

单词 eng
释义 ENG abbr.Electronic News Gathering 电子新闻采集 eng1[eŋɡ] n.【材料学】恩格木 eng2[eŋɡ] n.=agma [亦作 angma] Eng. abbr.England English eng. abbr.engine engineer engineering engraved engraver engraving  更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 Engɛŋabbr.① 英國(=England)② 英文(=English)新世纪新世纪★◀▶ENG/ˌiːenˈdʒiː/n.=electronic news gatheringeng/eŋ/n.=agma沪江沪江★◀▶详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n /ˌiːenˈdʒiː/=electronic news gathering详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n /eŋ/= agmaeng來Vb. complement.(4)  Oft. equiv. Eng. “to”: 看來,想來,說來,聽來好笑 it's ridiculous to see it, to think of it, to speak of it, to hear it;熬V.i. & t.(2)  To suffer (as in Eng. “stew in one's own juice”): 熬不過苦刑 could endure no longer the tortures;折Words11. 折桂 [zhe2gui4], v.t., to pass the degree in civil examinations (“break the laurel branch” like Eng. “win the laurel wreath”).牠Pron.Modern invented character (cf. 她 93A.70) to represent Eng. “it”. Theoretical pr. [tuo1], actually spoken [ta1].去Infin. part.Used like Eng. infinitive particle “to”: 回家去吃飯 go home and (“to”) have supper;地Part.a modern substitute for 的, equiv. to Eng. “-ly,” affected by some writers: 偷偷地 stealthily;谷N.谷物條例 (Eng. history) the Corn Laws;太Adj.Great, grand, used in many titles and addresses of elder generation, like Eng. “grandparent,” “Grand Master”, thus 太太,太祖 [tai4tai0], [tai4zu3], etc.↓;夫N.Pr. [fu1]. (1)  Man, like Eng. “working man,” “fisherman,” or “-er” in “worker” “farmer”: 漁夫 fisherman;失V.i. & t.(2)  As verbal prefix, equal to Eng. “mis-”, “mal-” in “misdeed,” “malpractice”: see 失政,失言,失察 [shi1zheng4], [shi1yan2], [shi1cha2], etc.↓;芳Adj.(2)  In court. phrr., more nearly akin to Eng. “elegant,” “esteemed”: 芳儀,芳范 your esteemed presence;出V.t.(4)  (Often as vb. prefix, like “out-come,” “outpour” in Eng.) to send out, pay out, rent out, etc.: 出錢 provide the money;床Words6. 床笫 [chuang2zi3], n., bed, as in Eng. “conjugal bed,” intimacies: 床笫之間 in bed or in it's intimacies.以V.i. & t.like Eng. “to”, used to introduce infinitive: 以免,以妨 in order to avoid, prevent;水N.(5)  Quality: 頭水貨 goods “of the first water” (as said of diamond, artist in Eng.);也Adv.(2)  Used in sentence beginning, like Eng. “might as well”: 也罷 might as well call it off, or let it be! 也行,也好 all right (I agree).情N.(2)  Circumstances, esp. feelings of those involved, (usu. expressed in Eng. as “condition” or “the facts of the case” but really “condition as felt,” see 軍情,國情,民情 below): 情形,情況,情狀,情勢 [qing2xing0], [qing2kuang4], [qing2zhuang4], [qing2shi4]1↓;慢Adj. & adv.(3)  (MC) don’t: 慢道,慢說=莫道,莫說 it couldn’t be that, somewhat similar to Eng. “you don't say.”一Adv.(1)  Once (like Eng. “once” it is also used as conj.): 一見不忘 once seen, never forgotten;云V.i.oft. used like Eng. “say”: 云誰之思 say, whom are you thinking of?至Words8. 至今 [zhi4jin1], phr., (from sometime past) to the present; at present (notice difference in use from Eng. “until now”): 至今不廢 persist up to the present.爾Part.(2)  Adv. particle, like Eng. “like,” “-ly” in stupid-like, stupidly (from its meaning “like”=如此) see Adj.↓: 率爾而對 answer thoughlessly;Pron.爾 used as plural (like Eng. “you”): 爾等,爾曹 [er3deng3], [er3cao2]↓.焉Fin. part.Descriptive of a situation similar to Eng. “in it” or “there” at end of sentence: 心不在焉 one's mind is not in it;兀Words3. 兀剌 [wu4la4], (MC) an adv. suffix, like Eng. “like”: 軟兀剌 soft-like; [wu4la4], 莽兀剌 abrupt-like.死Adv.(1)  Extremely, (as in Eng. “dead tired” or “die of waiting”: 好看死了 wonderfully pretty;頁N.(2)  A leaf or double folded page in wood-block editions where half a leaf equals one Eng. page: 頁數 number of pages;天N.used coll. like Eng. “God”: 天啊,天哪 O God! good heavens! 我的天 oh, my God! 老天爺 oh, God! 天曉得 God knows (nobody knows);豬N.swine (a term of abuse), symbol of stupidity, but not of gluttony or filth as in Eng.: 蠢豬 pigheaded person;了Vb. complement.