单词 | dyn |
释义 | dyn abbr. dynamic(s) dynamite dynamo dynamometer dynamotor dyn. abbr. [亦作 dynam] dynamics dynamite dynamo dynamometer 更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 dyndaɪnabbr.① 動力學(=dynamics)dyn東Words6. 東都 [dong1du1], n., Loyang in Suhng Dyn.漦N.Saliva: 龍漦 (myth.) dragon's saliva (symbol of dyn.’s downfall).先Words29. 先生 [xian1sheng0], n., (1)teacher; (2) Mr.(used after surname) 林先生 Mr. Lin (or after personal name, which is also courteous among friends and acquaintances: 克強先生); 某某先生夫人 Mr. & Mrs. So-and-so; (3) a court. address to scholars, elders: 諸位先生 gentlemen (opening address); (4) as address to literate profession: 賬房先生 Mr. treasurer; 風水先生 necromancer; 星相先生 astrologer; (5) a singsong girl: 小先生 non-adult girl; 大先生 adult girl; (6) reference to husband: 我的,他的先生不在家 my ,her, husband is not at home; (7)(in Yuarn Dyn.) a Taoist priest.契Words16. 契文 [qi4wen2], n., (1) text of agreement; n., (2) bone inscriptions of Shang Dyn., being earliest known forms of writing.折Words4. 折變 [zhe2bian4], v.i., (1) to sell property to pay debt; (2) (in Suhng Dyn.) to pay tax by equivalent value in some other goods.拔Words6. 拔貢 [ba2gong4], n., government fellow, fellowship, selected from districts in Manchu Dyn., see 貢生 31.80.標N.(6) A regiment in Manchu Dyn.楮Words1. 楮幣 [chu3bi4], n., (Suhng Dyn.) paper money.杞N.(2) Name of anc. country, dwelled by descendants of [xia4] 夏 Dyn.: 杞人憂天 (abbr. into 杞憂) (allu.) a man of 杞 worried that the sky might fall down--superfluous worry.撲Words6. 樸學 [pu2xUe2], n., name of scholastic tendency (Manchu Dyn.) devoted to philological research and spurning speculative philosophy.隸N.隸漢 such style of the Hahn Dyn.朝N.(3) Dynasty: 秦朝,漢朝 Chirn, Hahn Dyn.;協Words11. 協統 [xie2tong3], n., (Manchu Dyn.) commander of a brigade.墟N.殷墟 the old plains of Yin (Shang) Dyn.;秦Words5. 秦篆 [qin2zhuan4], n., a form of script of 秦 Dyn. (=小篆); simplified from 大篆.在Words15. 在理兒 [zai4lie1er0], n., a member of a 17th cen. secret semi-religious society (理教) dedicated to the overthrow of the Manchu Dyn.大Adj.大清 the Great Ching (Manchu) Dyn.Words52. 大篆 [da4zhuan4], n., Chinese script in time of Confucius, before 小篆 was introduced in Chirn 秦 Dyn.76. 大帽子 [da4mao4zi0], n., a formal hat in Manchu Dyn.; pressure from some influential person.94. 大帥 [da4shuai4], n., commander in chief, also term of addressing military governors in Manchu Dyn.太Words13. 太極圖 [tai4ji2tu2], n., diagram of cosmological scheme (Suhng Dyn.).套Words15. 套數 [tao4shu4], n., (Yuan Dyn.) opera text without dialogues.雄Words4. 雄藩 [xiong2fan2], phr., powerful governors or feudal princes (Tang Dyn.).黃Words31. 黃巾 [huang2jin1]2, n., Yellow Turbans, a rebel movement at close of Hahn Dyn.摹Words2. 摹印 [mo2yin4], n., a seal-script style after Chirn Dyn. models.蕭N.A surname: 蕭規曹隨 the successor 曹參 merely followed rules set up by previous minister 蕭何 in Hahn Dyn.藩Words6. 藩司(臺) [fan2si1] ([fan2si1tai2]), n., Mirng Dyn. commissioner =布政使.