

单词 dyns
释义 dyns南Words2. 南北朝 [nan2bei3chao2], n., era of the Southern and Northern Dyns., 420-589 A.D.先Words48. 先王 [xian1wang2], n., (AC) the great kings of past dynasties; 三代先王 refers to the great kings of early periods: 禹,湯,文王,武王 of 夏,商,周 Dyns.博Words8. 博士 [bo2shi4], n., doctor of philosophy, medicine, law, etc.; n., one of several academic honors from Hahn to Sueir Dyns., as 五經博士,太常博士; n., 博士買驢 a Ph. D. buying a donkey, i.e., a lot of academic jargon; n., 茶博士 tea connoisseur.小Words62. 小篆 [xiao3zhuan4]2, n., anc. script in Chirn and Hahn Dyns., simplified from 大篆.中Words31. 中古 [zhong1gu3], n., “mid-ancient”or medieval period (generally 漢晉 Hahn and Jihn Dyns., preceded by 上古時代--terms with fluctuating connotations).黨N.朋黨,朋黨之爭 political cliques in Hahn and Suhng Dyns.;北Words1. 北朝 [bei3chao2], n., The Northern Dyns. (396-581 A.D.) esp. 南北朝 The South and North Dyns.六Words1. 六朝 [liu4chao2], n., the Six Dyns. (3rd to 6th centuries inclusive) 吳,東晉,宋,齊,梁,陳 all with Nanking as capital, known for culture of the South during northern occupation, beginning 420 A.D., see Appendix D.交Words8. 交鈔 [jiao1chao1], n., (MC) the paper currency of the Yuarn and Mirng Dyns.席Words3. 席帽 [xi2mao4], n., (Tarng, Suhng Dyns.) straw hat.庶Words5. 庶吉士 [shu4ji2shi4], n., (Mirng, Manchu Dyns.) an official rank.舍Words4. 舍人 [she4ren2], n., (1) royal attendant, a rank such as 中書舍人,起居舍人; (2) gen. personal attendant or close relative; (3) (in Suhng and Yuarn Dyns.) son of nobility.鐘Words3. 鐘鼎 [zhong1ding3], n., (the study of) bronze inscriptions on early bells and tripods: 鐘鼎文 bronze script, roughly of Shang and Jou Dyns.鎮N.(2)  A commander (in Mirng and Ching Dyns.);辭Words5. 辭賦 [ci2fu4], n., a litr. form, sentimental or descriptive composition, oft. rhymed, esp. in Hahh and Weih Dyns.卿N.(1)  (In anc. dyns.) high ministers of various ranks: 公卿 the dukes and high ministers;臬Words1. 臬司 [nie4si1], n., a provincial judge in the Yuarn, Mirng, and Manchu Dyns.傳Words4. 傳奇 [chuan2qi2], n., (1) (Tarng, Suhng Dyns.) a short story; (2) (Yuarn Dyn.) a short play; (3) (Mirng Dyn.) a long play; 傳奇般 adj., like a story.無Words61. 無論 [wu2lun4], (1) adj., regardless (of who wins, etc.): 無論如何 no matter what; (2) phr., not to speak of: 秦漢,無論魏晉 never heard of Chirn and Hahn Dyns. let alone the Weih and Jihn (later) Dyns.劄Words2. 劄子 [zha2zi0], n., orig. official communications in Tarng and Suhng Dyns.; later restricted to communication to official subordinate.樂Words8. 樂府 *[yUe4fu3], n., anc. songs for court entertainment, esp. Hahn and Jihn Dyns.




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