

单词 dist
释义 dist木Words3. 木本 [mu4ben3], n., trees (a classification as dist. from grass 艸本)橐N.A hollow bag open on both ends, dist.桼 13B05  10.02/75 ㄑㄧ [qi1]. [Var. of漆 63A.02; dist.黍]青Adj.(5)  Gracious: 青眼 (the black of eye) sympathetic look, dist. 白眼 (white of eye) look of disdain;Words73. 青眼 [qing1yan3], v.t., look on with favor or pleasure, dist. 白眼 show white of eye in disdain.真Adj.真面目 the real or close view of person or thing, dist. hearsay or reputation;Words17. 真皮 [zhen1pi2], n., (physiol.) real skin, dermis, dist. epidermis.19. 真如 [zhen1ru2], n., (Budd.) the unconditioned, unchanging reality, dist. changing form and appearance.逋 40C35  10.83/162 ㄅㄨ [bu1] [Dist.捕 10A. 42]連 41A25  10.83/162 ㄌㄧㄢˊ [lian2]. [Dist.聯 same pr.=“unite”;連=“continue”; interch.鏈]搏 44A40  10A.00-1/64 ㄅㄛˊ [bo2]. [Dist.搏]捯 44C25  10A.00-3/64 ㄉㄠˊ [dao2]. [Dist.倒 91A.00]摧 56A10  10A.11-2/64 ㄘㄨㄟ [cui1]. [Dist.推 10A.11,催 91A.11]拼 58C15  10A.20-9/64 ㄆㄧㄣ [pin1]. [Dist.拚 ㄆㄢˋ [pan4], see [pin1ming4]↓]拚 58C50  10A.20-9/64 ㄆㄢˋ [pan4] (coll, also ㄆㄢ [pan1]). [Dist.拼 10A.20]掐 60C50  10A.21-9/64 ㄑㄧㄚ [qia1]. [Dist.搯 tau]搶Words5. 搶鋒 [qiang3feng1], v.i., (callig.) a stroke made by reversing tip of brush, dist. 順鋒.搨 82C25  10A.50-4/64 ㄊㄚˋ [ta4] (*ㄊㄚ [ta1]). [Var.拓; dist.塌,榻]挾 95B25  10A.81-1/64 ㄒㄧㄝˊ [xie2] (also ㄒㄧㄚˊ [xia2]; *ㄐㄧㄚˊ [jia2]). [Dist.狹,俠]摸 95C35  10A.81-2/64 ㄇㄛ [mo1] (*ㄇㄠ [mao1], *ㄇㄛˊ [mo2]). [Dist.摹 ㄇㄛˊ [mo2] 20A.00]拔 98B15  10A.82-1/64 ㄅㄚˊ [ba2]. [Dist.祓 63B.82,跋 40B.82]掇 100C00  10A.82-3/64 ㄉㄨㄛˊ [duo2]. [Dist.綴]杼 110B30  10B.00-3/75 ㄓㄨˋ [zhu4]. [Dist.抒,紓]枰 114C10  10B.10-3/75 ㄆㄧㄥˊ [ping2]. [Dist.秤]椎 117C45  10B.11-9/75 ㄓㄨㄟ [zhui1] (also ㄔㄨㄟˊ [chui2]). [Dist.錐 an awl]N.Wooden knocker, truncheon (dist. 錐 81A.11).槽Words3. 槽榚 [cao2gao1], n., cake made with molds (dist. 槽糕 [zao1cao2], 22C.41). 129B00 [ge2]. [Dist.隔 32A.42]槁 130A40  10B.42-6/75 ㄍㄠˇ [gao3]. [Dist.稿,搞]板 142A00  10B.82-9/75 ㄅㄢˇ [ban3]. [Dist.版; sometimes var. of版]梃 142C40  10B.83-9/75 ㄊㄧㄥˇ [ting3]. [Dist.挺 10A.83]杪 143A35  10B.91-2/75 ㄇㄧㄠˇ [miao3]. [Dist.秒 90A.91]輒 154A00  10D.70/159 ㄓㄜˊ [zhe2]. [Var. ; dist.轍]刺 157A15  10S.00-2/18 ㄘˋ [ci4]. [Dist.剌↓]剌 157B35  10S.00-2/18 ㄌㄚˋ [la4] (*ㄌㄚˊ [la2]). [Dist.