

单词 end off with
释义 end off withvt. fus.to end off with sth以…结束an event that ends off with an unexpected fireworks display以出人意料的烟火表演告终的一次活动End off with an iced drink or hot cocoa or hot cider depending on the season.最后是来一杯冰镇饮料、热可可还是热苹果汁, 要根据季节决定。详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 vt fusto end off with sth:以…结束 an event that ends off with an unexpected fireworks display 以出人意料的烟火表演告终的一次活动 End off with an iced drink or hot cocoa or hot cider depending on the season. 最后是来一杯冰镇饮料、热可可还是热苹果汁,要根据季节决定。




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