 瑤臺 [yao2tai2], n., jade terrace, esp. of immortals.璫N.(1)  Jewelry, esp. earring: 耳璫.硬Adv.esp. 硬著頭皮,硬著臉子 braving all rebuff;醵V.i.Contribute money for a common purpose, esp. to buy drinks: 醵金 to chip in;酬Words2. 酬唱 [chou2chang4], v.i., to write back and forth, esp. poems, between friends.霖N.Rain, esp. long rain: 霖雨 heavy rain;列Words6. 列傳 [lie4zhuan4], n., biographies, esp. section on biographies in different dynastic histories.刑Words12. 刑名 [xing2ming2], n., (1) (AC) law, esp. criminal laws; n., 刑名之學 (philosophy of legalist school, e.g., 韓非); n., (2) 刑名師爺 formerly, government secretary, who is specialist in law, known for skillful use of a judicious word to incriminate people (深文,周納).功Words10. 功力 [gong1li4]2, n., (1) merits, efficacy; (2) (coll.) force and skill, esp. in regard to training.12. 功名 [gong1ming2], n., formerly, official honor or rank, esp. academic degrees in civil examinations.殘Adj.殘花敗柳 women, esp. prostitutes, after their prime;殯V.t. & n.Funeral, esp. that part between laying-in in coffin (殮) and burial (葬): 出殯 funeral ceremony and procession.取Vb. complement.Esp. in poetry: 記取 remember (=記得);政Words8. 政綱 [zheng4gang1], n., party platform, main principles of government; proper funcitoning of government: 政綱大掁 the government begins to function properly, esp. regarding law and order, promotion and punishment.形Words17. 形態 [xing2tai4], n., (1) posture, bodily carriage, esp. of woman; (2) gen. appearance or condition or expression.孟Adj.(LL) First in series 孟,仲,季,oft. in brothers’ names, esp. in seasons’ names: 孟春,孟夏,孟秋,孟冬 first month of spring, summer, autumn, winter.登Words8. 登龍 [deng1long2], v.i., esp. 登龍術 secret of success (oft. derog.).通V.i. & t.通風報信 send news, esp. secretly;Words78. 通同 [tong1tong2], adv., together (work, share): esp. 通同作弊 work together in illegal transactions.陳Words3. 陳情 [chen2qing2], v.i., to plea, explain (reason of request, esp. of resignation).防Words12. 防頭 [fang2tou2], v.i., careful, esp. 不防頭: 假如說話不防頭 if one should make a careless slip of the tongue.隱Words30. 隱逸 [yin3yi4], n. & adj., recluse; scholar who keeps away from politics esp. in times of national trouble.險Adj.(2)  Difficult, startling: 險句,險語 startling sentence, esp. in prose or poetry;隨Words1. 隨便 (兒) [sui2bian4] (sueir-bia-'l), adj. & adv., (1) as one wishes, freely, not restricted: 隨便走 go wherever and whenever you like; esp. invitation to take off gown or coat at party: 隨便寬衣; 不可隨便吐痰 do not spit freely; (2) carelessly, cursorily: 做事不可隨便 don't do slipshod work.30. 隨員 [sui2yUan2]1, n., asistant, secretary, member of staff, esp. on a mission.單Words1. 單幫 [dan1bang1], phr., esp. in 跑單幫 (of petty businessman who) makes business trip on his own account.邑N.(2)  Town, township: 城邑 city (esp. with regard to walls and defense).吳N.esp. of [wu2] (222-277 A.D.) in the Three kingdoms period;Words3. 吳儂 [wu2nong2], n., as in 吳儂軟語 the Shanghai soft dial. (esp. Soochow), known for using 儂 in place of 你 “you.”喙N.(LL) mouth, esp., a bird's beak: 百喙莫辯 even a hundred mouths cannot absolve guilt.V.i.To cry, esp. of dogs, wolves: 陶大哭 to bawl, wail aloud.吐v.i. & t.(2)  Speak out from the heart, esp. 吐露 [tu3lu4]↓: 吐實 confess the truth;喔Adv. (Also *[wu1]) descriptive of crying ,esp. 喔喔 [wu1wu1]↓.Words2. 喔喔 *[wu1wu1], adv., descriptive of crying, esp. cock-a-doodle-do.喝V.i. & t.喝風 esp. 喝西北風 to suffer from cold and hunger, having nothing to eat;嗙V.i.To boast esp. 胡吹亂嗙.吹Words16. 吹噓 [chui1xU1], v.t., to praise, speak in favor of s.o., esp. to influential person.Words1. 喝 [yao1he0], V.i. & t., to yell, esp. at servants.