

单词 ends
释义 文馨英漢☞endends橐N.A hollow bag open on both ends, dist.揀V.t.揀香煙頭 make a living by picking cigaret ends;排Words6. 排翅 [pai2chi4]2, n., whole-piece sharks’ fin, as different from loose ends.擔N.(*[dan4]) ([dan1zi0]) A carrier load, two units on ends of pole carried on shoulder: 一擔菜,米 such a load of vegetables, rice;捉V.t.捉襟見肘 cannot make the ends meet;極Words7. 極端 [ji2duan1], (1) n., extreme points, ends, or limits of a thing: 走極端 go to extremes; (2) adj., extreme, radical: 極端手段 extreme measures; 極端思想 radical thoughts; (3) adv., extraordinarily, very: 極端不好 indescribably bad; adv., 極端可恨 most hateful; 極端可愛 most lovable; 極端理想 highly idealistic.翹V.i.(*[qiao4]) To stick up, bend upwards, curl up: 板凳兩頭翹起來 bench curls up at both ends;執V.t.執其兩端 “hold both ends”--examine opposing views;夾N.書夾 book ends;蘆Words1. 蘆花 [lu2hua1], n., fluffy ends of reed, also called 蘆絮 [lu2shu4].菱N.A kind of caltrop (water chestnut) of irregular shapes with pointed ends (cf. round-shaped 荸薺 20A.00).散Words4. 散場 [san4chang3], v.i., play ends and people file out.丁Words15. 丁字尺 [ding1zi4chi3], n., T-square; n., 丁字斧 [ding1zi4fu3], n., pickaxe with two ends; n., 丁字節 [ding1zi4jie2], n., tube joint at right angle.干Words7. 干支 [gan1zhi1], n., short for 天干 and 地支(子,丑,寅,卯,辰,巳,午,未,申,酉,戌,亥),the twelve characters by which the Chinese reckon the hours of a day; the combination of one character from 天干 and another from 地支 forms a term by which a year or date is known; the orderly series of such possible combinations yield sixty different terms to designate a cycle of sixty years; when one cycle ends, another begins all over again; see Appendix A.零Words4. 零件 [ling2jian4], n., (1) odds and ends, accessories; (2) spare parts.啷Words1. 啷當 (兒) [lang1dang1] ([er0]), n., an assortment of odds and ends; 吊兒啷當 utterly carefree (suggesting “the hell with it”).四Words22. 四極 [shi1ji2], n., the ends of the universe.畸Words2. 畸零 [ji1ling2], n., (1) (of numbers) a remainder after taking off round sum; (2) odds and ends; (3) a solitary person.朋Words1. 朋比 [peng2bi4], adv., in 朋比為奸 phr., conspire for illegal or selfish ends.須Words1. 須兒 [xU1er0], n., tassel-like formations; frayed ends.雜Adj.雜物 sundry items, odds and ends;窮Words10. 窮忙 [qiong2mang2], adj., kept busy making the ends meet.濫Adj. & adv.Excessive(ly), immoderate(ly), indiscriminate(ly), illegal(ly), without restraint, without scruples: 小人窮斯濫矣 a mean man, when reduced to poverty, will do anything to gain his ends;褲Words4. 褲腳(兒)(子) [ku4jiao3]([er0])([zi0]), n., ends of trousers.補Words18. 補綴 [bu3zhuo4], v.t., mend, take up loose ends and make repair; edit or collect odd pieces to make a book.劃Words2. 劃水魚 [hua2shui3yU2], n., a culinary dish containing the tail ends of fish.鈴Words2. 鈴鐸 [ling2duo2], n., bells on ends of temple roofs.銳Adj.(4)  Quick, rapid, fast: 其進銳者其退速 a headlong start often ends in a hasty retreat.利Words18. 利用 [li4yong4], v.t., make use of, utilize, exploit: 廢物利用 utilize waste products; 被人利用 be utilized by others for their selfish ends; 利用時機 take advantage of opportunities.雞N.雞零狗碎 odds and ends, bits and pieces of things of little value;雙Words28. 雙石頭 [shuang1shi2tou0], n., a bar with two stones on the ends for lifting weight.什Adj.(1)  ([za2]) Miscellaneous (=雜): 什碎 chop suey, odds and ends;牛什 odds and ends of beef.做Words19. 做弄 [zuo4long4], v.t., manipulate (matter) for selfish ends, stir up dissension.假V.t.假公濟私 gain private ends in public cause or by public money;後Words18. 後兒 [hou4gou1er0], n., (1) loose ends, unfinished business; (2) (Chin. opera) lingering tone.狗N.狗茍蠅營 ingratiate oneself with s.o. to gain one's ends;參Words5. 參膏 *[shen1gao1], n., jinseng jelly, made from fibrous ends.縑N.零縑 odds and ends.緒Words4. 緒余 [xU4yU2], n., irrelevant details, thread ends; addenda.詞目:ENDS 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階ENDS1ENDS,both兩端、兩頭1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階 1筆p 84 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Ends1both Ends兩端、兩頭p 163 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆英華字典資料庫同義詞☞pol




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