花Words6. 花部 [hua1bu4]2, n., (in Manchu Dyn.) department of opera and folk music except 崑曲 (which is 雅部 or “literary” opera).66. 花翎 [hua1ling2], n., (Manchu Dyn.) peacock feathers on official caps.散Words5. 散曲 *[san2qU3], n.,(Yuarn Dyn.) plays containing songs without dialogue.狀Words6. 狀頭 [zhuang4tou2], n., (1) (Yuan Dyn.) plaintiff; (2) coll. for 狀元 [zhuang4yUan2]↓.堂N.(4) In Tarng Dyn. the six ministers, and prime minister: 中堂 (MC) formerly, the prime minister;Words5. 堂官 [tang2guan1] ([tang2guan0])1, n., formerly, magistrates and superior officials; (Tarng Dyn.) cabinet ministers.15. 堂子 [tang2zi0], n., (Shanghai dial.) brothels, courtesans; (Manchu Dyn.) palace temples.卜Words6. 卜辭 [bu3ci2], n., the oracle as shown on tortoise shell in Shang Dyn.中Words76. 中書省 [zhong1shu1sheng3], n., (Tarng Dyn.) cabinet of ministers.96. 中葉 [zhong1ye4]2, n., middle period (of dyn., century, reign).書N.隸書,八分書 Hahn Dyn. script;省N.(2) Formerly, a department of government, as 中書省 (Tarng Dyn.) the cabinet.黨Words2. 黨錮 [dang3gu4], n., bitter party fights, esp. Hahn Dyn.典N.會典 encyclopaedia on institutions of a dyn.;通典 name of an encyclopaedia (Tarng Dyn.).Words15. 典史 [dian3shi3], n., district chief of police (Manchu Dyn.).三Words47. 三九 [san1jiu3], phr., (1) (AC) short for 三公九卿 (Han Dyn.) three councillors and nine ministers: 三九公宴 state dinner to them; (2) the third nine days (19-27) after winter solstice.元N.(4) The 元朝 [yUan2] or Mongol Dyn. (1277-1368 A.D.).Words3. 元本 [yUan2ben3], n., (1) the origin (also wr. 原); (2) original capital investment; (3) a Yuarn Dyn. edition.平Words22. 平話 [ping2hua4], n., storyteller's copy at teahouses in Suhng Dyn.23. 平章 [ping2zhang1], v.t., settle (state business); n., usu. 同平章(政)事 prime minister (Tarng Dyn.).璽N.Official seal, restricted to imperial seals since Chirn 秦Dyn.: 國璽 seal of the state or emperor;晉N.(3) The Jihn Dyn. 265-420 A.D.西Words1. 西班 [xi1ban1], n., (Tarng Dyn.) the military officers on the west in court ceremony, opp. civilian officers on the east; n., 西班牙 n., Spain.30. 西臺 [xi1tai2], n., Suhng Dyn. name for the Censorate (御史臺).雨Words30. 雨纓 [yU3ying1], n., (Manchu Dyn.) tassels of yak hair on mandarin official hat in summer.瓦Words16. 瓦舍 [wa3she4], n., (1) a brick house; (2) (Suhng Dyn.) a brothel, orig. brothel for barracks.夏N.(2) The Shiah Dyn. (usu. wr. Hsia, 2205-1766 B.C.): 夏后 [xia4hou4]↓;夏朝,夏代,夏室 the Shiah Dyn.;夏禮 the rituals and institutions of Shiah Dyn.Words3. 夏后 [xia4hou4], n., usu. 夏后氏 name of royal house of Emperor Yuu (禹), founder of Shiah Dyn.朱Words2. 朱卷 [zhu1jUan4], n., script or scroll in red ink; (Manchu Dyn.) red-ink copy of examination papers, made from black-ink copy written by candidates, to prevent favoritism by the judges.頂N.(2) ([ding3zi0],[er0]) Official cap in Manchu Dyn. with distinguishing precious stone on top indicative of rank.Words5. 頂戴 [ding3dai4], n., (Manchu Dyn.) official cap showing various ranks by button of precious stone on top.