刺↑]干 158C35  10S.01-8/75 ㄍㄢˋ [gan4] *(ㄏㄢˊ [han2]). [Dist.干]斡 159B35  10S.10-8/68 ㄨㄛˋ [wo4] (*ㄍㄨㄢˇ [guan3]). [Dist.干 ㄍㄢˋ [gan4]↑]兢 164A30  10S.70-1/10 ㄐㄧㄥ [jing1]. [Dist.競 60S.70]乾Words13. 乾飯 [gan1fan4] n., usu. cooked rice as dist. 稀飯 gruel or congee.敷Words3. 敷演 [fu1yan3]1, v.t., show, perform, develop (story, etc.); dist. 衍.土Words51. 土藥 [tu3yao4], n., native recipe, native medicine; domestic opium, dist. 洋藥 imported opium.幫Words18. 幫子 [bang1zi0], n., see N.↑; 白菜幫子 outside part of cabbage (dist. homonym 梆子 10B.22).壼 175A45 ㄎㄨㄣˇ [kun3]. [Dist.壺 11.30]埸 201C50  11A.50-4/32 ㄧˋ [yi4]. [Dist.場]薄 248A45  20A.00-6/140 ㄅㄛˊ [bo2] (coll. *ㄅㄠˊ [bao2]). [Dist,簿 92A.00]苻 248C40  20A.00-9/140 ㄈㄨˊ [fu2]. [Dist.符 92A.00]蘗 250B45  20A.01-5/140 ㄅㄛˋ [bo4]. [Var.檗; dist.蘗 ㄋㄧㄝˋ [nie4], 20A.01]荼 251C10  20A.01-8/140 ㄊㄨˊ [tu2]. [Dist.茶 ㄔㄚˊ [cha2], 20A.01↑] 252B05 [nie4]. [Var.櫱; dist. ] 252B15 [nie4]. [Dist. ]蘋 255A35  20A.10-3/140 ㄆㄧㄥˊ [ping2]. [Dist.萍]茸 255A50  20A.10-3/140 ㄖㄨㄥˊ [rong2] (*ㄖㄨㄥˇ [rong3]). [Dist.葺]薜 257A20  20A.10-5/140 ㄅㄧˋ [bi4] (*ㄅㄛˋ [bo4]). [Dist.薛 20A.10]藍 264B25  20A.30-5/140 ㄌㄢˊ [lan2]. [Dist.籃 92A.30]蕃 273A05  20A.41-9/140 ㄈㄢˊ [fan2]. [Dist.藩 20A.41]蘸 279C50  20A.63-3/140 ㄓㄢˋ [zhan4]. [Related沾 63A.40; dist.醮 31C.63]蔑 285B15  20A.71-4/140 ㄇㄧㄝˋ [mie4]. [Dist.篾 92A.71]蓬 292C00  20A.83-9/140 ㄆㄥˊ [peng2]. [Dist.篷]鞫 296A30  20B.50-9/177 ㄐㄩˊ [jU2]. [Dist.鞠]祟 304C50  21.01/113 ㄙㄨㄟˋ [sui4]. [Dist.崇 21.01]兇N.正兇 chief culprit (dist. accomplice);肄 335B05  21S.10-2/129 ㄧˋ [yi4]. [Dist.肆 51S.10]惴 394C40  22A.42-2/61 ㄓㄨㄟˋ [zhui4]. [Dist.揣]慨 397B50  22A.70-9/61 ㄎㄞˇ [kai3] (also ㄎㄞˋ [kai4]). [Dist.概 10B.70] 399C35 ㄨˋ [wu4]. [Var. of誤 60A.80; dist.娛 93A.81]幃 402C35  22B.10-2/50 ㄨㄟˊ [wei2]. [Dist.緯 93B.22]幅N. adjunct.dist. 副 30S.00 pr. [fu4], a set.粺 406B00  22C.10-9/119 ㄅㄞˋ [bai4]. [Dist.稗90A.10]敉 410C40  22C.82-9/66 ㄇㄧˇ [mi3]. [Dist.枚10B.82]蠟 419B45  22D.70-9/142 ㄌㄚˋ [la4]. [Dist.臘 42A.70]魂N.the finer spirits of man as dist. 魄 [po4], the baser spirits or animal forces: 魂靈,魂魄 [hun2ling2], [hun2po4]↓; 442C15 [nie4](*[dun3]) [Dist.不]正N.(2)  Wife in 令正 your wife (from 正室, dist. 副室 concubine);Words8. 正取 [zheng4qU3], adj., regularly passed candidate, dist. 