单词 | do. |
释义 | do. abbr.ditto DO abbr. defence order防御命令;国防订货 direct object Doctor of Optometry验光学博士 Doctor of Osteopathy疗骨学博士 do1[强du:; 弱du; də; d; du:] v.和v.aux.(现在式单数)第一人称do,第二人称do或[古语]doest或dost,第三人称does或[古语]doeth或doth,(现在式复数)do;(过去式单数)第一人称did,第二人称did或[古语]didst,第三人称did,(过去式复数)did;(过去分词)done;(现在分词)doingvt.做(工作),干(活),办(事);搞;进行:to do a great deal干一番大事业to do a hauling job干拖运工作to do the cooking做饭to do housework干家务to do the work做这件工作to do business做生意,经商to do good做好事to do some shopping买东西to do good turns做好事 完成,做完,完毕,结束:Dinner has been done for half an hour.饭菜已经做好半个钟头了。The job is finally done.工作终于完成了。She has already done her homework.她已做完作业。 履行(职责);执行,贯彻,把…付诸实现:Do what I tell you.按照我告诉你的去做。You'd better get used to doing as you're told.你最好习惯于照吩咐的去做。I felt I had done my duty.我觉得我已尽了自己的职责。He did his work well.他的工作做得很好。 用出,使出;出力,尽力,尽力而为:Do your best.你要尽力去做。She has done her best,her utmost.她已尽了最大努力,已全力以赴了。to do one's bit in为…出了一份力 给…带来,造成,产生,引起;使遭受;导致,致使:It doesn't no harm.这对人无害。Drugs can do harm to you.毒品会对你有害。Drugs can do you a lot of harm.毒品对你会有许多害处。The medicine will do you good.这药对你有好处。Such a book does credit to the writer.这样的书给作者带来声誉。 使整洁,收拾,整理,布置(房间),装饰;清扫,弄干净,洗涤;为…化妆:to do the ironing烫衣服to do one's nails修剪指甲to do one's hair做(或梳)头发to do one's teeth刷牙to do the dishes洗碗碟to do the bathrooms and kitchen打扫浴室和厨房to do the windows擦窗户to do the laundry洗衣物 料理,照应,照顾,处置,处理,修理;对…开刀:to get the car done让人修车to do repairs做修理工作to do the roof修理房顶to do the garden料理花园 (作为职业去)工作,劳动,干活;从事(某种职业)致力于:What does he do for a living?他做什么工作谋生?He's doing as well as can be expected.他干得如所能期望的那么好。 演出(戏剧等),演(戏):We did Hamlet.我们演出《哈姆雷特》。 扮演(角色),饰,充当;模仿,仿效:He does Othello most excellently.他扮演奥赛罗精彩极了。I did Polonius.我扮演波洛涅斯。He did the main character in the movie.他在这部影片中扮演主角。He's a good mimic—he can do a great leader.他是个模仿秀,他能模仿一名伟大领袖。 犯(罪):If you do a crime,you must expect to be punished.如果你犯罪,就得准备受惩罚。crimes done deliberately蓄意犯罪 创作,写作,写(书等);出版;作(曲、画等);制作,制造;制(片),摄制(影片);塑:to do a book写书to do an excellent article写一篇精彩文章to do painting画画to do oil portraits画肖像油画to do some sketches画几幅素描to do the landscape画风景画to do a movie about制作一部有关…的电影 翻译;改编(into):to do Horace into English把(古罗马)贺拉斯的作品译成英语to do the book into a movie把这本书改编成电影脚本to do a translation搞一篇译作 走过,行过(路程),走(完),运行,经过,通过(一段距离):We did 20 miles today.今天我们走了20英里。to do a mile in four minutes.4分钟走1英里 。 以(每小时若干英里)的速度行进,行驶:to do 100 miles an hour以每小时100英里的速度行驶She was doing 60 miles when we met her.我们遇见她时,她正以每小时60英里的速度行驶。But officer,I was only doing 55 miles an hour.但是,长官,我当时仅以每小时55英里的速度行驶。 [口语]旅游,游览,游历,在…观光,参观,逛:They did America in three weeks.他们花了三周游览美国。Last summer we did five countries in two weeks.去年夏天我们在两周内游览了五国。