

单词 end off
释义 end off 结束,终止,完结;完毕;停止:The path ends off abruptly.这条路突然到头了。We ended the meeting off with the Internationale.我们在国际歌声中结束了会议。 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 end offphr.① 結束(演說、書本等);完畢He ended off his speech with an anecdote.他以一則軼事結束他的演說。end offvt. sep.to end sth offorto end off sth结束What a way to end off the year!结束这一年的方式真的很特别啊!The year's activities are usually ended off with a Christmas party.一年的活动常常以圣诞晚会为结束。详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 vt septo end sth off;to end off sth:结束 What a way to end off the year! 结束这一年的方式真的很特别啊! The year's activities are usually ended off with a Christmas party. 一年的活动常常以圣诞晚会为结束。英汉大汉英同义词反查☞f.end off终止;完结end off終止;完結電機工程end off終止,完結電力工程




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