

单词 entrusted
释义 文馨英漢☞entrustentrusted托V.i. & t.受人之托 I am entrusted with (s.t. by s.o.).灑Words11. 灑湯 [sa3tang1], v.i., to fail like a drowned chicken): 那件事他辦的灑湯了 that affair entrusted to him is a complete fiasco.受Words34. 受托 [shou4tuo1], v.i., be entrusted to do s. t. by friend (also wr. 托).包Words1. 包辦 [bao1ban4], v.t., (1) take over, be responsible for, be entrusted with: 這事由我包辦 I will be responsible; 包辦筵席 cater to dinners; (2) to monopolize (opportunity, field of work).管V.t.托管地 entrusted territory;詞目:ENTRUSTED 1822馬禮遜英華字典ENTRUSTED1ENTRUSTED with the affair, 任其事; having it devolving on one as a duty任其事p 143 1822馬禮遜英華字典 1筆




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