隋N.(1) Sueir Dyn. 隋朝 (581-618 A.D.).阮Words1. 阮囊 [ruan3nang2], n., a purse: 阮囊羞澀 short of funds, in straitened circumstances, allu. to the story of 阮孚 of the Jihn Dyn.2. 阮咸 [ruan3xian2], n., a kind of guitar, named after its supposed inventor of the Jihn Dyn.務N.(2) (Suhng Dyn.) tax bureau: 市易務.囚N.囚髻 a woman’s hairdo fashion in Tarng Dyn. (in imitation of convict's coil on head);明Words1. 明版 [ming0ban3], n., Mirng Dyn. edition.7. 明代 [ming2dai4], n., Mirng Dyn.晚Adj.晚唐 late Tarng Dyn.;晚清 latter part of Manchu Dyn.;Words11. 晚節 [wan3jie2], n., (1) man's integrity in his old age; (2) (LL, rare) the latter part of dyn.賦Words7. 賦役 [fu4yi4], v.t. & n., gen. term for farm tax and labor levy (combined in Manchu Dyn.).周N.(1) Name of dynasty (Wade: Chou Dyn.).朕Pron.The first person, I, since 秦 Chirn Dyn., restricted to imperial use.司Words16. 司徒 [si1tu2], n., (AC) minister of culture; 大司徒 cabinet minister or premier in various dynasties; (Manchu Dyn.) minister of finance; a compound surname.引N.錢引 a kind of paper money in the Suhng Dyn.長Words1. 長安 [chang2an1], n., capital of Tarng Dyn. (=modn. 西安), famed in Tarng poetry; 長安路,長安道上 route to Charng-an, associated with route to officialdom and civil examinations.豎Words8. 豎儒 [shu4ru2], n., (Hahn Dyn.) contempt. term for petty Confucians.馬Words52. 馬蹄 [ma3ti2], n., horse's hoof, things resembling it: 馬蹄表 desk clock; 馬蹄金 [ma3ti2jin1], n., (1) gold ingot; n., (2) a kind of lichee tree; 馬蹄兒 [ma3tie2er0], n., horse-hoof shaped pastry; 馬蹄袖 (兒) [ma3ti2xiu4] ([er0]), n., a form of sleeve in Manchu Dyn. costume; 馬蹄銀 [ma3ti2yin2], n., silver ingot (in form of a horse hoof).賢Words8. 賢良 [xian2liang2], n., & adj, good men; & adj, good and virtuous: 賢良方正 good and able men promoted by selection and recommendation in Hahn Dyn.鴉Words7. 鴉頭襪 [ya1tou2wa4], n., stocking with forked toes (in Tarng Dyn.).選Words23. 選侍 [xUan3shi4]2, n., (Mirng Dyn.) palace maid.咫N.Eight inches in Jou Dyn.: 咫聞 (AC) within hearing distance.開Words25. 開封 [kai1feng1], n., capital of Northern Suhng Dyn., in Honan.關Words34. 關子 [guan1zi0], n., (1) (MC) paper money of the Southern Sung Dyn.; (2) (MC) a blank pass or order; (3) (of novels or dramas) climax.辟Words5. 辟雍 [bi4yong1], n., (AC) Royal Academy, in Chou Dyn.郡Words5. 郡守 [jUn4shou3], n., (Hahn Dyn.) a prefect.商N.(3) Shang Dyn. (1783-1123 B.C.).交Words51. 交子 [jiao1zi3], n., (MC) name of a paper note issued during the Suhng Dyn.跡V.i. & t.(3) V.i., make a study of, investigate: 跡漢功臣 study the history of great ministers of the Hahn Dyn.玄Words32. 玄堂 [xUan2tang2], n., (1) (AC) a northern room; (2) (in Tang Dyn.) a mausoleum.評Words3. 評話 [ping2hua4], n., storyteller's copy of Suhng Dyn., usu. wr. 平話.諢Words2. 諢詞 [hun4ci2], n., (Suhng Dyn.) a form of light entertainment by storytelling, also 諢詞小說 storyteller's copy or chapbook.話Words3. 話本 [hua4ben3], n., chapbook, storyteller's copy of stories told at teahouses, esp. in Shung Dyn.: 宋人話本.