to do some sightseeing游览 给,给予(敬意、公平等);表示:to do honour to the heroes向英雄致敬to do homage to someone向某人表示敬意You did me a big favour just then.你在那时帮了我一个大忙。to do someone an injury伤害某人 适合,中…的意,对…合用,满足…的需要;对…足够;认为…符合礼仪(或习惯等):This will do me very well.这对我非常适用。This sort of thing simply isn't done.这类事简直不成体统。I don't do that sort of thing in this university.我认为在这所大学这类事情不符合礼仪。Will this tablecloth do or should I use another?这块桌布合用呢还是我用另外一块?This room will do me quite well.这个房间很适合我住。Two thousand dollars will do me very well.2 000美元对我来说是足够了。 学习;攻读,修读;研究:to do my math做数学题to do sums做算术to do some studying学习功课to do one's lessons做功课to do reading看书 找到…的答案,解答;解决;算出:to do the problem解决问题to do the puzzler解难题 煮,烧,煎,炒,做(菜),烹调:She did the salad.她做了色拉。to do an omelette炒鸡蛋to do steak炸牛排to do the beef thoroughly把牛肉烧透 为…服务;款待,招待;供应,提供;参加:Let's do lunch next week.让我们下周一起吃午餐。to do one's guests well热情待客He did us handsomely.他慷慨地款待我们。 [口语]使疲乏,使精疲力尽:That last set of tennis did her.最后一盘网球赛使她疲惫不堪。They were done with hunger and weariness.他们又累又饿。 [口语]度过(任期),任(职),服(刑期):He is doing a second year as premier.他任总理是第二年了。He did three years in prison.他服刑三年了。He did five years for robbery.他因抢劫而吃了五年官司。 系上,把…扣紧:He can't do his top button up.他扣不上他衣服上最上面的这粒纽扣。 (人、物等)起…的作用:to do the host作东He does the host admirably.他是个令人赞赏的主人。 [口语]欺骗,诈骗,骗取:You've been done!你受骗了!I was done in that time.我那次上当了。That crooked dealer did me for $100 at poker.那个刁滑的发牌者在玩扑克牌时骗了我100美元。 [口语][通常后接the+形容词]装出:The leader did the amiable.那名领导人装出和蔼可亲的样子。to do the big充好汉 [俚语]嗜(酒);吸(毒),服用(毒品);服(药等):We've never done drugs.我们从不吸毒。The police report said she was doing cocaine.警方报告说她正在吸可卡因。He has been doing a lot of cocaine.他一直在大量吸食可卡因。 [俚语]劫掠,抢劫:The robbers did a bank.强盗抢劫了一家银行。 [主英国俚语]毒打,狠揍;惩罚:I'll do you if you don't stop that.如果你不停止干这种事,我会狠揍你。The thieves did the old woman over before they robbed her.小偷们把老太婆毒打一顿,然后抢劫了她。 [俚语]杀死,干掉;毁掉;打败:If you stir,I'll do you.你如果动一动,我就把你毙了。 [俚语]指控;宣判…有罪,给…定罪;抓住,逮捕:He got done for kidnapping.他因绑架而被捕。 [俚语、禁忌语](男人)同…性交 [澳大利亚俚语]花光(钱);输光(钱)vi.(以某种方式)行事,举止,表现,行为;活动:He did well when treated well.有好待遇才有好表现。She did very well today.她今天表现很好。I wish you'll do better in the future.我希望你将来会做得好些。Do as I do.照我做的去做吧。Do as I say,not as I do.照我说的去做,别照我做的去做。Do as you wish(或please).你愿意怎么做就怎么做吧。 做,积极做(或干)工作,干活,劳动,行动:Do, don't merely talk.要干,别光嘴说。She does for us twice a week.她每周两次来帮我们做家务。 完成;结束,完结,终止[用于完成时态]:have done with dreaming与梦想一刀两断I have done with her.我与她断绝关系了。He has done with cigarettes.他已戒烟了。 (在工作、生产、健康等方面)进展;过活,生活;相处;着手;(特定情况下)身体健康:Mother and child are doing well(或fine).(产后)母子(或母女)平安。How are you doing at work?你在工作方面进展如何?How are you doing in your new job?你在新工作中做得怎样?He is doing nicely.他日子过得挺美。 (植物)生长:Wheat does well.小麦长势好。