備取 those on reserve list.51. 正數 [zheng4shu4], n., (math.) a plus quantity, dist. 負數 minus quantity.59. 正史 [zheng4shi3], n. standard, authorized history, dist. 野史 privately compiled history.63. 正統 [zheng4tong3], n., (1) orthodox tradition of thought or ideas; (2) (Chin. history) standard line of succession, or universal sovereignty, dist. rulers of parts of China only.67. 正文 [zheng4wen2], n., the text, dist. running commentary.兩N. & adj.Two, in gen. use as adj. in speaking of two pieces, things, sides, parties, dist. 二, used only in counting: 兩百元 two hundred dollars (in counting, 二百元 would be more common);瓦Words13. 瓦楞帽 [wa3leng2mao4], n., formerly, common man’s hat with depression in middle, dist. 方巾 gentlemen's hat.珠Words12. 珠算 [zhu1suan4], n., the abacus; art of using it, dist. 筆算 arithmetic with pen or pencil.斑 485A50  31A.11-6/67 ㄅㄢ [ban1]. [Dist.班↓]班 485B35  31A.11-9/96 ㄅㄢ [ban1]. [Dist.斑]瑣 490B00  31A.80-2/96 ㄙㄨㄛˇ [suo3]. [Dist.鎖 81A.80]需 514A00  31D.42-3/173 ㄒㄩ [xU1]. [Dist須 91S.80 must]零Words3. 零活(兒) [ling2huo2] ([er0]), n., odd jobs (dist. 靈活 31D.30).到Vb. complement.Showing completed action: 看到,聽到 see, hear (as dist. look, listen);聯 521A35  31S.22-9/128 ㄌㄧㄢˊ [lian2]. [Abbr. ,; pop. dist.連 10.83 with same pr., “combine,” “continue”,聯 “unite”]覡N.(AC) sorcerer (dist. 巫 sorceress).耽 525B45  31S.70-9/128 ㄉㄢ [dan1]. [Dist. ,眈]聵 527B35  31S.80-2/128 ㄎㄨㄟˋ [kui4]. [Dist.瞶]歿 530C10  31S.82-9/78 ㄇㄛˋ [mo4]. [Dist.沒 63A.82]防 556B55  32A.50-6/170 ㄈㄤˊ [fang2]. [Dist.妨 93A.50: as妨礙 obstruct,不妨事 does not matter; but防 guard against:防御,防范]隱 558B05  32A.72-9/170 ㄧㄣˇ [yin3]. [Dist.穩 ㄨㄣˇ [wen3], 90A.72]啄 580A45  40A.0-3/30 ㄓㄨㄛˊ [zhuo2]. [Dist.喙↓]哩N.A mile (dist. 公里 kilometer). 591A05 [pa1]. [Dist.咱 40A.41↓]叼 594A50  40A.50-5/30 ㄉㄧㄠ [diao1]. [Dist.叨]吵 605A15  40A.91-2/30 ㄔㄠˇ [chao3]. [Dist.炒]踣 610C30  40B.40-6/157 ㄅㄛˊ [bo2]. [Dist.掊 10A.40]別Words3. 別集 [bie2ji2], n., an author's collected works, as dist. from 總集 collection or anthology by period or genre of writing.7. 別史 [bie2shi2], n., privately compiled history, as dist. from official history.國Words39. 國聯 [guo2lian2], n., the defunct League of Nations (short for 國際聯盟 dist. 