(2)  ([le0]) Unaccented, complement with the sense of conclusion (Eng. perfect tense);預Adv.Oft. used as prefix meaning “previously” or “beforehand,”like Eng. “pre-”: 預備,預算,預約 [yU4bei4], [yU4suan4], [yU4yUe1]↓.孤Pron.(AC) (court.) my humble self, a term generally used by anc. prince or king: 孤王 I, your humble prince (cf. Eng. “we”);啊Excl.Used in exclamations with varying, indeterminate accent, like Eng. “Oh!” “ah!” “aha!” cf. similar excl. under 阿 [a1], [a2], [a3], [a4];是Words3. 是否 [shi4fou3], phr., is it true or isn’t it? a phr. beginning a question, like Eng. “It is…, isn’t it?” “You have…, haven't you?” 是否要我幫忙 do you need my help?肝Words4. 肝火 [gan1huo3], n., (1) an inflammatory condition of the liver; (2) anger: 動肝火 get angry; 肝火旺,肝火盛 easily given to anger (cf. Eng. “bilious temperament.”)腔N.(2)  ([qiang1er0]) The belly or chest as seat of emotions (=Eng. “breast”): 一腔熱誠 (血) great (chestful of) enthusiasm;腸N.(3)  (Intestines as seat of emotions like “heart” in Eng.) deep emotions, esp. of longing: 心腸 heart;Words3. 腸肚 [chang2du4], n., similar to Eng. “heart”; also 肚腸:好肚腸 a good heart; 牽腸掛肚 infinite longing; 直肚腸 straight-for-ward.胸Words5. 胸腹 [xiong1fu4], n., “chest and belly,” (fig.) like Eng. “belly,” the vulnerable spot of enemy territory.戳V.i. & t.(2)  To stand up, as a bag packed solid, not collapse (like Eng., “the law still stands,” “the charge won't stand up”): 戳得住 will stand up, (fig.) will hold one's ground or enjoy public confidence;臣N.used by minister in self-reference when speaking to emperor, like Eng. “Your servant.”賢Adj.(1)  Good and wise (as a concept like Eng. “wise”combining moral and intellectual qualities, as in 賢惠(慧) [xian2hui4]↓): 賢不肖 the good and bad (sons, persons);仄N.平仄 versification with the use of characters of different tones according to certain generally recognized rules (serving as verse rhythm as “accent”in Eng. verse)-uneven tone.驕Words1. 驕傲 [jiao1ao4], adj., (be) proud, arrogant, haughty, overbearing; also in sense of Eng. “proud”: 叫我為你驕傲 make me proud of you.臨V.i. & t.(1)  As vb. participle, oft. equiv. Eng. “at -ing,”“upon coming to”: 臨去,臨行,臨別,臨走(said s.t.) at parting;章N.(4)  Regulations, constitution: 憲章 constitution (of society, institution): 大憲章 (Eng. history) the Magna Charta;請V.i. & t.(1)  Used like Eng. “please”+vb. to express polite request: 請進 please come in;親Words14. 親家 *[qing4jia0], n., (1) relatives by marriage; (2) families related by marriage, also used as address to each other; (3) added to term of relation, in mutual address (used more broadly than Eng. "in-law," extending to whole related family): 親家哥哥,親家兒子,親家女兒 brother, son, daughter of the r. f. (related family); 親爹,親家老兒 father, uncle of r. f.; 親爺爺 grandfather and granduncle of r. f.; 親奶奶,親娘 mother, aunt of r. f.; 親家娘 *[qing4jia0niang2], bride's or groom's mother; 親家太太 *[qing4jia0tai4tai4], grandmother, grandaunt of r.f.; 親家老爺 master of r. f.; (4) 親家兒 (Peip. coll.) mistress, lover: 靠親家兒 taken as mistress.麻Adj.肉麻 disgusting, revolting ("give one goose flesh," but not in Eng. sense of frightening).底Part.dist. from possessive part. 的 (我的,你的) and from 地 as adv. part. corresponding to Eng. "-ly" (快快地quickly)--usage among these imitators not established and not uniform, the three 的,底,地 being pr. alike as unaccented '[de1].疼Adj.Painful, functions as Eng. v. i., hurt: 疼不疼 does it hurt? 好疼,疼得厲害 hurts a great deal.官Words38. 官人 [guan1ren2], n., (1) (AC) appointment of officials; (2) (MC) sir, a squire with or without an official title (similar to Eng. sl. “governor”); (3) (MC) husband in relation to his wife, used in the second or third person; (4) (MC) government messenger of agent: 官人把他拿去了 he was arrested by a government agent.憑V.t.