

单词 divination
释义 divination  [ˌdɪvɪˈneɪʃən]WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文divination nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (spiritualism: predicting the future)预测未来 yù cè wèi lái  预言 yù yán  占卜 zhān bǔ   在这些条目还发现'divination':在英文解释里:rune中文:卦 divination [divi'neiʃən] n. 占卜(术),卜卦,预测(术) 预言;预兆 直觉的洞察,直观的感知,本能的预见,(凭直觉的)先见,悟性 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 divinationˌdɪvəˈneʃənn.① 占卜,卜卦,預言practice divination占上,以占卜為業His divination was fulfilled.他預言實現了。divination/ˌdɪvɪˈneɪʃən/n.1.(telling the future)占卜;预测(术)All forms of divination rely on the diviner being able to open herself to subtle levels of communication.所有形式的占卜都取决于占卜师打开天眼, 看到细微的通灵迹象。2.(prophecy)预言3.(guess)预感详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 n /ˌdɪvɪˈneɪʃən/占卜;预测(术) All forms of divination rely on the diviner being able to open herself to subtle levels of communication. 所有形式的占卜都取决于占卜师打开天眼,看到细微的通灵迹象。预言预感英英释义n.successful conjecture by unusual insight or good lucka prediction uttered under divine inspirationthe art or gift of prophecy (or the pretense of prophecy) by supernatural meansdivination求Words3. 求簽 [qiu2qian1], v.i., to pray and draw divination sticks at temple.抽Words2. 抽簽(兒) [chou1qian1]([chou1qia1er0]), v.i., to draw lots; v.i.,to draw divination sticks before Buddha.起Words35. 起課 [qi3ke4], v.i., start session in divination.卦N.(AC) symbols used in divination: see 八卦 80.80 the Eight Diagrams;蓍N.A plant whose stalks were used in divination: 蓍龜 the [shi1]-stalks and the tortoise-shell used in divination.占V.i. & t.(1)  To practise divination: 占卜,占卦,占星 [zhan1bu3], [zhan1gua4], [zhan1xing1]↓;早占勿藥 phr., already recovered from illness (“as foretold by divination”), wish you a speedy recovery.Words1. 占卜 [zhan1bu3], v.i. & t., to practise divination.2. 占斷 [zhan1duan4], v.t., to determine or find out by divination: 占斷吉兇 find out good or bad luck.3. 占卦 [zhan1gua4], v.i. & n., (to make) divination by 八卦 or arrangement of the eight diagrams; see 八卦 [ba1gua4], 80.80.貞N. & v.t.Divination, to divine: 貞卜文字 oracle characters.斷V.t.斷吉兇 decide luck by divination.乩N.Planchette as in 扶乩 a traditional form of divination whereby the spirit, when invoked, writes characters on a sand pan by means of a stick attached to a horizontal piece supported by two persons serving as mediums.卜N.(1)  Divination: 卜卦先生,賣卜先生 fortuneteller;V.i. &t.(3)  To choose (with or without divination): 卜居 place for residence;Words1. 卜卦 [bu3gua4], n. & v.i., divine, divination by the eight diagrams (八卦 80.80).2. 卜課 [bu3ke4], n., art of divination; a session at the divination.數N.(4)  (AC) 術數 the art of government, also the art of divination.瓦Words1. 瓦卜 [wa2bu3], n., (MC) to break up a tile and read the line of cleavage for divination.馬N.馬前數 a form of quick divination “while you wait”;艮N.(1)  One of the eight diagrams for divination, see [ba1gua4] 八卦 80.80.主V.t.(4)  (Divination) indicate: 主吉,主兇 indicates good, bad, luck.課N.(4)  A session at divination: 卜課,占課.讖Words2. 讖緯 [chen4wei3], n., Taoist science of prophecy through study of [yin1yang2] 陰陽 and 五 行 [wu1xing2] (31.30) or by common divination, esp. in Hahn Dyn.; such books.八Words12. 八卦 [ba1gua4], n., the eight diagrams, consisting of arrangement of continuous and broken lines in three lines each, symbolizing changing balance of forces and used in divination, as follows: 乾 (≡),兌 (≡),離 (≡),震 (≡),巽 (≡),坎 (≡),艮 (≡),坤 (≡); cf. 五行 31.30.鉆Words3. 鉆灼 [zuan1zhuo2], (1) n., an ancient method of divination; (2) v.t., (=鉆研 [zuan1yan2]↓).詹V.i.orig., fix by divination: 謹詹於某月某日 used in invitation to dinner.龜Words2. 龜坼 [gui1che4], n., [WEdit: Should be pronounced as [jUn1che4]] (1) cracks in the fields caused by drought; (2) (AC) divination by observing crackings on tortoiseshell over fire.