諸Words3. 諸侯 [zhu1hou2], n., the feudal princes of Jou Dyn., actually chiefs of different states.請Words15. 請訓 [qing3xUn4], v.i., (in Manchu Dyn.) to ask the emperor for instructions before departing on duty.詞N.(4) A special poetic form, usu. associated with Suhng Dyn., using sentence patterns based on song melodies (as words to music): 填詞 to write [ci2] poems (lit. to fill in words according to tone patterns);說Words25. 說話 [shuo1hua4], v.i. & n., (1) talk: 說什麼話 what are you talking about? 說大話 boast; 說鬼話 talk nonsense; 說閑話 to gossip; 說冷話 make sly remarks, etc.; 說話不當話 one's words do not count--unreliable; 不好說話 difficult to talk with, also inconvenient (for me) to say anything; 說話之間 while talking; also in a short while; 說話就來 I'll come in a moment; (2) gossip: 要防旁人說話 beware of gossip; (3) (Suhng Dyn.) tell stories as a professional in teahouse: 說話的,說話人 the storyteller.試Words12. 試帖 [shi4tie4], n., (Tarng Dyn.) civil examinations in writing poetry, also in classics.讖Words2. 讖緯 [chen4wei3], n., Taoist science of prophecy through study of [yin1yang2] 陰陽 and 五 行 [wu1xing2] (31.30) or by common divination, esp. in Hahn Dyn.; such books.旗N.(2) Manchus, of the Manchus: 八旗子弟 the "bannermen," descendants of Manchu soldiers who conquered China in 1644, designated by their army colors and on permanent pensions until end of Manchu Dyn.;府Words6. 府君 [fu3jUn1], n., my deceased father, esp. in tomb inscriptions (even without official rank); (AC) prefecture magistrate in Hahn Dyn.唐N.(2) Name of Dyn. (618-906);塞Words6. 塞垣 *[sai4yUan2], n., (LL) part of the Great Wall built during the Hahn Dyn.額Words2. 額黃 [e2huang2], n., yellow painted forehead of woman, current in 六朝, 3rd to 6th cen. and in Tarng Dyn.汴N.汴京=Kaifeng (開封), capital of Northern Suhng Dyn.溫Words12. 溫卷 [wen1jUan4], phr., (Tarng-Dyn.) repeatedly send in one's writings to examiner together with names of well-known friends who know him.洛N.Name of river and place: in Honan 洛陽 Loyang, capital of Northern Suhng Dyn.: 洛陽紙貴 (allu.) overwhelming popularity of a new work (causing shortage of printing paper).清N.Name of Manchu Dyn. (1644-1911): 清朝,清代,前清,滿清 ditto;清季,清末 the latter part, the end, of the Manchu Dyn.Words36. 清朝 [qing1zhao1], (1) n., early morning; (2) ([qing1chao2]) n., the Manchu Dyn.97. 清議 [qing1yi4], n., political criticism by scholars, esp. in later Hahn Dyn.; public opinion.滿N.Manchu, Manchus: 滿清 the Manchu or Ching Dyn.;漢Words6. 漢學 [han4xUe2], n., (1) Sinology; n., (2) the philology of Manchu Dyn., which aimed at restoring philology of Hahn period, opp. 宋學 or speculative school of Suhng Dyn.汝Words2. 汝窯 [ru3yao2], n., a rare variety of chinaware of the Suhng Dyn., so called from the place 汝州 in Honan where it was made.祀N.(1) (AC, in Shang Dyn.) a year.八Words8. 八分(書) [ba1fen1]([shu1]), n., style of script, balanced right and left, of Hahn Dyn.; a form of 隸書 10S.02.瓶Words3. 瓶笙 [ping2sheng1], n., a Suhng Dyn. whistling kettle.