躍V.i.雀躍 happy about s.t., esp. used by younger generation in speaking to elders, parents;跳V.i.跳出火炕 (fig.) escape from hell, esp., (prostitute) effects escape from profession.Words7. 跳加官 [tiao4jia1guan1], V.i., scene opening opera performance, invoking blessings (esp. official promotion) for audience.10. 跳梁 [tiao4liang2], V.i., “jump across the beams” like a burglar, esp. 跳梁小丑 petty burglar, contemptible rebel.別N. & v.i.(2)  (To) leave, (take) departure, esp. from friends, (during) absence: oft. 離別,別來,別後,離別以來 since departure;號N.(1)  A name, esp. poetic name for person: 國號 dynastic title;(5)  An order, esp. military: 號令 [hao4ling4]↓;累Words10. 累贅 *[lei2zhui0]1, adj., tedious, repetitious (esp. speech).田Words7. 田雞 [tian2ji1], n., frog: 四眼田雞 (facet.) bespectacled person, esp. schoolchild.圈Words6. 圈兒 [chyuaer0], n., (1) see N.↑; (2) esp. enclosure or permissible grounds: 鬧得都出了圈兒 has got beyond all bounds; (3) a trap, see [qUan1tao4]↓.9. 圈子 [qUan1zi0], n., see 圈 N.↑ esp. 圈套 [qUan1tao4]↑; n., an inner circle: e.g., 難以打進這個圈子 difficult to be admitted into the clique.團Words8. 團結 [tuan2jie2], v.i., to unite, esp. in spirit.17. 團圓 [tuan2yUan2], v.i. & n., esp. family reunited: 大團圓 grand union; (fig.) happy ending; 一家團圓,團圓節 Mid-Autumn Festival (of family reunion); 團圓媳婦 formerly, used of daughter-in-law raised from childhood in the family.圍N.(1)  (AC) distance between two stretched arms, esp. in measuring circumference of trees.圖Words4. 圖讖 [tu2chen4], n., book of prophecy, esp. regarding dynastic fortunes.國Words18. 國故 [guo2gu4], n., (1) the national cultural, esp. literary, heritage; (2) (AC) a national mourning.49. 國手 [guo2shou3], n., the national champion in any line of activity, esp. sports and games.四Words33. 四六 [shi1liu4], n., a euphuistic style of parallel constructions, known esp. for pairs of sentences of four and six characters.46. 四廂 [si4xiang1]2, n., the suburbs in four directions, esp. Peking.59. 四言時 [si4yan2shi1], n., a poem with lines of four characters each esp. in 詩經 Book of Poetry.易V.i. & t.互易 exchange (goods) with each other, esp. in trade;照V.i. & t.查照 for your information (at end of official communication), and 知照 used esp. to inferior;恩N.開恩 grant special favor, esp. grant pardon;Words1. 恩愛 [en1ai4], n., love, esp. between husband and wife.眛Adj.blind, esp. 昧於 blind to (事實 the facts, 國情 the conditions of the country);睬V.t.(2)  Pay attention, esp. with negative adv., to ignore: 不要睬他,不睬 ignore person, leave him alone, (refuse to look at).眼Words33. 眼色 [yan3se4], n., (1) a look, glance of the eye as signal: 遞個眼色與他 gave him a meaningful glance; (2) facial expression, countenance: 看人的眼色 watch s. o.’s look or mood, esp. superior's.販V.t.esp. ship and sell, see 販賣 [fan4mai4]↓.罵Words2. 罵街 [ma4jie1], v.i., abuse people in public, esp. 潑婦罵街 woman hysterically shouting and cursing in public.畔N.(1)  Boundary, esp. field boundary;點N.esp. 一點兒 [yi1diaaer0], a little bit, a little;歇Words7. 歇後語 [xie1hou4yU3], n., (a custom, esp. in Peking dial.) have the last word of a well-known phrase understood and not spoken; 禮義廉=禮義廉恥 with 恥 omitted, which means without shame (無恥).丹N.(1)  Pill: 膏丹丸散 medical pill, ointment and powder, esp. the pill of immortality sought by alchemists: 金丹,仙丹 elixir of life, the philosopher's stone;冊Words5. 冊命 [ce4ming4], v.t. & n., formal order, esp. in conferring honors.用Words10. 用功 [yong4gong1], v.i., to work hard, esp. at studies.同Words20. 同居 [tong2jU1], v.i., live together, esp. live as husband and wife without marriage, cohabit: 同居分爨 live in the same house, but eat separately (of relatives).