

单词 elements
释义 elements 'elements'是'element'的替代术语。 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文element nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (aspect)基本组成部分 jī běn zǔ chéng bù fèn   要素 yào sù Good grammar is just one element of good writing. 语法正确只是写好文章的要素之一。element nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (component, part)部分 bù fèn   成分 chéng fèn   组成部分 zǔ chéng bù fèn  The chef was arranging the elements of the dish on the plate. 大厨在盘子上摆放这道菜的各部分。element nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. often plural (physics) (物理、化学等)元素 yuán sù Mendeleev devised the periodic table of the elements. To the ancient Greeks there were four elements. 门捷列夫发明了元素周期表。古希腊人认为世界上有四种元素。an element of [sth] nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (factor)...的因素   ...的成分  There was an element of luck involved when he won the race. 他的比赛胜利中有运气的因素。element nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. figurative (natural habitat) (比喻)适宜的环境,如鱼得水  Jane is in her element at parties, being an extrovert. 简是一个外向的人,在聚会上如鱼得水。element nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (electrical part)电热丝 diàn rè sī  电热原件 diàn rè yuán jiàn An electric kettle should never be used unless the element is fully covered by water. 除非水充分没过电热丝,否则不能使用电水壶。element nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (chemical substance) (化学)元素 yuán sù Water consists of the elements hydrogen and oxygen. 水的组成元素有氢和氧。the elements nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (adverse weather)糟糕的天气 zāo gāo de tiān qì You need a waterproof jacket to protect you against the elements. 你需要一件防水夹克,免得碰到糟糕的天气。 其他翻译英语中文element nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. often plural (group, faction) (人)一部分,一组  An element in the crowd was intent on making trouble.the elements of [sth] nplplural noun: Noun always used in plural form--for example, "jeans," "scissors." (basics of a subject)基本原理 jī běn yuán lǐ  基础 jī chǔ The book covers the elements of the subject.  WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:复合形式:英语中文out of your element adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (in an unfamiliar situation)不是你熟悉的领域 bú shì nǐ shóu xī de lǐng yù  不是你拿手的领域 bú shì nǐ ná shǒu de lǐng yù The small-town boy was out of his element when he visited New York City. I didn't enjoy the party - it was full of football fans and I felt a little out of my element.parent element nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (computer code: higher tag)没有提供翻译  In XML formatting, most elements can have several child elements, but only one parent element.trace element nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (very small quantity)微量元素 wēi liàng yuán sù There were trace elements of poison in her blood. Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:element ['ElIm&nt]I n [c]1 (=part) [of job, process, plan] 要素 yàosù [个 gè]2 (Chem) 元素 yuánsù [个 gè]3 [of heater, kettle etc] 电(電)热(熱)丝(絲) diànrèsī [根 gēn]IIelements n pl ▶ the elements (=weather) 自然力 zìránlì the story contains an element of truth 这(這)个(個)故事有真实(實)的成分 zhège gùshi yǒu zhēnshí de chéngfèn criminal elements 为(為)非作歹的人 wéi fēi zuò dǎi de rén to be in one's element各得其所 gè dé qí suǒ在这些条目还发现'elements':在英文解释里:blessed sacrament - elemental - manifold - mapping - mineral salts - minimalist - mosaic - periodic table - principal parts - syncretism - tragicomedy - visual - weatherbeaten - weathering - weatherproof - weatherproofing中文:五行文馨英漢☞elementelements木N.(3)  One of five elements 五行, the element of growth and expansion.牛N.牛鬼蛇神 (of things) supernatural, (of a person's appearance) ugly, (now) bad elements;靠Words9. 靠攏 [kao4long3], v.i. & t., lean toward; 靠攏份子 opportunist elements.搗Words3. 搗亂 [dao3luan4], v.i., cause disturbance; create nuisance; 搗亂份子 disturbing elements (in group).梯Words4. 梯階 [ti1jie1], n., steps of ladder; elements (“first steps”) in subject (French, painting, etc.).概Words7. 概要 [gai4yao4], n., essentials; elements (of science), outline (of history).土N.(5)  One of the Five Elements (五行之一) or five modes of motion.垢N.藏污納垢 a place where the worst elements of society are assembled;右Words4. 右派 [you4pai4], n., rightist elements or section, see [you4qing1]↑.大Words31. 大綱 [da4gang1], n., outline (of program, plan), the elements (of political science, etc.).莠N.(fig.) the undesirable elements: 良莠不齊 (of a group) uneven, some good and some bad.