Everything in the garden is doing well.园子里的东西都长得很好。 适用,合用,适合,适宜,适当;可用;行;将就;足够;符合礼仪(或习惯),得体:The black dress will do.穿黑衣服合适。Will this do?这个行吗?That'll do nicely.那就足够了。to do without an automobile没有汽车也将就You needn't drink beer —water will do.你不必喝啤酒,喝水就行了。 [后接-ing][口语]发生;进行:Anything doing tonight?今晚有什么活动?What's doing at the college?学院里发生什么事了?There's nothing doing in this club at night.晚上这个俱乐部没什么活动。He is doing very well.他过得挺不错v.aux.[用于加强主要动词的语气]:Do stay a while.务请多待一会儿。Do visit us.请一定来看看我们。Do come up and see me some time.务请某个时候上来看看我。But I did tell you about the examination!但我确实告诉过你有关考试的事。 [用于法律、诗歌等中]do hereby enjoin特此责成…The wind did blow,the rain did fall.风在吹,雨在下。 [构成疑问句]Did you write?你写了吗?Do you think so?你这么认为吗?Do you like music?你喜欢音乐吗?When did he leave?他何时离开啦? [构成否定句]:They do not like it.他们不喜欢它。I don't agree.我不同意。I didn't care.我不在乎。I didn't see you yesterday.我昨天没看见你。 [构成否定祈使句;用于有you和thou的祈使句]:Do not go.不要去。Do thou hasten to the king's side.你赶快到国王这边来。 [用于倒装句,用于某些副词之后构成倒装结构]:Little did he realize…他几乎没有认识到…;Seldom do we witness such catastrophes.我们很少目击过这样的灾难。Seldom does one see such greed.任何人都很少看过如此贪婪。v.substitute.[代替动词]:I think as you do.我和你想到一块儿了。I enjoy jogging and Harry does,too我喜爱慢跑,哈里也喜爱。Jack enjoys jogging,doesn't he?杰克喜爱慢跑,不是吗?Love me as I do (love) you.像我爱你那样的爱我。 [代替动词词组]:He wouldn't make up his mind,but she did.他没下定决心,但她下了。 [在附加疑问形式中代替动词]:She has a computer, doesn't she?她有一台电脑,不是吗?You live in New York,don't you?你住在纽约,是吗?He doesn't work here,does he?他不在此地工作,是吗? [用作简略的命令或强调性重复]:Shall I open the window? —Yes,do.我把窗户打开好吗? —好,打开吧。Come to see me,do!过来看我,一定要来!Be careful,do!小心,千万要小心。 [与so,it,which,that等连用]:He went abroad last year. —and so did I.他去年出国了。 —我也出国了。He likes it,and so do I.他喜欢它,我也喜欢。Don't do the laundry yourself,I'll do it.你不用亲自洗衣服,让我来。n.[主英国口语]诈骗,欺骗,花招;骗局;骗人的东西 [主英国、新西兰口语]宴会,(社交)聚会,庆祝会;社交活动;节目,演出 [口语]必须做到的事情,该做的事;规定,要求 [口语]事件;事情 [主英国英语]进攻,袭击,战斗 精心的工作;认真的操作 [主英国方言]骚乱;混乱,忙乱 [常用复数][英国口语]分配,份额;待遇 [俚语]粪便;排泄物 [美国黑人俚语](尤指女子的)做头发 [澳大利亚口语]成功 [口语]责任;行动短语:Anything doing?有门儿吗?办得到吗?be done with见donebe up and doing见upBy doing nothing we learn to do ill.[谚语]一闲生百邪。(或:无所事事就会学做坏事。)do a[口语]仿效,模仿,学…的样子do a job(或number) on见jobdo as(或what) one is told服从命令,听从吩咐Do as you're bidden and you'll never bear blame.[谚语]照吩咐去做,就没有你的责任。Do as you would be done by.[谚语]你希望别人如何对待你,你就应该如何对待别人。(或:己所不欲,勿施于人。)Do at(或in)Rome as the Romans do.[谚语]入国问禁;入乡随俗。[亦作When you are at Rome,do as Rome does.或When at Rome,do as Rome does.或When at(或in)Rome,do as the Romans do.]do badly for得到很少的…;得到…不足的供给do better to(do)最好还是(做某事),还是(做某事)好Doing is better than saying.会说不如会做。 