周Words6. 周全 [zhou1qUan2], v.t., to help others, esp. with money: 周全人家.風Words67. 風水 [feng1shui0], n., Chin. science of geomancy or the influence of landscape (hills, river, layout of land) on people and their fortunes, esp. concerning grave-sites, orig. esthetic: 這地風水好 the [feng1shui3] is good or propitious; 風水先生 geomancer; 看風水 examine site of building, grave from geomantic point of view.過Words46. 過量 [guo4liang4], adv., exceed one's capacity, said esp. of wine.臘N.(2)  (AC) (pr. [xi2]) preserved meat, esp. used in sacrifices.朋N.(1)  Friend, esp. 朋友 [peng2you3]↓;勝V.t. & adj.esp. 不勝 extremely, unbearably: 不勝感激,悲痛 extremely grateful, grieved;Words15. 勝似 [sheng4shi4], adj., (esp. MC or poetic) better than, also as good as (seeing you in person, etc.).腸N.(3)  (Intestines as seat of emotions like “heart” in Eng.) deep emotions, esp. of longing: 心腸 heart;肝腸 esp. courage (“liver and intestines,” see 肝 42A.10);鵬N.a symbol of person soaring to the cloudy heights, esp. said of young man of great promise in court: 鵬飛 soaring flight;鵬圖 any great (esp. commercial) plan for expansion.服Words1. 服氣 [fu2qi4], v.i., accept inwardly, esp. 不服氣 be not convinced.尋V.t.尋人 look for lost relative (esp. in newspaper advertisements);吊 728C50  50.22/57 ㄉㄧㄠˋ [diao4] (*ㄉㄧˋ [di4]). [Pop.吊, esp. in V.i. & t.2↓]V.i. & t.(1)  To console with the bereaved, to lament, esp. [diao4sang1]↓;司Words17. 司務 [si1wu4], n., gen. reference to workman in charge; esp. 大司務,廚司務 the chef.免V.i. & t.esp. 難免,未免:未免傷情 cannot help feeling sad;弼V.t.(LL) To assist, esp. assist king in government: 弼臣 minister assisting the king.弦Words7. 弦子 [xian2zi0], n., a stringed instrument, esp. 三弦.牙Words18. 牙祭 [ya2ji4], n., usu. in 打牙祭 have a great “feed,” a special dinner (esp. for shop employees on first and fifteenth of month).匿Words5. 匿喪 [ni4sang1], v.t., conceal the fact of the death of s.o., esp. one's parents.騎N.(1)  Horse, esp. cavalry horse.V.i. & t.To ride, esp. on horseback;駢Adj.(1)  Joint, coupled (of things paired together): see esp. 駢體文 [pian2ti3wen2]↓.馳Words3. 馳驅 [chi2qU1], v.i., to dash about, esp. in contest; bustle about business.駁Adj.(1)  Mixed, esp., in colors, motley (斑駁);雅Adv.(LL) indeed, esp. in 雅不愿,雅不欲 indeed reluctant (to do).擘N.(LL) thumb, esp. 巨擘 leader, (fig.) giant among equals, as 東方之巨擘 giant among oriental nations, also 擘指 the thumb.眉N.(4)  The eyebrows, oft. used as denoting facial expression, esp. coupled with 眼: 愁眉不展,愁眉苦臉 knitted eyebrows, preoccupied or sad look;巴Words11. 巴結 [ba1jie0], v.t., to flatter and win approval (of people, esp. the rich and important: 巴結某人); 巴結一筆錢到手 to manage to come by certain sum of money.避Words2. 避諱 [bi4hui4], n., taboo (esp. character in emperor’s or father's name); (see 諱 60A.10).14. 避世 [bi4shi4], v.i., retire from the world (esp. to avoid politics).閑Words24. 閑適 [xian2shi4]1, adj., leisurely and contented (life), esp. free and easy (style of writing or poems); of leisure and contentment.門Words11. 門風 [men2feng1], n., family reputation, esp. of old families.14. 門戶 [men2hu4], n., (1) house status, esp. of the rich or high officials: 權貴門戶; (2) strategic area commanding communications; (3) sect: 門戶之見,之爭 sectarian views, controversies; 自立門戶 establish own school of thought or clique; 門戶人家 formerly, term for brothels; 門戶開放政策 open door policy.18. 門檻 [men2kan3], n., threshold, the ways, esp. of doing business: 門檻甚精 sharp in business ways and methods.49. 門 [men2wei4], n., gatekeeper, esp. in football.鬧Words4. 