

单词 elders
释义 文馨英漢☞elderelders先Words8. 先德 [xian1de2], n., (1)the respected elders; (2)(court.) another's ancestors.29. 先生 [xian1sheng0], n., (1)teacher; (2) Mr.(used after surname) 林先生 Mr. Lin (or after personal name, which is also courteous among friends and acquaintances: 克強先生); 某某先生夫人 Mr. & Mrs. So-and-so; (3) a court. address to scholars, elders: 諸位先生 gentlemen (opening address); (4) as address to literate profession: 賬房先生 Mr. treasurer; 風水先生 necromancer; 星相先生 astrologer; (5) a singsong girl: 小先生 non-adult girl; 大先生 adult girl; (6) reference to husband: 我的,他的先生不在家 my ,her, husband is not at home; (7)(in Yuarn Dyn.) a Taoist priest.孝Words4. 孝敬 [xiao4jing4], v.t., (1) to present eatables, etc. (to parents, elders): 這是我孝敬祖母的 this is my present to grandmother; (2) to serve with love and respect.大Words114. 大爺 [da4ye2], n., uncle; eldest among elders.敬V.t.敬老,敬長,敬師 respect the old, one's elders, teachers;上Words1. 上輩(兒)(子) [shang4bei4]([er0], [zi0]), n., the elders of the family, the older generation.79. 上庠 [shang4xiang2]1, n., (AC) college of elders.少Words12. 少長 *[shao4zhang3], n., the young ones and their elders.五Words15. 五更 [wu3geng1] (sp. pr. [wu3jing1]), n., (1) the fifth watch of the night, near dawn; (2) 三老五更 (AC) venerable elders of the country, treated with special honors (更 explained as experience in various affairs).子Words7. 子弟 [zi3di4], n., (1) children in relation to elders; sons and younger brothers of a family (opp. 父兄 father and elder brother); able-bodied men (opp. 父老 elders); (2) patron of prostitutes; n., 子弟書 [zi3di4shu1], n., songs sung to the accompaniment of a drum, as originated by Manchu boys.躍V.i.雀躍 happy about s.t., esp. used by younger generation in speaking to elders, parents;見Words30. 見字 [jian4zi4], phr., used in letters from elders to children or subordinates as part of the salutation, roughly equiv. “This note if for…” preceded by the name of the recipient.長Words26. 長者 *[zhang2zhe3], n., elders, eldermen; village gentry.謹Adj. & adv.謹稟,謹啟,謹呈 (of letters to parents, elders, superiors) “yours respectfully” used as complimentary close;座Words1. 座前 [zuo4qian2], n., title of respect roughly equiv. "Your Honor," used in letters to elders and superiors.宗Words16. 宗老 [zong1lao3], n., the elders of a clan.汝Words1. 汝輩 [ru3bei4], pron., (pl.) you, used by elders in speaking to children.尊Words1. 尊卑 [zun1bei1], (1) adj., high and low; (2) n., superiors and inferiors, elders and children.3. 尊前 [zun1qian2], phr., polite salutation used in letters to elders (“may I beg to lay this before you?”); phr., (尊u.f. 樽) (poet.) before wine cups, i.e., while drinking together.15. 尊長 [zun1zhang3], n., one's elders or superiors.16. 尊者 [zun1zhe3], n., (1) one's elders; (2) (Budd.) a saint, a sage.丫Words4. 丫頭 [ya1tou0], n., a slave girl (see [ya1huan0]↑); (contempt.) a girl; (formerly, used familiarly by elders) a girl: 這個丫頭 this girl; 丫頭片子 or 片兒 (facet.) little girl.父Words5. 父老 [fu4lao3], n., the elders (of a village).7. 父兄 [fu4xiong1], n., the elders of a family.金Words1. 金安 [jin1an1], phr., conventional expression used in complimentary close of letters to elders.鈞Words1. 鈞安 [jUn1an1], phr., polite complimentary close used in letters to superiors or elders.3. 鈞鑒 [jU3jian4], phr., polite salutation used in letters to superiors or elders (“please be graciously informed hereby”).饌V.t.(AC) to eat: 有酒食 ([zhuan4si4]) 先生饌 (AC) when there is food and drink, it is served to the elders.雙Words16. 雙禮 [shuang1li3], n., simultaneous bow by bride and groom to elders on wedding day.師Words14. 師長 [shi1zhang3], n., (1) division commander; (2) teachers and elders.紳Words1. 紳耆 [shen1qi2], n., gentry and elders.詞目:Elders 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Elders1長老、長輩、長老輩2village Elders鄕老3Elders and juniors,兄弟p 159 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆英華英華英華★◀▶長老輩elders the elder should be kind and the younger respectful 英華☞elder英華☞abbe




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