聯合國 the United Nations); 國聯理事會 Council of the League; 國聯大會 Assembly of the League; 國聯盟約 Covenant of the League of Nations.明N.(3)  The present life dist. from after life: 幽明異路 the living and the dead live in different worlds.暌 664A00  41A.81-3/72 ㄎㄨㄟˊ [kui2]. [Dist.睽 41B.81]眛 665B10  41B.01-1/109 ㄇㄟˋ [mei4]. [Dist.昧]瞻 669B10  41B.40-9/109 ㄓㄢ [zhan1]. [Dist.贍 ㄕㄢˋ [shan4], 41C.40]睹 669B45  41B.41-1/109 ㄉㄨˇ [du3]. [Var. of睹 11S.70; dist.賭 gamble]盻 670B35  41B.50-8/109 ㄒㄧˋ [xi4]. [Dist.盼↑]瞶 671B50  41B.80-2/109 ㄍㄨㄟˋ [gui4] (ㄎㄨㄟˋ [kui4]). [Dist.聵]眨 672B20  41B.83-9/109 ㄓㄚˇ [zha3]. [Dist.眨 41C.83]贍 675B30  41C.40-9/154 ㄕㄢˋ [shan4]. [Dist.瞻]羇 679C10  41D.00-2/122 ㄐㄧ [ji1]. [Pop.羇31.00; dist.羈 41D.50]雎 687A00  41S.11-9/172 ㄐㄩ [jU1]. [Dist.睢 41B.11]罔 698A40  42.42/122 ㄨㄤˇ [wang3]. [Dist.岡↑]強 736B30  50A.30-3/57 ㄑㄧㄤˊ [qiang2]. [Dist.疆 50A.30]盬 749A25  51.30/108 ㄍㄨˇ [gu3]. [Dist.鹽]歷 758B45  51A.41-9/72 ㄌㄧˋ [li4]. [Dist.歷 51A.30]肆 768B25  51S.10-2/129 ㄙˋ [si4]. [Dist.肄 22S.10]臥Words10. 臥人兒 [wo4re2er0], n., the character 人, index No. 81; dist. the upright radical, index No.91A.檗 772B40  52.01/75 ㄅㄛˋ [bo4]. [Interch.蘗 20A.01; dist. ]壁 773A50  52.11/32 ㄅㄧˋ [bi4]. [Dist.璧 ↓]璧 773B45  52.11/96 ㄅㄧˋ [bi4]. [Dist.壁 ↑]己 775B05  52.70/49 ㄐㄧˇ [ji3]. [Dist.已,巳↓]已 775B30  52.70/49 ㄧˇ [yi3]. [Dist.己,巳 52.70]巳 775C30  52.70/49 ㄙˋ [si4]. [Dist.己,已↑] 809A15 [li3] [Pop.里; dist.裹↓]裹 809B05  60.02/145 ㄍㄨㄛˇ [guo3]. [Dist.里 ]裒 809C50  60.02/145 ㄆㄡˊ [pou2]. [Dist.褎 ]褎 810A10  60.02/145 ㄧㄡˋ [you4]. [Dist. ↓]主Words36. 主刑 [zhu3xing2], n., punishment for the chief count or charge, dist. other counts.弈 815B20  60.20/55 ㄧˋ [yi4]. [Dist.奕 60.81]肓 820B35  60.42/130 ㄏㄨㄤ [huang1]. [Dist.盲 60.41]熟Words11. 熟皮 **[shu2pi2], n., leather, dist. 生皮 hide.亳 826A40  60.70/8 ㄅㄛˋ [bo4]. [Dist.毫 ㄏㄠˊ [hao2] 60.70]毫 826A50  60.70/82 ㄏㄠˊ [hao2]. [Dist.亳]羸 828A30  60.70/123 ㄌㄟˊ [lei2]. [Dist.嬴,贏]奕 830B15  60.81/37 ㄧˋ [yi4]. [Dist.弈 60.22]注N.注兒 the exegetical part, dist. main text; 845C35 ㄊㄠ [tao1]. [Dist.諂↓]語Words15. 語詞 [yU3ci2], n., a word, as dist. 字 [zi4]; a particle, see [yU3zhu4ci2]↑; language used by s.o. (coarse, etc.)諸Words8. 諸夏 [zhu1xia4], n., (AC) the Chinese, as a body of different states and dist. from foreign tribes.