(3)  Let, with sense equiv. Eng. “come what may”: 憑他怎麼說 let him say what he will;泛Adj. & adv.as translation of Eng. “pan”: 泛美 Pan-American;成V.i. & t.(4)  Used like Eng. “do”: 那不成 that won't do;釜N.破釜沉舟 break cooking pots and sink boats, army’s grim determination of no retreat, (like Eng. “burn one's boats”).父N.(3)  Elderly person, used like Eng. “uncle”: 漁父 fisherman;殺Adv.Extremely, like Eng. “die of”: 樂殺,恨殺,痛殺 dying with joy, hatred, pain;手N.(3)  Quality or skill of player, contestant (like Eng. “a good hand at tennis”);受Vb. aux.Equiv. Eng. “be” in passive voice where the modn. 被 is more common: 受開除 (=被開除) be dismissed;血Words9. 血氣 [xUe4qi4], n., animal spirits, vigor, oft. equiv. Eng. “guts”--courage, enthusiasm: 凡有血氣之人 all who have feeling (must feel aroused by the atrocities, etc.); 凡有血氣者莫不尊親 all who are endowed with breath (“blood”) respect their parents; see [xUe4xing4]↓; 血氣之勇 brute courage, as dist. moral courage; 血氣所使 slave to animal nature; 血氣未定 physical vigors of young people; 血氣虛弱 weak constitution, gen. debility.售V.i. & t.(2)  To sell (idea, plan) as in Eng.: 其計不售 one's plan was not adopted;自Words69. 自由 [zi4you2], (1) v.i., be free to act without restraint; (2) adj., free from control or outside interference: 自由人 a freeman (opp. 奴隸 a slave): 自由國家(人民) free nations (peoples); (3) n., liberty, freedom: 思想自由,言論自由,出版自由,信仰自由,集會結社自由 freedom of thought, speech, the press, belief, assembly and association; n., 公海自由 (international law) freedom of the seas; 自由主義(者) liberalism (a liberal); 自由黨 (Eng. history) the Liberal Party; 自由神像 Statue of Liberty; 自由港 a free port; 自由畫 freehand drawing; 自由教育 a liberal education; 自由競爭 free competition, system of free enterprise; 自由職業 the liberal professions; n.,自由戀愛 free love; n., 自由貿易 (econmics) free trade, freedom of trade; 自由日 Freedom Day (allu. to the release of prisoners of war by South Korea on January 23, 1954); 自由詩 free verse; 自由世界 the free world; 自由意志 free will.烏Words26. 烏烏 [wu1wu1], adj., descriptive of cry of pain, like Eng. “wow!”像Adj.(Like the Eng. “like,” this can be considered adj. or prep. because it takes an object--“like me,” “like him,” “like new,” etc.) like, alike: 像這個,像那個 like this, like that: 像我這個人 a person like me;伯Words1. 伯伯 [bo1bo0], n., address for elder brother of father; generally courtesy address for familiar friend of senior generation, like Eng. “uncle” (高伯伯 Uncle Gau).傷V.i. & t.傷腦筋 (of problems, situations) take a great deal of thinking, similar to Eng. “is a headache.”似Adj.Like, alike (Eng. “like” in “like this” is considered an unusual adj. which takes an object): 相似 alike;使Words15. 使君 *[shi4jUn1], n., (1) (LL) official sent to country; (2) (LL) (court. address) like Eng. “this gentleman.”便Adv.Then, just, simply, in that case (used much more than the Eng. “then”): 你愛她,她不愛你,便怎麼樣(便如何)if you love her and she does not love you, then what? 寶玉聽見便說 when Baauyuh heard this, he (then) said;無Adj. & adv.(1)  No, not a, used oft. like Eng. “without” “-less”: 無人 no man;乞V.t.in letters, used like Eng. “beg”;臠N.A slice of meat: 禁臠 forbidden slice of meat, inaccessible woman, object of unattainable desire (Eng. “forbidden fruit”).矣Fin. part.(LL) (1)  has the force of exclamation, or of reinforcing a statement like Eng. “indeed”: 吾老矣 I am really getting old;女Words35. 女士 [nU3shi4], n., (1) an educated girl or woman; (2) a polite form of address for women or girls, used like Eng. “Miss,” but not confined to unmarried girls or women. 拼音查询“eng”,共有 2 个字,点击要查看的汉字笔划汉字拼音笔划汉字拼音12椧mi eng,18鞥ēng,電腦雙向電腦雙向★◀▶eng.((略))engine; engineer (ing) ; engraved; engravingEng.((略))England; English国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞electronic news gathering--ENG英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞Eng.ENG {=electronic news gathering}電子攝影機;電子新聞採訪新聞傳播學名詞




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