

单词 doctrines
释义 文馨英漢☞doctrinedoctrines搜Words13. 搜討 [sou1tao3], v.t., to examine and study (doctrines, etc.).蠱Words2. 蠱惑 [gu3huo4], v.t., seduce to wrong doing: 蠱惑人心 spread false doctrines to undermine the people's morale.異Words29. 異說 [yi4shuo1], n., (1) different version or theory; (2) strange doctrines.厭Words2. 厭棄 [yan4qi4], v.t., to abandon (lover), spurn (old doctrines).邪Words4. 邪道 [xie2dao4], (1) n., heterodox doctrines; n., impious, corrupt teachings; 邪道兒 immoral or illegal doings (gambling, smuggling, etc.); (2) ([xie2dao0]) adj., suspicious, devious: 都說這人來得邪道 they all say there is s.t. suspicious about this person.12. 邪魔 [xie2mo2], (1) n., demons: 邪魔外道 heterodox doctrines; (2) adj., (person) devilish, quite a devil.18. 邪說 [xie2shuo1], n., heterodox or immoral doctrines: 異端邪說 ditto; teachings that lead one astray.民Words1. 民權 [min2qUan2], n., the people's rights; 民權主義 [min2qUan2zhu3yi4], Doctrine of People's Rights, one of Three People's (Sanmin) Doctrines, see [min2sheng1], [min2zu2]↓.14. 民生 [min2sheng1], n., the people's livelihood; 民生主義 [min2sheng1zhu3yi4], one of the Sanmin Doctrines; see [min2qUan2]↑, [min2zu2]↑.20. 民族 [min2zu2], n., race, tribe: 新興的民族 newly risen races; 民族主義 [min2zu2zhu3yi4], nationalism, one of Sanmin Doctrines; 民族自決 national self-determination; 民族自治 national autonomy; 民族解放陣線 National Liberation Front.玄Words16. 玄門 [xUan2men2], n., (1) (Budd.) the Buddhist truth or doctrines; vestibule; (2) Taoism; Taoist church.系Words5. 系統 [xi4tong3], n., a system (of thought, doctrines): 有系統的哲學 systematic philosophy.妖Adj.妖言惑眾 strange doctrines win a large following.Words15. 妖邪 [yao1xie2], adj. & n., leading one astray, heterodox; immoral; such doctrines.詞目:DOCTRINES 1822馬禮遜英華字典DOCTRINES1things taught敎、人所敎之各理2False doctrines異端3Doctrines and precepts of the Budh sect are called 法法4Confucius denominated his doctrines 文; 道之顯著: the clear manifestation of the principles of virtue文、道之顯著1822馬禮遜英華字典 1筆p 127 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階DOCTRINES1教、文、道理p 75 1844衛三畏英華韻府歷階 1筆英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶英華☞CASH英華☞lore英華☞say英華☞ism英華☞act




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