单词 | equiv |
释义 | equiv來Vb. complement.(4) Oft. equiv. Eng. “to”: 看來,想來,說來,聽來好笑 it's ridiculous to see it, to think of it, to speak of it, to hear it;Special formations.(3) Adv. conj., in order to, so that, to: 唱個歌來湊熱鬧 sing us a song (in order) to make the party more lively (equiv. 以 in LL);攬 88B15 10A.70-5/64 ㄌㄢˇ [lan3]. [Equiv. , ]士N.女士 gen. term equiv. “Miss” attached to surname (張女士) or personal name (玉華女士);者Pron.再者 “another thing” (regular formula, equiv. “P.S.” in letters);地Part.a modern substitute for 的, equiv. to Eng. “-ly,” affected by some writers: 偷偷地 stealthily;失V.i. & t.or oft. equiv. “in-,” “im-”: as 失當,失宜 in appropriate, from 當 and 宜 appropriate.落Words19. 落子 *[lao4zi0], (1) as in 落子館兒 equiv. to cheap amusement park where singing, vaudeville shows are given; *[lao4zi0], (2) means of living: 窮得都沒落子了 without means of subsistence.弗Adv.Not (equiv. 不, only in AC and LL, and in Shanghai dial.): 弗敢=不敢,弗察=不察,弗克=不克,弗能=不能,弗及=不及,弗如=不如;少Adj. & adv.(3) (In command) equiv. “don’t”: 少說話 don't talk;雷Words7. 雷公 [lei2gong0], n., god of thunder, equiv. Thor in Norse mythology.兄N.尊兄 somewhat equiv. “my esteemed friend”;唔Adv.(Cantonese dial.) equiv. Mandarin 不:唔得=不得.見Words30. 見字 [jian4zi4], phr., used in letters from elders to children or subordinates as part of the salutation, roughly equiv. “This note if for…” preceded by the name of the recipient.叵Words2. 叵奈 [po3nai4], phr., MC equiv. modn. 無奈 despite everything, but unfortunately: 叵奈一行書也無 alas! despite everything, (he) did not write a single letter, also 叵耐.臨V.i. & t.(1) As vb. participle, oft. equiv. Eng. “at -ing,”“upon coming to”: 臨去,臨行,臨別,臨走(said s.t.) at parting;諸Words5. 諸君 [zhu1jUn1], n., (used in public address) equiv. of “ladies and gentlemen,” “sirs.”庠N.Anc. term for county school of various grades, generally equiv. high school: 庠生 (LL) high school graduate;座Words1. 座前 [zuo4qian2], n., title of respect roughly equiv. "Your Honor," used in letters to elders and superiors.寡Words4. 寡人 [gua3ren2], pron., (AC) (polite) I, your unworthy king, equiv. "royal we."憑V.t.(3) Let, with sense equiv. Eng. “come what may”: 憑他怎麼說 let him say what he will;被Aux. vb.Equiv. “be” in passive voice: 被人聽見 be heard, overheard by others;我Words3. 我每 *[e3mei0], pron., MC equiv. 我們↓.受Vb. aux.Equiv. Eng. “be” in passive voice where the modn. 被 is more common: 受開除 (=被開除) be dismissed;Words5. 位 [zhong4wei4], n., (in public address) equiv. “ladies and gentlemen.”血Words9. 血氣 [xUe4qi4], n., animal spirits, vigor, oft. equiv. Eng. “guts”--courage, enthusiasm: 凡有血氣之人 all who have feeling (must feel aroused by the atrocities, etc.); 凡有血氣者莫不尊親 all who are endowed with breath (“blood”) respect their parents; see [xUe4xing4]↓; 血氣之勇 brute courage, as dist. moral courage; 血氣所使 slave to animal nature; 血氣未定 physical vigors of young people; 血氣虛弱 weak constitution, gen. debility.侍Words7. 侍郎 [shi4lang2], n., formerly, official rank, with different status, including (Tarng) a minister of imperial secretariat; oft. equiv. vice-minister.何Adv.(3) Equiv. negative 不:何敢=不敢 how dare I, I dare not;彼Pron.him (equiv. vern. 他): 彼曰 he says;Adj.彼人 that person (equiv. vern. 那);臺N.(1) Term of respectful address in letters, equiv. 先生, in place of the more direct “you,” “your”: 臺鑒,臺覽,臺照 your perusal (of this letter);細Words35. 細樂 [xi4yUe4], n., Chin. stringed and woodwind music, equiv. chamber music type, without drums and gongs.equiv.equivalent |
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