

单词 dishonour
释义 dishonour  [dɪsˈɒnər]'dishonour'是'dishonor'的替代术语。 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2019:主要翻译英语中文dishonor (US), dishonour (UK) nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (public shame)耻辱 chǐ rǔ  丢脸 diū liǎn The young woman was humiliated by her father, who publicly punished her for bringing dishonor to the family.dishonor⇒ vtrtransitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." "She found the cat." US (bring shame upon)使…蒙受耻辱 shǐ méng shòu chǐ rǔ  使…丢脸 shǐ diū liǎn  在这些条目还发现'dishonour':在英文解释里:degrade - disgrace - disgraceful - in disgrace - shamingdishonourdɪsˈɑnɚn.① =dishonordishonour¹dishonour <英> , dishonor <美>/dɪsˈɒnə/n.1.(state of shame)耻辱;丢脸There are men who prefer death to dishonour.有些人宁死也不愿受辱。She refuses to see her beloved boy die in such dishonour.她不愿看到自己深爱的儿子在这般屈辱中死去。2.(lack of honour)不名誉;不尊重3.(person or thing causing loss of honour)使人蒙羞的人(或事)He was a dishonour to his family.他让全家人颜面扫地。4.(insult)侮辱;冒犯We did him a dishonour by not including him.我们没有把他包括在内, 冒犯了他。5.【金融】(商业票据的)拒绝承兑, 拒付dishonour²dishonour <英> , dishonor <美>/dɪsˈɒnə/vt.1.<正式>(damage reputation of)使丧失名誉;使丢脸It would dishonour my family if I didn't wear the veil.如果我不戴面纱, 就会辱没家声。2.【金融】+ cheque, bill of exchange拒绝承兑;拒付We found that the bank had dishonoured some of our cheques.我们发现银行拒绝承兑我们的部分支票。3.(violate chastity of)+ woman奸污详细释义源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社专八 n. /dɪsˈɒnə/耻辱;丢脸 There are men who prefer death to dishonour. 有些人宁死也不愿受辱。 She refuses to see her beloved boy die in such dishonour. 她不愿看到自己深爱的儿子在这般屈辱中死去。不名誉;不尊重使人蒙羞的人(或事) He was a dishonour to his family. 他让全家人颜面扫地。侮辱;冒犯 We did him a dishonour by not including him. 我们没有把他包括在内,冒犯了他。(商业票据的)拒绝承兑,拒付【银行】 vt. /dɪsˈɒnə/使丧失名誉;使丢脸<正式> It would dishonour my family if I didn't wear the veil. 如果我不戴面纱,就会辱没家声。拒绝承兑;拒付【银行】搭配:[object:cheque, bill of exchange] We found that the bank had dishonoured some of our cheques. 我们发现银行拒绝承兑我们的部分支票。奸污搭配:[object:woman]英英释义n.a state of shame or disgracelacking honor or integrityv.bring shame or dishonor uponforce (someone) to have sex against their willrefuse to accept同反义词同义词:insult词义辨析disgrace,humiliate,shame,dishonour这些动词均含“使丢脸、使受耻辱”之意disgracedisgrace侧重在别人,尤其在众人面前丢脸。 humiliate强调受辱者自尊心的损坏humiliateshame指由不光彩或不道德的行为引起的惭愧感或羞耻感shamedishonour有时可与disgrace换用,但前者是指因失去荣誉所致。dishonour词形变化源自:《新世纪英汉大词典》Collins外研社动词过去式: dishonoured动词过去分词: dishonoured动词现在分词: dishonouring动词第三人称单数: dishonours外研外研★◀▶dishonourdis•hon•our 英 dishonor美 /dɪs'ɒnəʳ/ n U,用作单 正式 1. 丢脸,耻辱 • bring dishonour on sb. 使某人蒙受耻辱 • live in dishonour 过着可耻的生活 2. 侮辱 3. 丢脸之事(或人) • Don't be a dishonour to the family. 不要作让全家丢脸的人。 dishonourdis•hon•our 英 dishonor美 vt1. 正式玷辱,侮辱 • Such behavior dishonours a great tradition. 如此行径有损于伟大的传统。 2. 【商】 拒付,拒收(票据等) • a dishonoured cheque 被拒付的支票 英華英華★◀▶詞目:DISHONOUR 1847-48麥都思英華字典DISHONOUR1reproach凌辱、羞辱、玷辱、不正經事p 426 TO DISHONOUR1a person辱之2to put to shame害羞3to blast with infamy移臭萬世4to dishonour female chastity辱女5to treat with indignity待慢6to dishonour a prince慁君1847-48麥都思英華字典 2筆p 426 p 427 1872盧公明英華萃林韻府Dishonour1看輕、凌辱、羞辱、害羞1872盧公明英華萃林韻府 1筆p 139 1899鄺其照華英字典集成Dishonour1輕視、凌辱、羞2to辱、凌辱、待慢1899鄺其照華英字典集成 1筆p 106 1908顏惠慶英華大辭典Dishonourn.1Want of honour, 損失體面, 不有名譽; disgrace, 羞辱, 辱蔑, 玷辱; as, to bring dishonour upon one's self throughout ten thousand generations, 遺臭萬年損失體面、不有名譽、羞辱、辱蔑、玷辱、遺臭萬年v.t.1To bring disgrace or shame on, 陵辱, 受辱, 辱及; to treat with indignity, 薄待, 輕蔑, 羞辱; as, to dishonour the spirits, 褻瀆神明陵辱、受辱、辱及、薄待、輕蔑、羞辱、褻瀆神明2To violate the chastity of, 强行無禮, 姦汚强行無禮、姦汚3(Comm.) To refuse or decline to accept or pay, as a draft, (商)不收期票, 不認支票, 不肯收票付銀; as, to dishonour a bill, 不收單票(商)不收期票、不認支票、不肯收票付銀、不收單票1908顏惠慶英華大辭典 1筆p 636 1916赫美玲官話Dishonourv.t.1呌…失體面、傷…的體面2to disgrace凌辱、呌…丟醜、玷辱、玷汚3to refuse acceptance不認、不承受4a cheque不認支票、…支票不付款5~ a woman玷汚女人n.1same as dishonour, v.t.p 398 1916赫美玲官話 1筆英華☞Dishonor、Dishonour英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華英華★◀▶遺臭萬年DISHONOUR for many years to leave behind a Fragrance to leave a fragrance for many years 不正經事dishonesty dishonour licentious pursuits licentious pursuits, 英華☞disgrace英華☞DISDAIN英華☞INSULT英華☞defile英華☞ABASH英華☞blush英華☞scout英華☞abuse英華☞SLUR英華☞DEFY英華☞SPOT英華☞FOUL英華☞coal英華☞blur英華☞LIP英華☞fly英華☞lip英華☞mob英華☞no




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