

单词 doesn
释义 doesn來Words20. 來來 [lai2lai0], v.t., try to do (s.t.): 他做的不好,你來來看 if he doesn't know how to do it, you come and try.起Words66. 起坐(兒) [qi3zuo4]([er0]), phr., to rise from seat as form of respect: 這人連起坐兒都沒有 this man doesn't know manners, even to get up to receive guests.其Adv. & Conj.(2)  (Optative) or: 誠愛趙乎,其憎趙乎 does he really love the Jauh country, or rather doesn't he hate it?蓋Conj.蓋天下萬物之萌生,靡不有死 for nothing lives which doesn't die;豈Adv.oft. with 不,無 is it not (=it is): 豈不重復 would it not be redundant?豈不容易 wouldn’t it be easy?豈不知 doesn't (he) know? oft. goes with final particle 乎 or 哉:豈不危乎(or 哉) would it not be dangerous;坐Words8. 坐地 [zuo4di4], (1) v.i., sit on the ground; (2) adv., on the spot: 坐地分 divide the booty on the spot; adv., 坐地兒 [zuo4di4er0], 坐地窩兒 [zuo4di4woeer0] phr.: (a) to begin with: 他坐地窩兒就不會 he doesn't know how in the first place; (b) right there and then: 坐地窩兒就辦妥了 had it done right away.干V.t.事不干己 it doesn't concern me;理Words5. 理會 [li3hui4], v.t., (1) realize, appreciate, be clear about, understand (a situation, explanation); (2) pay attention to, receive (a visitor or friend): 不加理會 ignore (s.o. or s.t.);別理會他 don't pay any attention to him;他一點也不理會 he doesn't heed it at all; (3) take care of, deal with, arbitrate or mediate, take measures or steps to; (4) (AC) conform to.則Adv.君子不重則不威 if a superior man doesn't behave with dignity, he will command no respect (cf. 即 [ji2], to be; immediately).吊Words1. 吊膀子 [diao4bang4zi0], v.i., (Shanghai coll.) to accost a passing girl one doesn't know, go out with girl “arm in arm.”那Words4. 那麼 [na4mo0], adv., (also 那麼著,那們) (1) so, to such a degree: 你何必那麼緊張呢 why should you be so wrought-up? adv.,(2) then: 他既不來,那麼我也不走罷 since he doesn’t come, then I won't go, either.開V.t.開荒腔 tell a tall tale, talk about things one doesn't know;牽V.t.順手牽羊 to take s.t. that doesn't belong to oneself;高Words60. 高興 [gao1xing4]2, v. i. & t. & adj., (be) interested, pleased, glad, happy: 他不高興別人打擾他 he doesn't like to be disturbed; 我高興打網球 I am interested in playing tennis; 他今天有點不高興 he seems to be unhappy today; 他們倆很高興 they two are in high spirits.讓V.t.(4)  Make a polite gesture: 讓讓就是,不來也算了 we have invited him, but if he doesn't come, why bother? 讓讓也就是了,不必真磕頭 a polite gesture will do, don't kowtow;就Adv.(3)  Then: 他不來就算了 if he doesn't come, then leave him out.Words17. 就手(兒) [jiu4shou3] ([er0]), v.i., do s.t. that doesn't require any extra effort.麼Adj. & adv.干麼 [gan4ma2], adv., what for, why, do what: 干麼不見我? why doesn't he (don't you) want to see me? 你在干麼 what are you doing? 甚麼,什麼 [shen2me0], [shi2me0], adj., what: 甚麼事情 what is the matter? 甚麼消息 what news? 甚麼人,地方,時候 what person (who), what place (where), what time (when)?人Words68. 人行 [ren2xing2], n., human decency: 他簡直不是人行 he doesn't behave like a man at all; 人行道 a sidewalk.92. 人樣 [ren2yang0], n., decent personal appearance or conduct: 把小孩子慣得一點人樣沒有 the child has been so spoiled that he doesn't know how to behave; 人樣兒 the human shape: 許多逃難的都不成人樣兒了 many refugees looked so wretched that they were hardly recognizable as human beings; 人樣子 a good, decent-looking person.知V.t.誰不知 who doesn't know;給Words3. 給臉 *[geerlian3], v. i., show courtesy to s.o. who doesn't deserve it, save s.o.’s face: 給臉不要臉 prove oneself unworthy of such courtesy.




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