錢Words19. 錢引 [qian2yin3], n., (MC) paper money in Suhng Dyn.鈔Words3. 鈔引 [chao1yin3], n., (Suhng Dyn.) paper money.翎N.花翎,藍翎,翎子 peacock feather on cap of mandarin officials in Manchu Dyn.手Words3. 手本 [shou2ben3] ([shou2ben0]), n., (Manchu Dyn.) memo presented by successful candidate in formal call on examiner; memo submitted to superior.垂Words19. 垂手 [chui2shou3], v.i., (1) as in 垂手而得 to get or win it with hands down (extreme ease); (2) to let the hands hang by the sides (form of respectful attention beginning Ming Dyn.).禹N.Name of emperor, (2205-2198 B.C.) founder of 夏 Shiah Dyn.廷N.廷寄 (in Manchu Dyn.) orders issued directly by the court without going through cabinet channels;殷Words4. 殷監 [yin1jian4], n., (allu. to Yin Dyn.) warning, example of disaster from the past.營Words26. 營造 [ying2zao4], v.i., to construct buildings: 營造廠 [ying2zao4chang3], n., firm for constructing buildings, architects; v.i., 營造尺 standard foot of Manchu Dyn.烏Words18. 烏紗 [wu1sha1], n., a hat of black gauze, generally known as official's cap, esp.since Tarng Dyn.傳Words4. 傳奇 [chuan2qi2], n., (1) (Tarng, Suhng Dyns.) a short story; (2) (Yuarn Dyn.) a short play; (3) (Mirng Dyn.) a long play; 傳奇般 adj., like a story.侍N.內侍,常侍 palace attendant, official-in-waiting, (since Tarng Dyn.) eunuch.伯Words2. 伯道 [bo2dao4], n., virtuous person of Jihn Dyn. regretted to have no offspring, hence, 伯道之憂 (AC allu.) Bodauh's sorrow, i.e., having no children.仿V.t.仿宋 copy of Suhng Dyn. style of lettering, name of type.代N.(3) Dynasty: 唐代,明代, Tarng, Mirng Dyn.;供Words1. 供奉 *[gong4feng4], n. & v.t., (1) to offer to, offerings; (2) formerly, a palace official, (Manchu Dyn.) actors who gave command performances.俊Words4. 俊秀 [jUn4xiu4], n., (1) handsome and talented men; (2) formerly, a Chin. scholar having no official qualifications during the Manchu Dyn.猶Words1. 猶古自 [you2gu3zi4], phr., (Yuarn Dyn. dial.) see [you2wu4zi4]↓.射N.(b) a royal minister in Tarng Dyn.Words10. 射策 [she4ce4], n., (Hahn Dyn.) examination on current topics, later called 對策.桀N.(2) Name of tyrant, last ruler of 夏 [xia4] Dyn.: 桀紂 two typical tyrants;策Words11. 策書 [ce4shu1], n., writ of appointment or dismissal of officials in Hahn Dyn.篆N.invented by 李斯 end of 3rd cen., precursor of 隸書 [li4shu1] of Hahn Dyn.;巡Words1. 巡按 [xUn2an4], n., (in Manchu Dyn.) inspector-general of a province.7. 巡撫 [xUn2fu3], n., (in Manchu Dyn.) provincial military governor; cf. 總督 93.B.72, governor, viceroy.紂N.Name of tyrant, last emperor of Shang Dyn.絳Words2. 絳帳 [jiang4zhang4], n., a teacher's seat--allu. to the story of Ma Rurng 馬融 of the Hahn Dyn.繡Words1. 繡補 [xiu4bu3], n., (Manchu Dyn.) square piece in chest and back of mandarin over-jacket, embroidered with different birds and animals indicating different ranks.dyndyne((s))dynabbr.(縮寫 abbreviation)【理】(= dyne(s))dyndyne(s)document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i'); |
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