

单词 drive out
释义 drive out WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文drive [sth/sb] out vtr phrasal sepphrasal verb, transitive, separable: Verb with adverb(s) or preposition(s), having special meaning, divisible--for example, "call off" [=cancel], "call the game off," "call off the game." (force to leave)赶走 gǎn zǒu  驱逐出去 qū zhú chū qù The natives were driven out of their villages by the foreign invaders. 当地居民被外来侵略者赶出了自己的村庄。  WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:复合形式:英语中文drive [sb] out of his mind, drive [sb] out of her mind v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." figurative, informal (annoy)使某人极为恼怒 shǐ mǒu rén jí wéi nǎo nù  气得某人发疯 qì de mǒu rén fā fēng The baby's constant crying drove James out of his mind.drive [sb] out of his mind, drive [sb] out of her mind v exprverbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end." figurative, informal (arouse sexually)把某人迷得七荤八素 bǎ mǒu rén mí de qī hūn bā sù Watching you sunbathe used to drive me out of my mind. 在这些条目还发现'drive out':在英文解释里:exorcize - smoke out中文:撵 drive out 驾车等外出;把(汽车)开出:Let's drive out into the country,it's such a nice day.天气这么好,我们开车到乡下去吧。 赶出,驱除;排斥;消除(of):to drive out the invaders把侵略者赶出去He tried to drive the evil thoughts out of his mind.他企图驱散心中罪恶的念头。Her regret may never be driven out.她的悔恨,可能永远不能消除。 使忘记,使忽略:The important question drove out all others.这个重要的问题使人们把其他问题都丢开了。 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 drive outphr.① 駛車外出② 逐出drive outvt. sep.(get rid of)to drive sb/sth outorto drive out sb/sth赶走;驱散;驱走He cut his prices to drive out rivals.他降低价格以逼退竞争对手。Herbert offered whisky 'to drive out the chill'.赫伯特拿出威士忌来让大家“驱寒”。详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 vt septo drive sb/sth out;to drive out sb/sth:赶走;驱散;驱走 He cut his prices to drive out rivals. 他降低价格以逼退竞争对手。 Herbert offered whisky `to drive out the chill'. 赫伯特拿出威士忌来让大家“驱寒”。英英释义v.force to go away; used both with concrete and metaphoric meaningsforce or drive outclear out the chest and lungs同反义词同义词:dispeldrive awayexpectorateforce out英汉大英汉大★◀▶英汉大☞cure英汉大☞out詞目:Drive out 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Drive out1逐、赶逐、攆、呼喝、逐去、斥p 151 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶赶逐to repulse drive out 英華☞blame英華☞SACK英華☞EACH英華☞bawl英華☞call英華☞RID




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