eastwood, clint
Eastwood, Clintn.伊斯特伍德(1930-, 美国电影演员、导演, 参演电影包括《辣手哈里》(Dirty Harry, 1971), 并自导自演电影《不可饶恕》(Unforgiven, 1993)、《老爷车》(Gran Torino, 2008)等)
bacterial kinase
bacterial lawn
bacterial leaching
bacterial leaf blight
bacterial leaf blight of the rice
bacterial leaf blight of the rice; xanthomonas oryzae dowson;
bacterial leaf blight of the rice; xanthomonas oryzae (ueda et ishiyama) dowson;
bacterial leaf blihght of the broad bean
bacterial leaf spot
bacterial leafspot of sugar beet
bacterial leafspot of sugar beet--bacterium aptatum brown et jamieson--pseudomonas aptata(brown et jamieson)stevens
bacterial leaf spot of the broad bean
bacterial leaf spot of the castor bean
bacterial leaf spot of the cataipa
bacterial leaf spot of the erodium
bacterial leaf spot of the hibiscus root
bacterial leaf spot of the hibiscus root--bacterium hibisci nakata et takimoto-- pseudomonas syringae van hall
bacterial leaf spot of the jute
bacterial leaf spot of the jute-- bacterium nakatae takimota-- xanthomonas nakate (okabe) dowson
bacterial leaf spot of the jute; xanthomonas nakate dowson; bacterium nakatae takimota; bacterium nakatae okabe
bacterial leaf spot of the jute; xanthomonas nakate (okabe) dowson; bacterium nakatae takimota; bacterium nakatae okabe
bacterial leaf spot of the sugar beet
bacterial leaf spot of the sugar beet-- pseudomonas aptotum stevens--bacterium aptatum brown et jamieson
bacterial leaf spot of the tobacco
bacterial leaf spot of the tobacco--bacterium nicotianum takimoto
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