諵 851C10  60A.42-1/149 ㄋㄢˊ [nan2]. [Dist.喃]諞 854C00  60A.42-6/149 ㄆㄧㄢˊ [pian2] (*ㄆㄧㄢˇ [pian3]). [Dist.騙 51B.42]辯 870B25  60S.10-6/160 ㄅㄧㄢˋ [bian4]. [Dist.辨,瓣,辮↓]辨 870C25  60S.10-9/160 ㄅㄧㄢˋ [bian4]. [Dist.辯,辮,瓣]辦 871A05  60S.10-9/160 ㄅㄢˋ [ban4]. [Abbr. ; dist.辨,辯,辮,瓣]劾 876A50  60S.50-9/19 ㄏㄜˊ [he2]. [Dist.核]親Words6. 親爹 [qin1die1], n., (1) one's own father, as dist. stepfather; (2) (*[qing4]) see [qin1jia0]↓.22. 親母 [qin1mu3], n., one's own mother, as dist. stepmother; child of concubine referring to her own mother as dist. the mother of the family.競 880A00  60S.70-6/117 ㄐㄧㄥˋ [jing4]. [Dist.兢 ㄐㄧㄥ [jing1], 10S70]摩 886C10  61.00-1/64 ㄇㄛˊ [mo2]. [Dist.磨 61.40]底Part.dist. from possessive part. 的 (我的,你的) and from 地 as adv. part. corresponding to Eng. "-ly" (快快地quickly)--usage among these imitators not established and not uniform, the three 的,底,地 being pr. alike as unaccented '[de1].密 922B00  62.21-6/40 ㄇㄧˋ [mi4]. [Dist.蜜 honey, 62.93]官Words28. 官客 [guan1ke4]1, n., a male guest at parties (as dist. from 堂客 female guests).它Pron.(1)  Modern invented pron. to represent English “it”as dist. from “he,” “she.” Theoretical pr. [tuo1], actually spoken as [ta1].蜜 939C30  62.93-6/142 ㄇㄧˋ [mi4]. [Dist.蜜 secret 62.21]粱 951C35  63.01/119 ㄌㄧㄤˊ [liang2]. [Dist.梁]準 953B20  63.10/85 ㄓㄨㄣˇ [zhun3]. [Err. var. ; dist.準 63A.11]沬 963B20  63A.01-1/85 ㄇㄟˋ [mei4]. [Dist.沫↓]渾Words7. 渾倌(兒) [hun2guan1]([hun2gua1er0]), n., adult prostitute, dist. 清倌 young girl in singsong house still a virgin.涅 973B10  63A.11-4/85 ㄋㄧㄝˋ [nie4]. [Pop.涅; dist. 10A.11]注N.(2)  U.f. 注 60A.11: 注兒 the commentary part, dist. text or 正文.準 974C35  63A.11-9/15 ㄓㄨㄣˇ [zhun3]. [Dist.準]淅 976A40  63A.22-1/85 ㄒㄧ [xi1]. [Dist.浙]涅 973B10  63A.11-4/85 ㄋㄧㄝˋ [nie4]. [Pop.涅; dist. 10A.11]冶 985A35  63A.40-9/15 ㄧㄝˇ [ye3]. [Dist.治]泊 990A25  63A.41-9/85 ㄅㄛˊ [bo2] (*ㄆㄛˋ [po4]). [Dist.汨 63A.41↑]漏Words22. 漏天(兒) [lou4tian1] ([lou4tia1er0]), n., a hole in the roof, through which light comes in (dist. in 露天 open air).淘 1000B35  63A.50-9/85 ㄊㄠˊ [tao2]. [Dist.陶,掏]海Words79. 海豚 [hai3tun2], n., (zoo.) the dolphin or porpoise (dist. 河豚 63A.00).泠 1002B45  63A.63-8/85 ㄌㄧㄥˊ [ling2]. [Dist.