鬧房 [nao4fang2], v.i. & n., (also 鬧新房) “tease the bride,” esp. to make the bride laugh.關N.出關 go to the other side of a mountain pass, esp. the Great Wall.Words24. 關內 [guan1nei4], n., this side of a mountain pass, esp. the Shanhaikuan (opp. 關外 Manchuria lying to the north of Shanhaikuan).亭Adj.Erect, esp. of ladies’ figure, see 亭亭 [ting2ting2]↓.稟V.i.(2)  (Court. to superior, prefaced to almost any verb, esp. in correspondence pray to, beg to: 稟報,稟告,稟陳,稟奏,稟呈 = “beg to report”;衷N.the heart, esp. bottom of the heart: 內衷,私衷 innermost feelings;商N.(1)  Commerce, trade, esp. as profession: 商人 [shang1ren2]↓;方Words20. 方技 [fang1ji4], n., the professions, esp. necromancy, astrology, medicine, etc.文Words24. 文虎 [wen2hu3], n., literary riddles, esp. as program amusement.67. 文選 [wen2xUan3], n., selected works, esp. 昭明文選 a wellknown selection noted for essays of florid style of early centuries A.D.游V.i. & t.(5)  To play: see esp. compp. of 游 63A.00.詩Words9. 詩律 [shi1lU4], n., restrictions of verse form, esp. in tones.謝Words6. 謝恩 [xie4en1], v.i., to thank s. o., esp. emperor or high official, for favor.諱N.犯諱 to write or use word contained in respected name (esp. of emperor), thus, to violate a taboo, (such words are carefully avoided, or if unavoidable, written with a missing stroke or with substitute character).評Words11. 評議 [ping2yi4], n & v.t., discuss (-ion), esp. on merits of ease; n & v.t., 評議會 [ping2yi4hui4], n., advisory council;諦N.True meaning, esp. religious: 真諦,妙諦 true meaning (of Budd., etc.).訴V.t.(1)  To tell, narrate, esp. to complain of s.t.: 告訴 tell;謐Adj.Quiet, esp. 安謐 quiet and peaceful.詁N. & v.t.Exegesis of meaning of words, esp. anc. meanings, usu. 訓詁;話Words3. 話本 [hua4ben3], n., chapbook, storyteller's copy of stories told at teahouses, esp. in Shung Dyn.: 宋人話本.諸Words9. 諸子 [zhu1zi3], n., “the philosophers,” referring to the philosophers or their works, outside the Confucianists (such as 老子,莊子,墨子, etc.); 諸子百家 the different philosophers and authors, esp. in time of the Warring Kingdoms.譜N.(2)  Book, album, esp. music album or sheets: 食譜 book of recipes;調Words18. 調制 [tiao2zhi4]2 (*[diao4zhi4]), v.t., manufacture, esp. by a formula (as sauce, flavoring).謗N. & v.t.Smear, make malicious attack: 誹謗,毀謗 make such rumors, esp. about personages, God;說V.i. & t.oft. with vb. complements 來,去,上,下,出,開,得, esp. with 得 (positive) and 不 (negative), see 說得,說來,說不上,說不得,說不清, [shuo1de2], [shuo1lai2], [shuo1bu4shang4], [shuo1bu4de2], [shuo1bu4qing1], etc.↓;Words32. 說兒 [shuo1er0], n., (1) s.t. to say: 沒什麼說兒 nothing to say; (2) terms, esp. reference to bribery.試Words14. 試問 [shi4wen4], phr., (1) may I ask; (2) formula in asking questions, esp. classroom exercises.讖Words2. 讖緯 [chen4wei3], n., Taoist science of prophecy through study of [yin1yang2] 陰陽 and 五 行 [wu1xing2] (31.30) or by common divination, esp. in Hahn Dyn.; such books.認Words7. 認生 [ren4sheng1], v.i., be shy, said esp. of children.談N.spec. fashion in East Jihn period (4th cen.) for cultured, esp. Taoist conversation;辨Words8. 辨異 [bian4yi4], v.i., compare difference esp. in texts.旆N.esp. one with colored borders.端V.t.To hold in the hand, esp. with both hands: 端茶,端菜 bring tea, a dish of food;Words10. 端詳 [duan1xiang2], (1) v.t., scrutinize, examine esp. s. t. in hand; (2) n., the whole story of how it happens: 細聽端詳.龍Words19. 龍頭 [long2tou2], n., (1) water faucet (usu. 水龍頭); (2) (coll.) head of any group, esp. of gangsters.親Words1. 親愛 [qin1ai4], adj., dear, affectionate, esp. 親愛的 darling, beloved: 親愛的




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