氣Words49. 氣數 [qi4shu4], n., fate, destiny (as “reckoned” in divination.符Words9. 符驗 [fu2yan4], n., evidence of correctness of divination, prophecy.算Words8. 算卦 [suan4gua4], v.i., to practise divination by 八卦 [ba1gua4] 80.80; v.i., 算卦的 [suan4gua4de0], n., a practitioner of [ba1gua4].筮N.Divination;divination stick.簽N.(2)  A set of bamboo slips in a pot used in temple for divination;英汉大英汉大英汉大英汉大★◀▶英汉大☞prevision英汉大☞insight英汉大☞cast英汉大☞seediv·i·na·tion/ˌdɪvə`neʃən; ˌdiviˈneiʃn/《divine v. 的名词》名词占卜, 卜卦; 预言divinationdiv•i•na•tion /ˌdɪvɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n/ n U1. 占卜(术) 2. 先见,预测(术),直观的感知,悟性 • the brilliant divination of the ancient Greeks in the field of atomic theory 古希腊人在原子理论方面的卓越预见 divinationn.(名詞 noun)占卜;預言;先兆;先知;先見document.write('function myFunction(n){var c=document.getElementById("maintb").children;for(i=0;i');詞目:DIVINATION 1822馬禮遜英華字典DIVINATION1DIVINATION is often performed in temples by two pieces of wood or bamboo called 筄; and 珓杯, or 盃; also 筊桮筄、珓杯、盃、筊桮2They are made of a rounded piece of wood of this form , cut lengthwise through the middle so, that each piece has a round and a flat side. They are thrown, by the worshipper kneeling up into the air, and let fall to the ground; if both flat sides lie uppermost, they are called 陽, or 仰杯, and are deemed 不祥, Unlucky; if both round sides be uppermost, they are called 陰, or 俯杯, and denote 平安, Tranquility; if one round and one flat side be uppermost, they are called 聖杯, and considered 祥, or Lucky陽、仰杯、不祥、陰、俯杯、平安、聖杯、祥1822馬禮遜英華字典 1筆p 126 1847-48麥都思英華字典DIVINATION1先見之明2a kind of divination卜卦、占卦3rites of do卜筮、卜課4herbs used in divination筮草5a priest of divination厮乩6certain forms of divination觭夢7divination is often performed by two pieces of wood, flat on the one side, and round on the other, which being thrown up, are supposed to indicate by the position they fall in, future prosperity or adversity, these sticks are called筄、校杯、筊桮8the business of divination猜疑之事、猜迷之事、猜度之事1847-48麥都思英華字典 1筆p 444 1866-69羅存德英華字典Divination1the act of fortelling future events卜卦、占卦、算命、卦命、卜者、占者、卜後事者、卜將來之事1866-69羅存德英華字典 1筆p 662 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Divination1占卜、術數、先見之明2Divination by tortoise shell,拔卦3Divination by bamboo slips,抽籤4business of Divination猜疑之事、猜迷之事、猜度之事1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 144 p 145 1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典Divinationn.1The act of foretelling future events卜卦、占卦、算命、卦命、卜者、占者、卜後事者、卜將來之事、先見之明1884井上哲次郎訂增英華字典 1筆p 412 1899鄺其照華英字典集成Divination1先見之明、占卦、算命1899鄺其照華英字典集成 1筆p 109 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Divinationn.1The act of divining, 預言, 占卜; the foretelling of future events, or the discovery of things secret or obscure by alleged converse with supernatural powers or skill in the interpretation of omens, 占兆, 卜卦預言、占卜、占兆、卜卦2Conjectural presage, 推論, 揣度; prediction, 預言; omen, 兆, 預兆; as, happy divination of things to come, 未來事之祥兆推論、揣度、預言、兆、預兆、未來事之祥兆1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆p 661 1911衛禮賢德英華文科學字典Divinationf.1divination豫言、占卜1911衛禮賢德英華文科學字典 1筆p 105 1913商務書館英華新字典Divinationn.1占卜、占卦、算命1913商務書館英華新字典 1筆p 156 1916赫美玲官話Divinationn.1same as divine, v.i.2Failure of ~占卜不靈3~ wands靈籤p 408 1916赫美玲官話 1筆英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶筊桮divination divination is often performed by two pieces of wood, flat on the one side, and round on the other, which being thrown up, are supposed to indicate by the position they fall in, future prosperity or adversity, these sticks are called 英華☞foresight英華☞divinator英華☞diviner英華☞aruspex英華☞augury英華☞divine英華☞Grail英華☞MAGIC英華☞Vatic英華☞DRAW英華☞OMEN英華☞LATH英華☞CAST英華☞DULL英華☞mark英華☞sign英華☞tell英華☞ease英華☞DOG英華☞ill英華☞lot英華☞cup




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