芟V.t.To weed (grass, field), to weed out (evil, undesirable elements), cf. 刪 42S.00.常Words28. 常識 [chang2shi4]2, n., elementary knowledge, elements (of science, sanitation, etc.); common sense.粹N.Essence, best or most precious elements:(保存)國粹 (keep intact) the national cultural heritage;元Words23. 元素 [yUan2su4], n., (chem.) element (also wr. 原素), list of elements, see Appendix F.五Words37. 五行 [wu3xing2]2, n., the Five Elements, representing five states of forces of expansion or condensation (the plus energy, or [yang2], expansion; the minus energy, or [yin1], condensation); 木 wood (Lesser Yarng) +; 火 fire (Greater Yarng) ++; 土 earth (Equilibrium) +- or 0; 金 metal (Lesser Yin) -; 水 water (Greater Yin) --.石N.(4)  Mineral elements in medicine: 藥石 medicine in gen.配V.t.配制 make, compose from different elements, such as medicine.四Words11. 四大 [si4da4], phr., (1) (Budd.) the four elements of earth, water, fire, air; (2) 四大金剛 the statues of four guardian spirits at entrance to temple; (3) 四大門兒 the fox, the skunk, the porcupine and the snake, superstitiously considered as spirits to influence human life.敗Words11. 敗類 [bai4lei4], n., the bad elements of a class or group; a shameless lout.同Adj. & adv.同流合污 associate oneself with undesirable elements or trend;刪Words1. 刪除 [shan1chu2], v.t., to eliminate (undesirable elements).譏Words1. 譏察 [ji1cha2], v.t., inspect; 譏察使 (MC) an inspector who ferreted out criminal elements.腐Words3. 腐化 [fu3hua4], adj., corrupted, decadent: 腐化分子 corrupt elements.派N.新,舊派 new, old elements in society;治Words30. 治要 [zhi4yao4], n., elements of art of government.混Words24. 混雜 [hun4za2], adj., mixed, of mixed quality or elements, of different kinds: 游客混雜 visitors of all kinds.流N.同流合污 birds of a feather flock together, associate oneself with undesirable elements or group;滋Words10. 滋養 [zi1yang3], v.t., nourish; 滋養品 nourishment; 滋養料 nutritious elements; 滋養分 ditto.成Words58. 成素 [cheng2su4], n., elements in the making.分Words16. 分解 [fen1jie3], v.i., (1) break up into separate elements; (2) ([fen1jie0]) explain: 分解分解一下 please explain; 請聽下回分解 the story will be continued in next chapter.合Words6. 合成 [he2cheng2], v.t., (1) combine into (s.t.); v.t.,(2) (chem.) to form (by combining elements).會Words34. 會意 [hui4yi4]1, v.i., (1) silently appreciate, understand (ing); (2) a principle of Chinese character formation by two elements (as 信 honesty, belief, composed of “man” and 言 “words”).內Words7. 內含 [nei4han2], n., contents, constituent elements.刈V.t. To cut down (grass), (fig.) to weed out (undesirable elements).反Words12. 反對 [fan3dui4], v.t., to oppose (stand, policy, etc.): 他老是和你反對 he always opposes you; 反對派 the political opposition; 反對份子 recalcitrant elements.穩Words6. 穩住 [wen3zhu0], v.t., to keep back, hold ready (elements for attack).份Words1. 份子 [fen4zi3], n., (1) member, elements: 搗亂份子 troublesome elements (in school, etc.); (2) ([fen4zi0]) share in group contributions to wedding gifts, etc.: 隨份子 follow everybody in share of contributions.傾V.i.左傾,右傾分子 leftist, rightist elements;優Words21. 優秀 [you1xiu4], adj., select (elements, students, etc.): 優秀份子 the elite.魄N.(Taoism) the baser animal spirits of man, contrasted with finer elements 魂 [hun2] (三魂七魄) three finer spirits and seven animal spirits), the two together conceived as animating the human body;勾Words9. 勾結 [gou1jie2], v.t., align oneself with (disreputable elements).緇Words1. 緇塵 [zi1chen2], n., (AC) a dress soiled from too much exposure to the elements.elements(圣餐恅悒]和葡萄酒)圣体酒elements元素双向☞elements-- (image) mirror双向☞ beta-labile--elements双向☞elements-- beta-stable双向☞elements-- rare earth双向☞elements-- actinide詞目:ELEMENTS 1822馬禮遜英華字典ELEMENTS1ELEMENTS of the Chinese, in nature, 金水木火土; metal, water, wood, fire, earth金水木火土1822馬禮遜英華字典 1筆p 138 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階ELEMENTS1ELEMENTS,five五行1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階 1筆p 82 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Elements1five Elements五行、金木水火土2to analyze into its Elements溯其本原1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 159 1916赫美玲官話Elements1Elements of the planets' orbits行星軌道之兩心差(新)p 1710 1916赫美玲官話 1筆英華英華英華★◀▶行星軌道之兩心差elements elemente der planetenbahnen 英華☞element英華☞fiveelements元件電子工程elements, (image) mirror鏡像元素電機工程elements, actinide錒系元素電機工程elements元素地質學名詞elements(聖餐恅悒]和葡萄酒)聖體酒食品科技elements元素圖書館學與資訊科學名詞




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