

单词 disturbative
释义 disturbative [dis'tətiv] adj.disturb的变形 disturb [dis'tə:b] vt.干扰;打断,中断,妨碍,妨害;打扰(工作、休息等),使中断(休息等):Please do not disturb us when we are working.工作的时候请不要打扰我们。The manager will be angry if you disturb him when he's in conference.经理开会时如果你打扰他,他会生气的。 打破(平静、安静或宁静),搅动(静物);激荡(水面等);扰乱(人心等);滋扰:A light wind disturbed the surface of the water.微风拂动水面。A loud whistle disturbed the quietness of the church.一声响哨打破了教堂的宁静。 弄乱,搞乱,搅乱,打乱(计划等);使陷于混乱,使骚动,煽动,使不安定,使激动;扰乱…的治安:She disturbed the papers on his desk.她弄乱了他桌面的文件。Only bad weather can disturb our plans for the picnic.只有坏天气才会打乱我们的野餐计划。to disturb the peace扰乱治安to disturb the class扰乱课堂秩序 [常用被动语态](精神或情绪上)搅乱,使心神不安;使烦恼;使人心烦意乱,使困惑,使情绪波动:使精神不正常:She was disturbed by his strange behaviour.她被他的奇怪举止弄得心神不安。She was inwardly disturbed to hear of his illness.听说他病了,她内心很不安。The sudden increase in thefts in the school disturbed the parents.学校中的失窃现象突然增多令父母深感不安。 使感麻烦,麻烦,使不方便[常作disturb oneself]:Don't disturb yourself for me.别为我操心。vi.打扰;妨碍;引起骚动:打扰;妨碍;引起骚动:Do not disturb.(请)勿打扰。近义词:discompose . perturb . agitate 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 disturbative/dɪˈstɜːbətɪv/adj.会引起不安的;干扰性的详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社 adj /dɪˈstɜːbətɪv/会引起不安的;干扰性的




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