冷↓; usu. printed ]汜 1007B10  63A.70-5/85 ㄙˋ [si4]. [Dist.泛]沒Adv.Not, have not, did not (gen. dist. 不 do not): 沒有 have not;祆 1034A40 ㄒㄧㄢ [xian1]. [Dist.祆 (pr. ㄧㄠ [yao1]) evil spirit]只 1041A25  63C.71-9/145 ㄑㄧˊ [qi2]. [Dist.只]戍 1051A00  71.71/62 ㄕㄨˋ [shu4]. [Dist.戌,戊 71.71]戌 1051A30  71.71/62 ㄒㄩ [xU1]. [Dist.戍,戊]成Words14. 成方兒 [cheng2fang1er0], n., apothecary’s formula, dist. physician's prescription.必Words8. 必需 [bi4xU1]1, v.t., need, vitally need (a thing, help, etc.): 必需品 a necessity (during travel, etc.); dist. from 必須 [bi4xU1]2, an aux. vb.↓弟Words2. 弟兄 [di4xiong1], n., brother (i.e., without specifying elder or youger), dist. 兄弟 (coll.) strictly younger brother; n., comrades in arms.爺N.太爺 old master: 老太爺 master's father as dist. 老爺 master himself.盆Words4. 盆堂 [pen2tang2], n., public bath provided with tubs, dist. from 池堂.郤 1080A50  80S.22-3/163 ㄒㄧˋ [xi4]. [Dist.卻]佘 1084A15  81.01/9 ㄕㄜ [she1]. [Dist.余]鑲Words4. 鑲旗 [xiang1qi2], n., some of the eight Manchu armies, which had colored borders on their banners, as dist. those with solid colors.鐘 1107C45  81A.11-6/167 ㄓㄨㄥ [zhong1]. [Dist.鍾]鍾 1108A45  81A.11-9/167 ㄓㄨㄥ [zhong1]. [Dist.鐘]學Words26. 學名 [xUe2ming2], n., (1) scientific or Latin term; (2) formerly, a man's registered name in school, dist. 乳名 pet name at home.千Words13. 千歲 [qian1sui4], phr., (1) a thousand years; (2) Your Highness (to a prince, dist. 萬歲 “[ban1sui4]” for Your Majesty).氏N.(1)  (AC) surname on mother’s line, as dist. 姓 on father's line and as means of differentiation in lineage.稗Words2. 稗官 [bai4guan1], n., stories and novels (with contemp. implication); 稗官野史 unofficial histories or records, as dist. official history (正史).稱Words29. 稱字 [cheng1zi4], phr., to address person by his 字, literary or courtesy name, as dist. 名 registered name.穩 1183B45  90A.72-9/115 ㄨㄣˇ [wen3]. [Dist.隱 32A.72]獲 1185B35  90A.82-2/115 ㄏㄨㄛˋ [huo4]. [Dist.獲]印Words2. 印本 [yin4ben3], n., printed copy, dist. hand copy.段 1197C50  90S.82-4/79 ㄉㄨㄢˋ [duan4]. [Dist. 52S.82]血Words9. 