do it 取得成功;做到,办成 招灾惹祸,闯祸 [美国委婉语]性交 do it all [美国俚语] 服无期徒刑 样样会干,多才多艺 do it up[美国俚语]干净利落do one's bit见bit¹ do oneself proud(或well) (为自己)取得成功(或成就),成功,(为自己)取得良好成绩,干得十分出色;引以为荣,值得骄傲;生意兴隆 养尊处优,(尤指饮食)自奉优厚,生活阔绰,生活过得舒适;条件优裕 do one's (own) thing见thing¹do on top of one's head轻易做成do or die[口语]不成功即失败,不成功毋宁死;孤注一掷;拼命干,豁出去干,不顾一切地干,尽最大力量;不畏艰险do right有道理,有理由dos and don'ts风俗习惯;行为准则;规矩;守则;有所为,有所不为 do someone good 对某人有好处(或有帮助)[有时用作反语] 使某人高兴(或满足) do something for(或to)见somethingdo to death见deathdo up right(或brown)[美国俚语]认真(或彻底、仔细、出色)地做,把…彻底(或细心)地搞好,做得出色,做得尽善尽美 do well 明智,有好处,最好还是 做得对;做得好;处理得好;(在学习、考试中)取得良好成绩 (病人等)进展情况良好 (植物)长得好 发达,昌盛,顺利;成功 do well by someone[口语]对待某人很好;对某人很慷慨do well for获得大量的…;有很多的…供应,得到…充足的供给do well for oneself[口语]兴旺,发达,昌盛,成功;变得富裕起来;改善自己的社会地位do well out of从…得到很大的利益(或好处),得利于do wrong见wrongHave done!好了!(或:停止!)have done with停止做;停止使用(某物)have something(或anything,nothing,little,much,a great deal等)to do with和…有些关系(或没有关系,关系不大,关系很大等) have to do with 与…有关系,与…打交道,与…来往;与…有牵连 与…有来往,与…有业务关系 How are you doing?[美国口语]你好!How do you do?您好![被正式介绍时或打招呼时用语,被打招呼者一般用同样的话回答;以后见面时则用“How are you?”]make do见make¹make do and mend(不买新的而把旧的)修修补补将就过去,修补一下对付使用make something do凑合着用某物,拿某物勉强对付[亦作make do with something]nothing doing见nothing That does(或did) it! [口语] 完蛋了! 够了,好了,行了!(表示已足够或不耐烦等) That's done it!=That does it! That will do! 行! 够了!(表示不耐烦) to do 必须做的,需要做的,该做的 为了使某人奔波 to do with同…有关的 What can I do for you? 我能为您做什么? 您要(买)什么[营业员等的招呼用语] Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.值得做的事就好好去做。What is to do?出(或发生)了什么事?怎么了?What's done can't be undone.覆水难收。What we do willingly is easy.愿者不难。When in Rome,do as the Romans(do)(或as Rome does).[谚语]入国问禁,入乡随俗。 变形: n. dos . do's do2[dəu] n.【音乐】 首调唱法时任何大音阶的第一音或任何小音阶的第三音;任何自然音阶中的主音 固定唱法时的C音[参较sol-fa,ut,亦作doh]变形:n. dos do3[dəu] n.[日语]道(日本行政大区) d.o. ,D/O, d/o abbr.delivery order【商业】交货单;提货单 更多收起结果 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 do.ˈdɪtoadv., n.① =dittodo.abbr.(縮寫 abbreviation)(= ditto)do.dittodocument.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');詞目:Do. 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Do.n.1See Ditto1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆p 663 1913商務書館英華新字典Do.1(ditto). -The same同上p 附1-2 1913商務書館英華新字典 1筆同上reproductive evolutionary managerial reclusive urethral trapezoidal propositional hallucinatory professorial untruthful paradigmatic miscible proscriptive overshot idem voluptuary gyratory uvular monarchal organical phlegmonous hydrogenous orbital、orbitual hydrographic、hydrographical systematic、systematical parenchymatous、parenchymous pituitous selenitic vehmic item ditto ostentatiously malevolently micron squirm mink incompletion pertinacity edda vapidity syntaxis hymn-book phytochemistry ignis fatuus responsion perpender pupilarity misdeal do. |
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