economic and social council {=ecosoc}
Economic and Social Council {=ECOSOC}[联合国]经济及社会理事会Economic and Social Council {=ECOSOC}[联合国]经济社会理事会Economic and Social Council {=ECOSOC}[聯合國]經濟及社會理事會管理學名詞Economic and Social Council {=ECOSOC}[聯合國]經濟社會理事會管理學名詞
program notes
program, nuclear-reactor research
program-- nuclear-reactor research
program of all-inclusive care for elderly
program of all-inclusive care for elderly {=pace}
program offering
program of integrative system for instruction
program of integrative system for instruction, discipline and guidance
program of international graduate student
program of studies
program on the global ecology and oceanography of harmful algal blooms{=geohab}
program operator
program operator interface
program operator interface,poi
program opposite
program optimization
program oriented graphics operation
program oriented graphics operation,pogo
program origin
program overlay
program package
program paging function
program parameter
program part
program partitioning
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