血氣 [xUe4qi4], n., animal spirits, vigor, oft. equiv. Eng. “guts”--courage, enthusiasm: 凡有血氣之人 all who have feeling (must feel aroused by the atrocities, etc.); 凡有血氣者莫不尊親 all who are endowed with breath (“blood”) respect their parents; see [xUe4xing4]↓; 血氣之勇 brute courage, as dist. moral courage; 血氣所使 slave to animal nature; 血氣未定 physical vigors of young people; 血氣虛弱 weak constitution, gen. debility.盤 1207A35  91.30/108 ㄆㄢˊ [pan2]. [Dist.盤,磐]奧N.(4)  Short for 奧地利 Austria: 奧國 Austria (dist. 澳洲 Australia).燮 1226C00  91.82/86 ㄒㄧㄝˋ [xie4]. [Dist.變 93.82]俳 1248C00  91A.22-2/9 ㄆㄞˊ [pai2]. [Dist.排; var.徘]倍Words1. 倍道 [bei4dao4], adv., (of travel) by day and night or by land and water, i.e., with best speed (dist. 背道 22.42).伯N.dist. 叔 younger brother of father;僭 1258B40  91A.41-9/9 ㄐㄧㄢˋ [jian4]. [Dist.僣]偏 1260C35  91A.42-6/9 ㄆㄧㄢ [pian1]. [Dist.遍 pr. ㄅㄧㄢˋ [bian4], 91B.42]侯 1273B50  91A.81-3/9 ㄏㄡˊ [hou2]. [Dist.候]候 1273C10  91A.81-3/9 ㄏㄡˋ [hou4]. [Dist.侯] 1276B50 [bi3]. [Dist.彼]便Words10. 便服 [bian4fu2], n., informal dress, home gown, dist. from 禮服 official uniform.徘 1289C05  91B.22-2/60 ㄆㄞˊ [pai2]. [Dist.俳,排]遍 1291A50 ㄅㄧㄢˋ [bian4]. [Var.遍 63D.83; dist.偏 91A.42]徒 1294C00  91B.82-9/60 ㄊㄨˊ [tu2]. [Dist.徙 91B.83]獲 1306A25  91C.81-9/94 ㄏㄡˋ [hou4]. [Dist.獲]炕 1314B40  91D.70-4/86 ㄎㄤˋ [kang4]. [Dist.坑]炒 1316B55  91D.83-8/86 ㄔㄠˇ [chao3]. [Dist.吵] 1318C00 [mian2]. [Var.綿; dist.棉]帥 1320B10  91S.21-9/50 ㄕㄨㄞˋ [shuai4] (re. pr. ㄕㄨㄛˋ [shou4], rare). [Dist.師 91S.22]須Vb. aux.(1)  Must (dist. 需 need): 必須 ditto;Words8. 須要 [xU1yao4], v.i., must: 須要趕快去 must go quickly (dist. 需要 need: 需要錢,人 need money person).名N.legal personal name, dist. 字 literary name and 號 more poetic name;智N.(1)  Wisdom, intelligence: 智慧,智力 [zhi4hui4], [zhi4li4]1↓: 智育 intellectual education, dist. physical or moral education; 1369C35 [zhu4]. [Dist.筋↑]篷 1675A25  92A.83-9/118 ㄆㄥˊ [peng2]. [Dist.蓬]罏 1387B10  92S.22-9/121 ㄌㄨˊ [lu2]. [Dist.爐 ]妹 1404A35  93A.00-8/38 ㄇㄟˋ [mei4]. [Dist.沬]妨 1414A35  93A.50-5/38 ㄈㄤˊ [fang2] (*ㄈㄤ [fang1]). [Dist,防 32A.50 guard against]綠 1422A35  93B.02-9/120 ㄌㄩˋ [lU4]. [Dist.錄 81A.02]統Words15. 統艙 [tong3cang1], n., steerage, deck, dist. cabins; 統艙客 steerage passenger.才 1441A40  93B.70-9/120 ㄘㄞˊ [cai2]. [Pop.才, dist.讒 60A.70]dist.((略))distant ( distinguish (ed)) district




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