

单词 efforts
释义 文馨英漢☞effortefforts牛Words7. 牛刀 [niu2dao1], n., butcher’s knife: 割雞焉用牛刀 (lit.) why use a butcher's chopper to kill a chicken? -making unnecessarily great efforts to do trivial things; wasting of talent on trivials; 牛刀小試 (fig.) (of person of great potentials) give a little inkling of what one is capable of.責Words6. 責難 [ze2nan2], v.t., (1) to call upon (s.o.) to make superhuman efforts; (2) ([ze2nan4]) rebuke severely: 受人責難 be taken to task ( censured).連Words8. 連合 [lian2he2], v.i. & adj., combine(d), join (efforts, pieces together); cf. 聯合 unite(d), 31S.22.協Words6. 協力 [xie2li4], adv., pulling together: 同心協力 unite all efforts for common purpose.嘉Words9. 嘉勉 [jia1mian3], v.t., urge (s.o.) to greater efforts with words of encouragement.共Words9. 共同 [gong4tong2], (1) adj., common, collective, joint: 共同興趣,共同目標common interests, goal; 共同努力,共同奮斗 collective or joint efforts, endeavors; 采取共同行動 take united or concerted action; 共同負責 joint responsibility; 共同市場 Common Market; (2) adv., together: 共同生活 live together as husband and wife.盡V.i. & t.鞠躬盡瘁 spare no efforts for the good of the country;出盡全力 made all-out efforts.精Words18. 精進 [jing1jin4], adj., (1) pushing, aggressive, enterprising; (2) vigorous, energetic; (3) (Budd.) making earnest efforts to cultivate virtue and get rid of evil.再Adv.Again, once more: 再接再厲 make unremitting efforts;更Words18. 更生 [geng1sheng1], v.t., as in 自力更生 put forth new life by one's efforts.功N.徒勞無功 make futile efforts;胥Adv.胥是君力 all is due to your efforts.及Words7. 及時 [ji2shi2], adj. & adv., timely, in or on time: 及時努力 make timely efforts; 及時采取行動 take timely action; 及時趕上 be just in time for; 及時到達 arrive in time.蹉Words2. 蹉跎 [cuo1tuo2], V.i., (AC) to make faltering steps: 歲月蹉跎 the years roll by-spend one's life in fruitless efforts.用Words15. 用盡 [yong4jin4], v.t., to exhaust (efforts, etc.)緊Adj.趕緊 make redoubled efforts;勵V.i. & t.勵精圖治 (of governments) make great efforts to make a strong country;襄V.i. & t.(2)  Mutually help: 共襄盛舉 help by united efforts to make an undertaking a success.認Words2. 認真 [ren4zhen1], v.i., make earnest efforts to do one's best.竭V.i. & t.Make utmost efforts, try one's best, exhaust: 竭力 [jie2li4], 竭誠 [jie2cheng2]↓;Words3. 竭力 [jie2li4], v.i., do one's best, make greatest efforts.施Words12. 施勞 [shi1lao2], v.i., (AC) to boast of one's efforts.激Words7. 激將 [ji1jiang4], v.t., to goad into action, incite to greater efforts, by moving words.人Words77. 人事 [ren2shi4]5, n., (1) the conscious world: 昏迷過去,人事不知 fainted and lost all consciousness; (2) ways of the world: 不懂人事 ignorant of the ways of the world; (3) human efforts: 盡人事,聽天命 do one's human best and leave all else to God; (4) a present: 送黃金一百兩,權當人事 sent one hundred ounces of gold as a present; (5) sexual knowledge: 她已漸省人事 she is growing to be sex-conscious; (6) personnel affairs: 人事處 (科) personnel department (section).彩N.無精打彩 listless (futile efforts at gayety);白Adv.白忙 work in vain, waste efforts;白費(唇舌,金錢,工夫) waste (words, money, efforts);自Words6. 自強 [zi4qiang2], v.i., (of a person or nation) make earnest efforts to stand on one's own feet.力Adv.據理力爭 make utmost efforts to fight for one's point of view.倍N.加倍用工 double efforts (to study);倦Words1. 倦勤 [jUan4qin2], v.i., be tired of work, weary of further efforts, (of politician) want to retire (withdraw from active life).加V.t.加功 make redoubled efforts;Words2. 加倍 [jia1bei4], v.t., (1) to double (an amount); (2) redouble (efforts).矯V.t.矯枉過正 (of a reformer’s efforts) overshoot one's mark.




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